Chapter 45 The Hundred Beasts Regiment is coming, and suddenly encounters Drought Jack!

A few days passed, and the sea was calm.

There was no particular conflict.

The activities of the navy have also decreased, and conflicts with pirates are completely non-existent.

There is no prelude to the impending war.

After a few days, Li Mu naturally successfully joined the Ice Witch Pirate Group.

In the past few days, he has sailed the New World with the Pirates.

He also discovered the horror of the current new world calm.

But he also understands that the calmer the sea, the more turbulent the waves are hidden.

And the waves-waves will only become more turbulent.

A sharp color flashed in his eyes.

He is not worried about the waves on the sea - rough.

On the contrary, the bigger the trouble, the happier he is.

Only enough contradictions and strong enough collisions can allow him to gain more attribute points.

This is also Li Mu's eternal goal.

At this time, he and the Ice Witch Pirates are sailing in a sea area of the New World.

The crew fell asleep because of the recent peace.

A while ago, the Ice Witch Pirates went to sea to trade arms.

Li Mu, who had just boarded the boat, naturally followed this action.

But things that have not been smooth sailing in the past, this time it has become very smooth.

Although I was very puzzled in my heart, I didn't think much about it.

Only when the navy is asleep.

And under such circumstances, the Ice Witch Pirate Group is also fully loaded.

At this time, the pirate ship is full of arms, and if it can be successfully traded, it will be a lot of wealth.

The ice witch Waitibé looked at the arms in front of her, and her face also showed a smile.

Such a smooth trip to the sea has not been experienced for a long time.

Therefore, her heart was inevitably a little happy.

These arms are very powerful, and it is a very good choice to keep for your own use or choose to sell.

At this time, Li Mu was also on the ship, and he was lying on the deck by the side of the ship.

Although he also looks like he is sleeping, he is still keeping an eye on his captain.

After all, whether he can successfully participate in the top war as a member of the Ice Witch Pirate Group in the future depends on this captain.

He naturally did not dare to be careless.

He also noticed that the captain seemed to be in a particularly good mood, smiling all day.

But it just so happened that at this time, something seemed to appear above the distant sea.

The ice witch Waitibé apparently noticed this change.

Her heart clicked.

Immediately hurriedly woke up all the people who were resting.

At this time, they were already preparing to return to the sea area under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates, and they were only one step away from successfully returning.

But I didn't expect such a thing to happen at such an emergency.

As the two sides kept getting closer, they finally saw what was on the other side.

It turned out to be a huge mammoth ship.

The face of the ice witch Waidibei suddenly changed.

Seeing that the mammoth ship in front of her worried her.

And the reason is that Mammoth ships are also very famous in the New World.

Drought Jack, one of the three plagues under the command of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

Although the ice witch Waitibé is the captain of the large ship group, she also followed Whitebeard on the Moby Dick in her early years.

However, there is still a gap in strength compared with the three plagues.

"Arms of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Hmph, I laughed!"

Drought Jack said arrogantly.

At this time, the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates behind Jack also showed a very proud smile.

After all, it was Lord Drought Jack, one of the three plagues, who led them.

Taking down a large ship regiment of white-bearded pirates is not an easy task.

They all looked confident.

Not long ago, Jack got news that the Whitebeard Pirates had made an arms deal.

And it will pass through the sea area under the jurisdiction of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

So Jack waited here for a long time.

As for the consequences, he was not afraid of drought, Jack.

But fortunately, it was not the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates who came.

It is the Big Ship Regiment Ice Witch Pirate Group.

Although the reputation of the ice witch Waitibey is also the number one figure in the new world.

But for Drought Jack, it can still be treated as if it does not exist.

After all, he is one of the three major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and his strength naturally has nothing to say.

And also as the Four Emperors Pirate Group, the contradiction between the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the Whitebeard Pirate Group can be said to have been a long-standing grudge.

Both sides hate each other.

Conflicts often break out in the competition for territory and the grabbing of materials.

Now, Drought Jack has blocked the Ice Witch Pirates, who are slightly inferior to him.

