Chapter 43 Prepare for the top war and join the Whitebeard Pirates

As the pacifists were squeezed dry, Li Mu also left Organ Island.

But at this time, there is still some time before the start of the war on top.

He had to do something while it was time.

So he chose to enter the new world.

After all, his strength has reached the level of admiral, even if there is some moisture in it, but he is also a admiral.

Although it is impossible to walk sideways in the new world, it is still not a big problem to achieve self-preservation.

Dadalidara Islands.

It is a mysterious island located in the New World.

The island is located a little further out of the New World and falls under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Li Mu decisively chose to enter the island.

Even if you can't get enough attribute points, it's good to get some useful information.

After all, the conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy is about to begin.

At this time, Ace is estimated to have been imprisoned in the prison of Advance City.

The Navy is also expected to issue a worldwide announcement soon.

It's time to execute Fire Fist Ace.

Li Mu knew that the war on top would soon come.

But at this time, he did not know much about the layout of the top war.

Although I know the general experience.

But in such a large-scale war, he also has his rules in it.

Moreover, the current Li Mu lacks an opportunity and identity to appear.

On the island, no one came out to stop it.

Sure enough, there is still a certain gap between the islands under the jurisdiction of the pirates and the jurisdiction of the navy.

Although the island is also inhabited by some people, there is also trade.

But the jurisdiction over outsiders is not too strict.

On the one hand, the management of their own island is not strict.

On the other hand, without the support of the world government, the economic situation of this island is not as good as that of the navy.

Therefore, a large number of businessmen are needed to drive the development of the island's economy.

At this time, there are many places on the island with stalls.

These vendors also look very vicious.

After all, it is an island under the rule of pirates, and it is still a little difficult to mix without some strength.

Li Mu came to a more prosperous place.

It's full of people.

On this street, he found a recruitment message.

The recruitment information is hung on a bulletin board, which can be seen as one of the means used by the Whitebeard Pirates to manage the island.

At this time, many people gathered around, all paying attention to this recruitment information.

And the recruitment information is very simple.

It is a group called the Ice Witch Pirates who are recruiting members.

"Ice Witch Pirates?"

"Does New World have this pirate group?"

Li Mu frowned and pondered.

He hadn't heard of this pirate group, and he couldn't remember this pirate group.

Although he is a veteran sea fan, he has not reached the point where everything is clear.

So Li Mu also began to inquire about this so-called ice witch pirate group.

Under his inquiring, he learned that this Ice Witch Pirate Group was actually a large ship group under the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

And it has been established for a very long time.

He is one of the 43 large ship regiments of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Ice Witch Pirates!

And Captain Ice Witch was one of the pillars of the Whitebeard Pirates at the beginning of its establishment.

When she was qualified to serve as the main force of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marko was only a small intern.

The Whitebeard Pirates are terrible.

Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, is known as the world's first man.

He is one of the powerhouses of the old era of pirates.

As early as the time of Rocks, his name had spread throughout the sea.

After Roger opened the Age of Exploration, he deservedly became the emperor of the sea.

It is known as one of the Four Emperors.

Whitebeard is the oldest of the Four Emperors.

Although as time went by, he also gradually got older.

But even the white beard of the West Mountain at dusk no one dares to mess with it.

Over the years, his position as the Four Emperors has never been shaken.

And since this ice witch followed Whitebeard very early, it seems that her strength will not be too bad.

And this so-called Ice Witch Pirate Group seems to have a lot of connection with the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

"Oh, is it someone from the Whitebeard Pirates'?"

Li Mu thought thoughtfully.

Then he had a bold plan.

He is ready to join this group of ice witch pirates.

And his purpose is simple, naturally to top the war.

After all, the top war is a battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy.

He is neither a pirate nor a navy, and it is difficult to join this battle.

At the moment, he just lacked a chance to join the top war.

If he joins the Ice Witch Pirates, won't this opportunity come?

Li Mu thought happily.

What a sleepy pillow came!

He was still wondering in what capacity he was going to join in this long-lasting battle.

