Chapter 9 is off the big spectrum, and I picked up the overlord color domineering!

Naval headquarters Marin Fandor.

The Warring States did not dare to sit idle for a moment.

Active communication with the world government was accompanied by orders to the naval branch of the Chambord Islands.

Let the naval branch of the Chambord Islands not let the Draco slip a little bit in any way.

Just when the navy of the naval branch surrounded Luffy and his gang, Sengoku also made an important decision.

After moving the Draco, the navy must be dispatched here to the rhythm of the general.

At this time, neither the red dog nor the green pheasant was at the naval headquarters.

Then this task naturally fell to the only salted fish general Yellow Ape at the headquarters of the Navy.

Just when the Warring States were in a hurry.

The yellow ape actually walked in.

I don't know if he came here when he got the news or couldn't stay idle.

The irritability in Warring States' hearts when he saw the yellow ape was also a little less.

Although the yellow ape this guy usually likes to touch fish.

But the power is still online after all.

He is enough to deal with the affairs of the Chambord Islands.

The Warring States also said no more, and directly informed the yellow ape about the Chambord Islands.

"Oh, it looks like I'm the only one who went over in person?"

The yellow ape said intriguingly.

But he usually doesn't pay attention to these things at all.

Perhaps he knew that he was the only general left at the Navy headquarters, and it was no longer possible to touch the fish.

That's why I took the initiative to take the task.

But since the yellow ape is willing to take over this task, the Warring States are indeed much less anxious.

At this time, the auction scene was already extremely chaotic.

People rushed out.

At this time, the white-haired old man who had been locked up in the cage shook his head.

"It seems that there is no money today."

He said a little lowly.

This old man is none other than Hades Rayleigh.

Because Luffy beat Draco, everyone was in a hurry to run away.

As a result, the auction had to be stopped.

Knowing that he could not put it on, Renly dropped and shackled his hands away.


A powerful momentum flashed in the auction hall.

Everyone was frightened by this amazing momentum.

Because under this momentum, everyone only felt breathless.

At this time, on the auction stage, Kemi's handcuffs were also shaken by this momentum.

"Congratulations to the host, picked up the overlord-colored domineering from Hades Rayleigh!"

Li Mu raised his eyebrows when he heard the news of the system.

"What? Overlord color domineering? "

"I actually picked up the overlord color domineering!"

He thought in shock.

He didn't even believe what he had heard.

Overlord color domineering is a super domineering that only one in ten thousand people can awaken.

Those who can awaken the domineering color of the overlord are all the chosen sons.

At the same time, overlord color domineering is also a necessary condition to become a strong person.

And the main thing is the overlord color domineering winding move.

The top powerhouses in the new world are all masters of domineering.

The overlord-colored domineering winding is not only powerful, but also very restrained for those who are capable.

In the top game of the new world, the party that will be overlord-colored domineering entangled is even more innately suppressed by the party that will not be overlord-colored domineering.

It can be said that overlord color domineering is the entry condition to become a king.

And the four emperors of the new world, which one is not the owner of the overlord color domineering.

"Such a strong ability, now I actually got it so easily!"

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart.

At this time, the pirates in the auction hall also felt the power of the overlord color domineering.

They were stunned at first, and then showed a terrified expression.

Obviously, the shock just now still stayed in their hearts.

"This... What is this..."

Nami said with some trepidation.

The shocking feeling just now was overwhelmed for a long time, and he couldn't breathe.

And that's just that Rayleigh didn't target them.

Just lightly exposed some overlord-colored domineering to unshackle.

This alone has such a deterrent power, which is enough to show the strength of the overlord color domineering.

And Rowe and Kidd's eyes were full of shock.

Overlord color domineering!

At this time, on the auction table, Kemi, the unshackled mermaid, was finally free.

"Uncle, thank you!"

She knew that the gray-haired old man in front of her had saved herself, and hurriedly thanked herself.

And Luffy, who had just beaten Draco away, also found Renly who saved Kemi on the auction table.

"Uncle, who are you?"

Luffy asked suspiciously.

At this time, the Luohe Kidd pupil earthquake that had been in the dark at this time.

The two recognized Renly.

The deputy on the One Piece ship, Rayleigh, who has the title of Hades.

As a pirate, it is a problem that you can't recognize it.

Kidd and Law shook their heads at the same time.

"Hasn't even heard of this guy, Hades Renly, the deputy captain of Roger's Pirates?"

The two were very puzzled.

After all, Renly is not a small person.

This is one of the superpowers of the old times.

As the deputy of One Piece Roger, his name has already spread throughout the evil sea.

"You guys made such a big move, have you figured out how to deal with the aftermath?"

"I estimate that the Navy has now firmly surrounded the auction house."

"I'm waiting for you to go out at the door."

Renly smiled and looked at the group of pirates and said.

He knew very well what the world government would do if Draco was beaten.

At present, these pirates are estimated to have a hard time leaving the island.

Renly had some pity in his heart.

These are all supernovae among pirates, if only the navy was closed like this.

The losses on the pirate side are inevitably too great.

"Remember to come to the tavern to find me when you come out of here."

Reilly said indifferently.

In the end, he still wants to help the Straw Hat Pirates, who made a huge movement.

He didn't want the Pirates' Nova power to be wiped out by the navy just like that.

Immediately, Reilly left the place in a few flashes.

At this time, outside the auction hall, because Luffy beat Draco, the navy had already been surrounded.

And these navies are naval soldiers from the naval branch of the Chambord Islands.

They are waiting for it.

After all, the opponents come to the supernova with the title of the extremely evil era among the pirates.

Don't dare to be careless.

After Luffy finished beating Draco, he found that everyone in the auction hall was gone.

And by this time Kemi had also been saved.

Luffy was ready to leave the auction hall with the Straw Hat Pirates.

But just walked out of the door of the auction house.

The group was surrounded by a large number of navies.

"Why so many navies!"

Nami said with some concern.

"Is it finally here? After all, Luffy hit Draco. "

Robin said with some relief.

She knew the history of the Draco very well, so she was not too puzzled by the actions of the navy.

"Are you going to fight again?"

Solon drew his sword and said eagerly.

"Nami-chan, Robin-chan, I'll protect you!"

Seeing this, Yamaji knew that his opportunity had come.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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