Chapter 30 Battle Peach Pill? One Punch Kill!

Li Mu was still fleeing at first.

But suddenly it exploded and solved five pacifists with only one person.

It's just amazing.

At this time, everyone was also shocked by the success of Li Mu's operation.

Everyone fell into sluggishness.

After all, how strong this pacifist is, everyone who has seen it before knows very well.

But Li Mu single-handedly killed this very powerful pacifist.


Luffy wanted to say something but couldn't get out.

Previously, the Straw Hats were tortured by mere pacifists to death, and there was no room to fight back.

But when it comes to this pretended navy in front of him, pacifists are trampled on at will like ants.

This huge gap made the Straw Hat group a little difficult to accept.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"I actually tore up five of this horrible thing with my bare hands!"

Sanji said in shock.

After all, he had been chased by pacifists before.

There is absolutely no possibility of being able to fight.

"This... How is it possible, can't his fist be stronger than my sword?"

Solon also looked incredulous.

"That terrifying robot, he actually killed it all with one punch!"

"It's amazing!"

Nami exclaimed surprise.

"Yo, I've never had such a terrifying young man ever since I came out on an adventure!"

Brooke said with trepidation.

The rest of the members of the Straw Hat Pirates also showed great shock.

The robots that had hunted them down before were really solved so easily.

"Oh, is he a pirate?"

"The strength is actually so strong!"

The yellow ape said with some surprise.

After all, there are not many such young powerhouses.

Although in terms of current strength, it cannot enter the eyes of the yellow ape at all.

But such strength is enough to change the situation of this battle.

"Oh, it looks like I still have helpers here!"

Reilly said with a slight smile.

It was a good thing to have Li Mu help him share the pressure.

At this time, the captain of the naval science force, Zhan Momomaru, was already frightened by the scene in front of him.

You know, pacifists are the Navy's killers.

It is also an artificial humanoid weapon that Vegapunk painstakingly created.

On the whole, his strength is definitely in the ranks of the strong.

Now Li Mu this guy said that he would dismantle it, which made Zhan Taomaru angry and shocked.

Five pacifists, just accounted for here, the losses are too great.

He didn't even know how to explain to the above when he went back.

Just like that, the plans of the Navy were disrupted by an unknown guy.

Humiliating him fiercely made his heart very unhappy.

He couldn't swallow it.

I saw Zhan Taomaru pick up the giant axe beside him.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

He frowned, looked at Li Mu in front of him coldly, and walked towards Li Mu unhurriedly.

When it came to a dozen meters away.

Li Mu also noticed the war peach pill.

I saw Zhan Taomaru jumping high, and he planned to give Li Mu a powerful blow.


He exerts his armed domineering power in the air.

Suddenly, black covered his arm and the weapon in his hand.

Such an attack is not at all a supernova that can resist.

It is also enough to show the strength of Zhan Peach Pill's strength.

But that's for supernovae.

At this time, Li Mu had already been reborn.

Just with Zhan Taomaru's newly started armed color domineering, it is not enough to see.

After coming into the air, Orochimaru turned his body extremely quickly, and activated the power of his whole body.

He wanted to exert all his strength to kill Li Mu with one blow in order to regain the face he had lost.

At this time, the giant axe smashed down towards Li Mu fiercely.

Li Mu stood in place, with a fierce look in his eyes.

His eyes were cold, and he didn't plan to keep his hand.

I saw that Li Mu's right hand gradually turned black.

At the same time, a momentum gradually climbed.

Immediately, when the giant axe was about to hit him, he swung his fist at Orochimaru with all his strength.

The seemingly terrifying giant axe was directly shattered by his fist.

Orochimaru was shocked in his heart, but at this time, he wanted to retreat but it was completely too late.

I saw Li Mu's fist directly smashed on his head.

A punch knocked his body upwards from his jaw.

The huge body of the Battle Peach Pill was directly shot out by Li Mu.

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

And Li Mu has now integrated his body and skyrocketing strength.

The attributes picked up by the system were gradually adapted by him.

Therefore, just a war peach pill is no longer enough to see.

At this time, his various attributes are the existence of a general substitute.

In addition to the overlord color domineering is still in the beginning stage, the rest of the attributes are already very terrifying.

"This... How is this possible!"

"That guy's strength is obviously very strong..."

Luffy looked surprised.

He who had fought with Zhan Momo Maru before was naturally very aware of Zhan Momomaru's strength.

It's not at all something that ordinary people can kill in seconds.

Even he struggled to fight Momomaru.

Not to mention a second kill, the situation at this time made Luffy unable to calm down for a long time.

To put it bluntly, Luffy didn't even see any hope that he would be able to defeat the man in front of him.

Nami covered her mouth, looking unwilling to believe the situation in front of her.

Robin's face showed a different color.

She had also been paying attention to the previous battles, and Luffy had fought so hard, it was enough to see how strong this man was.

But even so, it was killed by one blow!

Sanji extinguished the cigarette he had just lit because he couldn't calm down because he couldn't calm down at the scene in front of him.

This guy was obviously still dodging at first.

But suddenly such strength burst out.

Not only defeated five pacifists in a row.

Now even Battle Momomaru has been defeated by him!

Solon dragged his injured body at this time, and it was very difficult to stand even simply.

But even so, he supported his body with his sword.

His eyes were full of jealousy as he looked at Li Mu.

Who the hell is this guy?

Is it the Navy or Pirates?

Such a general question flashed through his mind.

It is clear that he is still very young, but his strength is not worse at all.

The rest of the Straw Hat Pirates were also shocked.

They had all seen the strength of Zhan Taomaru, but now they were really killed in seconds.

At this time, the yellow ape was a little unable to sit still.

His originally cynical expression also changed slightly.

I saw his gloomy face.

After all, Zhan Momomaru is also his eldest nephew anyway.

It is also a person on his naval side, how can he, a naval admiral, just watch Zhan Momomaru being beaten like this.

He was beaten like this in front of him, and he had to get justice no matter how he said it.


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