Chapter 49 Ace's execution, the shock of the whole world!

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and as soon as the news of Ace's execution came out, the whole world boiled.

Everyone knows that a great war is coming, and it is inevitable.

At this time, the usual tranquility on the Moby Dick was gone.

On the ship, the crew's eyes were firm with a trace of sadness.

They stood guard around the Moby Dick, watching the surroundings.

At this time, Captain Whitebeard was in a meeting with twelve captains and forty-three captains of the large ship regiment.

In the conference room, Whitebeard sits at the top.

His face turned dark, his fists clenched, and then he slammed his fist on the table.

The captains below also looked indignant.

The actions of the Navy are undoubtedly declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates.

And he also held the neck of their dearest to declare war on them.

Such behavior undoubtedly completely angered the people of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard sat on the top of the head, and the newspaper in his hand had long been pinched by him, and his heart was extremely angry.

Ace was his most proud son, and the navy dared to declare war on him with the lives of the people he loved the most.

"The hateful navy actually dared to arrest my dear son, and now even wants to be sentenced to death!"

"So it seems that it is undoubtedly declaring war on my whitebeard!"

"Has the Navy forgotten the horror of my white beard?"

"I can't imagine that after years of not making a move, the world has long forgotten the man who made the whole world tremble. "

Whitebeard thought angrily in his heart.

His heart was full of unyielding anger and there was nowhere to vent.

Since the beginning of the Age of Discovery, he had never felt that day as angry as it is now.

He was already very protective of his family, but he was moved by the navy to the reverse scale.

In any case, the Navy has to pay its due.

After learning about Ace's arrest from Whitebeard's mouth, the captains were also very sad in their hearts.

They hated the navy so much that they dared to do this to their brother Ace.

At this moment, I can't wait to directly attack Marin Fandor and raze it to the ground.

Marko is the captain of Whitebeard's First Team.

In the Whitebeard Pirates, he is a big brother character.

After he became the captain of the first team, he loved his brothers very much.

He was lowering his head at this time, and his expression could not be seen on the livid face.

But only he knew that he was already angry to the extreme.

Suddenly, he raised his head 420, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

"The navy is so abominable that it actually wants to put Ace to death!"

"There must be no compromise this time, you must rescue Ace!"

"This abominable navy, the lackeys of the world government, cannot be allowed to look down on our group of white-bearded pirates. "

"Even if I fight to the death, I will fight the Navy to the death!"

Marko's eyes were cold, and he said with a firm expression.

At this time, he had already clenched his fists.

The nails, which were not sharp, made a bloody stain on the palm of the hand.

His heart was pounding, indicating that he was not at peace.

After all, Ace is his favorite brother, and now that he is so humiliated by the navy, it is no wonder that he is so angry.

Hearing Marko's words, the captains also looked over.

Everyone was in the same mood when they saw Marko's appearance.

Diamond Joz is the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Sanban.

Originally, he was a person who was not good at words, and he usually did not necessarily say a word when he sat in a meeting for a day.

But at this time, there were faint blues on his face, and his strong body couldn't help shaking.

It can be seen that he has been angry to the extreme.

"It's so abominable, the Navy is completely declaring war on us!"

"This time, no matter what, I want to kill Marin Fando and take a bad breath for the Ace brothers!"

"I'd rather see what this so-called navy really is." "

"I'm afraid it's not that our white-bearded pirate group has been letting them go, making them have an illusion!"

Joz said word by word.

As you can see, every word is his heartfelt thought.

Perhaps because the anger in his heart was already a little unbearable, the teacup in his hand was directly crushed by him.

But he did not use the fruit ability.

Instead, he let the sharp fragment cut his palm.

He wanted to use the middle of the way to make his ideas more solid.

Seeing the two captains express their opinions, Foil Bista stood up directly.

He had a lot to say.

He just gave out his sword.


"I think about the same way as Marco Joz. "

"This time, no matter what, we must rescue Ace and step on Marin Fandor!"

"When did our group of whitebeard pirates receive such an insult!"

