Chapter 8 Draco is attacked, and the Chambord is boiling!

The auction hall, which was originally very chaotic, also calmed down after Luffy's punch.

People looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief, unable to speak.

People were shocked.

This is Draco!

Even the Draco dared to beat! This guy is too daring.

People looked at Luffy.

"Who is this guy? Is it so arrogant? "

"Even the Draco dares to beat, it's too arrogant!"

The people at the scene were really shocked.

But these people didn't recognize Luffy's identity for the first time.

Although Luffy has become a supernova.

But at this time, he was not very famous, so people here did not recognize him immediately.

At this time, although many customers in the auction hall left because of the previous chaos.

But there were still many customers who did not walk away at the scene, and after seeing Charles Roe Saint being beaten, everyone was very uneasy.

Everyone realizes that the Chambord Islands are about to change the sky.

So these people, who had planned to leave the Chambord Islands quickly, ran faster.

After all, this is Draco.

Even simple involvement in some relationships is extremely troublesome.

Now that he has actually been beaten, this is worth it?

At this time, Xiao Ba, who was lying on the ground, also stood up with great difficulty.

He came together and saw a scene that made him extremely unforgettable.

The high Draco was actually beaten out.

At this time, he was also a little panicked.

He didn't expect Luffy this guy to come for real!


Xiao Hachi whispered Luffy's name.

Extremely worried.

That's Draco! Once the Draco is moved, it is endless trouble.

As long as the news of Draco's beating spreads, it will definitely attract the full force of the navy to surround and kill!

Although Xiao Ba is just an ordinary fish man.

But these things that everyone knows are naturally very clear to him.

What kind of consequences would happen to the beaten Draco in front of him, he was already a little afraid to think about it.

But Luffy made it because of him after all.

He was very worried about how Luffy would be treated next.

This caused Xiao Ba's heart to be very entangled at this time.

At this time, an inconspicuous corner of the auction hall.

There were a couple of guys who didn't dress quite like ordinary people sat there.

There is even a talking polar bear.

Pirates with Hearts!

And one of them, a man with a felt hat and a long sword, looked at the scene in front of him very calmly.

This person is the leader of the Hearts Pirates, Trafalgar. Gauze.

His gaze was extremely calm, and he glanced at Luffy, and the corners of his mouth hooked.

"How arrogant!"

He said with a smile on his face.

Also one of the supernova, Tarafalga. Luo didn't seem to take Draco seriously.

But Straw Hat Luffy dared to make a move against Draco, and he was still shocked fiercely.

He also had no affection for Draco, and could even be said to be disgusted.

But he also did not dare to strike directly at Draco.

On the other side, a red-haired man sat next to many strangely dressed people.

These people were not anxious because Draco was beaten.

And this red-haired man is Kidd, the captain of the Kidd Pirates.

"It's worthy of being the craziest group of supernovae!"

He commented very calmly.

As the pirate with the highest reward among the eleven supernovas.

He didn't feel much for Draco.

But Kidd also understands that this is trouble.

Although he is not afraid of Draco, Draco can really cause a lot of trouble.

With Luffy's move, everyone was shocked.

Many people even ran directly out of the auction hall.

And such heavy news spreads extremely quickly.

The naval branch of the Chambord Islands soon received the news that Draco had been beaten at auction.

At this news, the commander of the naval branch of the Chambord Islands shot up.

This news really shocked him.

I couldn't imagine that someone would really dare to make a move against the world noble Draco.

Although he had long known that this group of supernovas was arrogant and domineering, he never thought that he would really dare to make a move against Draco.

"I really didn't expect that this group of supernovas would be so arrogant!"

The commander said with great exasperation.

After all, he is the head of the navy of the Chambord Islands, and he cannot escape the blame for such an accident in the Chambord Islands.

At this time, he hated this group of supernovae who attacked Draco.

Even the Draco dared to move, and the commander couldn't care less.

He hurriedly contacted the naval headquarters Marin Fandor to convey the news.

After all, it was about Draco, not something he could bear.

After conveying the news, he also hurriedly summoned the navy of the Chambord Islands.

Hurried to the scene.

It is necessary to fight to save Draco's life.

Otherwise, no one can bear this consequence.

As the commander of the naval branch of the Chambord Islands, it is likely that he will lose his life because of this.

The news spread quickly.

After all, such heavy news, no one dares to delay.

The news soon reached Marin Fando.

At this time, a naval messenger in the marshal's room was reporting to the Sengoku about the Chambord Islands.

"What! Straw Hat Luffy beat Draco? "

Sengoku asked a little confused.

The moment he heard the news, Sengoku even doubted the truth of the matter.

Who is Draco?

It was the aristocracy of the world, enjoying the highest level of protection of the world government.

Even he, the marshal of the navy, could not raise his head in front of Draco.

Even he didn't dare to offend Draco.

And Straw Hat Luffy dared to beat Draco with a supernova.

Isn't this looking for death?

Sengoku's face went from puzzled to shocked to anxious.

He couldn't help pacing back and forth in the marshal's room.

The matter was too big, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

And at this time, in addition to the Warring States, Karp was also among the marshals' rooms.

Unlike the anxious reaction of the Warring States, Karp on the side laughed.

"Worthy of being my grandson!"

"Just dare to do what no one else dares to do!"

Karp said excitedly.

Sengoku glanced at Karp and sighed again.

"You still laugh!"

"When something like this happens, Straw Hat Luffy probably won't be able to leave!"

Sengoku said in horror.

After all, Draco's status is noble, and if he is beaten by pirates, he, the marshal, is estimated to be unable to escape the blame.


At this moment the telephone worm in the marshal's room rang.

Sengoku frowned and picked up worriedly.

As the news on the phone continued to come out, Sengoku's face became more and more ugly.

It turned out that the news that Draco had been beaten had reached the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

The Draco people were furious.

The World Government directly ordered the War National Horse Operation.

It is extremely necessary to arrest these supernovae.

Maintain the dignity of Draco.


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