Chapter 33 The pressure brought to him by the admiral was still too great

The strong are the strong after all.

It's still not that simple to tell the winner and the loser.

Even if the two go back and forth for hundreds of moves, they still don't have the appearance of dividing the victory and defeat.

As time passed, the speed of the two seemed to slow down a little.

At this time, the collision of swords also has traces.

One sword at a time erases the spark.

The two slashed their swords together and looked at each other coldly.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 15,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 9,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 6,000 sword art attributes!"

The information coming from the system gradually slowed down.

Li Mu found that not only was the information slowing down, but it seemed to be decreasing

"What's the situation?"

"Why are there so few attributes?"

He thought with some doubt.

Obviously, it was still tens of thousands of large and tens of thousands of drop attributes before.

How did it suddenly become so little.

"Even the body cultivation sword technique is not so fighting!"

He complained with some chagrin.

After all, this is related to his attribute point, and he has to pay attention to it.

Every attribute point is the key to his strength!

But even if he was very unhappy in his heart, he could not do anything.

This guy Huang Ape is really too lazy, and the few strokes he is willing to make just now are estimated to be the result of countless times he has made up his mind in his heart.

But as the battle could not be divided for a long time, the yellow ape, the fish king, probably wanted to give up again.

At this time, the yellow ape and Renly also chose to distance themselves after a brief eye exchange.

The two are similar in strength, and they can't help each other at all.

Even if you keep fighting, nothing will come of it.

At this time, the yellow ape spread out the lightsaber in his hand, and there was a slight retreat in his heart.

After all, there is a barrier in front of him by One Piece's deputy, Hades Rayleigh.

There is also Li Mu next to him, this guy has been watching.

A tiger-eyed look.

And Li Mu was actually just picking up attribute points all the time and was reluctant to leave.

There is no intention to strike at all.

Not to mention the look of a tiger.

Because for him, as long as he can pick up attribute points.

He had no intention of attacking the admiral.

But the yellow ape who thought of this became more and more intense.

Because he didn't know what was going on in Li Mu's heart at all.

Coupled with the previous attack on Li Mu, he thought that Li Mu must have hated him in his heart.

At that time, he and Renly fought until the oil ran out, and when the lamp ran out, he was attacked and was powerless to return to the sky.

In addition, his personality originally leaned towards lying flat.

He was not willing to exert more effort.

If it weren't for the fact that this guy Li Mu made a move on his eldest nephew Zhan Taomaru, he would probably also be in a state of touching fish.

And he has always been the attitude of how much money is done.

Originally, Renly's appearance had exceeded his expectations.

Now there is another unknown pirate who hangs Momomaru.

He wasn't going to continue working hard either.

The Navy pays him to capture supernovae, but tells him to deal with Renly and the Mystery Pirates.

He doesn't do it, even if he does such a thing, it is too much of a loss.

And at this time, the Chambord Islands are full of escaping pirates.

The main combat forces of the Navy came here.

Such entanglement does no good for the Navy.

After going back, because of Reilly and the unknown pirate, he didn't have anything to say about this trip.

Anyway, it has already made a move, and it can be regarded as an explanation for the Draco's side.

As for Straw Hat Luffy and his gang, the wanted bounty can be increased in the future.

Let the world government do it and so on.

Anyway, there are two pirate powerhouses on the scene today, and there are no helpers on his side.

It is understandable that he chose to retreat like this.

Thinking of this, the yellow ape did not want to entangle with Li Murelli and others.

"Oh yes, nothing will come of it like this. "

"Might as well leave it at that. "

He said suddenly.

Hearing the words of the yellow ape, everyone was stunned.

Everyone noticed that the yellow ape was a little retreated.

At this time, the few navies were also slightly surprised.

The general would actually choose to retreat?

Although I am very puzzled in my heart, this is also a good thing for these navies.

They are also happy and idle, after all, if they continue to be entangled like this, their lives are estimated to be not guaranteed.

Immediately, the yellow ape waved his big hand, and all the surrounding navies were gathered by him.

The seriously wounded Battle Peach Maru was also carried on a stretcher by the Navy soldiers.

Immediately with the departure of the yellow ape, the navy also began to retreat.

Seeing that the yellow ape chose to retreat, the people of the Straw Hat Pirates were also released as if they were guilty.

"It's gone!"

After all, the sense of oppression brought by this guy Yellow Ape is too strong.

And the Straw Hat Pirates do not even have the strength to fight pacifists, let alone want to confront Admiral Yellow Ape.

Now that the yellow ape guy is willing to leave by himself, it is already the best result.

"Finally gone?"

Sanji said with some uncertainty.

It seems that the appearance of the yellow ape has made him still have palpitations.

"Looks like it's gone. "

"Is it finally over?"

Solon breathed a long sigh of relief.

He has been most seriously injured since the battle.

If the fight continued, he was very worried about whether he could hold on.

"It's good to go. "

Luffy said a little dejectedly.

On weekdays, he must be very eager to fight.

But in only one battle, the Straw Hat Pirates were almost destroyed.

This also made Luffy understand that his strength was far from enough.

At this moment, he is also determined to become stronger.

At this time, the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates also had their own thoughts.

But they all breathed a sigh of relief.

The previous pacifists tortured them a little bit.

If it weren't for Renly, this guy from the yellow ape would have probably wiped them out.

At this time, Renly saw that the yellow ape was finally willing to leave, and his heart was also relaxed.

The pressure on him by the admiral was still too great.

After all, it is the highest combat power of the Navy.

This is not for fun.

This guy of the yellow ape holds one of the strongest natural devil fruits in his hand.

He is also from the Navy, and his physical skills and combat experience are extremely strong.

Although he used to be the peak powerhouse on this sea, now he has long been in the twilight.

He knew that if he and the yellow ape kept fighting like this.

With his physical strength, defeat is only a matter of time.

Since the yellow ape was willing to stop at this time, there was no need for him to block it.

But everyone doesn't want to fight, when they want to stop.

Li Mu was a little unhappy.

"This is leaving?"

He thought very unwillingly.

After all, this is his attribute point.

He also expected to pick up more attribute points from the yellow ape.


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