Chapter 47 One Punch to Kill the Mammoth Pirates!!

From time to time, thunder broke in the sky, and gradually a little rain fell.

At this time, the ice witch Waitibey was defeated by Jack, and was supported on the edge of the ship on one side, panting heavily.

It can be seen that she is very difficult to face the drought Jack.

"Let's see Hades!"

Jack said maniacally.

At this time, he already thought that he had the victory, as long as he killed the ice witch Waitibé, then the arms of this ship would naturally belong to him.

He concentrated all his strength on weapons.

Want to end this battle with one blow.

At this time, Waitibé looked at the approaching Jack, and his heart was very anxious.

She realized that she was most likely going to be here today.

After all, even she is not Jack's opponent, and it is even more unlikely that anyone on this ship will be Jack's opponent.

At this moment of survival, Waitibé could not think of any hope.

At this time, she was already disheartened, dragging her severely injured body to try to avoid Jack's pursuit.

But looking at the approaching Jack, she only felt confused.

Even the light rain in the sky added a hint of sadness.

"Is that going to be the case?"

"Abominable Hundred Beast Pirates!"

Waitibé thought angrily about the unwillingness in his heart.

Just as the tide of death was approaching, Waitibé closed his eyes in pain.

Such an ending was something she could not have imagined anyway.

At this time, she didn't say defense, and she didn't even have the strength to escape.

Just as she was about to die, a cold wind blew.

She was vaguely aware that things had taken a turn.

As one of the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Jack's battle in the battlefield is inevitable.

A strange cold wind blew from behind him, making him immediately notice that something was wrong.

I saw a slight change in his original ancient expression, which was the result of his years of experience.

He sensed that this cold wind carried more than just a drop in temperature.

This is the breath of death that harvests life.

I saw Jack frowning, and his heart began to worry.

So Jack did not choose to kill 25 hands on Waitibey for the first time, but blocked behind him with his backhand.

This cold wind gave him a very uneasy mood.


A powerful collision sounded.

Before Jack could see what was behind him, his body was knocked out by this huge force.

At this time, everyone on the field was shocked by the scene in front of them.

They all put down the battle in their hands and looked at Jack, who flew out by Bei Zhen.


"Who made the move?"

Waitibey was closest to Jack, and she opened her eyes the first time the shock occurred.

So he was the first to find Jack, who was shocked and flew out.

This scene shocked her a little.

Drought Jack, who was not injured by all her means, was actually shocked away.

"Captain Jack?"

"What is going on, who actually defused Captain Jack's attack?"

"It's incredible. "

When the crew of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group saw this scene, they were suddenly a little puzzled in their hearts.

At this time, Jack was also under the impact and could not stand still for a long time.

But fortunately, relying on the power blessing of the mammoth fruit, he still took a few steps back and completely stopped his figure.

But it also made Jack a little unbelievable.

Can someone on this ship actually knock me back?

His eyes were full of solemnity, and he looked up at the person who had knocked him back earlier.

And the reason why Jack was so shocked was because his strength was definitely at the top of this new world.

Who is he?

One of the three major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Jack, known as the drought among the three plagues.

The top main force of the Hundred Beast Pirates, one of Kaido's most trusted subordinates.

How could such strength be repelled by an unknown guy?

Although it is often criticized for a billion bounties and nine hundred million ivory.

But his bounty is not yet based on his strength step by step.

And to be able to get to this point and reach such a status.

His strength naturally has nothing to say.

But his heart was still faintly uneasy.

At the same time, I was shocked by the situation in front of me.

You must know that the attack just now is not as simple as repelling him.

His body is already very strong, standing on the boat is like a small mountain, which is not at all something that ordinary people can shake.

But even so, the previous blow not only repelled him.

He also knocked the weapon in his hand away.

At this time, his tiger's mouth was numb and violently rattled.

Such strength is definitely a master.

It is very likely that he is one of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Jack's eyes couldn't take his eyes off the somewhat handsome man.

He went in and out, and Li Mu stood there meticulously.

His heart was not panicked at all, it was just a drought jack.

With the strength of a naval admiral, he is fully capable of coping.

And the reason why Li Mu made a move was because he was also a person on the Ice Witch Pirate Group after all.

Picking up attributes belongs to picking up attributes, but this time the Ice Witch Pirate Group is in trouble, and you can help if you can.

Of course, if Li Mu doesn't make a move, he will also face the dilemma that he has no attribute points to pick up.

After all, the Ice Witch Pirate Group has reached the point of imminent destruction at this time.

"What are you?"

Jack asked with a frown.

He was sure he hadn't seen the person in front of him.

To talk about the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, because there is often friction between the two pirate groups.

Jack was confident he knew them all.

But only this guy in front of him, he had never seen it on the sea of the New World.

But since he can be pushed to such a point, he is certainly not a general.

Jack thought about it and decided to test the guy in front of him.

I saw that the weapon that was originally shocked out was waved by Jack and returned to his hand.

"Let me see how many pounds you have!"

Jack wanted to know the details and strength of this guy in front of him.

So he directly struck, intending to test Li Mu's strength.

Although he was caught off guard by Li Mu before.

But Jack still didn't think that Li Mu, this guy, could really win over him.

After all, Li Mu was a sneak attack after all, and he was also careless.

When the weapon arrived, a cold light flashed in Jack's eyes.

He made a mighty move, and the swing of the weapon even drove the surrounding airflow.

As he swung his weapon, a strong wind followed.

But the strong wind blew Li Mu's hair and clothes.

The scythe was blocked in front of Li Mu.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attributes!"

At this time, Li Mu clenched his fist with one hand, blocking Jack's attack in front of him and not going any further.


