Chapter 41 Who dares to break into Organ City!

Coming to Organ Island, Li Mu couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

This city gives him a completely different feeling than any other.

When you enter the island, you can see the towering mechanical buildings.

When Li Mu came to the city gate, he was even more amazed, how could there be such a high-tech island?

It's all cyberpunk feeling!

The whole island looks very different from the other islands in the pirate world.

It's like a high-tech city.

"What kind of man? dare to break into Organ City!"

Seeing Li Mu, an uninvited guest, the guard at the door hurriedly scolded.

The organ city is somewhat special, so outsiders are not welcome on weekdays.

But at this time, Li Mu already had the strength of a naval substitute general, and the guards were not yet able to keep him.

I saw a smile rise at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, don't blame us for not stopping down. "

The guards threatened with cold eyes.

But Li Mu still wanted to walk inside without hearing it.

This completely angered the guards.

I saw that the guards quickly drew their weapons and attacked towards Li Mu.

"If you don't listen to advice, Hugh will blame us!"

Seeing this, Li Mu did not rush to rebel against the armor, but allowed the guard's attack to easily fall on him.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up the 80 power attribute!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up the 70 power attribute!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 80 qi and blood attributes!"

The system comes out with a message.

Li Mu suddenly frowned.

This attribute point is too few to satisfy his appetite at all.

He was also not verbose, and directly punched and kicked these guards easily.

"What kind of person is this guy, actually so strong!"

The guards said with some surprise.

At this time, Li Mu had already attacked the gate of Organ Island.

"Shut the door and don't let this guy in!"

"Hurry up, someone forcibly broke into the organ island. "

The guards said anxiously.

At this time, they were already very busy.

But Li Mu looked at the heavy city gate in front of him and just smiled.

Now he has the strength of a substitute for a senior admiral.

This kind of strength is much stronger than most lieutenant generals.

I saw that the black armed color instantly covered Li Mu's fist.

He punched out hard, and the heavy city gate was suddenly broken open by him.

Seeing this, the guards around were taken aback.

They couldn't believe that the person in front of them had actually opened the city gate with just a pair of fists.

Although they were terrified, the guards knew they had to stop the guy in front of them.

So the guards rushed forward one after another and launched an offensive towards Li Mu.

But the strength of the Harmony Guard is not even comparable to some powerful pirates.

Li Mu solved them all in just a few breaths.

At this time, the movement of the city gate quickly attracted the garrison in the city.

The self-defense system of the organ island was activated, and suddenly a burst of sirens sounded.

Li Mu frowned, he didn't really like to hear such an alarm sound.

But soon his furrowed brow eased.

It turned out that because of the activation of the self-defense system, the pacifists were ready to start cleaning up Li Mu.

One after another pacifists appeared in Li Mu's field of vision.

Some flew and some came slowly from the ground.

There are fifty pacifists.

This situation is very powerful, even if the pirates of the Four Emperors level come to the atmosphere, it is enough to drink a pot.

"Fifty? It's a organ island!"

Li Mu grinned, indescribably happy in his heart.

Then he rushed towards the pacifists.

These are all attribute points, of course, it is best to start early.

As he entered the battlefield, one after another lasers suddenly shot towards him.

Fifty pacifists used lasers at the same time.

The yellow light was like a net of heaven and earth that firmly controlled Li Mu.

But Li Mu is not afraid of this laser at all, as long as he turns on the armed color domineering, he can even swim in the laser.

Sure enough, soon the news came from the system.

"Light host, pick up 6,000 power attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 7,000 qi and blood attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attribute points!"

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart.

Fifty simultaneous attacks could gain more attribute points than he expected.

After the pacifist finished shooting, he still detected that Li Mu, the guy, was still running alive.

Even this humanoid weapon was a little puzzled for a moment.

A moment later, he chose to strike at Li Mu again.

It seems that if Li Mu is not completely wiped out today, the pacifists will not choose to stop.

And Li Mu wants to be like a pacifist.

Suddenly, lasers and bullets attacked towards Li Mu frantically.

And he is constantly shuttling in this rain of bullets.

He was reluctant to fight back, even if it was an attribute point that a pacifist could provide.

The pacifists will not waver because Li Mu has been on the run, and they still attack Nero without mercy.

Some use lasers to constantly strafe Li Mu.

There were also those who teleported directly to Li Mu's side, intending to slap him away.

But these attacks were completely intimidating for Li Mu.

At this time, he saw that the domineering use of color can be said to be very skillful.

Coupled with his super agility, he can completely rely on speed to avoid pacifists.

And with a super armed color domineering, even if he can't dodge attacks, he can easily defend it.

Suddenly, three pacifists appeared in front of Li Mu.

The three pacifists slapped Li Mu in unison.


Li Mu was afraid that the attacks of these three pacifists would hurt the other party, so he directly took them down.

The huge force slammed on Li Mu's steel-like body.

It doesn't do anything at all.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 8,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, 8,000 agility attributes were picked!"

Another burst of harvesting of attribute points.

Li Mu was silent, and his eyes were as calm as water.

He was constantly shuttling among the fifty pacifists.

A large number of attribute points also poured into the door.

"This is just the beginning!"

Looking at the many pacifists in front of him, Li Mu's eyes showed expectation.

Just let him see.

This flock of leeks .... How far can you reap yourself!



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