Chapter 32 The yellow ape showed killing intent, and he really moved?

On a pedestrian street on the Chambordi Islands.

Everyone looked very surprised.

There was even only the sound of breathing, but no sound coming out.

At this time, the yellow ape looked at Li Mu, who was struggling to take his light-speed kick, and his expression was very playful.

That lewd face was full of disdainful smiles.

But what was on his mind was only known to him.

The previous supernovae were very strong.

Before the yellow ape did not come, there was even some helplessness.

But his lightspeed kick still sent all these arrogant supernovae away.

Supernovae were kicked and are estimated to be crippled if they are not dead.

But the pirate pretending to be the navy in front of him actually stood here after being kicked.

His strength completely exceeded the yellow ape's expectations.

After all, the yellow ape knew very well that he had no intention of keeping his hand in his previous move.

Lightspeed kicks are also very powerful moves.

There is naturally no need to say more about the power, after all, there is the blessing of the speed of light.

And the speed was enough to make Li Mu have no time to react.

But even so, he was reacted by Li Mu and hidden.

At this time, the yellow ape could not help but move the killing intent.

After all, the previous supernovae, although powerful, were far from threatening the status of the Navy.

But this guy in front of him, he really can't see what is going on.

Huang Ape reasoned that since Li Mu was not a navy, he would definitely become an enemy of the navy in the future.

To have such strength at such a young age, such a person cannot be left alone.

Otherwise, it will become a great enemy of the navy in the future.

Although it is enough to have red dogs for things like killing pirates, the yellow ape also has a reason why he has to do it.

And the main reason is that Zhan Taomaru was injured, and he still had to give an explanation to his juniors.

In this way, the reason why he had to erase Li Mu, a junior, was also very sufficient.

Thinking of this, Huang Ape was sure that he was not keeping his hand in his heart, and he went all out to take Li Mu down.

His strength began to climb step by step, and anyone with discerning eyes could see that the yellow ape's strength had risen to several levels in just a few seconds.

It was clear that he was ready to get serious.

Seeing this, Li Mu could only smile bitterly.

"Yard, the admiral is actually a new person with me!"

He thought with some chagrin.

At this moment, he really has bitterness and can't say it.

Nima, you are a naval admiral, and you can be an uncle in your generation.

Actually made a move on a pirate who had just entered the industry!

After all, he is not sure at all in the face of the admiral.

"Good, good, you're playing like that, aren't you? "

"You yellow-haired monkey, you wait for me, sooner or later I will have to break you!"

He complained a little unwillingly.

As the yellow ape's momentum and strength climbed, he finally moved.

He rushed towards Li Mu at an extremely fast speed.

Seeing that the speed of light of the yellow ape was about to fall on Li Mu's body again.

At this time, Li Mu was also very worried in his heart, although he had successfully blocked a lightspeed kick from the yellow ape before.

But that doesn't prove he can keep blocking.

And looking at the momentum of the yellow ape, this lightspeed kick is obviously a little stronger than the previous one.

Seeing that the yellow ape's light-speed kick was about to fall on Li Mu's body.

At this critical moment, a sharp sword suddenly appeared and blocked Li Mu's face.

The person who came was none other than Hades Rayleigh.

Earlier, he was a little careless, which allowed the yellow ape guy to exploit the loophole.

At this time, his heart was full of determination, and he would not let the yellow ape guy make a move on these newcomer pirates.

"It's you again, Renly!"

After seeing the person coming, the yellow ape said with some resentment.

Renly this guy interrupted his movements repeatedly, which made him very dissatisfied in his heart.

"Shake a shot with me, huh?"

"Is that how you do things?"

"Are you still one of the three admirals?"

Renly said a little sarcastically.

After all, this guy Huang Ape is a real strong man, and he will actually use this method to fool him.

This made Renly feel very uncomfortable.

"Hmph, does the Navy still need to act in style to capture pirates?"

"Just catch it, why do you care so much!"

The yellow ape is also broken jar broken.

Anyway, no matter what, he was going to take Li Mu away today.

The stay of such people is definitely a big trouble for the Navy.

"Don't you want to take any of them today!"

Renly also said very strongly.

These are the future hopes of the pirates, and he does not want to fall into the hands of the navy just like that.

The eyes of the two met again, and neither was willing to give in.

On one side is the former deputy on the One Piece ship, Hades Rayleigh.

Once the super strong of the old era, the reputation is famous in this new world.

Even though he is old now, his strength is still terrifying.

On the other side is one of the highest combat power of the navy, admired by countless navies.

Admiral Yellow Ape, whose strength is equally bottomless.

Such two strong people fought again, and the scene suddenly became tense again.

The two said something to each other about their positions.

On one side is the yellow ape who represents naval justice, and on the other is Rayleigh, who wants to protect the Nova Pirate.

With that, the two fought together again.

The lightsaber shining with golden light constantly collided with the longsword in Renly's hand.

The speed of both of them was very fast, and I saw the afterimages constantly colliding.

The confrontation between the two is already difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

Seeing the two fighting again, Li Mu fixed his mind and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's good to have Rayleigh in the bottom, otherwise it will be trouble!"

He thought with some happiness.

Recalling that he came to the pirate world, the previous scene was definitely his most dangerous.

Whether it's the first time she meets Joe Ellie Bonnie, one of the supernovas, in the midst of a tavern scuffle.

Or the Draco incident at the auction house.

None of him was aware of a powerful crisis as he was at the moment.

But despite going through so many things.

But at the moment, the most important thing for Li Mu is only one thing.

Pick up properties!

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 40,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 35,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 Devil Fruit abilities!"

A series of system prompts directly entered Li Mu's mind.

Just because of the second confrontation between Yellow Ape and Renly, both of them began to show their strength.

The sword dance, did not intend to stop for a moment.

I saw the two constantly colliding back and forth, and the afterimages kept flashing and moving.

The offensive was getting faster and faster, and the drop of attribute points overwhelmed Li Mu.

"That's cool!"

Li Mu thought very excitedly in his heart.

When such attribute points drop, he can even directly feel that his strength is constantly getting stronger.

Because the attribute points were rising too quickly, he even noticed that his body was changing every moment.


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