"The Navy probably forgot the horror of the Whitebeard Pirates. "

He squinted slightly, and the edge in his eyes was self-evident.

His anger and killing intent were released like a sharp sword.

And the object of his hatred is precisely the Navy.

With the statements of the three captains, the captains also followed suit.

"It's impossible for us to give up on the Ace brothers anyway. "

"Since the navy is so provocative, we might as well attack Marin Fandor directly and head-on. "

"Rescue the Ace brothers and make a big fuss at the Navy headquarters!"

Eizang was infected by the emotions of the captains.

Directly on the table in the conference room, he said with a firm expression.

After Izang finished speaking, all the captains expressed their opinions.

Undoubtedly, they all want to kill the naval headquarters Marin Fandor and rescue Ace.

Take a bad breath for Ace and teach the Navy a lesson.

At this time, the atmosphere of the conference room was filled with a murderous atmosphere.

The Whitebeard Pirates have not had such an excited time in a long time.

At this time, Whitebeard turned his gaze to the captains of the large ship group below.

"Since it is a matter decided by Dad and the various captains. "

"Our big ship group will definitely help to the end!"

The vortex spider stood up first and said excitedly.

"That's right, our current status is all earned by our father. "

"In other words, we also look at the Ace brothers' personality. "

"The navy wants to execute, and our big ship regiment does not agree!"

"That's it, this time with the navy just to the end!"

Immediately, the conference room was full of indignation, and the invective of the navy was not stopped.

Needless to say, everyone's attitude is known.

Seeing this, Whitebeard smiled gratifyingly.


"It's worthy of my white-bearded sons!"

"I am very satisfied with your performance!"

"The Navy hasn't felt the strength of our Whitebeard Pirates for too long. "

"That's why you're so arrogant!"

"This time we have to make the Navy pay enough!"

He laughed loudly and said excitedly.

After all, Whitebeard is in the twilight of the West Mountain, and he has rarely come forward in the affairs of the pirate group over the years.

But this time was different, the navy moved his beloved son, and he was determined to release his last light.

Let the Navy recall once again the mighty "strongest man in the world." "

At this time, because of the news spread by the Navy, it was not only the Whitebeard Pirates.

The whole world learned the news.

The outside world also caused an uproar.

After all, it is the most veteran Four Emperors Pirate Group that has a head-on conflict with the navy.

For a while, the heat was directly filled, attracting the attention of the world. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"What's the situation, the Navy is going to do something to the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"This... Whitebeard is the Four Emperors after all!"

"Does the Navy really have the strength to swallow the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Navy? The Chambord Islands can't even solve a few supernovae!"

"That is, the navy has just lost in the Chambord Islands, and now it actually dares to find trouble with the Whitebeard Pirates. "

"Crazy! The Navy is really crazy!"

"But one thing to say, now is indeed the best time to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates. "

People all over the world are also talking about it.

After all, the total war between the Four Emperors and the navy was the first (CFFG) since the beginning of the Age of Discovery.

The level of concern is also at an all-time high.

These passers-by are also analyzing for a while, comparing the combat power between the navy and the white-bearded pirate group.

If the war really starts, the winning rate on that side will be greater.

"Whitebeard is in the twilight, and he has long lost his strength back then. "

"In recent years, the white-bearded pirate group has rarely made trouble, and the strength is definitely not as good as before. "

"Indeed, I am more optimistic about the Navy. "

The Navy said so.

"Oh, the Navy prides itself on justice. "

"For so many years, I haven't seen the Navy really solve which four emperors. "

"If you can't even get it in the Chambord Islands, don't think about getting the Whitebeard Pirates." "

And Pirate Blowing said so.

And people around the world will make such-for-tat statements, and to some extent, the strength of the two sides is indeed a fight.

The Four Emperors Pirate Group led by the strongest man in the world.

The navy that has stood in the world for more than 800 years without falling.

On both sides are the pinnacle forces of this world.

But there will be a wound when the two tigers fight, and the people are still thinking that which side can win, and the other four royal regiments have long opened champagne.

New World, Land of Wa.