Jack was a little puzzled in his heart, and his attack was actually stopped.

You must know that although Waitibé could also defend against his offensive before, it was also very difficult.

But the guy in front of him actually defended with just one hand.

Seeing this, Jack's eyes narrowed into a slit.

But his strength is much more than that.

I saw Li Mu slowly retracting his weapon, while his eyes were always on Li Mu.

After determining that Li Mu really wouldn't make a move, a flash of anger flashed in his heart.

"What an arrogant fellow!"

"You're actually waiting for me to make a move!"

He was shocked in his heart, but extremely angry. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It was the first time he had encountered such an arrogant opponent.

A coldness flashed in Jack's eyes, and he was determined to completely defeat the guy in front of him.

So his shot is not left behind.

It's incredibly fast, and every blow is incredibly powerful.

And the ice witch Waidibe was completely unable to hold on under his onslaught.

Bang bang bang!!

The weapon continued to hit Li Mu's body.

Jack shot faster and faster.

But hitting Li Mu was like hitting steel.

It never worked better.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 qi and blood attributes!"

With Jack's onslaught, there was also a burst of news in the system.

Li Mu was naturally very happy in his heart.

Previously, when Jack fought Waitibei, the attribute points were similar to now, but Li Mu knew that as long as he could defend it, there would be more attribute points in the future.

At this time, Li Mu's armed color was domineering, and he tried hard to defend against Jack's attack.

His body was completely covered with armed color domineering.

The whole body is hard black.

Jack apparently noticed this scene as well.

He was still very surprised in his heart, the guy in front of him was actually above him for the domineering use of armed color!

You must know that he is one of the three major Kanban boards under the Four Emperors Pirate Group.

The little-known guy in front of him was actually stronger than him in terms of the long-term use of armed color domineering.

This time made him a little difficult to accept.

After knowing that the attack was fruitless, Jack also quickly retreated to open the distance.

He needed to slow down, and he couldn't hold on to such a high-intensity continuous attack.

But Li Mu was not in a hurry when he saw Jack retreating.

Under the previous offensive, he had already gained enough attribute points.

I saw that the corners of Li Mu's mouth rose slightly, and at the same time raised his eyebrows.

He looked at Jack in front of him with a defiant look.

The drought that was one of the three major Kanban boards under the Four Emperors.

When had Jack ever been so humiliated.

An anger coalesced in his heart.

"Although I don't know your details, if you provoke me today, you are looking for death!"

I saw that after Jack finished speaking, his eyes were very firm.

His body was slowly changing.

I saw that he threw away the weapon in his hand.

The body begins to animalize.

At this time, he was not biased towards the human body, and his whole body was like a mammoth.

At the same time, the body has also become a lot bigger.

Even on this incomparably huge pirate ship, his body occupies a large area.

"Die! Miscellaneous!"

Jack said angrily.

At the same time, he raised his foot and stepped towards Li Mu.

Li Mu saw Jack's huge body stepping on, but his heart was not panicked at all.

I saw that he slowly raised his hand and actually resisted Jack's stampede.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 40,000 power attributes!"

Bang bang bang!!

Seeing this, Jack was directly furious, and there was no emotion under his feet.

Straight to the start of the crazy stampede.

But Li Mu was directly happy in his heart.

Jack, this guy is exactly what he needs.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 30,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 35,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 40,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 35013000 Devil Fruit ability!"

Another burst of attribute points came.

Seeing that his attack didn't work in the slightest.

Jack's forehead had fine beads of sweat falling.

He was also a little panicked.

The mammoth form is his biggest reliance.

In this form, his speed and strength will increase.

But at the moment, it actually had no effect on Li Mu at all.

Until Jack was a little tired of fighting and could no longer strike, Li Mu still maintained his original one-handed defensive posture.

With just one armed color domineering, he played Drought Jack.

Such a picture immediately shocked everyone.

At this time, Jack collapsed on the deck due to excessive force, motionless.

But since he couldn't provide attribute points, Li Mu didn't mind ending this farce.

I saw Li Mu slowly come to Jack.

The armed color domineering covered the fist and punched Jack's huge body.

Jack's eyes were horrified, but at the moment he was powerless to dodge.

Li Mu's fist smashed heavily on Jack.

Directly knocked him back from the big ship of the Ice Witch Pirates back to the Mammoth ship.

His huge body left a large hole directly in the cabin.

At this time, everyone in the Ice Witch Pirate Group was completely shocked by this scene.

One by one, they looked at the scene in front of them with wide eyes.

They couldn't believe that Drought Jack, one of the three plagues, would actually be killed by this guy with a punch.

"Lying groove! One punch!"

"Is this guy really a member of our pirate group?"

The people of the Ice Witch Pirate Group said with some disbelief.

"Lord Jack!"

The people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were also shocked by this scene.

They shouted in general worry.

At the same time, he hurriedly went back to check on Jack's situation.

"Solve Drought Jack with one punch?"

"That's one of the three major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirates!"

"When did our pirate group have such a strong man?"

Waitibé dragged his broken body and thought in shock.

At this time, in the ruins of the mammoth ship, Jack was lying there quietly.

It can be seen that he was directly beaten and passed out.

At this time, the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group did not understand the situation in front of them.

Seeing that the captain was defeated, he actually looked at Li Mu viciously.

"What did you do to Lord Jack?"

"You are looking for death, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will not let you go!"

The members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group opened their mouths and cursed.

But Li Mu just sneered.

Then he pointed his finger at the group.


Under the attack of the Flash Fruit laser, the mammoth ship exploded directly, and everyone was left without bones and sank into the sea.

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