Naturally, he would not let go of this opportunity easily.

"Uncomfortable? How happy I am if you are not uncomfortable!"

Jack thought excitedly in his heart.

It turned out that the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Group also often did things to rob the materials of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Therefore, the grudge between the two has been for a long time, and it can be said that it is impossible to reconcile.

That's why Jack is so happy at this moment.

At this time, the members of the Ice Witch Pirate Group also woke up.

It was a surprise to see the mammoth ship in the distance.

This iconic vessel quickly made them understand who was coming.

"No! It's Drought Jack!"

"Captain, why are the people from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group here!"

The members of the Ice Witch Pirate Group looked shocked.

After all, the other party is one of the three major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

It was reasonable for the crowd to be so frightened.

Although it is said that they have their backs to the Whitebeard Pirates.

But the other party is also under the command of the Four Emperors.

And it is also one of the three disasters.

They understood that there was still a gap between the strength of their large ship group and the pirate group led by the Three Calamities.

And it is estimated that the captain ice witch Waitibé will not be Drought Jack's opponent.

Thinking about this, everyone who was originally full of confidence began to worry uncontrollably.

At this time, the ice witch Waitibé had also noticed the arrival of Drought Jack a long time ago.

Her heart was also very uneasy.

One of the three major Kanban boards against the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

The odds of winning on their side are slim.

"Damn, how could they show up here!"

The ice witch Waitibé said with some chagrin.

After all, they would have been able to resist the waters of the Whitebeard Pirates immediately.

At that time, even Jack, who was one of the three plagues, did not dare to make an easy move against them.

The captains of each team can also provide support as soon as possible.

But now after all, it is not in the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It was extremely difficult for them to convey the news, let alone have a captain come to support.

At this time, Jack's eyes lit up, and he was very bold.

"Bring me the boat over!"

He said confidently.

And this is Jack, the king of boats.

No matter who the opponent is, his first thing to do is to pull the ship over. 、

Just when everyone in the Ice Witch Pirate Group was worried, Li Mu also discovered this scene.

His eyes lit up immediately.

"Oh, going to fight?" (read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction!)

He had waited too long for this moment.

Because the sea has been calm for the past few days, his system has not recorded attribute points.

In this way, he was a little afraid that the system would rust.

Fortunately, there will be a battle soon.

And both sides are among the top pirate groups in the new world.

It is estimated that the attribute points are not ordinary when it comes to hand-to-hand.

Thinking of this, Li Mu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

The originally calm mentality in his heart also quietly changed.

After all, the strength of both sides is very strong, and the next attribute point is estimated to be indispensable.

The Ice Witch Pirates are one of the large ship groups under the Whitebeard Pirates.

Although it is also a well-known pirate group in the New World, its strength is also a very high existence.

It is one of the most powerful pirate groups in the New World.

But the opponent is one of the three major Kanban boards under the Hundred Beast Pirate Group after all.

Obviously, there is still a big gap between the Ice Witch Pirate Group and the Mammoth Pirate Group.

After all, the opponent is one of the three major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Drought Jack, known as the Three Plagues.

His strength is completely against Marko, Joz and others of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Waitibe also understands this deeply.

The other party is the three plagues that are level with the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Ice Witch Pirates want the next battle to be very difficult.

At this time, his brows were also deeply frowned.

To put it bluntly, the gap in strength between the two sides is too large.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group was originally known for its physical strength.

No matter how powerful the attack, it is difficult to deal damage to the alliance.

Many people in the pirate group have mastered the demon fruit of the animal line.

Many people are even the devil fruits of ancient animal species.

Dealing with them can be described as a very headache.

Waitibé clearly understands this.

She didn't feel that her attack would necessarily cause too much damage to the guys with ancient species.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment Mammoth Regiment here, all of them are ready to attack.

They didn't seem to put the Ice Witch Pirate Group in their eyes.

Because they are a direct pirate group of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

It is led by Drought Jack.

