Chapter 48 The world is boiling, a prelude to war!

New World, on the Ice Witch's Icebreaker.

At this time, the people were repairing the large ship damaged by the battle.

Although some places were destroyed, they were generally harmless.

There is no problem in continuing to sail.

In the ship's office, Waitibé, the ice witch, sits in a chair.

Although something happened to be attacked by the Hundred Beast Pirates.

But she didn't have time to pay attention to what happened, because it was not as important as the other thing.

She immediately called her most trusted subordinate into the office.

"Who was that guy who shot that day, and why did he appear on our icebreaker?"

She quickly asked.

Under her many inquiries, she also knew that Li Mu was really the hospital of the Ice Witch Pirates.

And they are newcomers who joined not so long ago.

This news can frighten Waitibé.

"So strong, you told me it's a newcomer?"

She said a little puzzled.

You must know that the previous face was one of the three calamities of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

It's not a cat or a dog.

At this time, she also recalled the previous battle with the words of her subordinates.

That terrifying drought Jack was first killed by his punch.

Subsequently, the entire Mammoth Pirate Group was solved with one finger, and the entire Mammoth ship was bombarded.

The thought of this made Waitibé a little messy.

On the icebreaker at this time.

The maintenance of the ship is almost complete, and the most important thing at the moment is to bring the arms back safely.

Therefore, the ship was not refined, but simply repaired.

At this time, Li Mu was also on deck.

Seeing his previous strength, the members of the pirate group were very curious about him at this time.

But he never dared to ask.

At this time, a crew member walked out of the ship's office and walked towards Li Mu.

He trembled and explained his intentions.

That's probably what the captain wants to talk to you about.

Li Mu knew that if he wanted to participate in the top war, he had to see the face of the ice witch Waidibe.

Otherwise, it would be useless even if he subdued all these guys.

What he needs is a position where he can fish in the war on top.

When Li Mu entered the office.

The ice witch Waitibé also began to inquire.

But that's the same rhetoric as before.

But there has been a big change in tone and attitude.

Waidibei asked Li Mu why he wanted to join the Whitebeard Pirates.

Li Mu explained that because he admired the Whitebeard Pirates, he happened to find that the Whitebeard Pirates were recruiting when he passed by.

So it was logical to join in.

Of course, Waidibei would not easily believe Li Mu.

After all, such a strong strength, if there is any problem, it will be troublesome.

So she interrogated carefully for a while.

But Li Mudu gave a reasonable explanation, and Waidibe was completely relieved.

"Your strength is very good, the Ice Witch Pirate Group is not suitable for you. "

"I think you could consider going straight to the Moby Dick!"

"Of course, I have a good relationship with my father, I will help you introduce it!"

Waitibé said with a serious look.

She looked at Li Mu in front of her and found that Li Mu seemed to be a little unhappy.

She coughed twice to hide the awkward situation.

"Don't worry, with your strength, even if you get to the Moby Dick, you won't be bad." "

"Daddy will only appreciate you more, and will definitely not treat you badly." "

She continued.

Because Li Mu is a person who has the strength to defeat the three plagues.

Even on the Moby Dick, he is definitely a guy with superior strength.

But Li Mu was directly speechless at this time.

He just wants to use an identity to participate in the top war, instead of really working for the Whitebeard Pirates.

If only Whitebeard knew that his strength was not bad.

At that time, it directly pushed him up.

What if you run into the three major generals or the Kapu Sengoku?

These are all things that Li Mu must consider clearly.

He didn't want to give it for nothing right away, he just wanted to quietly pick up his attribute points.

"Forget it, don't care~'. "

"Love it, anyway, the war is about to begin." "

He thought a little irritably in his heart.

At this time, it is impossible for him to refuse Waidibe's kindness.

Waitibé didn't know he was going to be wrong.

I still thought that Li Mu would be happy to join the Moby Dick.

But all Li Mu thought about was stealing a suitable identity, so that he could quietly pick up attribute points in the top war.

