Chapter 42: One hundred and fifty pacifists all dispatched!

As time passed, Li Mu's confrontation with pacifists also passed for a while.

Because of the delay in distinguishing the victory and defeat, the pacifists were awakened by this movement.

At this time, many pacifists in the organ city continued to wake up under this movement.


The eyes of the sleeping pacifists shone brightly.

All woke up.

When these pacifists were killed from the organ city, Li Mu found that there were hundreds of these pacifists.

His eyes lit up, and his heart was indescribably excited.

"That's more than one hundred and fifty pacifists!"

"How many attributes are you going to bring me!"

Before his excitement was over, pacifists began to attack.

Suddenly, the lasers in the sky rained down on Li Mu.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

Suddenly, countless system messages poured into Li Mu's mind like a tide.

At this point, the value of the attribute points in the system panel is increasing.

Li Mu could also vaguely sense that his strength was growing exponentially.

His heart was overjoyed.

"This trip to Organ City didn't come in vain!"

"This harvest is almost comparable to the battle of the Chambord Islands!"

He thought with some joy.

In his heart, he was more and more grateful to this guy Zhan Momomaru.

If it weren't for Orochimaru, he probably wouldn't be able to find the bug-level attribute point acquisition method of pacifist now.

At this time, Li Mu also began to sigh.

He didn't expect that his strength would increase so drastically in a short period of time.

You know, not long ago he was an unknown little pirate.

When encountering a supernova, you have to worry about whether you will lose your life.

But now he has the strength of a substitute for an admiral, let alone a supernova, and even a pacifist is treated as a toy by him.

Even if it is an attack from a senior admiral, he can take it.

And 25 He was also thinking about what to do next.

First of all, he was still unwilling to give up the top war in the near future.

That's why he is constantly improving his strength.

"It's good to find the pacifist bug!"

"Otherwise, I really don't know where to go to so many attribute points!"

Li Mu thought with some happiness.

And the truth was exactly what he thought.

Even the attribute points that a supernova-level pirate can burst out are not comparable to pacifists.

If you rely on the battle to find pirates to improve your attribute points, I don't know that you will not reach the level of a general until the year of the monkey.

And clashes between the Navy and pirates are rare.

Especially after the Great Route, there are even fewer conflicts.

In the new world, the navy can't even control it.

They also do not want to clash with the pirates of the New World.

The new world is the territory of the four emperors, but none of the pirate groups that can gain a foothold in the new world is simple.

The picture turned to the inside of the organ castle.

Because of the huge movement outside, the people inside also noticed the slightest abnormality.

Because Organ Island rarely faces this situation.

And pacifist attacks are powerful means.

Therefore, the people inside the castle are also very aware of the movement outside.

At this time, the organ island was out of the training ground.

Navy soldiers were training.

But the loud movement outside the city interrupted their training.

And the Navy is here for a reason.

The cooperation between the organ island and the navy was originally very close.

Because the pacifists produced on the island are supplied to the Navy.

There are many other high-tech products that the Navy has needed there.

So it's not surprising that the Navy would be here.

After all, the cost of pacifists is so high, and the Navy does not want any problems with pacifists when they are made.

After all, this is a thing that costs hundreds of millions.

The Warring States also specially sent some elite soldiers of the navy to guard here.

In case of accidents.

I heard that someone broke into the organ island, and it caused such turmoil.

The navy suddenly became a little angry.

Who? I don't know that this is a place protected by the Navy?

I saw that the navy who were still training suddenly walked towards the outside of the city angrily.

When they arrived at the city gates, they saw a picture that they would never forget in their lives.

A man was constantly moving under the siege of more than 150 pacifists.

This single-player vs one hundred and fifty pacifists is really powerful.

"Who is this, who can fight so many pacifists!"

"This can't be!"

"It's amazing!"

The Navy soldiers shouted excitedly.

The scene in front of them completely subverted their perception.

After all, in the hearts of these naval soldiers, pacifists are already very powerful existences.

After all, living on the organ island, they have also seen many pacifist shots.

Vice Admiral, who knew that the strength of pacifists was enough to approach the average strength.

And one hundred and fifty pacifists, what is this concept?

This is enough to destroy the strength of a kingdom.

But even a man can't help it.

At this time, Li Mu also sensed that a navy had come here.

But he didn't bother.

Because his priority now is to squeeze these pacifists dry.

There are one hundred and fifty pacifists, and every minute and every second there are attribute points in the account.

The laser in the sky has already destroyed the outside of the island.

With the naked eye, it has almost been razed to the ground.

The ground is full of scorched earth. It smells like it's burning.

The navy looked at this scene in disbelief.

One by one, their eyes widened, and they couldn't even close their mouths.

Shocked without any addition.

The scene at this time is also very amazing.

It's like Star Wars.

The laser is strafing like it doesn't want money.

A look of bullets.

You know, this is a pacifist!

Vegapunk extracted the genes of the Seven Wuhai to create a humanoid weapon!

And there are a hundred and fifty of them.

With such combat power, this man actually looked calm.

Originally, I was going to teach this guy who invaded the organ island a lesson.

But at this time, the navy had long lost the courage to strike.

Because the guy in front of you is too terrifying.

The guys who can fight a hundred and fifty pacifists back and forth, can they help?

"Is this person an intruder?"

The navy thought with some exclamation.

Great shipping route organ island.

Scorched earth and uneven potholes on the coast.

A man is constantly shuttling through a bunch of pacifists.

There were also many stunned naval soldiers in the city who looked at this scene stupidly.

At this time, the lasers in the sky are constantly scattered.

