Chapter 46 The Naval Battle Begins! The Ice Witch Pirates are in danger!

With Jack taking the lead to board the ship.

The two pirate ships were officially spliced together.

The pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirates killed them.

Although there is some fear in my heart, after all, it is a pirate group that has been wandering in the New World for many years.

The Ice Witch Pirates are not afraid here.

They also pulled out their weapons and greeted the pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 300 power attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 1,000 qi and blood attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 600 Devil Fruit attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 2,000 power attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 1200 agility attribute points!"

The crew has various numerical attributes.

But in general, there are very few attribute points that exceed 2000 points.

"One, one, three", but this was also expected by Li Mu.

Or to say that it is already very satisfying to reach such an attribute point.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a pirate in the new world.

Even just ordinary crew members can burst out thousands of attribute points.

For Li Mu, it is already very good and satisfied.

As the crew clashed, the two captains were not idle.

I saw Jack holding a weapon and rushing towards the ice witch Waidibe.

With the blessing of the ability of the ancient mammoth fruit, Jack's strength is very terrifying, and with the blessing of armed color domineering, his attack is extremely fierce.

Every time he strikes, he is wrapped in a strong momentum.

Waitibé is very reluctant even to defend.

After only a few moves, she was beaten one after another, and she retreated.

And he has always been on the defensive.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 31,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 32,000 agility attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 31,000 points to see the color of the overlord!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 29,000 qi and blood attributes!"

Drought Jack shot, each time is about 30,000 attribute points.

It can be seen that he did not spare his hand at all.

"It is worthy of being one of the three plagues!"

"This attribute is clicked!"

Li Mu thought with some joy.

He originally thought that Jack, a humble guy, would choose a powerful move.

But I didn't expect to choose to shoot continuously.

But after thinking about it, Li Mu understood that Jack this guy is estimated to be very strong in physical strength.

There is no such thing as a powerful move.

That's why every hit is so strong.

As the fight continues, the drop of attribute points continues.

Li Mu's eyebrows were raised.

"Good fellow, it is said that by the bounty of the ship king Jack billion Bailey, 900 million are ivory. "

"But it should be said that this guy still has something!"

He said with joy in his heart.

After all, no matter what, Jack, this guy has also contributed a lot of attribute points to him.

Li Mu can be said to be very satisfied with this figure.

Previously, pacifists also revealed a large number of attributes.

But on the one hand, the value is relatively low.

On the other hand, he lacked the development of the three-color domineering and devil fruit abilities that he needed most.

But although Jack's offensive is rapid, he still needs to rest after all.

At this time, Waitibé was a little stunned.

With such a powerful offensive, she didn't know how she resisted.

But at this point Jack came to a standstill, and he needed a break.

Waitibé also rushed to seize this gap.

Fight back directly at Jack.

Her weapon is a Western sword, sharp and fast.

Plus her ice magic.

Although I don't know why she was able to use some freezing means, it was not from the Devil Fruit. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

That's why she's called the Ice Witch.

Soon, a thick layer of hard ice appeared on the skin of Jack's body.

And with that comes Waitibey's ultra-fast swordsmanship.

But without exception, these offensives did not have the slightest effect on Jack.

Drought Jack even shook his body slightly, and the ice covering his body shattered on their own.

It can be seen that there is indeed a strong gap in the strength of the two sides.

But after all, it is one of the three major Kanban boards of the Four Emperors Pirate Group, and it is reasonable for such a situation to occur.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 12,000 swordsmanship attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, 13,000 agility attributes were picked up!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 15,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 12,000 points to see the domineering!"

Once again, a series of messages came from the system.......

Waitibé burst out only around 10,000 points.

It can be seen that she has exhausted all her strength in every move.

But there is still a big gap in strength, and it can't cause damage to Jack.

Knowing that his attack had little effect, Waitibé hurriedly distanced himself.

If Jack slowed down, she would have to fall into passivity again.

At this time, Li Mu was not in a hurry to make a move.

He hid in a corner and quietly observed the changes on the field.

Quietly pick up attribute points.

There is no need at all, maximizing the acquisition of attribute points is the most important thing!

As the battle progressed, the entire Ice Witch Pirate Group gradually fell into disadvantage.

In terms of strength, they are not at all opponents of the Mammoth Pirates.

After all, the other party is an elite pirate of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

At this time, there were originally similar battles between the two sides, and many pirates on the side of the Ice Witch Pirate Group had slowly fallen.

It can be seen that there is still a big gap in the strength of the two sides.

With the passage of time, it is only a matter of time before the Ice Witch Pirate Group is defeated.

At this time, not only the crew was not the opponent of the other party, but even the captain Waidibe gradually fell into a disadvantage.

As Jack continues to strike, Waitibey's defense becomes more and more difficult.

At first, she could barely parry Jack's attack.

But as time passed, she found that Jack's offensive was actually undiminished.

And her power is indeed gradually being consumed.

Jack 3.7 is worthy of being the owner of Mammoth Fruit, and although its attacks are not very powerful, they are powerful in their lasting explosiveness.

After exchanging dozens of moves, the power that erupted was not diminished in the slightest.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 armed color domineering!"

It's still full of attribute points every shot.

Not the slightest reduction.

And Waitibé has long been caught in an uninterrupted forced defense.

Under such a terrifying offensive, it was very difficult for her to even defend, let alone attack.

Suddenly, Jack grabbed the gap and swung a scythe at Waitibé.

Under the terrifying scythe attack, Waitibé was directly shot out.

Crashed headlong into the cabin.

The cabin sunk directly.

Ice Witch Pirates, danger!.

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