Chapter Twenty-Five Admiral Yellow Ape vs Hades Rayleigh!

On a pedestrian street in the Chambord Islands.

Two powerful forces are facing each other.

These two momentums can be known by feeling alone that they are not emitted by ordinary people.

At this time, the eyes of the yellow ape and Renly were sharp, and they kept looking at each other.

Both of them are powerhouses at the pinnacle of the New World, and this battle between the strongest is about to break out.

Although Renly's strength is very strong, he once reached the final island with Roger, Ralph Drew.

But Renly also understands that as he gets older, his strength has already been greatly weakened.

In the face of the admiral, he categorically could not be careless.

Otherwise, he is likely to suffer a big loss.

Thinking about this, Renly became more cautious and unconsciously clenched the long sword in his hand.

Although the yellow ape usually looks out of tune.

But right now, he has to face the long-famous Hades Rayleigh.

Spent many years in the Navy.

He had also heard of Renly's reputation, but at that time he was still an ordinary naval soldier.

He didn't expect that one day he would actually have to fight such an opponent.

Looking at the sharp Renly in front of him, the yellow ape's expression gradually became solemn.

The eyes of the two were firm, and this battle was inevitable.

I saw that the yellow ape used the fruit ability to turn the laser into a long sword and hold it in his hand.

At this time, Ray Interest Rate strikes first.

He teleported to the yellow ape.

With a sword cut, even the yellow ape had to be taken seriously.

The yellow ape hurriedly took out the lightsaber in his hand to fight back.

In a clash between the two, two swords collided together.

Suddenly, a powerful impact radiated from the place where the two swords converged.

Renly's long hair also fluttered under the aftermath.

At this time, many low-strength navies here were even knocked down by this powerful impact.

The people of the Straw Hat Pirates were originally injured.

At this time, it is difficult to persevere, otherwise it would have been knocked down by this aftermath.

Such a scene broke out with one move, and I have to say that a master is a master.

At this time, Li Mu was hiding in the ordinary navy.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 30,000 power attributes!"

The system comes with such a message.

This time, he was not in a hurry to be happy at the first time.

Instead, it is to repeatedly determine the authenticity of the message.

After all, I was happy for half a day last time, and in the end, I was just happy for nothing.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, he was very happy.

"Thirty thousand!" he said with great joy.

At this moment, Li Mu was really excited.

It was the first time since he awakened the picking system of this attribute point that he had picked up such a high attribute point.

At this time, compared with the lazy appearance before, the yellow ape was simply one in the sky and one in the ground.

Before, it was still very relaxed.

The shot is even more stingy, just bursting out a thousand attribute points.

At this time, when encountering a strong person like Renly, he did not dare to touch the fish at all.

And the master's move is not only that, it can be said that the move is fatal.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 30,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, 31,000 agility attributes were picked!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 32,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 33,000 armed color domineering!"

The clash of the strong really cannot be measured by ordinary hearts.

In just a few breaths, the two have already exchanged dozens of rounds.

The collision of swords is like an afterimage.

And every time they fight, the momentum of the two is also rising.

Apparently neither of them has reached their limit.

are constantly testing each other's strength.

Therefore, the drop of attribute points is very fast, and the value is still rising.

The crowd of the Straw Hat Pirates was already stunned.

They didn't expect that the uncle in the auction hall would actually be so strong.

Originally, I just thought that uncle had some strength.

But I can actually fight with the admirals back and forth.

This is not ordinary strength!

"This uncle is so strong!"

Luffy said with some surprise.

After a brief fight with the yellow ape, he did not see a glimmer of hope of victory in the yellow ape.

At this time, the solemn expression on the yellow ape's face made Luffy sure that this white-haired uncle was inextricably linked to the yellow ape.

"What a fast sword technique!"

Yamaji exclaimed.

At this time, the shots of the two were all afterimages, and it was impossible to see how many swords they had.

Sanji observed carefully, but even then he could not observe the trajectory of the two swords.

He was even more and more shocked.

"Damn, this Raleigh has obviously retired, and he will actually show up for the Straw Hat gang today?"

Orochimaru said a little angrily.

Originally, his task was almost completed.

Just when the yellow ape defeated the people of the Straw Hat Pirates, he could escort these people to the naval headquarters.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly killed a Hades Rayleigh.

Disrupted his plans.

At this time, there were still pirates on the run elsewhere in the Chambord Islands.

The original plan was to catch all these guys.

But at this time, it has been dragged on for too long by the Straw Hats.

Coupled with the appearance of Renly, I don't know how long it will take to end this battle.

"Why is he obviously so old, and his strength is still so strong, this is not scientific!"

Zhan Taomaru said with some reluctance.

But he didn't know that this was just the tip of the iceberg of Renly's strength.

At his peak, his strength was much stronger than it is now.

Plus there were partners like Roger around at that time

He never paid attention to his shots, and at that time even the admirals did not dare to fight him.

Just when everyone was thinking.

Li Mu was already crazy.

"Too much, really too much!"

"And the speed and number of refreshes is constantly increasing!"

"Can it only be said that it is worthy of the Admiral of the Navy and Hades Rayleigh?"

He thought happily.

Sure enough, only this kind of close battle is the best time to pick up attributes.

There are too few attribute points that can be exploded in a one-move second-kill battle.

At this time, Li Mu was like a happy person, and he wished that the more chaotic the better.

"If only the fight between the two could go on forever!"

After all, how fierce the battle is, it is none of his business.

At this time, the system is already frantically refreshing.

The speed of the refresh alone is even more terrifying than the previous big melee battle.

I have to say that the battle of the strong is really terrifying!

At this time, he wished that the battle between the yellow ape and Renly would beat out all the brain pulp.

After all, there are not many such opportunities, and he also understands that this moment is his happiest moment.

If they can keep fighting like this, in less than a day, he will be able to reach the level of self-preservation in the pirate world.

After all, the attribute points that these two people burst out were not like before.

Armed color domineering, see and smell color domineering, and even sometimes burst out overlord color domineering!

In the long run, going to the top is not a dream!


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