Chapter Thirty-One Do You Want to Try My Lightspeed Kick Too?

Seeing his eldest nephew being solved so easily in front of his eyes.

Naturally, the yellow ape will not give up so well.

I saw the yellow ape put on a gloomy face, and he was very displeased in his heart.

"Looks like you want to try my lightspeed kick too!"

He said to Li Mu.

The tone lacks the slack and playfulness of the usual days.

There was also a faint hint of killing intent.

The face of the navy that Orochimaru lost, he had to make up for it.

"Yellow Ape, there is still someone standing in front of you. "

"If you want to move him, you have to pass me first!"

Reilly smiled and said.

He wouldn't give the yellow ape such an easy shot.

The yellow ape was also stunned when he heard Renly's words.

Then he smiled.

"Oh, yes, there's an even more troublesome guy in front of you." "

"Why did I think about something else. "

"Then let's start with you first!"

He said after changing his serious expression.

"Hades Renly, let's get serious next. "

"I don't have time to spend with you. "

Yellow Ape said very seriously.

Hearing the words of the yellow ape, Reilly was stunned at first.

"Didn't this guy keep putting water in before?"

"Why do you suddenly have to be serious?"

Renly thought a little puzzled.

But the other party was a general admiral after all, and he did not dare to be careless.

Since the yellow ape wants to be serious, he also has to be serious.

I saw a flash of light appear on the yellow ape, as if he was about to strike with all his strength.

Reilly is also in a strict position, after all, the other party is a strong admiral in the Navy.

He didn't dare to really overplay with fire.

But just a second later, Renly suddenly sensed something was wrong.

"Not good!"

Reilly was surprised.

It turned out that the yellow ape had made a pretense, and at this time he had gone straight to Li Mu.

Even if Renly had all kinds of skills, he would never have imagined that the yellow ape would give him this trick.

After all, the yellow ape is the owner of the shining fruit.

In terms of speed, it is incomparable, and it is not at all what he can catch up.

"Oh, let me test your strength!"

Huang Ape said meaningfully.

At this time, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them.

They could never have imagined that the naval general Yellow Ape would suddenly turn his gun and attack Li Mu.

Reilly even exclaimed the old sixth.

"This guy Yellow Ape, I know he's not that simple!"

"But I really didn't expect him to come out this time!"

Reilly complained a little helplessly.

This change in the yellow ape was too fast, which really made him very speechless!

At this time, although everyone on the field could not react, they also understood, and the yellow ape made a move against Li Mu.

"The admiral shot!"

"This guy is dangerous!"

Nami thought a little anxiously.

Although Li Mu shocked them again and again, they knew that this time it was really dangerous.

Although Li Mu's position is not very clear, it generally belongs to the pirates' side.

If Li Mu was defeated like this, then they would still have to bear the pressure from the navy.

At this time, everyone's attention was focused on Huang Ape and Li Mu.

And the speed of the yellow ape is too fast, even this sudden change is only a few seconds.

When the yellow ape came to Li Mu, Li Mu was shocked.

His speed was too fast, even if Li Mu had a domineering appearance, it would be difficult to react.

And the yellow ape was not verbose, and directly kicked a supernova's lightspeed kick towards Li Mu.

His feet were like a flash of light, and his speed was extreme.

The naked eye could no longer see his feet.

This blow kicked many supernovae in a row, which is enough to prove that it is not simple.

It is estimated that it will be difficult for Li Mu to take this kick.

Li Mu was a little worried, after all, he was facing the admiral.

He did not dare to be big in the slightest, and was ready to go all out.

But the speed of the yellow ape is too fast, even if he is fully prepared, it is difficult to cast it in a short time.

Before the yellow ape's light-speed kick hit, he still unleashed his armed color domineering.

Suddenly, the armed color domineering covered Li Mu's arm, and the entire arm turned black.

He also hurriedly blocked the lightspeed kick with his arm.


When the light-speed kick hit Li Mu, a powerful movement erupted.

Under the blow, the movement was deafening.

The earth under his feet was torn apart, and a shock swept directly towards the surroundings.

At this time, the entire Chambord Islands heard this sensation.

It is enough to prove how powerful this kick of the yellow ape is.

And the impact of the explosion is also centered on two people, rushing towards the surroundings.

The Straw Hat Pirates, who were already injured, were repelled by this impact by several meters.

Those with slightly inferior strength were blown directly to the ground.

And those ordinary naval soldiers were blown out.

This movement directly caused a sensation in the entire Chambordi Islands.

At this time, when the smoke and dust cleared, everyone saw the situation in front of them clearly.

Li Mu was repelled by the attack of the yellow ape by dozens of steps.

His face was very ugly, and it could be seen that he was not happy.

After sliding some distance on the ground, he finally stabilized his figure.

At this moment, Li Mu only felt a hot pain in his arm.

"What a strong strength!"

"Worthy of being an admiral!"

He sighed, and his heart was even more convinced.

"It seems that even if it comes to the substitute general, it is only the part of being beaten. "

Li Mu was a little unwilling in his heart.

It seems that it is impossible for him to defeat the yellow ape at this time.

After all, the admiral is the highest combat power of the Navy.

Even the admiral's replacement is very different from the admiral.

And Li Mu's ability to resist this blow of the yellow ape is already very remarkable.

If he had changed to an ordinary vice admiral, he would have been seriously injured and fell to the ground.

And the yellow ape that repelled Li Mu stood in place with his hands in his pockets at this time.

As if which blow he had just shot was just a simple blow for him.

And the admiral's cloak on him fluttered slowly in the aftermath of the impact.

The only difference was that there was a slight consternation in his eyes.

"Oh oh, you actually resisted my lightspeed kick!"

Although he was very surprised in his heart, Li Mu was able to resist his light-speed kick.

But his tone was still very flat.

It can be seen that this guy Huang Ape still doesn't want to lose his admiral's qualifications.

"There aren't many guys who can resist my light-speed kick!"

"Your strength is actually above this group of supernovae!"

The yellow ape said playfully.

There was a hint of joking in the tone.

But his heart was already terrified.

He was very puzzled about who this guy in front of him was.

It is clear that a guy who has never heard of it before, can actually be so powerful.

"Who is this little-known pirate?"

"When did such a strong man appear in the Chambord Islands?"

The yellow ape thought with some doubt.


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