Fortunately, Mimi's picking attribute point quietly on the side.

Unexpectedly, a perfect identity came to him.

If he could join the Top War with the Ice Witch Pirates, he would only have to play as an ordinary pirate.

At that time, no matter how brutal the killings were, it had nothing to do with him.

All he had to do was follow the Whitebeard Pirates to kill together.

With his current strength, he can be completely comfortable in this war.

And because of his status as an ordinary pirate, no strong person will attack him.

Thinking about this, Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart.

At this time, the conditions for participating in the top war were all made up by him.

All he needs now is patience.

After all, the Ice Beauty Pirate Group is a large ship group under Whitebeard.

But his strength is the level of a senior admiral.

As long as he exerts a little strength, it will not be too difficult to get the chance to enter the Ice Witch Pirates.

Of course, he was not prepared to show too much strength.

After all, in that case, it is very likely to be targeted.

Even if it is doubted, then it will not be worth the loss.

Originally, Li Mu planned to pretend to be a naval soldier to participate in this battle.

But he really didn't expect that he would be discovered by pacifists.

But pirates are different.

Pirates are originally a very casual identity, and they do not need to be recognized by the world government.

As long as he wants, he can immediately become a pirate.

In this way, there is no risk of being identified.

But joining the Whitebeard Pirates, there is a very troublesome problem.

"The big ship group that joined the Whitebeard Pirates doesn't know if you want to recognize your father?"

"If you recognize your father, forget it. "

Li Mu thought thoughtfully.

The Whitebeard Pirates are famous though.

But he didn't want to have an extra dad out of thin air.

But in the end, it was just a spit in Li Mu's heart.

He probably won't even see the face of the white beard.

Not to mention recognizing your father.

Even if he can successfully join, it is estimated that he will only be an ordinary pirate.

"Let's go check it out first!"

Li Mu came to the recruitment office, and the figure dangled around.

It can be seen that there are still many people who want to join the Ice Witch Pirates.

After all, the reputation of the Whitebeard Pirates is outside.

Therefore, it is reasonable to have a little more people to participate in the recruitment. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The Whitebeard Pirates are the oldest Four Emperors Pirates in the New World.

As early as the Rocks era, the pirate group, which was already on its own, naturally has no bad reputation.

It is also an existence that all major forces are extremely fearful.

It is definitely one of the strongest forces in the world of sea thieves.

And some ordinary pirates do not want to lean on such a tree.

It's good to take shade under the big tree, and it's the same to join the Whitebeard Pirates.

When others know that you are a pirate affiliated with the Whitebeard Pirates, they will also respect you a little more.

The most important thing is that the pirates often fight, and at this time, if you can move out the identity of the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It is very likely that he can save his life in a time of crisis.

After all, it is the subordinates of the sea overlord Whitebeard.

And the white-bearded short protection is famous.

Now that such an opportunity is in front of you, how can you not cherish it?

Although the Whitebeard Pirates are gradually aging because of Whitebeard, their influence is constantly declining.

But even so, the influence of the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World is still very huge.

After all, as the oldest group of pirates of the Four Emperors.

The Whitebeard Pirates' heritage is very powerful.

In addition to the captain, Whitebeard was once a strong man in the Rocks era.

The captains on the main ship are also powerful pirates.

Not to mention that there are 43 large ship regiments under the Whitebeard Pirates.

If these large ship groups are placed in the first half of the great voyage, they will also be a solitary pirate group.

And the Ice Witch Pirates are one of the big ship groups.

Although it was only a large ship group, Li Mu understood that after joining, there was definitely a chance to participate in the top war.

After all, in the top war, he clearly remembered that the Whitebeard Pirates and the large ship regiment under him were all involved.

Because of the influence of the Whitebeard Pirates.

So there was a scene where everyone rushed to join the Ice Witch Pirates.

But if you want to join the Ice Witch Pirates, you definitely need to be extraordinary.

The first thing to consider is naturally strength.

Strength is the last word in the pirate world.

If you have enough strength, you can naturally join the Ice Witch Pirates.

