Chapter Thirty-Nine Next Target, Organ Island!

Chambord Islands.

Island No. 18 is full of machine parts.

It's full of great pacifists.

And a young man stands in the middle of these robots.

It was obvious that the masterpiece in front of him came from the hands of this young man.

Suddenly, he flashed.

This young man was none other than Li Mu, who defeated the thirty-five pacifists.

I saw that he came directly behind Zhan Taomaru after a moment.

Zhan Taomaru originally thought that Li Mu had no idea about the behavior he had been watching behind his back.

When he found that Li Mu suddenly disappeared in a flash, he still had a trace of doubt in his heart.

But suddenly a momentum appeared behind him, which directly frightened him and sat on the ground.

It was the first time he felt so close to death.

He even felt the threat of death directly.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, and he was faintly overwhelmed.

Although he did not turn back, he also guessed who the person behind him would be.

It must be Li Mu, who suddenly disappeared before.

At this time, the navies behind Zhan Momomaru had long been so frightened that they couldn't speak.

One by one, their eyes widened and they looked at Li Mu who suddenly appeared.

Such a sudden plot made them unable to come to their senses for a long time.

These navies have long been frightened.

But in fact, only Li Mu knew that he didn't plan to take the war peach pill at all.

After all, it was because of Zhan Peach Pill that he had gained so many attribute points.

He thanked Orochimaru before it was too late?

And how will it be treated to Zhan Momomaru.

And the big gift that Zhan Taomaru gave to Li Mu was too big.

First, five pacifists were sent over.

Later, he even went down to contribute attribute points by himself.

The reason why the yellow ape made a move against Li Mu was also partly because of the war peach pill.

Now he even attacked Li Mu with a full thirty-five pacifists.

It is not an exaggeration to say that among his current strength as a substitute for the admiral, there are enough general attribute points related to Zhan Taomaru.

It was also because of the war peach pill, at this time, Li Mu had a very bold plan in his heart.

Since pacifists will only attack tirelessly.

So if he finds the stronghold of the Navy hiding pacifists

Thinking of this, Li Mu became a little excited.

"Want to live?"

Li Mu said lightly.

The voice sounded without the slightest emotion in it.

But Zhan Momomaru sounded like a scythe.

Previously, he thought that Li Mu was just a slightly stronger pirate.

At most, it is only a level with supernovae.

But with the pacifists continue to break up.

He knew that his judgment was greatly wrong.

And Li Mu's method of destroying the thirty-five pacifists moved him even more.

At this time, Zhan Taomaru also realized that there was a difference between his strength and that of Li Mu.

He was terrified of this guy who tore up thirty-five pacifists with his bare hands.

Don't dare to contradict in the slightest.

At this time, Zhan Momomaru looked trembling, and did not dare to take the slightest action.

"Tell me, pacifists are built there!"

Li Mu asked.

At this moment, Zhan Momomaru could feel that his life was threatened at all times.

I saw him repli with a little stammering.

"What do you want to do?"

After all, Battle Momomaru is the captain of the Navy's scientific troops.

The loss of forty pacifists is already a great mistake.

If this news was leaked, he believed that he would definitely become a great sinner in the Navy.

At this moment, he was a little reluctant to tell Li Mu this news.

So he asked directly.

Li Mu did not intend to hurt his life, but he could only use extraordinary means if he did not cooperate with Li Mu.

I saw that Li Mu directly pinched Zhan Taomaru's neck and lifted him up.

"You don't need to know that much, tell me if you don't want to die!"

He said with murderous intent.

Orochimaru is not stupid, knowing that life is the most important thing.

In desperation, he had to choose to tell Li Mu.

His hands kept signaling Li Mu to put him down.

Orochimaru's body is very large.

But fortunately, Li Mu's strength is very strong, coupled with a height of nearly two meters.

It is not difficult to bring up Orochimaru.

Seeing Orochimaru being lifted up like a chicken.

The navy, who had been behind Zhan Momomaru, was even more frightened.

They looked at Li Mu sluggishly, not daring to make a sound.

Li Mu finally let him go after seeing that Zhan Taomaru was willing to say where the pacifists were.

At this time, Zhan Taomaru was forced to tell Li Mu where the pacifists were.

"In... Organ Island..."

Zhan Taomaru still told Li Mu the news with a guilty mentality.

After Li Mu learned the coordinates here in the war peach pill, he did not drag mud and water.

Ignoring Zhan Taomaru and the others, he left the Chambord Islands directly.

Organ Island is a mysterious island.

Located in a sea area of the new world of the Great Route.

The island where Franky landed after being flapped by a bear was Organ Island.

The island is covered in snow and ice all year round.

The institute of Vegapunk is also located on this mysterious island.

With Li Mu also completely leaving the Chambord Islands.

The Draco incident in the Chambord Islands also ended completely.

But it ended with the Navy's failure to wipe out supernovae.

Such an outcome is absolutely unacceptable to the naval side.

At this moment, Marin Van is in the marshal room.


Sengoku slammed his fist on the table.

The matter of the Chambord Islands has long reached the ears of the Warring States.

Not long ago, he was reprimanded by the world government.

It is about Draco, and the failure of this mission has made the world government extremely angry.

At this point, Sengoku had to add a bounty to the supernova gang.

But the reasons that make Sengoku angry do not stop there.

Although the yellow ape failed the mission, it was because he met the guy Renly.

And although the yellow ape did not catch the Straw Hats gang.

But he also caught a lot of pirates, at least Ye completed the handover to the world government.

But the matter of Zhan Taomaru was finally revealed.

After all, the destruction of forty pacifists is no small matter.

This is a huge loss for the Navy.

You know, the cost of each pacifist is very expensive.

The loss of these pacifists is absolutely unacceptable to the Navy.

And Sengoku has been working on a very important thing recently.

At this important juncture, he didn't want any surprises.

But the accident still happened.

At the moment, he only hoped that the loss of forty pacifists would not affect an important war that followed.

"Mysterious pirates?"

"Not known, but very strong!"

A flash of worry flashed in Sengoku's heart.

The war was about to begin, and at this important moment, he didn't want anything to go wrong.


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