Chapter Twenty-Nine The Domineering Li Mu, a hand-torn pacifist.

After repelling the pacifists, everyone in the field was stunned.

Is this guy pretending to be the Navy so strong?

Other pacifists were also stunned.

It may be that none of them had suffered a counterattack before, so the instructions began to change.

Retract your fist.

Li Mu thought to himself.

As early as when the supernova was haunting the Chambord Islands, he had already accumulated enough strength.

But he never had the opportunity to use it.

So he also happily continued to pretend to be his naval soldier.

Pleasant picking property points.

Subsequently, he experienced the battle between the yellow ape and Renly, and a large number of attributes were sucked into his body.

After that, his strength skyrocketed.

At this point he looked at his panel.

[Character: Lin Yan].

[God-level pickup system].

【Qi: LV50 (186W/500W)].

[Power: LV45 (220W/450W)].

[Agile: LV40 (335W/400W)].

[Physical surgery: LV61 (459W/610W)].

[Swordsmanship: LV20 (139W/200W)].

[See and smell domineering: LV41 (265W/410W)].

[Armed color domineering: LV43 (415W/430W)].

[Overlord color domineering: LV1 (0/10W)].

[Shining fruit: LV1 (0/10W)].

[Comprehensive evaluation: Naval Substitute Admiral].

Yes, at this time, Li Mu already has the strength of a senior admiral's replacement.

This is also the result of his collection of attributes in the Chambord Islands this time.

From the conflict between pirates in a tavern, to the supernova Straw Hat Luffy haunting the auction house.

After clashing with supernovae in the navy, he began to pick up attributes.

Finally, in the battle between the yellow ape and Renly, a large number of attributes were picked up.

That's why his panel became so strong.

"So unknowingly, my strength has become so strong?"

Li Mu thought with some emotion.

It turned out that he had just repelled a single blow from the pacifists, and he did not use his full strength.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he is not very skilled in grasping power now.

But with the first time, he also had some understanding of power of his own.

I saw a smile at the corner of Li Mu's mouth.

"Pacifist huh? Come on!"

"I'll take you first today!"

He thought confidently.

He already knew the limits of pacifism.

But now he has more judgment on his own strength.

So he concluded that he was definitely capable of facing the five pacifists.

I saw a flash of golden light in Li Mu's eyes.

He began to take the initiative.

Li Mu's feet were forceful, and suddenly the ground under his feet shattered directly.

He borrowed the reaction force of this force and ejected it directly like a cannonball.

The pacifist closest to him also shot a laser laser from his mouth.

But Li Mu did not take this laser laser seriously at all.

I saw him clench his fists and use armed colors.

The fist covered by the domineering color of the armed color instantly turned black.

He smashed his fist towards the laser laser, and the powerful laser laser was directly blocked.

But his offensive is more than that.

I saw Li Mu burst out of power again.

The fist, which had slowed down, smashed directly into the pacifist's face.


With a loud bang, the pacifist's head was suddenly smashed into a large hole.

And this pacifist also fell because he lost part of its parts.

"What! actually solved this monster with one blow!"

Sanji opened his mouth wide and said in disbelief.

You must know that the group of the Straw Hat Pirates spent a lot of effort to solve the pacifists in front of them.

But even so, they still couldn't solve a fight.

You can only keep running away, constantly avoiding the attacks of pacifists.

And now this guy in an ordinary naval uniform in front of him actually solved a pacifist with just one blow.

At this time, Solon was also very unbelievable.

He struggled to prop himself up with his sword.

His eyes were dull as he looked at the scene in front of him.

That's a monster that his Ghost Qi Nine Sword Flow couldn't take!

That guy actually managed to defeat with just one blow!

At this time, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were all shocked.

And Luffy also saw this scene at this time.

"This... Is this guy so strong?"

Luffy said with wide eyes.

At this time, Zhan Taomaru, who had been looking for an opportunity to attack Li Mu, was also a little unable to sit still.

This is a pacifist.

The defensive power is copied from the Nanabu Sea Bassolomi Bear.

How could he be defeated by this guy in front of him with one blow!

Orochimaru's heart was already dripping blood.

As a captain of the Naval Science Force, he knows the cost of pacifists.

Just breaking one is a loss of hundreds of millions of Baileys.

When Li Muke did not stop because he defeated a pacifist.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes. "

Obviously, this is the attribute dropped by the pacifist that has just been destroyed.

It can be seen that even if pacifists use all their strength, it is difficult to rival this guy Li Mu.

And this is also the power of armed colors.

After picking up the attribute points of the armed color domineering, Li Mu's armed color domineering level was not low at this time.

So even the hardest pacifist can easily break through his defenses.

After destroying this pacifist, the lasers of the rest of the pacifists also shot again.

Li Mu, who was unleashing his sight, easily dodged this laser attack.

At the same time, he once again exerted his strength and shot at the pacifists.

Under the blessing of armed color, Li Mu's fist was extremely sharp.

Every punch is incredibly powerful.

Bang bang bang !!

At this time, Li Mu was like a god of war, constantly jumping under the siege of pacifists.

Grabbing the opportunity to face the pacifist is a punch.

With every punch, pacifists are bound to be repelled.

At this point, only the last two pacifists remained.

But even so, the body is scarred.

But because of Zhan Momomaru's order, the two pacifists still did not stop.

He continued to launch an offensive against Li Mu.

The laser shot towards Li Mu.

But at this time, Li Mu had gradually adapted to the power in his body.

He no longer pays attention to these lasers.

As long as he wants, he can easily dodge.

Even if he can't dodge, he can easily defend it.

So at this moment, these two pacifists have completely lost their threat to him.

"Is this the power I get?"

Li Mu clenched his fists.

He was almost fully accustomed to his power.

I saw that after sighing, he ejected like a cannonball.

First punched a pacifist and then used the fallen pacifist to jump again.

Come to another pacifist.

The same punch solved, cleanly.

In one move to solve the last two pacifists, he patted his clothes.

Immediately stood up straight.


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