Chapter 44 The audience was shocked, and the strength of this newcomer was a bit outrageous.

With the referee's order, the assessment officially began.

The first person began to step forward.

It was a man with long hair, and his face was full of confidence.

After watching the previous demonstration, his confidence exploded.

He thought it was easy to reach a hundred.

I saw that he had enough strength and thought of the examiner with all his strength.

But his fist was like hitting an iron plate, and it did not have the slightest effect on the examiner.

On the contrary, his face was very ugly, with a livid face.

It is not difficult to see that he has received a lot of resistance in the shot just now.

At this time, he only felt the incomparable pain in his fist.

The referee apparently noticed this scene as well, and he just smiled and didn't say more.

"8 o'clock, fail, next!"

The referee said flatly.

He had seen too many people like this one before.

They all thought they were strong enough, but they didn't know that they were just sitting in the well and watching the sky.

Therefore, the referee did not take him to heart.

And those who failed the test knew that they were humiliated, but they also chose to quit.

As he left, the people behind him followed.

"6 o'clock, unqualified!"

"7 o'clock, qualified!"

"8 o'clock. Unqualified!"

After a series of fifty or sixty tests, none of them exceeded 10 points.

It can be seen that the qualifications of naval soldiers are really not low.

After all, these people are also people who are more confident in themselves.

I also thought that I could join the Ice Witch Pirates, but I couldn't imagine that they couldn't even meet the qualifications of naval soldiers.

At this time, the referee, who had been watching everyone's strength on the side, shook his head.

Originally, he still had a trace of expectation, but now reality has taught him a hard lesson.

It seems that it is not so simple to find people who have reached the qualifications of naval soldiers.

"You guys really disappointed me. "

"Not a single passing person. "

"Just like you, you still want to join our Ice Witch Pirates?"

The referee said angrily.

After all, in order to recruit powerful pirates, they have also taken great pains.

In Whitebeard's territory, people are sent everywhere to recruit pirates.

But even if you need to meet the same qualifications as a naval soldier, it is like a big wave.

It is no wonder that the navy can stand for more than 800 years without falling. 980

It turns out that most of those who are talented have already been recruited by the Navy.

Under such circumstances, there are definitely very few pirates who can become famous.

If it weren't for Roger's words, it would have opened the Age of Discovery.

I don't know what the situation will be on the pirate side now.

It is estimated that the situation of the pirates will not be as optimistic as it is now.

There will be no supernovae.

But this can't be blamed on the referees and examiners, let alone on the Ice Witch Pirates.

The New World is an extremely sinister place, and even the strong can lose their lives in this place.

Not to mention these ordinary people.

Wanting to go to sea in the new world is not as simple as they think.

Therefore, for the sake of these people's lives, dishes that are too poor in Daoli will not be chosen.

But the referee and the examiner really did not expect that dozens of people would be tested with a face, and none of them passed the assessment.

At this time, hearing the referee's words, everyone suddenly became angry in their hearts.

But even so, they did not dare to show it.

A look that dares to be angry and does not dare to speak.

Seeing the appearance of everyone, the referee was even more disappointed.

But considering everyone's feelings and self-esteem, he still patiently explained.

"This is already the minimum requirement, otherwise even if you really join the Ice Witch Pirates, you will only be cannon fodder. "

And the referee's explanation is indeed very reasonable.

New World is not a place to play.

If you don't pay attention, you can lose your life.

The strength of these people seems to be relatively poor, but when there is a real battle, it will be a fatal thing.

That's why they don't want to lower their requirements easily.

Because this is already the minimum, this is the Dao power requirement to survive in the hands of naval soldiers.

Compared with the big waves of the new world, it is so simple to go to sea.

At this time, after listening to the test, the people who participated in the test also lowered their heads, and they were also willing to admit that their strength was not good.

It is also recognized that the referee's reluctance to give them a pass is for their own good.

I was suddenly ashamed of my previous anger.

I don't think the pirates of the New World are so good.

After a long period of screening (CFBB) could not find the right person.

The referees and examiners were also a little disappointed, they took so long. But nothing was gained.

But when they thought about it, they were relieved.

Even their kind of existence seems to be a miscellaneous in the Ice Witch Pirates.

Wasn't it also picked out of thousands of choices.

It's not that simple to find someone with good talent.

What's more, they are recruiting independently, and some powerful estimates will not come.

Most of the guys who came were just guys with a hint of luck in their hearts

"I'm afraid I won't be able to pick the right person today. "

I was afraid that I said with some embarrassment.

Just as the examiner and referee were ready to leave.

Li Mu just walked up.

"It's finally me!"

Li Mu said.

Seeing that there was another person who wanted to participate in the test, the referee and the examiner looked at each other.

The heart is full of disdain.

After all, so many people have not been able to test the right person before.

Now there is only one last one left, and they have no hope.

The two already looked a little unwilling to test.

"Or you go back, this test is not as simple as you think." "

The referee said seriously.

The examiner on the side had already put on his clothes and agreed with the referee's point of view, only to see that he also chose to follow and nodded.

At this time, the people who failed the previous test are still here and have not left.

Everyone looked at Li Mu and did not report any hope in their hearts.

In their eyes, the young man in front of them is just a little handsome.

Other aspects do not see the possibility of any strong person at all.

"Try it, how do you know if you don't try?"

Li Mu said a little playfully.

Seeing Li Mu's appearance, the referee and the examiner also sighed.

I had to test Li Mu at the end.

After all, this is their job, and they, as members of the Ice Witch Pirates, must respect their work.