And the other party is just a large ship group of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Under such a gap, the people of the Mammoth Regiment could not look at each other, which was a sure thing.

At this time, Jack stood at the bow of the boat, his eyes full of disdain.

He didn't put the pirate group in front of him at all.

He was originally a character who was not afraid of heaven and earth.

Not to mention the big ship regiment of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even if the warships of the Navy are here, there are Kapu Sengoku Tsuru staff officers on it, and his choice of ships will not change much.

At this time, under Jack's order, the ship also slowly leaned towards the Ice Witch Pirates.

Jack even pulled out his weapon, looking like he was going to fight.

The Whitebeard Pirates have less and less influence as Whitebeard's twilight rises.

Over the years, the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BigMom Pirates have often clashed with the Whitebeard Pirates.

But the background of the Whitebeard Pirates is still very deep.

There are twelve strong captains.

In addition, there are 43 large ship groups.

Therefore, even if the two Four Emperor Groups jointly targeted, they could not take the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

And among them is the stirring of the red-haired pirate group.

Although the redhead had no intention of encroaching on Whitebeard's territory, he did not intend to just watch the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates and such an erosion of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Sometimes the red-haired pirate group will also choose to shoot to help the white-bearded pirate group relieve the pressure.

But this is not the way to go.

The white beard of Nippori Nishiyama could die at any moment.

And the successor of the Whitebeard Pirates has not been able to cultivate for a long time.

Originally, Whitebeard planned to train Ace to be his successor.

And Ace did not live up to his expectations and grew up quickly.

Whitebeard knew that as long as he was holding out for a few years, Ace would be able to support the Whitebeard Pirates.

But things don't always go as easy as they should.

The top war broke out because Ace was captured by the navy and the whole group of whitebearded pirates came to the rescue.

But at this time there is still some time before the war on top.

Li Mu also chose to wait quietly.

As the two sides got closer, the words could already be conveyed.

"Why are you here?"

Waitibé said incomprehensibly.

Although this is the territory of the Hundred Beast Pirates, it is already very peripheral.

And it is also very close to the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

No one leaked out this operation, so it stands to reason that it should not be intercepted by the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

But the sudden appearance of the mammoth pirate group at this moment made Li Mu very puzzled in his heart.

"Need a reason?"

Jack said with great disdain.

At this time, his eyes were already full of fighting intent.

This weapon is inevitable for him.

In order to get to the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates to transport arms, he took great pains to pass here.

In order to get this news, he also spent a lot of resources.

So right now, he definitely didn't plan to let go of the Ice Witch Pirate Group in front of him.

"Aren't you afraid of retaliation from our Whitebeard Pirates early?"

Knowing that he was probably no match for Jack, Waitibey hurriedly moved out of the group of white-bearded pirates behind him.

Hopefully, this will scare off the mammoth regiment led by Jack in the drought.

But Jack was originally very arrogant.

A look of not being afraid of heaven and earth.

And how can you be bluffed by a word or two from Waitibé.

"Hmph, the revenge of the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"When you say that, I'm really scared!"

Jack said strangely.

He didn't take the Whitebeard Pirates seriously in the slightest.

Even if the Four Emperors White Beard arrived, he probably looked unafraid.

But whether it will be beaten or not is another matter.

But the ice witch Waidibe in front of him obviously couldn't beat him.

"Don't talk nonsense, if you are willing to take the initiative to hand over the arms, I can spare your lives!"

Jack saw that the ship was approaching and did not exchange pleasantries with Waitibey.

As long as the other party is unwilling to hand over the arms, he may strike at any time.

But the ice witch Waidibe is also a person who has followed Whitebeard for many years, how can she be bluffed by this little wind and wave in front of her.

It is obviously impossible for her to voluntarily hand over this batch of arms.

Don't try to touch this batch of arms unless I die today!"

Waitibé shouted.

I heard that Jack was not pretending either.

Directly holding the weapon, he jumped up from the big ship of the Mammoth Regiment and came directly to the big ship of the Ice Witch Pirates.

The battle is imminent.

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