Chapter Twenty-Seven Identity Exposed, Pacifists Besieged and Killed!

As pacifist sirens sounded.

The pacifists began the expulsion of Li Mu.

After all, at this time, in addition to the navy and civilians, they are all targets of pacifists.

Although it is not known what this scan relies on to achieve.

But the real success identified Li Mu who was not in the navy.

Li Mu sounded the alarm when he saw pacifists.

Shocked in my heart, is it exposed?

While he was still suspicious, a laser shot straight out of the pacifist's mouth.

Fortunately, he had a domineering look and faintly felt a hint of danger.

He hurriedly avoided it.

Fortunately, he picked up a lot of attributes before, and his sightings were also small achievements.

In the face of a crisis from pacifists, he also immediately became aware of it.

At this time, Li Mu was also the first time to successfully use his domineering premonition of danger.

For the first time, he felt that seeing and hearing was so important.

If it weren't for the fact that he picked up the domineering look, he would probably have been injured even if he didn't die at this moment.

"It's good that I've seen and heard domineering!"

Li Muchang thought after taking a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Straw Hats, who had been paying attention to the scene, watched the pacifists suddenly turn around, and they were still a little puzzled.

The pacifists, who had been dealing with them, suddenly fired lasers on the navy.

This made everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates realize that things were not that simple.

But they can't say specifics.

"Why do pacifists attack their own families?"

Nami said a little puzzled.

"Whew, but that's definitely a good thing!"

"Now you can finally rest for a while, this strange machine is so annoying!"

Yamaji said after breathing a sigh of relief.

He had been dealing with the pacifist before.

It is good to help Nami and others fight for space.

But just when he was about to hold on, the pacifist actually changed his own goals.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates also breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally in a state of battle, they also proudly rested for a while.

Previously, because of this pacifist, they had been in combat mode.

At this time, Zhan Taomaru looked at the scene in front of him with wide eyes and disbelief.

As captain of the Naval Science Corps, he had some control over pacifists.

But even he, who knew the pacifists incomparably, did not think for the first time about the reason why the pacifists attacked the Navy.

"Why would pacifists attack the Navy?"

He thought suspiciously.

Because he was pretty sure that in the pacifist directives there was an option not to mistakenly injure the navy.

Otherwise, with the strength of pacifists, if they wantonly sabotage, it will hurt the enemy by a thousand and self-inflicted eight hundred.

So pacifists are designed to recognize the navy and others.

And only those who have some power outside the navy or world government will be attacked by pacifists.

At this time, avoiding the pacifist attack, Li Mu fell to the edge of the battlefield.

But the pacifist in front of him looks like he has no intention of stopping.

They also targeted him.

"How did I get attacked?"

"And it doesn't seem like he's going to give up yet!"

Li Mu thought a little puzzled.

I don't understand his current identity, but he is a small naval soldier in the Navy.

In any case, a pacifist who is a naval humanoid weapon should not attack him.

But when he thought about it, he understood.

Since pacifists do not attack the navy, then he must have decided that he is not a navy.

Even Yellow Ape and Renly were attracted by this sudden scene.

The two who had been fighting very fiercely stopped fighting in their hands.

The two distanced themselves and did not fight.

But in fact, after the two have fought many times, they also found it difficult to distinguish the winner and the loser in a short time.

Just take advantage of this opportunity to stop.

After all, the yellow ape is a senior admiral of the navy and also belongs to the top of the navy.

Although he didn't know much about pacifists, he still knew a little.

That is, pacifists are not supposed to attack the navy.

But that's not the case right now.

The yellow ape frowned.

If there is a problem with pacifists, it will be troublesome.

Then he will have to solve it.

And the cost of pacifists is not low, so it is not good to destroy them in this way.

But Li Mu thought about it, he was indeed not a real navy, just a navy in disguise.

Pacifists estimate that there are special means to see through their own disguise.

It is estimated that the genius scientist Vegapunk made the ghost.

It must have been entered into the database of the Navy for pacifists.

And as soon as a new navy joins, it will be entered immediately.

Otherwise, at this time, no matter how he looks at it, he will look like an ordinary navy.

It is impossible for pacifists to see through it.

Not long after Li Mu's reaction came, Zhan Taomaru's originally strange expression also changed.

He looked like he had realized.

Since pacifists have a database, rule out the possibility of mistakes.

Then this navy in front of you is pretending.

"You're not from the Navy. "

Orochimaru said with a dark face.

He had just thought about many possible things that could go wrong.

But he only didn't think that Li Mu was not a navy.

Therefore, at this time, Orochimaru looked a little embarrassed.

The captain of a scientific unit would actually make such a low-level mistake.

This is a complete dereliction of his job.

Let's talk about why someone pretends to be the navy.

Is it for the escaped pirates?

This kind of boldness is probably too big.

Zhan Taomaru was made big by the guy pretending to be the navy in front of him for a while.

He shook his head and stared at Li Mu with fierce eyes.

At this time, Li Mu also realized that his identity was likely to be completely exposed.

But the events of the Chambord Islands are also nearing their end.

Nor is he denying his identity.

As for what identity it is, then leave it to Orochimaru and others to think.

He wasn't going to fight with them.

After all, the yellow ape is present, and if he accidentally plays himself in, it will not be worth the loss.

Seeing that Li Mu did not say anything, Zhan Taomaru also reacted completely.

This guy is really not a navy!

And he doesn't pretend yet!

Zhan Taomaru was angry in his heart.

He directly ordered the pacifists to launch an attack on Li Mu.

As one of the conductors of the peacemakers.

He had a part of the power to command pacifists.

And his rights are only under Vegapunk and the Five Old Stars.

The five stations and pints who were randomly present turned their targets one after another.

A red light flashed in his eyes, aiming at Li Mu who was on the edge of the battlefield.

Suddenly, a series of lasers shot out towards Li Mu.

Lasers flying in the sky.

And Li Mu kept dodging in this flood of lasers.


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