This time they came to recruit new crew.

I saw that the examiner once again took the posture used for the assessment.

And the referee on the side is also ready.

"You know the previous rules, just come on. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"More than ten Dao power, you can join the Ice Witch Pirate Group,"

The referee said.

I saw Li Mu slowly step forward.

"It's finally started. "

Although the test began, Li Mu did not intend to flaunt his strength.

After all, if the strength is too strong, it will inevitably arouse suspicion.

It is possible that when the war begins, it will be pulled directly to the front.

All he wanted was to join the top war and silently pick up attribute points in the back.

Instead of directly killing yourself to the front line to fight.

I saw Li Mu unhurriedly coming to the examiner.

The corners of his mouth showed a faint smile.

Discerning people can see that his confidence is sufficient.

In that moment, the referee also had the feeling that this guy must be able to pass.

But the referee didn't know that his feelings could be said to be completely right.

Li Mu raised his hand and did not exert his armed domineering, otherwise the examiner in front of him would definitely be seriously injured by him.

But even an ordinary fist Li Mu left a lot of strength.

He casually punched the examiner.

When that power came, the examiner's face changed instantly.

He could clearly feel that the strength of the person in front of him was even stronger than he expected.

"Daoli, 1!"

The referee looked at the scene in front of him, his hands were full of disbelief, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Although he said that the Dao power was a little higher than him, it still shocked him very much.

What he didn't know was that the reason why he typed the number 101 was just for Li Mu to test his strength.

He wanted to test his ability to control power.

In order to test his ability to control points, Li Mu deliberately typed the number 101.

And the choice of this number is also his consideration.

He not only wants to pay attention to the ice witch pirate group, but also wants to fall in love with the war again.

Then this number is definitely the most appropriate.

Because he just surpasses the referee, he will be considered to be stronger than him.

But it is not too much, and it will not be a person who is too strong to control.

But even so, the scene was still in an uproar.

You must know that after testing so many people before, none of them can reach ten points of Dao power.

And Li Mu, this guy, came up with the Dao power of 101.

This shocked everyone.

It also caused an uproar and discussion now.

At this time, the referee and the examiner looked at each other, and both of them were shocked in their hearts.

The referee thought to himself that the Dao power point of 101 seemed to be only a little higher than him.

But who is he?

He is the mainstay of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In the Whitebeard Pirate Group Big Ship Regiment, he is also the number one figure in the Ice Witch Pirate Group.

In many cases, it is the existence of the main force.

Now this guy has even higher Dao power than him.

The Dao power points that he worked hard to play were originally intended to give a demonstration to these people who participated in recruitment.

I didn't think about the possibility of being overtaken.

Now it will actually be cracked so easily by the person in front of him.

No wonder the referees and examiners were so surprised.

"Just kidding!"

The referee's face couldn't help but twitch twice.

The situation at this time really shocked him.

"I didn't expect that there was a guy with a higher Dao power than you!"

The examiner also looked incredulous.

The moment Li Mu's punch hit his body, he faintly sensed a feeling that something was not quite right.

Sure enough, this guy's Dao power points are a little more than he thought.

At this time, the referee and the examiner looked tense, obviously the two had not yet come out of the shock.

The faces of everyone who had remained in place at this time were also full of shock and puzzlement.

This test of Daoli seems to be very simple.

But only those who have experienced it firsthand like them understand.

Hitting 101 is a ton of difficulty.

With all their strength, they could only barely hit single-digit Dao power.

The Dao power of 8 and 9 points has already been counted as the top of the sky.

But the man in front of him actually hit the 101 Dao power so easily.

They were deeply aware of the difficulty of this matter, and they were shocked.

After a period of shock, everyone also eased up.

The referee was the first to react.

Previously, they had tested so much that they could not find a suitable candidate.

Now there is actually a player who bursts out 101 powers, how can this make him unhappy.

The referee and the examiner quickly took the initiative to paste it.

They are happy to be able to recruit a strong person today.

So the two quickly asked Li Mu about some basic information.

The two were very enthusiastic, and asked Li Mu's name and where they came from while greeting.

Li Mu knew that although his performance was very good, the two examiners were probably also satisfied with their performance.

But these basic situations still cannot be problematic.

After all, the other party is under the command of the Whitebeard Pirates, and there must be requirements for some basic situations.

So Li Mu did not hide it.

Told the two of them their basic information, but some of the more critical places were still hidden.

"My name is Li Mu and I'm from the Chambord Islands. "

He first explained some basic information.

"Actually, I have long admired the Whitebeard Pirates, and I passed by here and learned that the Whitebeard Pirates were recruiting. "

"I thought that the Big Ship Group also belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates, so I really wanted to join. "

With a smile on his face, he showed an expression of wanting to join in, if you want to investigate this thing, although it is better to investigate, Li Mu is not worried at all.

The referee and examiner were more satisfied after hearing this.

Because they can be sure that the guy in front of them is probably not too much of a problem.

So the two Ye showed a happy face.

When Li Mu saw that he was almost talking, he stopped.

He thought about it or decided to ask the doubts in his mind.

"I heard that the Whitebeard Pirates have a tradition of recognizing their father, I don't know if it's true?"

He consulted thoughtfully.

After the two examiners listened, they smiled.

They also saw what Li Mu was thinking at a glance.

"That's for the people who once boarded the Moby Dick. "

"It has nothing to do with those of us who can't even see Daddy's face. "

"You don't have to worry. "

And Li Mu heard it.

He nodded.

It seems to be the truth!.

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