There was stubble after stubble, but he never managed to get this man. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

This man is naturally Li Mu, who wants to squeeze out the pacifist Li Mu.

At this time, Li Mu was like taking a bath in a laser.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attributes!"

Even though the battle had been going on for a long time, Li Mu still had no intention of stopping.

He was also constantly shuttling through the battle, inducing pacifists to attack him.

And these pacifists are very cooperative with his actions.

Another burst of laser shot out.

But pacifist core energies are also limited.

After all, he couldn't afford Li Mu's consumption like this.

With the passage of time, Li Mu finally wiped out the wool of these one hundred and fifty pacifists.

At this time, the energy of these humanoid weapons was constantly depleted.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 1000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 500 qi and blood attributes!"

The attribute points he could pick up were shrinking visibly with the naked eye.

"Is it still going to end?"

He thought a little unwillingly.

At this time, these humanoid weapons were so tired that they had no energy at all.

Directly fall to the ground one by one.

Li Mu suddenly felt very unhappy in his heart, and he also wanted more attribute points.

After all, there were not many opportunities to easily obtain attribute points like this, and Li Mu naturally didn't want to let go of this opportunity so easily.

He also wanted to find more pacifists on the island.

I saw that he came to the city in an instant and directly grabbed the neck of a naval soldier.

He grabbed the navy soldier by the neck and began to question.

"Are there more pacifists here!"

The naval soldiers were stunned when they heard this, but when they thought of the horror of the man in front of them, they scattered and fled.

Li Mu didn't choose to pay attention to it after looking at it.

These naval soldiers can't provide the attribute points he wants,

He continued to look coldly at the navy who was pinched by him.

"Most of the pacifists who have been created have already been put into the Navy. "

"There are probably no more pacifists left in this organ castle. "

The pinched naval soldier hurriedly explained.

Li Mu saw his panic and believed that he did not dare to deceive himself.

And chose to believe him.

And he made such a big fuss about the island, and no more pacifists came out to stop him.

He was also convinced of what this naval soldier said.

Because he knew that the war on top was about to begin.

It is also reasonable that the Warring States have transferred all the pacifists back.

He immediately let the navy soldier go.

He didn't have to do some unnecessary killing.

For him, it was enough to get attribute points.

There is a very important reason why Li Mu has been looking forward to the top war.

As the largest war since the beginning of the Age of Exploration, there is no need to say the gold content of the top war.

At that time, his most lacking tricolor domineering will also be replenished.

After all, even a vice admiral or captain is a good hand to use domineeringly.

And Whitebeard's fruit ability has been hungry for a long time.

Whitebeard's Shock Fruit is very powerful.

Even if the Shock Fruit cannot be picked, it is estimated that there will be no fewer Devil Fruit attribute points that can be provided.

Thinking of this, Li Mu was even more looking forward to the war.

But at the moment, his strength is still lacking, and it is not an easy task to participate in the top war.

After all, it was a war between the Four Emperors and the entire navy.

If his strength is insufficient, it is estimated that he can only be used as cannon fodder at that time.

Li Mu tried to squeeze his fist, and he found that his strength seemed to have improved a lot.

So he couldn't wait to open the panel to see his properties.

【Character: Lin Yan】

【God-level Pickup System】

【Qi: LV80(686W/800W)】

【Power: LV81(520007W/810W)】

【Agility: LV80 (635W/800W)】

【Physical surgery: LV85(459W/750W)】

【Swordsmanship: LV35 (439W/350W)】

【Seeing and smelling domineering: LV50 (265W/500W)】

【Armed color domineering: LV51 (415W/510W)】

【Overlord color domineering: LV1 (0/10W)】

【Sparkling fruit: LV7(0/10W)】

【Comprehensive evaluation: Admiral】

Seeing that the strength came to the admiral, Li Mu was shocked in his heart.

"I didn't expect this pacifist to be so useful!"

"Attribute points have actually been improved so much!"

Li Mu said with some joy.

But after thinking about it, he had some understanding.

Because the admiral as the highest combat power of the navy.

His current situation is obviously still some distance away from reaching the strength of the admiral.

After all, his fruit ability development is still insufficient.

The only explanation is that there is also a gap in strength between admirals.

It is divided into three, six and nine.

Because the strength of the yellow apes and red dogs and green pheasants is completely beyond his current match.

But now the three admirals of the Navy belong to the very outstanding generation of the Navy's successive admirals.

It will show that there is still a gap between his strength and the general.

He understood that he was now a preliminary step into the ranks of the general level.

It's a first glimpse.

But after all, the admiral is a ceiling-level combat power, and it is already very good that he can reach the first glimpse at this time.

At least there is a certain self-preservation power on this sea.

"Sure enough, the war on top is the most important thing!"

Li Mu thought with a frown.

He understood where the gap between him and the three admirals of the Navy lay now.

Although his tricolor domineering is already beginning to be used, his proficiency is not high.

Moreover, the attribute points of the three-color domineering and devil fruit are more difficult to pick up.

So he still lacks in these aspects.

"It seems that we still have to wait for the war. "

"These pacifists can offer good attributes though. "

"But after all, it still can't provide the attributes of the three-color domineering and devil fruit. "

Li Mu looked at it in his heart.

He knew that if he wanted to gain more power, he would have to wait for the war in the near future.

At that time, countless strong people will make a move.

Which one is not a skilled long-range user of the tricolor domineering.

And then the owner of the devil fruit will be like a cabbage.

I can't even count it.

Although it is said that the strength of the beginner general level.

But Li Mu squeezed his fists, and his heart was full of confidence.

For the next top war, he has a little more confidence.

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