Chapter Twenty-Six Pacifist Attacks, Identity Exposed?

Admiral Yellow Ape's confrontation with Hades Renly continues.

The two fought more and more frantically, and the number of collisions continued to increase.

The sword light and shadow look very enjoyable

But Li Mu was stunned in his heart.

"Didn't it mean that the two of them were using the Health Sword Technique, why is the fire fighting so fierce now?"

He muttered to himself in his heart.

Yellow ape, this old forced to bully the soft and afraid of the hard, right?

Playing supernova means all kinds of reserved strength, all kinds of despises.

When encountering a strong man like Reilly, you start to get serious ?

But in fact, the yellow ape has his own ideas.

Although he is salty, he can become a general-level figure after all, relying on a heart that pursues strength.

And now it is rare to meet Renly, and he is also interested.

He also wanted to test the strength of this man who had stepped on the top of the mountain.

The wear and tear brought by the years has brought a lot of weakening to the strong people of this old era.

Thinking of this, the yellow ape who was fighting with Reilly aroused his fighting spirit even more.

The lightsaber kept swinging, colliding with the sword in Renly's hand.

There are more and more afterimages, and everyone watching the battle is shocked by this scene.

They had never seen such a fierce battle.

This battle is completely beyond their reach.

At this time, even Li Mu couldn't take his eyes off the look.

However, the system's picking of attribute points continues.

After all, there are not many such opportunities, and he is reluctant to let these attribute points in the fast drop.

Just when Li Mu was still immersed in this pleasing battle, a message from the system immediately returned his attention.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up the shining fruit from Admiral Yellow Ape!"


"Sparkling fruit?"

Li Mu was stunned in his heart, because this news was too explosive.

This is the ceiling of the Devil Fruit of Nature!

At this time, his eyes were shining, after all, no one could bear such a surprise.

And he wanted the ability of a devil fruit a long time ago.

Although he also knew the powerful devil fruit of the pirate world very well.

But he also never had the luxury of obtaining a powerful and rare Devil Fruit.

After all, even an ordinary devil fruit is rare to see in the world of pirates.

And the time when he wanted a devil fruit the most was when the tricolor domineering gathered.

Originally, he did not have such great expectations for this system of picking attributes.

After all, just by picking up attributes to become stronger is enough pervert.

But what he didn't expect was that the three-color domineering actually dropped behind this system.

Now it is the ability to directly drop the Devil Fruit.

After possessing the domineering power of the three-color, Li Mu has already embarked on the road of the strong.

At that time, he really wanted to try the ability of the Devil Fruit.

I didn't expect that I really got a powerful devil fruit now.

And also the fruit that the admirals have.

The power of the Sparkling Fruit is beyond doubt.

The first is the basic ability of natural fruits, elementalization!

Elementalize your body.

Depending on the ability of the fruit, the elements that can be elementalized are also different.

But for the shining fruit, the elementalization that can be carried out is the elementalization of light.

And light elementalization is definitely the strongest form of elementalization.

After elementalization, the whole person can travel as freely as light.

The speed of the whole person is comparable to the speed of light.

The development direction of the Shining Fruit is also very diverse.

Hold the glitter in your hand and use it as a weapon.

The flash can also be shot out to create a laser-like attack pattern.

In terms of speed, it can easily reach the level of teleportation.

Li Mu also understood that he was going to ascend to the heavens in one step.

He had actually been hungry for the sparkling fruit of the yellow ape for a long time.

In other words, he felt that such a fruit ability to pull the wind was not suitable for the yellow ape, a guy who liked to touch fish.

The yellow ape, the old man, should give him the animal line devil fruit, turtle form!

The speed of the shining fruit did not match his slow temper at all.

Li Mu was thinking about this, and he had even thought about how he should develop the Shining Fruit in the future.

He did not approve of the yellow ape's development and use of the shining fruit.

He felt that Sparkling Fruit had a more powerful development model, and it would be up to him to change that.

After all, the three-color domineering body, and now he has obtained a powerful and incomparable shining fruit, under such blessings, he will become a strong man just around the corner.

All he has to do is develop obscenely first, waiting for the upgrade and growth of his attributes.

And this is not difficult for him to understand the world of pirates.

Because he knew that the Chambord Islands incident was nothing compared to the ensuing war at the top.

And with this system of picking attributes, the top war is also a battle that he can't give up.

At this time, Li Mu was really excited.

For the first time, such a gesture was revealed.

His hands couldn't stop trembling, and his eyes were full of vitality and ambition.

There is light in his eyes, and there is strength in his heart to describe him at this time.

He is even already fantasizing about himself becoming a super powerhouse in the pirate world.

But he knew that what would come was going on, it would be more than fantasy.

A system with picking attributes, plus the tricolor domineering and shining fruits that have already been obtained.

All he has to do is patiently cultivate these abilities.

He couldn't recover from his state of shock for a long time.

Simply put, it's a trembling hand with excitement.

After all, there are very few people in the pirate world who can have a three-color domineering.

And he had successfully mastered the tricolor domineering at this time.

Although the level is still relatively low, the level of mastery may also be the entry level.

But this has surpassed many.

You know, even Luffy, who is one of the supernovas, has not mastered any of the tricolor domineering at this time.

And he already has the overlord color.

Coupled with the strength of physical skills, qi and blood, these are also constantly getting stronger.

After having the Shining Fruit, his strength also ushered in a qualitative leap.

As long as he develops the Shining Fruit in the future, he definitely has hope to compete for the ranks of the strong.

He already fantasized about the image of him holding a lightsaber in his hand, shuttling wantonly across the battlefield.

At the same time, exerting the domineering tricolor, whether it is an ability or otherwise, it can't hold up a move in front of him.

At this time, Li Mu had already shifted and was excited and in a fantasy.

It looks like it's in a daze.

Just when Li Mu was in a daze because of his excitement, the pacifists who had nothing to do on the side began to scan the enemy on their own.

Because there were not many navies present at this time, the pacifists quickly changed their target to Li Mu.

Pacifists have the ability to scan.

He could tell the Navy from others.

As the scan fell on Li Mu, the pacifist alarm sounded.

"Discover the enemy, find the enemy!"


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