This eerie island is suspended in the sky.

The head of the island resembles a skull, hence the name Ghost Island.

This is the base of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

In the council hall of Ghost Island, almost all the cadres of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group arrived.

Kaido sat on the high chair in the front.

Next to it are the two major Kanban boards of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

Plague Quinn!

At this time, Jack, who was also a three-plague, stood ashen below.

One position with Volley Rokuko.

At this time, Jack was still wrapped in a lot of gauze, and he was obviously injured.

In the previous battle with Li Mu, he was still seriously injured.

Fortunately, the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group came in time and aged him out of the sea who was seriously injured.

Otherwise, he would really have to account for the sea.

"Oh yes..."

"Is the Navy finally going to make a move against the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Kaido said with a look of excitement.

"Whitebeard is in the twilight, the strength has greatly declined, if I were the navy, I would not wait until now!"

"I already started it!"

Ember said with an icy look in his eyes.

"It's so good, two tigers will have a wound when they fight!"

Quinn also said with a mean smile.

At this time, the reason why the Hundred Beast Pirate Group gathered here was also because they learned the news that the Whitebeard Pirate Group and the navy were about to start a war.

Such heavy news, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group also called back the captain Kaido, who usually does not ask about things.

Kaido was naturally overjoyed when he heard the news.

He worshiped force all his life, and he wanted to become stronger by changing the law.

He frantically searched for the strong to fight, but even so, no one could hurt him.

Seeing this news, his eyes flashed, was the battle he longed for coming?

At this time, an idea flashed in the mind of the humble Jack.

Thinking of making meritorious contributions, he hurriedly stepped forward.

"Governor Kaido, I have an idea!"

New World, Cake Island.

Cake-shaped buildings sit on this small island.

At this time, a council hall was full of people.

It's all Charlotte.

The person sitting at the head of the hall was naturally Charlotte Lingling.

Also known as Aunt Bigmm.

At this time, she was surrounded by all kinds of pastries and cakes.

"Oh yes..."

"This wind and wave, in the end, is still coming!"

Auntie slumped in her chair and laughed.

After all, the matter has nothing to do with her pirate group, and she looks like a play.

"This... The navy is obviously prepared, I don't know how the white-bearded pirate group should respond, can it withstand it?"

Long Bread thought with some concern.

After all, this level of battle will inevitably affect the pattern of the world.

Once the Whitebeard Pirate Group, which is on the pirate side, loses, it will still have some impact on the rest of the four emperors.

"No wonder the Navy has been acting so frequently recently!"

Katakuri squeezed his chin in his hand and said thoughtfully.

"Whether the Whitebeard Pirates can stand up or not has nothing to do with us. "

"Instead, it's a good opportunity for us to expand!"

"I have a very good idea!"

Perospero said with some excitement.

And the idea of the Hundred Beast Pirates and the Bigmom Pirates is actually to take advantage of the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy, and they can take advantage of the opportunity.

At this time, the Navy has contracted its own front, and the Whitebeard Pirates will also pour out when the time comes.

As long as they grasp this opportunity, they can encroach on the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

At the same time, some of the positions abandoned by the navy were snatched into their hands.

And the New World on an unknown island.

The redhead looked nervously at the newspaper in his hand.

There was a coldness in his eyes that he usually did not see.

"This... What kind of trouble is this in the Navy!"

Beckman said with some bewilderment.

"Ace actually fell into the hands of the Navy?"

"What's going on here?"

Shanks was a little puzzled by his worries.

"It looks like the Navy has been planning this for a long time!"

Jesus Bu also said with a serious face.

"But I have to say that now is indeed the best time to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates. "

Lachiro said while nibbling on a big chicken leg.

At this time, Whitebeard is in the twilight, and his strength has long lost the bravery of the past, and the new king in the Whitebeard Pirate Group has not yet grown wings.

At this time, it was the best time to make a move on the Whitebeard Pirates.

But the redhead's eyes were still very worried.

He didn't plan to take the opportunity to grab Whitebeard's territory.

Instead, he worries about whether the pattern of the world will change as a result.

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