Chapter 18 The top combat power of the Navy, Admiral Yellow Ape!

Hearing this very strange sound, both the navy and the supernova looked over in amazement.

Into the eyes is a very lewd-looking uncle.

At this time, the man in the admiral's robe was standing not far away.

The moment he saw this man, the navy, which was originally demoralized, immediately cheered up.


"It's a general!"

"It's coming!"

The navy was so excited that they kept shouting for the admiral.

Admirals are extremely important to the Navy.

As the highest combat power of the Navy, countless navies regard the general as a big dashboard for the Navy.

If we say that Sengoku is the marshal of the Navy.

Then the generals are the weapons of the Navy.

And the strength of the admiral is also the four emperors of the new world.

It is the real core of the Navy's combat power.

Since the big future is coming, no matter how big the trouble, it is reasonable to be solved.

In the hearts of the navy soldiers, the general is the one who can solve all problems.

Since the Navy's founding eight hundred years ago, Admiral has been at the heart of the Navy.

Even the vice admirals are only prepared for the preparation of the generals who are trained.

In this era when the strong are king.

The importance of generals is really too great.

Because pirates are not solved by the numerical suppression of the Navy.

On the contrary, some extremely powerful pirates must rely on top-level personal combat power to completely solve them.

So the resources of the Navy will also be tilted towards those who have talent.

As one of the three admirals of this era, the talent of the yellow ape is beyond doubt.

In the earliest naval training, he showed extraordinary talent.

Although he is lazy, he can get the praise of his naval seniors every time.

Even later, relying on the talent recognized by countless people, he obtained the right to use the shining fruit.

That is to say, it is not because of the shining fruit that there is a powerful yellow ape.

It was with the powerful yellow ape that it had a shining fruit.

But the yellow ape is a natural master of fish.

The fruit that provides extreme speed like the Shining Fruit always has a feeling of mismatch with the yellow ape.

Supernovae also noticed this peculiar sound.

Looking at it, his pupils contracted instantly.


"Why is the general here!"


The shock in the hearts of supernovae is incomparable.

This is a great admiral!

Why did you come to a place like Chamborde?

It stands to reason that in addition to guarding the naval headquarters, the admiral will only appear in the new world.

Now it actually appears in a small place like the Chambord Islands.

At this time, supernovae are associated with the anomaly of today's navy.

After all, the Chambord Islands do not usually have so many navies.

There will be no humanoid weapons like pacifists.

Now even the admirals have appeared here.

"Why is there such a change in the Navy?"

"Even the general has come forward, what happened?"

Supernovae thought very incomprehensibly.

They are supernovae known as the Extremely Evil Era.

But even so, their sins were not so deep that they needed to send out admirals.

And they also came to the Chambord Islands to travel to the New World.

Shortly after landing on the island, the supernovae at this time were completely unaware of what was going on.

Although it is not known what exactly is happening on this island.

This will make the Navy launch such a large-scale operation.

But at this moment, supernovae understand that their biggest difficulty is coming!

This is a great admiral.

Don't talk about fighting, even escape is estimated to hang!

Supernovae still know their jin two very well.

If they can still pass the Qiwu Sea, then the admirals don't even have a chance to make a move.

After all, this is a strong person they have never contacted since they went to sea.

After all, this is only the first half of the Great Route.

Meeting a vice admiral is enough for these supernova to drink a pot.

At this time, seeing the admiral dispatched, the supernova can be said to be very worried about their future.

It is very likely that it will really be explained here!

Boni looked at the yellow ape in front of her at this moment, unable to speak.

The face was already covered with sweat from nervousness.

She felt that her hands and feet were not listening because of the appearance of the yellow ape.

No matter how much she tried to control and move, it didn't help.

And all this was caused by her fear of the yellow ape, so she was nervous.

Although Boni's situation is not optimistic.

But other supernovae are also very similar.

Apu was shocked in his heart and wanted to use his ability to escape, but he was a little dareless.

In case of anger against the admiral, he did not know what the consequences would be.

And he is not very confident that his ability can be faster than the yellow ape known for his speed.

Becky was even more shocked that she couldn't even put the cigar steadily.

I saw the cigar fall from his mouth unconsciously.

"Actually... It's really a admiral! "

He said in surprise.

As the largest in the middle grade of a supernova.

Becky understood the strength that the Admiral represented.

This is the strength that these supernovae cannot currently match.

Hawkins hurriedly took out his divination props and divined.

But his movements are no longer as skillful as before.

Because of his nervousness, he even kept making mistakes in the process of divination.

Fortunately, the divination process was finally completed.

"Divination shows that I will not die today!"

Hawkins let out a long sigh of relief, and the heavy pressure was also relaxed.

And the least stressful of supernova is Drake.

As an undercover agent in the Navy, if the yellow ape really wants to kill him, he only needs to reveal his identity.

Moreover, as a high-ranking member of the Navy, the yellow ape is likely to know his identity.

So at the moment, even in the face of Admiral Drake, he is not as anxious as the other people.

At this time, Li Mu, who had been hiding behind to pick up attributes, was overjoyed.

"Good fellow, the yellow ape old man is finally here!"

He thought excitedly.

You know, he has been waiting for this opportunity for too long.

From the moment he entered the tavern, he had been thinking about this trip to the Chambord Islands, and the most important thing was to see the general Yellow Ape make a move.

Subsequently, the tricolor domineering was obtained.

But even so, he was eager to see the yellow ape make a move.

In this way, his various attribute points can definitely usher in a skyrocket!

Because a strong man of the yellow ape's level can definitely get him attribute points beyond the past.

Very rare things such as overlord color and devil fruit are not extravagant attribute points.

He waited too long.

So much so that at this moment, Li Mu was very excited.

After all, he has always been in the Chambord Islands, and he wants to see the yellow ape make a move.

Pick up attribute points from yellow apes.

I saw a golden light in his eyes.

Let him see what kind of strength the admiral will have!


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