The war on top is about to begin.

Whitebeard's side is probably already busy.

It is estimated that he is not in the mood to recognize his son.

So Li Mu acquiesced to Waidibei's idea.

After all, he couldn't argue with her, and if he said that he didn't want to join the Moby Dick, wouldn't his previous explanation be all useless.

If it is suspected by the ice witch Waidibe, it will be more than worth the loss.

Sure enough, when the Ice Witch Pirates came to the port, bad news also followed.

A pirate seemed to have been waiting in the harbor for a long time, and Waitibé hurriedly greeted him as soon as he got off the ship.

Then he said something in Waitibey's ear.

After listening, Waitibé also looked incredulous.

Her face was very ugly, and her expression was also a little anxious.

Li Mu faintly guessed when he saw this scene.

It is estimated that the news of Ace's capture reached the Whitebeard Pirates.

He also didn't expect that things would ferment so quickly.

Although Soace was defeated by Blackbeard, it is estimated that it was the time of the Draco incident in the Chambord Islands.

But the Navy would have announced Ace's execution so quickly.

He had thought that there were still a few days left in time.

He also understood, it seems that he is too addicted to picking up attributes on Organ Island.

I didn't estimate the time all at once.

But in this way, he doesn't have to worry about being adopted as a son by Whitebeard.

It is estimated that Whitebeard has broken his heart for Ace's arrest at this time.

And that's exactly what happened.

Whitebeard urgently called a meeting for all the captains of the fan and the captains of the large ship group.

And Waitibey, as the captain of the Ice Witch Pirates, naturally went.

The scale of this meeting was also the largest ever for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Almost no one dared to be absent.

After all, it is necessary to face the navy that has stood on the sea for 800 years.

Whitebeard is also very important.

"Is it finally about to start?"

Li Mu thought with some excitement in his heart.

In order to top the war, he has been laying out for a long time.

From the beginning of the system that obtained the pickup attribute, he had been waiting for this day to come.

This is his best chance to become stronger.

Li Mu naturally would not let go of this great opportunity easily.

He clearly remembers every effort and plan he made for the war on top.

Desperate on the Chambord Islands.

Squeezed out pacifists on the organ island.

Later, he took the initiative to join the Ice Witch Pirates and defeated Drought Jack.

It's all about getting a piece of the top war.

Now the opportunity has finally come!

And at this time, it is not only the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates and the captains of the Big Ship Regiment. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The entire sea area under the jurisdiction of Whitebeard has gone crazy.

The news that Ace was captured by the navy spread throughout the waters of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates suddenly fell into a strange atmosphere.

It turned out that just this morning, the Navy directly announced that it would execute Ace in the Marin Fandor Square seven days later.

Who is Ace?

He is Whitebeard's most beloved son.

Whitebeard is even ready to hand over the inheritance of the Whitebeard Pirates to Ace.

He knew that he was older, and there was a tendency to twilight.

For the throne of One Piece, he is no longer able to compete for it.

But he still has a yearning for the position of One Piece in his heart.

So he pinned all his hopes on Ace.

Fortunately, Ace never let him down, just for a short time.

Ace not only has grown by leaps and bounds, but also gets along very well with all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At that moment, Whitebeard believed that he did not look away.

Knowing Blackbeard's betrayal, Ace's wrath.

At that time, although Whitebeard also persuaded Ace, he still failed to persuade him after all.

Because Whitebeard knows that Ace is too similar to him when he was younger.

For the sake of his partner, Ace can't give up easily.

Coupled with Ace's strong strength, he was also very relieved, and Whitebeard didn't pay attention to it.

And others don't know, but Whitebeard knows very well.

Ace's true identity.

One Piece Roger is the only descendant left in this world.

Roger is a legendary pirate who Whitebeard wants to kill each other.

Above the once sea, only Whitebeard can compete with Roger.

But even so, Whitebeard never minded Ace's identity.

