Chapter Twenty-Eight Oh, something seems to have changed?

Seeing the change in front of him, the yellow ape and Renly also opened the distance.

The two looked at the place where the change had occurred at the same time.

"Oh, something seems to have changed?"

Huang Ape said meaningfully.

He didn't quite understand why pacifists would suddenly attack a navy.

But through Zhan Momomaru's reaction, he judged that there should be something wrong with this navy.

At this time, he looked at it with great interest.

I almost served him two plates of melon seeds.

"What a skill!"

Reilly watched Li Mu continuously dodge the attacks of pacifists, and said with some admiration.

Although he could not judge the identity of the naval soldier in front of him.

But he saw that Li Mu should not be old, and he could already be regarded as a leader of his peers with such speed.

That's why he was sincerely amazed.

"Huh, how can the Navy fight with the Navy?"

Luffy said puzzled.

He had not understood the situation in front of him until this moment.

I didn't even see that the attacked navy in front of me was pretending.

He also stubbornly believes that there is infighting among the navies.

"Can't the idiot still see that the navy is someone else's pretend!"

Nami scolded loudly.

She was also very helpless for Luffy's silly look.

"Ah, is that so?"

Luffy scratched his head and said.

Although others watched the scene in front of them as if they were watching a play.

But Orochimaru doesn't seem to be very able to accept the current situation.

"People disguised as our navy are fishing in troubled waters here, watch me take you!"

He said angrily.

In his opinion, such actions are undoubtedly provoking the Navy.

Immediately, Orochimaru also planned to join the battlefield.

At this time, all the pacifists were besieging Li Mu.

One by one, the lasers attacked towards Li Mu. Li Mu had to constantly dodge.

But these lasers are intricately intertwined.

He also had more and more difficulty dodging.

Finally, the laser cornered him, and he couldn't avoid it.


He secretly said that it was not good in his heart, and then began to think of a way.

Although Li Mu has been picking up attributes, his strength has also improved to a certain extent.

But he had never experienced a battle after all, so he was a little uncomfortable being suddenly besieged at the moment.

The laser was about to fall on him.

The only defense he could think of at the moment was to arm the color domineering.

Fortunately, in the previous battle between Yellow Ape and Renly, he picked up a lot of armed color domineering.

So at the moment, the level of armed color domineering in his panel is not too low.

Casting the armed color, the place that was about to be attacked instantly turned black.


Although the laser hit his body, Li Mu did not feel too much pain.

Instead, he used the explosive impact of the laser to quickly withdraw from the pacifist encirclement.

"Is this armed color domineering?"

"The blessings of the flesh are very strong!"

He thought with some joy.

He had not experienced combat before, and this was the first time he had used armed color domineering.

To defend against pacifist attacks so easily was something he did not expect.

He clenched his fists, feeling a little excited in his heart.

He vaguely felt that he also had some self-preservation power.

But he didn't dare to be arrogant, after all, there was still a naval general present at the moment, if the yellow ape came to the rescue, he would have suffered.

Although it distanced the pacifists, this is ultimately temporary.

The pacifists soon locked him up again.

At this time, I saw Li Mu coming out of the siege of pacifists.

Zhan Taomaru also seized this opportunity and directly attacked towards Li Mu.

"Go and die!"

Zhan Taomaru jumped high, and the giant axe in his hand slashed towards Li Mu.

Li Mu's sight and hearing also realized that this move was not something he could take.

He had to avoid it.

Fortunately, Li Mu's agility attribute was high enough, and he hurriedly opened the distance between him and Zhan Taomaru the moment he saw and knew the danger.

Orochimaru's attack also landed on the ground.

Suddenly, a big hole was smashed out of the ground.


Li Mu gasped, if this attack fell on him, he didn't dare to imagine what he would become.

Zhan Momomaru missed a blow, and he was not in a hurry to pursue.

He knew that Li Mu could not escape.

And the five-weight pacifists have already caught up again by this time.

Some spit lasers out of their mouths, and some use their hands to emit lasers.

But without exception, these pacifists are really difficult.

In desperation, Li Mu had to dodge again.

But now he has learned to use domineering to predict danger.

Also learned to use armed color domineering to defend against attacks.

So dodging pacifist attacks is not as difficult as before.

It can even be said that it is a bit of a comfortable look.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 7,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 7,000 power attributes!"

He has been evading the attacks of pacifists, but Li Mu has not forgotten to pick up the attributes that have dropped.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat, and the attributes dropped by pacifists are not few.

Accustomed to the use of seeing and hearing color domineering and armed color domineering.

Li Mu also began to resist the attacks of some pacifists head-on.

After all, it is very tiring to run away all the time.

The pacifist offensive became more and more ferocious, slowly changing from ordinary lasers to laser lasers.

Even began to use a teleportation-like movement mechanism.

The slap in the hand exhales, bringing great power.

Fortunately, Li Mu has the domineering power to predict the offensive in advance.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to dodge under such a pinch.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 qi and blood attributes!"


Li Mu glanced at the attributes he had picked up.

He was surprised to find that he picked up more and more attributes.

But it also proves that pacifists are on the offensive getting stronger.

Knowing that the attribute points that dropped had been at 8,000 points and it was difficult to go up, he understood that pacifists had reached their limits.

But he is still slowly adapting to the strength of his body.

After all, the previous confrontation between the yellow ape and Renly was too terrifying.

A large number of attribute points were dropped in just a short period of time.

These attribute points are not adaptable all at once.

Finally, after a dodge, a pacifist chased after him by teleportation.

This pacifist teleported over and slapped Li Mu.

That terrifying energy impact instantly tilted towards Li Mu.

Li Mu's hair was also blown by this impact.

But he didn't panic at all, and directly armed the color domineering, and punched out.

His fists mingled with pacifist slaps.

Suddenly, a violent vibration occurred.

But Li Mu did not move.

The pacifists, on the other hand, were pushed back a few steps.


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