Chapter 20 Admiral who likes to touch fish!

"Congratulations to the host, you have picked up 1000 power attributes!"

After the yellow ape kicked out, Li Mu also paid attention to his system for the first time.

Sure enough, the yellow ape shot with the drop of attribute points.

Seeing this, Li Mu was naturally overjoyed.

"Good fellow, worthy of being an admiral!"

"The Navy's top combat power directly exploded 10,000 attribute points!"

"Hahaha, that's so cool!"

At this moment, Li Mu was really excited.

This was the first time he felt the attribute points dropped by 10,000.

He was happy while staring at the message that remained in the system in front of him.

But his words fell, and his pupils couldn't help but tremble.

He somewhat realized something was wrong.

Carefully check the value of attribute points that dropped.

That's not right!


"How come it's only a thousand attribute points!"

Li Mu was directly stunned by this scene in front of him.

Isn't it obviously 10,000 attribute points?

How did it suddenly become so much less!

You must know that the yellow ape is one of the three generals with the highest combat power in the navy.

In any case, it is impossible to burst out only a thousand attribute points.

Something must have gone wrong here!

At this time, Li Mu once wondered if there was a problem with the system for picking up attributes.

It is obviously the strongest combat power of the Navy, and the previous attack does not look like a bluff.

But why are the attribute points that burst out only a thousand points?

You know, this is a great admiral.

It is the top combat power of the navy's mouth, which is enough to match the existence of the four emperors!

It is also a sought-after existence by countless people in the Navy.

The position that ordinary navy Qi Qi also wants to achieve in his life is also the object that countless navies want to be.

After all, the strength of the admiral is enough to protect a country with only one person.

And the pirates were all terrified when they heard about the reputation of the admiral.

This is not because the strength of the admiral is too strong.

Even if one admiral is a man, he can still destroy a powerful pirate group.

Of course, the Four Emperors Pirate Group is excluded.

At this time, Li Mu couldn't bear it anymore.

"Why the hell!"

"Obviously I've been looking forward to it for so long!"

He was very puzzled why Admiral Yellow Ape burst out so few attribute points.

Could it be that this guy of the yellow ape is already strong enough to use the least amount of strength to fight powerful attacks?

Obviously, supernovas can also hit thousands of attribute points with one punch and one kick.

You are also a naval admiral!

Why can you only hit a thousand attribute points?

Thinking of this, Li Mu even became a little crazy.

This result is obviously not very acceptable to him.

Even a slightly stronger navy can hit more than two thousand attribute points!

You're an admiral.

Aren't you ashamed to burst out such a little attribute point?

"What the hell is going on, why is it such a little attribute!"

He didn't figure it out no matter what he thought.

At this time, Li Mu was already a little unconvinced of the scene in front of him.

The status of a senior admiral can be said to be very special in the navy.

It is almost simply used as a combat power.

And the requirements for the Navy to select admirals, the first choice is also to consider the level of strength first.

And under these conditions, the selected general Yellow Ape could not have such a low strength.

Definitely something went wrong with that link.

Either there is a problem with the system, or there is a problem with the yellow ape itself.

But it stands to reason that Yellow Ape is a senior admiral.

His position is definitely biased towards the side of the navy, and it is impossible to act in favor of pirates.

At this time, Li Mu had fallen into the misunderstanding of thinking.

He was paranoid that the yellow ape could not show mercy when he made a move.

But the yellow ape really showed no mercy.

Because that's how he usually shoots.

He is just used to touching fish, so he rarely uses strong force.

After all, as long as you achieve the results you want.

Why do you have to use great force?

And that is, this tumultuous operation of the yellow ape can completely confuse Li Mu.

Li Mu couldn't figure out why the powerful admiral burst out a thousand attribute points anyway.

You know, from the tavern in the Chambord Islands, he began to look forward to the action of Admiral Yellow Ape.

After learning that this system for picking up attributes is determined by the strength of the attack of the person who dropped the attribute.

He was more and more looking forward to the strong man's move.

And the Chambord Islands have two top powerhouses.

That is Hades Renly and Admiral Yellow Ape.

Hades Renly saw the head and the end.

Li Mu did not expect much from him.

At this time, he mixed into the navy, and the other top powerhouse he thought about was naturally the yellow ape.

And the yellow ape will defeat the supernovae of the Chambord Islands one by one.

Li Mu knew that this was a great opportunity for him to pick up attribute points.

He couldn't pass up an opportunity.

So he has been looking forward to it with the layout.

But now the attribute points dropped by the yellow ape are not as many attribute points dropped by the supernova.

This can make Li Mu depressed.

This time, he was no longer going to rely on the system to pick up attributes from a distance.

He planned to pick up the attribute points himself.

Because at this time, he extremely suspected that there was a problem with the system, which caused fewer attribute points to be picked up.

In order to avoid the recurrence of the previous situation, he quietly approached the place where the yellow ape struck.

"Oh, what are you doing?"

The yellow ape walked up to Hawkins and asked.

At this time, the yellow ape bent down slightly, looking at the props in Hawkins' hand very curiously.

And Hawkins began to divinate for himself the moment he saw the yellow ape make a move.

"The win rate is 0.1%, the arrest rate is 90%, the survival rate is 80%..."

Seeing that the results of divination were not satisfactory, Hawkins frowned.

But fortunately, the survival rate is not low, which makes him feel at ease.

After all, he is facing the highest combat power of the Navy.

Even he did not dare to say that he would survive.

But at the moment, the survival rate is very high, which makes him also a little relieved.

But just as Hawkins was divination, a yellow flash flashed, followed by a yellow figure falling in front of him.

The person who came was the yellow ape.

The moment he knew that the general was staring at him, Hawkins was completely panicked.

Everything on weekdays depends on divination, and he has lost the tranquility of the past when things are arranged very properly.

At this point, his brows furrowed.

Sweat beads continued to drip on his forehead, and his face was extremely pale.

He couldn't get a break from his fear.

But the yellow ape would not give him a chance to slow down.

I saw that the yellow ape showed no mercy and kicked out at the dull Hawkins.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 1000 power attributes. "

"Ah? Why is it still a thousand attributes!"

Li Mu can be said to be very puzzled.


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