Chapter Thirty-Six The Pacifists Dispatch All!

When I saw these three pacifists, my first thought was not danger or trouble.

It's how many attribute points these three pacifists can provide him.

After all, at this time, he was still a certain distance from the strength of the admiral.

It can be said that there is a very lack of attribute points.

And the three pacifists also gave pillows when they were sleepy.

Just in time!

In order to pick up the attributes, Li Mu decided to deal with the pacifists in front of him.

Although he was strong enough to kill pacifists in seconds, he did not do so.

I saw the laser shoot out towards Li Mu.

Li Mu jumped high and dodged.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 6,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 6,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 6,000 armed color domineering!"

The information for picking up attribute points appears again in the system.

Li Mu also had a trace of joy in his heart.

After all, no matter how few mosquitoes there are, they are meat, and these pacifists are estimated to last a long time.

At that time, he can still obtain a lot of attribute points.

It can be seen that the attribute points that have exploded now are only about six thousand.

It shows that pacifists have not yet brought out their full strength.

Li Mu clearly remembered that pacifists can hit eight thousand attribute points at most.

So Li Mu was even more calm.

If you want to eat something delicious, you need to be patient.

And now he wants more attribute points, and he also needs patience.

Sure enough, as he continued to maneuver, the situation on the field also began to change.

Originally, it was just two pacifists besieging him, but suddenly two more pacifists appeared.

And the attacks of these pacifists have changed.

No longer just use normal laser attacks as before.

The five pacifists began to cooperate.

And the laser has also been upgraded to a laser laser.

The power has increased greatly, and the most important thing is that the attribute points provided have also increased significantly.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 armed color domineering!"


A series of news came.

It is difficult for Li Mu to be unhappy.

And the offensive of these pacifists is getting faster and faster.

Not limited to remote attacks.

And pacifists began to slap him.

But these attacks were not difficult for Li Mu at this time.

The strength of the naval substitute admiral is still very good to see.

A pacifist can easily cope with his domineering sights.

Even if there are occasional attacks that cannot be avoided, he can successfully defend himself now.

After all, his armed color domineering is also a small achievement.

Compared to Kapu, the level of armed color domineering is naturally not comparable.

But it is more than enough to defend against pacifists.

A dark corner at this time.

A huge man was watching coldly the battle between Li Mu and the pacifists.

This man is no one else, it is the war peach pill who has not been very convinced by Li Mu.

At this moment, he clenched his fists, he could not think that the pacifist really could not help the person in front of him.

Even if he does it himself, it doesn't make much difference.

He originally thought that pacifists were not manipulated, and too sluggish behavior could not bring crisis to Li Mu.

But now he somewhat understood that the pirate in front of him did have some strength.

Thinking about it, Zhan Momomaru is not leaving his hand here.

He still has hole cards in his hand.

"Five is not enough, then ten are coming!"

He said viciously.

It turned out that Zhan Momomaru saw that the five pacifists were unable to help Li Mu.

Directly frowned, and moved out a full ten and peaceful footers.

"There's nothing you can do about it!"

Orochimaru thought with some excitement.

You must know that the ten pacifists are also the limit at his disposal.

Such a lineup is more than enough even if it is to draw the Chambord Islands.

"Oh, is it again?"

Li Mu thought with some surprise.

He also happens to dislike the attribute points that the five pacifists can bring is a little insufficient.

I didn't expect ten more to come.

This time, fifteen pacifists shot together, and his efficiency in picking up attribute points would be much faster.

But this was actually already expected by Li Mu.

Awakened the domineering and received many upgrades.

At this time, Li Mu's five senses and his acuteness.

He had long detected the secret war peach pill, but he was too lazy to see it.

After all, his domineering level is not low.

There is already a feeling that it can vaguely predict the future.

But in the end, it was still one step behind.

If his domineering spirit can reach the point of predicting the future in advance, then his strength is estimated to be not far off.

After pondering carefully for a moment, he understood that the guy from Zhan Taomaru was probably angry that he had lost in his own hands.

Li Mu smiled.

Orochimaru's behavior was also extremely naïve in his opinion.

It's like a child who can't beat someone else, but has to hide behind his back to take revenge.

But just like this, it could bring him enough attribute points, so he didn't think much about it.

At the moment, he just wants to spend more time with these pacifists.

He didn't intend to find out Zhan Momomaru, who was hiding behind.

In this encounter with the Chambord Islands, the pacifists were almost always under the jurisdiction of Zhan Momomaru.

Since Zhan Taomaru has such a Yaxing, he might as well accompany him to play more.

Fifteen pacifists.

At this time, the laser has formed a dead space area.

And since Li Mu did not intend to solve these pacifists, it also made him very constrained in fighting.

However, for the sake of attribute points, he endured.

Armed color domineering to the extreme, he is difficult to be harmed even if he is bathed in lasers.

Instead, attribute points are constantly exploding.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8000 agility attribute 1"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 armed color domineering!"


Messages that are picked up by attribute points are constantly floating through the system.

There is a faint tendency to be confused.

After all, that's fifteen pacifists.

It's not a joke.

Such a configuration, no matter where you go, is a very explosive existence.

You know, supernova teaming up to defeat a pacifist is so difficult.

And now Li Mu is facing fifteen pacifists.

But his heart was just excited.

After all, these are attribute points.

At this moment, Li Mu was very excited.

"Let me see how many pacifists Orochimaru can bring out!"

Li Mu thought excitedly in his heart.


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