Chapter 40 Shocked by the whole world!

The time quickly came to the next day.

In just one day, the events in the Chambord Islands spread around the world with lightning speed.

"Have you heard?"

"The admirals failed to take down the guy who attacked the Draco. "

This extremely evil era is really interesting, even the generals have not been able to take them down. "

"Isn't it, can't the generals?"

"Is the supernova too strong or the general too weak?"

"Are you kidding? Do you know who is trying to save Supernova this time?

"What is the deputy captain of the Roger Pirates?"

"Isn't he going into hiding, and he actually offends the Navy for this group of supernovas?"

There is a lot of talk all over the world.

After all, it is about Draco, and people all over the world are very concerned.

This is the only time Draco has been beaten in recent years.

And the Navy's operation actually failed.

It's no wonder why everyone cares so much.

East China Sea.

Among a tavern.

A very flashy-looking tavern lady is wiping the table.

"Hey, did you hear that the supernova made a move on Draco!"

"What, dare to strike at Draco?"


The crowd in the tavern was engaged in a heated discussion about the Chambord Islands.

At this time, the hostess Marcino only cares about her own work, and does not pay attention to the discussion of everyone in the tavern.

"And the pirates who attacked the Draco are from our East China Sea, or our windmill village!"

"You wouldn't be talking about Straw Hat Luffy!"

He's too daring!"

"Even Draco dares to beat!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Marcino's wiping action also stopped.


She thought with some concern.

Immediately, Marcino stepped forward and snatched the newspaper in the hands of several people and read it.

"The lady usually doesn't care much about these things. "

"Why do you care so much today? "

The guests asked a little puzzled.

But Magino didn't care about it in the slightest, and looked at herself.

It wasn't until she saw Luffy and his gang leave the Chambord Islands safe and sound that her heart was relieved.

Seeing that even the hostess was so concerned, everyone discussed it even more unscrupulously.

"I heard that the reason why these pirates are safe and sound is because of the appearance of Hades Renly..."

"How did I hear that a mysterious pirate has appeared. "


Discussion of the events in the Chambord Islands remained high in the four seas.

It can only be said that Draco is worthy of being Draco.

As the nobles of the world, although they were given absolute rights.

But also because of this absolute right, they began to act arbitrarily.

It made the people of the entire pirate world talk about Draco incomparably.

In this incident about Draco, the people surprisingly felt that the pirates did a good job.

A tavern in the Chambord Islands.

The indigenous people here also began to discuss something.

Everyone was shocked by the admiral's miss.

After all, the opponent is just a supernova.

But as the discussion progresses, after learning of Hades Reilly's shot, as well as the mysterious pirates.

Everyone's doubts were explained.

New World.

News also came about the Chambord Islands.

For these guys in the new world.

Admirals are not an untouchable existence.

Even pirates in the New World often have friction with the level of admirals.

Because this is the territory of the Four Emperors.

But everyone was more shocked by Draco's beating.

After all, such news has not been heard of for a long time.

But this level of things is not enough to enter the eyes of the four emperors.

Admiral's confrontation with Hades Rayleigh?

I have to say that this level of confrontation in the new world does not happen every day.

But there are still sometimes.

Except for the Shanks guy.

"Hahaha, Luffy this guy!"

"It's my redhead!"

Shanks said with a laugh as he held the newspaper.

It seemed that Luffy's behavior made him feel very happy.

At this time Marin Fandor.

A day has passed since the development of events.

Sengoku also came out of his extremely angry mood.

The punishment and criticism from the world government are almost the same.

Several high-ranking naval officials were drinking tea in the marshal's room.

Although it is said that the matter passed like this.

But the Warring States were still very puzzled in their hearts.

"Yellow Ape, what do you mean?"

"Dealing with a group of supernova and still playing like this?"

Warring States said very puzzled.

He was still very clear about the strength of the yellow ape.

It's just a group of supernovae, and it stands to reason that they can all be taken down in a few breaths.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Sengoku is a little annoyed.

"Oh oh, isn't there Rayleigh blocking me all the time?"

The yellow ape also came up with his explanation.

Warring States also lost their temper after listening to it.

Reilly's strength he knows.

Even if it is the twilight West Mountain, it is not something that the yellow ape can defeat.

It is indeed very good that the yellow ape can tie with Renly.

The only thing that Warring States couldn't figure out was that the guy Reilly had originally retreated.

Actually will not hesitate to sin the navy for the sake of several supernovas.

At this time, Karp sat quietly drinking tea.

From time to time, his eyes skimmed over to the side of the Warring States.

The situation at this time is the best for Karp.

His grandson Luffy escaped capture by the Navy.

He also beat up the hateful Draco.

Thinking of this, Karp couldn't help but want to thank Renly.

"Okay, let's not talk about that. "

"There's something more important next..."

Lieutenant General Tsuru suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted everyone's conversation.

Everyone also knew what Tsuru was going to say.

At this point, Karp couldn't help but sigh.

How come it is all people related to him who make trouble for him.

Luffy's side had just stopped, and it was Ace's turn.

It turned out that Ace had been imprisoned in Advance City.

And Sengoku wants to use this opportunity to wipe out the Whitebeard Pirates.

That's why the top of the Navy was summoned here for discussion.

And at this time, the other two generals were also summoned back by the Warring States.

The screen turned to Organ Island.

Three days have passed since the events in the Chambord Islands.

At this time, a small boat landed on the shore.

A handsome-looking man disembarked.

It can be seen that he came here alone.

This person was none other than Li Mu, who was ready to come looking for a pacifist.

His purpose in coming to Organ Island was simple.

It is to use the selection weapon here to pick up attributes and improve their strength.

He also had to prepare for the war at the top of the near future.

He had a smile on his face at this time.

Only he knew that Tal was extremely grateful to Orochimaru in his heart.

If it weren't for this guy Zhan Momomaru, he really wouldn't have known that pacifist wool could still be like this.


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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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