Chapter Thirty-Five Unwilling Battle Peach Pill.

With the departure of the yellow ape, the Chambord Island incident also came to an end.

Straw Hat Luffy and his gang are also ready to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to quickly escape here.

Consider that the Chambord Islands are after all naval territory.

Li Mu also did not plan to stay here.

After all, he also did not want to have too much friction with the navy in the future.

There was a determined light in his eyes, looking at this ruined scene.

Just one incident in the Chambord Islands made his strength grow from an unknown person to the strength of a senior admiral.

If he could participate in the top war, it would be enough.

He thought excitedly, sure enough, only large-scale battles could help him improve the panel of the pickup system.

Only then can his strength usher in a skyrocketing skyrocket.

Li Mu reluctantly looked at the Chambordi Islands in front of him.

After all, it is a place that has brought him great benefits.

There was still a little reluctance in his heart.

But he knew he had to leave.

The Chambord Islands are truly a place of right and wrong.

After the yellow ape began to retreat, the Navy's actions were also surprisingly consistent.

At this time, the navy faded like a tide, but Zhan Taomaru, who was lying on the stretcher, had a flash of cruelty in his eyes.

Thinking about what Li Mu had done, he was unwilling to endure this breath so much.

That's five pacifists.

If Li Mu hadn't deliberately pretended to be weak, he wouldn't have been easily defeated by Li Mu for a moment.

Thinking of these war peach pills, he was even more angry.

He moved his body with difficulty and tried to stand up.

He then found that although he had suffered some injuries, they were only temporary injuries after all.

So a plan for Li Mu was quietly conceived in Zhan Taomaru's heart.

"Abominable fellow, you wait for me. "

"How could I really let you go so easily!"

Orochimaru thought viciously in his heart.

Immediately, Zhan Momomaru signaled the naval soldier carrying him to stop quickly.

The moment the stretcher stopped, he hurriedly got up.

"Uncle Yellow Ape, you guys go first. "

"I'll go and recycle the pacifists all over the Chambord Islands. "

He made an excuse and said to the yellow ape.

The yellow ape guy was originally a guy who was good at touching fish.

For Orochimaru's words, he was too lazy to think about it and didn't bother to care.

He readily agreed with Orochimaru.

He didn't want to pay attention to the guy Zhan Momomaru.

Although Orochimaru is his eldest nephew, it is only a verbal title.

Previously, Orochimaru was defeated before his eyes.

As a senior admiral of the Navy, he is naturally not good to sit idly by.

But now you're going to die yourself, and he doesn't want to care.

And the yellow ape didn't think much at all, or he was too lazy to think about it.

And after Zhan Taomaru opened the yellow ape, he also returned to the previous battlefield with a few naval soldiers.

Go and find Li Mu's footprints.

In his heart, he still couldn't bear the fact that he lost to Li Mu.

In any case, he had to make up for the humiliation.

After all, he was also appointed captain of the scientific force by the Navy because he was strong enough.

He didn't want to believe that he had really lost to an obscure pirate.

"Report! Lord Battle Momomaru, the pirate from before walked in the southeast direction. "

"He wanted to leave the Chambord Islands from Island 18. "

The scouts of the Navy hurriedly came to report.

This scout was one of the soldiers that Battle Momomaru had sent out to scout all over the island long before he left.

That's what happens now.

At this time, the reconnaissance soldier was panting, and he looked like he was rushing over.

Since this also shows that Li Mu has not gone too far.

Zhan Taomaru, who understood it, was also ready to hurry to the place where Li Mu was.

This time, he was ready to make up for the humiliation he had suffered earlier.

"Hmph, today you don't want to leave the Chambord Islands. "

Orochimaru said very grimly.

At this time, his heart had already been carried away by hatred, and no matter what, he wanted to regain his lost face in Li Mu.

After all, he was a captain of a naval science force, and he was defeated by a pirate.

Say it, can he still mess around in the navy!

At this time the Chambord Islands Island No. 18.

On the outskirts of the island is a vast sea.

The bay here is one of the places to leave the Chambord Islands.

Li Mu looked at this sea, he planned to leave the Chambordi Islands directly from here.

If he had been before, he naturally did not dare to leave alone.

The Chambord Islands are surrounded by terrifying sea kings.

But at this time, he obviously has the strength of a substitute general.

Therefore, for him, who has the strength of a substitute general, these difficulties are nothing.

His intention to leave the Chambord Islands had his own plans.

The war is about to begin, and the strength of his admiral replacement alone is completely insufficient.

He had to find a way to quickly improve his strength during this time.

At worst, the strength must be raised to the level of admiral.

That way he can protect himself in the war on top.

At this time, he had already thought of the scene of the destruction of the world during the war above.

Under the influence of the ability of the Shock Fruit, the entire Marin Fandor will vibrate.

All over and everywhere are ice cubes formed under the influence of the pheasant's fruit ability.

From time to time, fragments of magma fall in the sky.

Even the elite of the navy and pirates do not know how many casualties will be made.

This war is really very tragic.

But tragedy represents opportunity.

The Four Emperors Whitebeard and Shanks are almost certain to appear in this battle.

Then His Majesty the Seven Wuhai will also strike when the time comes.

Hundreds of vice admirals in the Navy.

The strength is comparable to the three admirals of the four emperors.

Navy hero Karp, Field Marshal Sengoku

Thinking of this, Li Mu's heart couldn't help but start to feel sad.

Just when he was feeling melancholy.

Suddenly, two lasers shot towards him.

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Mu's heart.

Didn't the yellow ape retreat with the navy?

How can there be pacifist lasers coming at him?

He didn't have time to think about it, and easily dodged the laser's attack by relying on his domineering foreknowledge.

He turned back and looked up at the three pacifists in front of him.

Isn't the Navy retreating?"

"Why are pacifists still there?"

Li Mu thought very puzzled in his heart.

You must know that the cost of pacifists is not low, and the Navy is estimated to be reluctant to throw these pacifists on the island just like that.

There must be something wrong with this.

But Li Mu didn't think much about it, because he thought of a better doctrine.

You must know that although the navy has retreated, the attributes dropped by pacifists are not ordinary.

Li Mu narrowed his eyes, ready to make a sharp profit.


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