Chapter 19 The yellow ape strikes, and Apu suffers!

After determining that the person who came was Admiral Yellow Ape.

The shock in the hearts of everyone present could not be calmed for a long time.

And supernovae are, after all, pirates of the new era.

The personality is also very bad.

Although he was already very worried in his heart, he would not relent in any way.

Anyway, when the sky falls, there is still a mouth on top, and the mouth is hard, and no one can compare with them.

And the personality of supernovae is like this.

Although the enemy in front of them is a big enemy they can't parry, the supernova at this time still have to be tough.

At this time, Bonnie finally recovered from her previous state of inability to breathe.

Her heart was pounding.

But it's better than when you couldn't move and couldn't speak.

"What's so great about the general!"

Bonnie suddenly said very confidently.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is just talking hard.

Her tone was insufficiently neutral and unconvincing in the slightest

After all, he is facing the admiral, and even if he is talking about it, he is still very uneasy in his heart.

Hearing Boni's words, the supernova also woke up from the shocked emotions.

None of them were willing to admit that they seemed to be afraid of the yellow ape's performance before.

"After all, I am an admiral, so I can barely show some strength!"

Becky said arrogantly.

But he didn't notice that his voice was trembling.

It is clear that he is not willing to fight with the general at all, but he is unwilling to suffer losses in the slightest.

"Hahaha, it's really a nowhere to step on iron shoes, and today I finally have the honor to fight with the general!"

Urki said with a big laugh.

In the supernova, it is estimated that this guy really dares to fight the yellow ape.

After all, it is a stunned one.

Seeing the supernova unwilling to give in.

Apu shot directly.

He used the Devil Fruit.


As he tapped his chest, his mouth toward the strange song.

A sound wave suddenly exploded on the yellow ape's body.

The yellow ape's body was directly blasted in half under the attack of this sound wave.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked.

"Huh, did you get it?"

Apu thought to himself.

But only he knew it, and he didn't have much hope for this blow.

Now he actually blew the yellow ape in half, which was greatly unexpected to him.

But he still made two plans.

No matter what the result of the sneak attack, he must flee immediately.

The navy, who was originally very excited, suddenly fell to the ground with his eyes almost falling to the ground.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, the body has been shattered into two, and it is estimated that it is impossible to survive.

And the supernovae are overjoyed to see this.

Is this the Admiral? That's it!

"Congratulations to the host, you have picked up 4500 power attributes!"

At the same time, a sound came from the system.

Apu's attack is not much different from usual.

At most, add a sneak attack element to it.

How can an attack that even pacifists cannot defeat defeat the yellow ape?

Li Mu knew very well in his heart that the old man of the yellow ape was estimated to start naughty again.

When everyone was amazed.

I saw the yellow ape's fallen upper body fall to the ground.

But his eyes were actually looking at the lower half of his body.

"Oh, it's really scary!"

The meaningful voice of the yellow ape came.

The supernova were amazed.

How is this possible? It is clear that it has already been cut off!

Can even such a situation survive?

What the hell is going on with this guy!

The navy who noticed that the yellow ape opened his mouth was surprised and delighted.

"This... Why is it that the body has become two parts, and he can still speak. "

"Great, the general doesn't look like he's really defeated!"

The navy said excitedly.

After all, if even the generals really lost to supernovas, then they really have to account for it here.

Immediately, I saw that the place where the yellow ape's body was disconnected was wrapped in golden light.

His upper body began to turn into a trace of golden light.

The body actually began to recast little by little.

This process didn't take much time.

In just a few seconds, the yellow ape's body had been successfully reforged.

At this time, the yellow ape's body had completely recovered to its original state, and he looked at Apu, who had attacked him.

"In that case, let's start with you first!"

The yellow ape said in a flat tone.

Hearing the words of the yellow ape, Apu was suddenly shocked.

"Oops, can't this admiral even solve this?"

He said in a depressed mood.

Immediately, Apu saw that the opportunity was not good, and he had the heart to escape.

"You deal with the general, I'll go first!"

He said in horror.

But how could the yellow ape let him go easily.

I saw the ability of Apu to launch.

Escaping at breakneck speed, his speed was even close to the speed of sound.

While escaping, Apu did not forget to look back and laugh at the supernovas.

"Only a fool would fight a general. "

"I attacked earlier to run away better!"

He looked back with a playful smile.

But he suddenly turned pale.

The yellow ape actually disappeared.

When Apu turned around, he found that the yellow ape had reached his front.

The yellow ape only teleported to catch up with the fleeing Apu.

At this time he stood on Apu's face while raising his right foot high.

I saw him showing a playful expression.

Then a kick came out and kicked directly in Apu's face.

His foot was firmly pressed against Apu's face.

Apu's face even left a deep mark.

"Here it comes!"

Seeing that the yellow ape finally made a move, Li Mu, who had been hiding in the shadows, was overjoyed.

Obviously, I was just worried about whether I would be done by supernovae.

But suddenly the appearance of the yellow ape made all this different.

Since the yellow ape began to strike, then he had the opportunity to pick up the attribute.

Admiral's attack, I don't know how many attribute points can be dropped?

He thought with great anticipation in his heart.

After all, the admiral is the highest combat power of the Navy.

It is simply impossible to fall under such a simple attack.

And Apu also knew this, so he chose to flee quickly after the sneak attack was unsuccessful.

Originally, he was very confident in his speed.

But it can only be said that what is worse than the yellow ape has to be compared to speed.

Do you think you're a red-haired Shanks?

One of the strongest things about the Sparkling Fruit is its near-teleportation speed.

So the guy Apu really tragic.

Hearing a bang, Apu flew out directly upside down.

His face was exaggerated and distorted, and his body crashed one building after another.

Finally, the trench was erased several hundred meters from the ground before it barely stopped.

Just one kick caused such a terrifying destructive power.

The supernova in the audience was extremely shocked.

"This... Is this the Admiral? It's too powerful!"

They stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of them.

They were all stunned.


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