Chapter 24: Admiral Yellow Ape vs Hades Rayleigh

On a pedestrian street in the Chambord Islands.

Everyone's eyes were filled with worry and anxiety.

At this time, the yellow ape firmly trampled Solon, the deputy of the Straw Hat Pirates, under his feet.

The laser in his hand is constantly flashing, and it is obvious that it may fall at any time.

Seeing that no one came to the rescue, the yellow ape understood that the Straw Hat Pirates were no longer able to fight.

His movements changed, and the foot that had been crushing Solon lifted up.

Then a flash appeared on his foot, and he planned to use this flash foot to end Sauron's life.

At this moment of crisis, a figure quickly approached.

The person who came was none other than Hades Renly.

Rayleigh's ears were windy, very fast.

I saw that he came to the yellow ape's body, and a kick directly interrupted the yellow ape's starting action.

The yellow ape's handsome action for a full few minutes was ended by Renly like this.

At this time, the yellow ape's legs were repelled helplessly, maintaining the lifting motion.

After the Straw Hat Pirates, who were originally full of thoughts, saw the yellow ape interrupted again, they also eased up from their anxious mood.

Luffy's desperate face couldn't help but show a hint of joy.

But everyone was also very puzzled, who was this uncle who suddenly appeared to interrupt the attack of the yellow ape.

Everyone looked at this gray-haired uncle very carefully and seriously.

After all, if you dare to strike at the admiral, you cannot be a nameless person.

"Uncle, are you the old man in the auction hall?"

Luffy asked curiously.

He remembered that he had seen the uncle in front of him in the auction hall.

"Are you?"

Sanji also said as if he had come to his senses.

In the auction house, the man who sent out a powerful momentum to save Kemi.

Luffy that guy is more forgetful, he hasn't forgotten.

That powerful and overwhelming momentum.

"By the way, that guy also told Luffy to remember to look for him after we went out." "

Yamaji suddenly thought about this thing that everyone had long forgotten.

"I really didn't expect that he actually saved me!"

Solon thought in disbelief.

At the moment, Renly was right in front of his eyes.

This feeling of walking through the ghost gate is not very comfortable.

But after surviving, Solon breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the navy here did not quite understand why everyone was so surprised.

Obviously, they had never seen this old man in front of them.

"No, he's actually here!"

As the captain of the naval science force, Zhan Momomaru is still very knowledgeable.

In a short time, he recognized Renly's identity.

After all, in the early years, Renly's reputation would have spread throughout the sea.

"Wuhu, coming, coming!"

"After waiting so long, it's finally here!"

Li Mu said excitedly.

You know, he has been waiting for this moment for an unknown amount of time.

Originally, I thought that this guy Yellow Ape could burst out a lot of attribute points.

But this old forced den actually played this trick with him.

The shot is completely how to save effort and how to come.

As a result, the attribute points that Li Mu could obtain were greatly reduced.

"In the face of Hades Renly, it is impossible to keep your hand!"

He said very annoyed.

But he understood that the next time was a great time to pick up attributes.

Hades Renly, but a deputy on the One Piece ship.

As the deputy captain of One Piece, his strength naturally has nothing to say.

Although the yellow ape is one of the highest combat forces of the navy, it is impossible to directly ignore the strength of Hades Rayleigh.

Continue to fight with such a relaxed posture.

"Oh oh, I'll just say the Straw Hats are not so simple. "

"I didn't expect you to be their backer. "

The yellow ape said with some solemnity.

The moment he saw Renly make a move, the yellow ape understood that it was not so simple to take down the straw hat today.

Reilly is, after all, a powerhouse of the old times.

Even after many years, his strength is still very strong.

The yellow ape naturally did not dare to be careless.

"Admiral, it's not appropriate to bully a newcomer who has just gone to sea in front of everyone in this Chambord Islands, and risk death!"

Reilly also replied directly.

After seeing the yellow ape make a move against the Straw Hat Pirates, he was a little unable to sit still.

"It's really not appropriate, but this is the order from above, and I am just following orders!"

The yellow ape changed back to a relaxed tone and said.

Although he pretended to be very surprised before, the yellow ape did not have the slightest fluctuation in the appearance of Renly.

Although it has to be admitted that Renly's strength is very strong.

But the Navy had anticipated Renly's appearance.

After all, a strong man of Renly's level, even if he is in seclusion, the top of the navy always pays attention to his movements.

How could you not know where the soul of Roger's Pirates is?

It's just that the Navy has always turned a blind eye to Rayleigh.

But at this moment, the yellow ape was still a little annoyed.

His personality is already very lazy.

Fishing at work is already the norm.

If it were not for the stable salary of the Navy, he would not have wanted to come to the Chambord Islands at such a great risk.

It's a tiring job.

And he is a man of profit himself.

The salary given above is just enough to solve the supernova.

His consistent style is to pay as much as he pays.

But at the moment there is one more Hades Rayleigh.

"Hmm... Gotta add money!"

After all, Pluto Rayleigh is not comparable to a supernova.

Even the yellow ape is not confident that he can take down Renly.

Even he didn't have the absolute confidence to win against Reilly.

Although after so many years, Rayleigh is very old.

The strength is definitely not as good as before.

But his previous reputation was so loud that even Admiral Yellow Ape had to be feared.

"Oh yo, I'm a supernova and actually took the initiative. "

"This is not your hidden style!"

"Rayleigh, do you want to protect them?"

Yellow Ape asked.

But his main purpose is to find out what Renly's purpose is.

And Rayleigh's attitude, what kind of point he is willing to do for the sake of the Straw Hats.

After all, if the two really go all out to fight, the result is really difficult to say.

"Luffy is my junior, so I can't let him fall into the hands of your navy. "

Renly said very firmly.

The moment he saw Luffy, Renly quickly remembered an old acquaintance of his own.

At that time, he also often wore a straw hat.

If you look closely, you can even see that the straw hat on Luffy's head is very similar to the straw hat worn by Shanks on Roger's ship.

Reilly immediately deduced that there must be some connection between the pirate in front of him and Shanks.

Finally, Reilly stepped straight forward.

Slowly withdrew the long knife in his hand and confronted the yellow ape.

He directly revealed his attitude.

The yellow ape also understood that this battle could not be avoided.


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