Chapter 7 Five thousand attributes, the strength of supernova!

The eyes of the people in the auction hall were on where the gunshots rang out.

Everyone wanted to know who dared to act so recklessly directly in the auction hall.

But when people's eyes are constantly tracking the direction of the gunshot.

Everyone found out that it was Draco who shot.

At this time, Charles Roth's gun was still in a state of holding.

There was still a trace of smoke coming out of the muzzle.

The moment he saw the Draco, the auction hall suddenly fell silent.

Because the status of the Draco is too special.

And these people are also extremely afraid of Draco.

The ancestors of the Draco saved the continent eight hundred years ago.

A world government was established to govern the continent.

And as a descendant of such a hero.

Draco are also known as descendants of gods and enjoy the highest level of treatment.

Sheltered by the world government.

No matter what kind of thing the Draco people do, they will not be punished by the law.

But if anyone dares to disobey Draco.

Then the punishment of the world government is incurred.

And for hundreds of years, few people dared to make a move against Draco.

Because if you anger Draco, you will be chased and killed by the CP organization.

If the circumstances are serious, it will even attract the admirals to surround and kill them with all their might.

That is to say, to offend the Draco is to offend the world government.

No one wants to offend the world government, so naturally they don't want to be involved with Draco.

And the Draco who has been under the care of the world government everywhere.

He has long developed an arrogant and domineering temper.

They prided themselves on being the aristocracy of the world and believed that the people of the whole world were inferior to them.

And all this also led to Draco's very conceited personality.

He does not pay any attention to ordinary people and ordinary people.

Kill if you want.

Even a random person seen on the side of the road could be captured by the Draco and treated as a slave.

And at this time, since Draco has already shot, he will not stop casually.

I saw Charles Roe Sheng turn his muzzle on the people in the auction hall.

Saliva kept running down his mouth.

If it weren't for the aura blessing of Draco, this guy would probably be a.

A dull look looks very unintelligent.

And Charles Roth, Saint is also not concerned about his own image.

A few shots were fired directly and casually.

It doesn't matter who these shots will hit.

It doesn't matter what the consequences are.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

After a few gunshots, several unlucky eggs in the auction hall fell to the ground.

At this time, Xiaoba, who was about to go to the auction table, unfortunately was also shot and hit.

And it hit directly near Xiao Ba's vital heart.

Xiao Ba's face changed drastically.

Blood began to flow from his body.

Hit the point, even the fish-people with strong vitality can't stand it.

Xiao Ba fell directly to the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood.

As Charles Roe shot indiscriminately, it sounded.

The auction hall was suddenly chaotic.

And the initiator of all this, Charles Luo Sheng, waved his hands, looking very happy.

"A bunch of untouchables get out of my way!"

He said with a big laugh.

As one unlucky egg after another fell, he knew that he was getting happier and happier.

At this time, Li Mu was hiding in the far corner.

It is not a hiding, after all, he is not afraid of Draco.

He just didn't want to come forward, he wanted to be able to pick up attribute points behind his back.

At this time, he has also been watching what is happening on the field.

"Not bad, not bad, it's a pure bloodline Draco!"

"Once this contradiction occurs, it will definitely attract the forces of the world government!"

He thought with some joy.

After all, if you dare to come here like this, only an absolute bloodline Draco can do it.

Because of the protection of the world government, even if it is so chaotic.

There would be no danger in any way in Charles Roth.

At this time, Luffy, who was chasing Xiao Ba out, also saw the scene of Xiao Ba being shot.

Looking at Xiao Ba, who fell in a pool of blood, Luffy's face changed.

He first looked pale and very worried about Xiao Ba's situation.

Luffy came to Xiao Ba's side and gently picked up Xiao Ba.

"Are you all right? Little eight! "

He asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, but make sure to rescue Kemi!"

Xiao Eighty said unwillingly.

After determining that Xiaoba is not in danger of life for the time being.

Luffy also turned dark, and approached Draco step by step.

At this time, Charles Luo Sheng also noticed this person who went to help Xiaoba.

He frowned, a look of displeasure.

Just as he was about to shoot at the guy in front of him.

He was surprised to find that this guy was not only not afraid of Draco, but also walked towards him.

He was already very displeased, and he was even more angry.

"Untouchables, don't get out yet!"

"Are you going to rebel against Draco too?"

"You're really looking for death!"

Charles Rothon said angrily.

At this point, he pointed a gun at Luffy.

Because I feel that the status of Draco is very noble.

Charles Rowe was sure that Luffy did not dare to hurt himself.

So at this time, even if he saw Luffy approaching, he was very calm.

He was even insulting Luffy.

But Luffy wouldn't bother so much.

Since you injured my partner, you have to pay a corresponding price.

I saw Luffy's face gloomy.

Step by step firmly towards Charles Roth.

His fists clenched tighter than ever.

All the anger was condensed on this punch.

At this time, Charles Luo Sheng was also a little panicked.

"Untouchables, you are looking for death!"

He shouted loudly, intending to shoot Luffy.

But by this time it was too late.

Luffy's fist had already swung out.

A punch jumped on Draco's head.

The fist plunged directly into Charles Roth's head.

A huge fist mark was left on his face.

Charles Roe Sheng was directly beaten and flew out.

Tables, chairs and benches along the way were crashed.

It crashed into the layers of walls before stopping.

The scene was very tragic.

At this time, Charles Roth's body was covered in blood, staining the entire wall red.

And Princess Rozwald Saint and Anne were shocked when they saw this.

They had never seen a guy who dared to strike at Draco.

Also want to pull out a gun and attack Luffy.

A cold light flashed in Luffy's eyes, and he directly beat the family out.

The Draco paid a terrible price for their pride and conceit.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 power attributes!"

A sound came from the system.

Li Mu raised his eyebrows.

There were some surprises in my heart.

After all, Li Mu had never encountered so many attribute points before.

Even if they encountered a battle between the pirates before, they only burst out a few dozen attribute points.

Now he actually punched a full five thousand attribute points.

The surprise in Li Mu's heart was simply incomparable.

"Good guy, worthy of being a supernova!"


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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