Instead, he wanted to help Esden in the position of the Pirate King and let Ace come out of the shadow of his father Roger.

But I didn't expect that such bad news would come now.

As soon as it happened, the whole world shook.

No one expected that the Navy would actually make such a choice.

Everyone knows that Fire Fist Ace is the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard is also a well-known calf guard.

Such actions of the Navy are undoubtedly declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates.

And Whitebeard was once also a strong man of the old times.

He is also known as the strongest man in the world.

On the naval side, it is a powerful force that has stood in this sea for more than 800 years.

The confrontation between these two forces instantly attracted the attention of people all over the world.

At this time, the white-bearded pirate group was talking about it.

After all, it was the captain of the second team on his side who was arrested.

All of them looked indignant.

Everywhere Li Mu passed, he was talking about this matter.

Everyone was frowning and worried.

On the one hand, he is worried about Ace, and on the other hand, he is a little afraid of really going to war with the Navy.

The tangled mood is constantly fermented on these pirates.

But in general, angry feelings still account for the majority.

Under the influence of Whitebeard, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates attaches great importance to their companions.

Now that the captain of the second team has been arrested, everyone feels that they can't swallow this breath.

"Is the Navy going to do something to our Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Damn the navy, knowing that daddy is not in good health, I have to pick this time!"

"Hmph, they may be underestimating our Whitebeard Pirates!"

"It is!"

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates kept talking.

For this protracted war, everyone is fully concerned.

At this time, the atmosphere of the entire group of the Whitebeard Pirates was very tense.

"I wonder what kind of results the daddy meeting came up with?"

"Save me, it seems that the people who dare to move our Whitebeard Pirates, we must make them pay!"

And it is not for nothing that the Navy can stand on this sea for more than eight hundred years.

In addition to the strength of the strength, there are other reasons.

The reason why the Navy chose the white-bearded pirate group to start is naturally his reason.

Whitebeard is very powerful.

But after all, it is the twilight of the West Mountain, and the strength has long been greatly weakened.

Undoubtedly the best object for naval hands-on.

And there is also a reason why the navy took such a big risk to make a move against the four emperors.

In recent years, the navy's control over this sea has become worse and worse.

Not long ago, there were even supernovas who dared to strike at the world's aristocratic Draco in the Chambord Islands.

Afterwards, he fled like no one.

After this incident, the trust of the world government in the navy was greatly reduced.

People around the world have also accused the navy of getting worse. (Good)

But only Marshal Sengoku is clear, after Roger opened the Age of Discovery.

Countless pirates began to rush into this sea.

Although the navy is spread all over the world, manpower is still limited after all.

Under such a tide, the Navy even faintly has some uncontrollable trends.

In the new world, where pirates are most rampant, the navy has long been completely out of control.

And this is all because of the existence of the four emperors.

The navy must take a Four Emperors to open the knife.

In this way, the public's expectations for the navy can be saved.

And Whitebeard was originally the best object.

And under such circumstances, the navy also accidentally captured Fire Fist Ace, the captain of the second team in the Whitebeard Pirates.

So a plan for the Whitebeard Pirates was formed.

Admiral Sengoku knew that as long as this operation could succeed.

It must be able to greatly affect the influence of the Four Emperors on the world.

The picture turned to the Moby Dick.

At this time, in the office, everyone gathered.

As far as the eye can see, it is full of important characters of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Immortal Marko, Diamond Joz, Foil Bista...

The twelve captains sat in their respective places.

There were more than forty other captains of the large ship regiment.

Everyone is sitting squarely.

Until Whitebeard spoke: "Ace... It actually fell into the hands of the Navy. "

Whitebeard sits in the head chair of the office though.

But the body is full of infusion tubes.

After all, that mighty body, there are still some sluggish feeling claws.

His face was full of sadness, because he knew that the navy could not simply let Ace go this time.

At this time, his heart was very restless.

Recently, Whitebeard has often sensed that a storm is coming.

But I didn't expect the worst to happen in the end.

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