At this time, there is a recruitment officer of the Ice Witch Pirate Group in the recruitment office.

And the recruiter is an obese man.

It looks very large.

Even just by looking at his size, you can tell that his strength should not be too bad.

The means of recruitment is to let these people who participate in the recruitment do it by attacking him.

This recruiter is able to wield armed domineering.

I am very confident in my defensive capabilities.

He calmly took people's attacks and gave evaluations.

The evaluation standard is a criterion called Daoli.

Only guys who get enough Dao power evaluation when a punch is smashed on him are eligible to join the Ice Witch Pirates.

Li Mu smiled when he heard this.

He was very worried about whether his punch would kill this recruiter.

Will he be recruited or hunted down?

But he didn't want to reveal his strength.

In the end, it was decided to set aside some of the strength in the assessment.

He didn't want to be a conspicuous bag.

It seems that this recruiter is very confident in his strength.

It would actually recruit pirates in this way.

But in general, it can also be seen that the use of armed color domineering is enough to become a qualified pirate in the new world.


"Isn't this the setting that the old thief Oda once abandoned?"

"I didn't expect to appear here!"

Li Mu complained in his heart.

The setting of Daoli was originally similar to a bounty to evaluate a person's strength.

Once appeared on the owl of the water capital.

But it doesn't matter if you use it or not.

Because Li Mu knew that he punched down, the recruiter in front of him was likely to be unable to stand it.

In this way, this recruitment method really made Li Mu feel a little happy in his heart.

Why didn't you let Karp give you a punch to try when you tested it so accurately?

And this is also what the pirates who participated in the assessment thought.

Isn't this looking down on people!

"Good fellow, the setting that was originally abandoned actually appeared in the new world!"

"It's also used by you as a means of recruiting new students!"

Li Mu smacked his lips and thought in his heart.

Think about it, if the setting of Daoli is not used in the new world, it is still very reasonable not to use on those first-line powerhouses.

As far as this link is concerned, it is indeed possible to quickly screen out a large number of unqualified guys.

Therefore, Li Mutuo also agrees with this screening model.

But this setting really can't be expanded.

If it is unfolded, the combat effectiveness assessment system is estimated to collapse in minutes.

Isn't the reason why the combat effectiveness of countless works collapsed because there are numerical values to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the characters.

But the combat effectiveness of a character must also be divided into time and occasion.

It can't always be a state.

Therefore, the setting of Daoli is only applicable to the situation in front of you.

After introducing the method of this assessment, another person who was also very obese walked out.

Just now that is the recruiting officer, and this is the referee of this recruitment.

I saw the referee swing his fist vigorously, and a punch smashed on the recruiter's body.

The fat meat under the blessing of armed color domineering was like a piece of iron, and there was no movement at all.

"The Dao power of the ordinary navy is 10, and the attack Dao power of this examiner just now is 100."

The recruiter said.

After hearing this, everyone around them began to talk about it.

"Doesn't that seem to be very difficult?"

"Are the soldiers of the Navy so weak?"

"A hundred power is estimated to be not difficult!"

The guys who came to participate in the recruitment talked about it.

In their opinion, which blow just now was mediocre.

It doesn't seem to be particularly difficult to reach.

"It seems that I can join the Whitebeard Pirates!"

"It's good that I came to participate in this recruitment, otherwise there would be no place to regret it!"

The pirates said happily.

They all felt that this assessment would not be too difficult.

After all, even the referee can only play with such strength.

And once you join the Whitebeard Pirates, it is a turning point in your life.

And the referee who punched had already retreated to the side at this time.

I saw him crossed his waist, his eyes looking at these guys involved in recruitment like a play.

"Don't see that I only have more than a hundred points of Dao power. "

"You'll look good later!"

"You have no idea how big the gap is with me!"

He shook his head and thought no.

After all, it was his all-out blow before.

The other party was because he used the original of the armed color domineering, and his blow looked mediocre.

But this is by no means the case.

"The 10-point qualification examination begins. "。

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