Chapter Thirty-Four Finally Ends? The Top War Is Coming!

Seeing the yellow ape finally leave.

Although Li Mu was a little reluctant, he had to face it.

He knew that the Chambord Islands were probably over.

At this point, if he wants to obtain attribute points, he has to wait for the opportunity.

So he started looking at his panel.

[Character: Lin Yan].

[God-level pickup system].

[Qi: LV60 (586W/600W)].

[Power: LV55 (220W/550W)].

[Agility: LV50 (335W/500W)].

[Physical surgery: LV65 (459W/650W)].

[Swordsmanship: LV35 (439W/350W)].

[See the domineering: LV50 (265W/500W)].

[Armed color domineering: LV51 (415W/510W)].

[Overlord color domineering: LV1 (0/10W)].

[Shining fruit: LV7 (50W/70W)].

[Comprehensive evaluation: Naval Substitute Admiral].

From the panel, although he is still a substitute general, he still makes a lot of money in general.

Looking at the panel, Li Mu also had mixed feelings in his heart.

Although the Chambord Islands have been thrilling along the way, at least the harvest is still very heavy.

At this moment, he couldn't help but show a smile.

He is also very satisfied with this result.

When he first arrived at this system, he was just an ordinary ordinary person.

At that time, when I saw Joe Ellie Bonnie, one of the supernovas, I didn't dare to entangle with it.

So far, he has gained the strength of a substitute general.

Even if not how powerful it is in this sea.

But self-preservation also has some strength.

But at this moment a question is also laid out.

That is, the panel is now very powerful.

But as the individual attribute points continue to improve.

Getting big improvements isn't as easy as it used to be.

He now needs to go to a more chaotic battle with more strong people.

Thinking of this, he also immediately thought of the protracted war in the near future.

In the world of pirates, what is after the Draco incident?

That, of course, is a war on top!

The Top War is the biggest war in Pirate World since the Age of Discovery.

The Navy used its 800-year-old heritage to wage war against the Whitebeard Pirates.

And the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Whitebeard, has the title of the strongest man in the world.

Thinking of this, Li Mu had already begun to look forward to it infinitely.

You know, the top war has gathered almost all the current strong.

The entire navy is here, countless vice admirals, countless naval elites.

There are also three admirals of the navy sitting in Marin Fandor.

And the pirate side is the white-bearded pirate group with the same deep heritage in the New World.

The battle for the Chambord Islands was still like this.

What about the war on top?

There are two strong people in the Chambord Islands.

Admiral Yellow Ape and Hades Rayleigh.

Although these two people are also in the ranks of the top powerhouses.

But definitely not the strongest.

The three admirals of the navy don't say anything else, the yellow ape is definitely a weaker existence.

Because his fruit ability is biased towards the speed aspect.

And the green pheasant and the red dog are the two who are stronger.

Although he said so, Li Mu did not pick up the attribute points on the other two.

So he is not good at judgment.

But the red dog is definitely the strongest of the three admirals of the current navy.

Definitely the presence of a white beard.

Thinking of this, Li Mu also began to calculate.

After all, he also needs a large number of attribute points to help him become stronger.

And the war on top can already be determined to be his only option.

But he also understands that his current strength as a substitute general is not enough to see in the top war.

"Now Ace should have just been imprisoned in the undersea prison to advance the city. "

"Then there is still some time before the war on top. "

Li Mu thought silently.

He has to get stronger during this time.

Why would it be said that the war on top is his only chance to become stronger.

Because the scale of the war on top is incomparably huge.

It involves the entire Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

The naval side does not need much.

As the guardian of order in this sea, the navy has stood on this sea for nearly eight hundred years.

In these eight hundred years, the position of the navy has never been shaken.

Even the maritime overlord Rocks was sanctioned by the Navy.

When the war begins, there will be hundreds of vice admirals on the naval side.

That's the backbone of the Navy.

Each can burst out more power than a supernova.

And then hundreds of thousands of naval elites.

Although the attribute points that can burst out are limited, they cannot hold up the large number.

It is also an important source of attribute points.

There is no need to say more about the three major generals who can destroy the sky and the earth.

It is estimated that if you don't make a shot, it will be tens of thousands of attribute points dropped.

And Li Mu knows that the navy's heritage is more than that.

Naval hero Karp! This is also a very powerful navy.

His strength is also a mystery.

Although he was old at this time, no one dared to provoke his majesty.

Admiral Sengoku, the strength is also unknown.

If these two also participate in the war, there will be more attributes that can be picked up in the top war.

Of course, the layout of the Navy is much more than that.

Why is His Majesty the Seven Wuhai disgusted by the pirates.

It is because they are willing to be lackeys of the Navy and work for the Navy.

They became pirates and got a lot of convenient places.

But at the same time they also had to be ordered by the navy.

When the war begins, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai will also appear in the naval camp.

And the Whitebeard Pirates don't need much.

Although it was twilight, he was expected to sacrifice his life to fight for his son.

Such four emperors are terrifying.

Each of his subordinate captains is a very powerful existence.

The strength smashes the range of the lieutenant general above the general.

But these captains are not without the power of a battle in the face of the generals.

In this way, the battle will become more and more chaotic.

And the Whitebeard Pirates are the oldest Four Emperors.

There are countless pirate groups of large ships under his command.

At that time, it will also be an extremely powerful force.

And in addition to these two most important forces.

In the top war, there will also be prisoners from the Advance City Prison led by Luffy the Straw Hat to join.

After advancing into the city to recruit troops, the Blackbeard Pirates will also come to make trouble.

Even at the end of the battle, a group of red-haired pirates will appear.

Red-haired Shanks, Ben Beckman

These are the real top powerhouses.

Li Mu couldn't think about it anymore.

Because of the big pirate group, the hundred beast pirate group will always pay attention to this war.

At that time, if there are any variables, it is not necessary that the four emperors will end.


And the battle for the Chambord Islands was still like this.

The war on top is even more unimaginable to him.

Once the two sides fight, Li Mu will have a large number of attribute points jump out even if he does nothing.

He may just have to pretend to be an ordinary navy or pirate to get in.

He couldn't help but get excited when he thought of this.

He looked radiant.

He couldn't imagine how powerful he would be if he came out of the war on top.

I was looking forward to it.


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