Chapter 50 Lord Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates have arrived!

After learning that Ace had been caught, the white-bearded pirates finally made up their minds to rescue Ace.

So preparations began for this long-lasting battle with the Navy.

The captains of the forty-three large ship regiments also returned to their pirate groups one after another and began to make final ~ preparations for the next big war.

And everyone on the Moby Dick began to get busy.

At this time, Whitebeard and the twelve captains were also discussing in the office how to launch a total of the Navy.

After all, the Navy must have prepared a lot for this big war.

It's almost impossible to win easily.

Since it is to declare war on the entire Navy, the Whitebeard Pirate Group also needs to make corresponding preparations.

Of course, at this time, it is not only the pirates on the Moby Dick who are busy preparing for war.

The same goes for the members of the Big Ship Regiment.

Not long ago, the large ship regiment also received a secret letter.

Although I don't know what calculations the Whitebeard Pirates played.

But the people of the big ship group still did so and coated the boat with a diving film.

At this time, Li Mu could not escape the fate of being summoned, but in order to participate in the top war, he had to endure it.

He had to follow everyone on the icebreaker of the Ice Witch Pirates.

A week is fleeting.

Marin Van Duo Shuai's room.

Sengoku wore a neat and majestic marshal uniform, and he also waited for this moment for a long time.

I saw him slowly get up, his eyes swept over the entire marshal's room, and he looked around at everyone.

As far as the eye can see, everyone is ready and ready to go.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze erupted with unprecedented determination.

This battle is inevitable for him!


Sengoku shouted loudly.

There was not a trace of hesitation or cowardice in his voice.

This battle was too important for the navy, and it was the first time that the navy launched a war against the four emperors.

It can only be successful and cannot fail.

If it fails, the Navy will immediately face being questioned by the people of the world.

If even the navy can't help the four emperors on the sea, then who will protect the safety of the people?

Originally, the navy was controversial because of the defeat in the Chambord Islands.

At this point, the war at the top cannot go wrong in any way.

Immediately, everyone quickly got up and walked out very neatly.

The door to the marshal's room was pushed open, and into the huge square of Marin Fandor.

The magnificent square is lined with elite soldiers of the Navy.

These soldiers had a murderous aura on their faces, and they were obviously not ordinary recruits.

And these are the elite soldiers that the Navy has recently transferred from around the world.

None of them are ordinary guys.

Moreover, such elite soldiers are as high as 150,000, which occupies one-third of the huge square.

The high number and quality of these naval soldiers can also show the importance that the navy attaches to this war.

At this time, there were two hundred warships patrolling the perimeter of Marin Fandor.

As soon as it detects movement about the Whitebeard Pirates, it will attack with the power of thunder.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of opponent it is going to deal with with such a large-scale arrangement.

After all, at this time, Marin Fando can be said to not even be able to fly in with a fly.

"Is it finally coming?"

"It's hard to imagine that I can actually participate in the war to annihilate the Four Emperors!"

"I can't stop feeling a little excited!"

The Navy soldiers were also extremely excited at this time.

After all, they had never seen anything like this.

And this is also the largest war launched by the navy since the Age of Exploration.

Just as Sengoku and the others ascended the high platform, the door inside Marin Fando also opened.


A sound came, and the earth seemed to tremble.

Immediately, more than a dozen giants walked out from the gate.

Their huge bodies were more than ten meters long, and even the extremely tall gate was barely enough for them to pass through.

And these giants are special beings in the navy and belong to the giant troops.

And these giants are all the most elite beings among the giant troops.

Every giant is a lieutenant general-level existence.

These giants will come out of the gate, and each one is a fierce and evil look.

Their weapons were pinned to their waist.

All of them carry a bad temper.

After all, what he was about to face was Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, and the pirate group he led.

These giant lieutenant generals naturally did not dare to be careless, and under such a tense expression, it was impossible to show a kind face.

I saw the giant lieutenant generals walking unhurriedly.

Methodically went to the front of the battlefield.

Stand in a position where he can face the Whitebeard Pirates for the first time.

The bodies of the giant lieutenant generals were originally very tall.

At this time, at the front of the team, behind him were 150,000 naval soldiers, and the shooting scene looked very shocking.

Even if the Whitebeard Pirates see this picture, it is inevitable that their morale will fall.

After the giant vice admirals of the navy all came out completely, the second group of people also walked up.

These are the vice admirals of the Navy.

There are Lieutenant General Mole, Ghost Spider, Dauberman and others.

They also walked slowly out of the gate with firm eyes.

Until you go behind the giant lieutenant generals.

Then there was the third group.

It was no one else who came, it was the seven martial seas, the overlords of one side on the sea.

As officially recognized pirates in agreement with the Navy, they were also ordered by the Navy to participate in this war.

And the powerful Qiwu Sea was originally cultivated by the navy to balance the emperors and four emperors on the sea.

In order to enhance their strength, the navy even opened a back door for the Seven Wuhai.

At sea, they are allowed to trade freely.

Allow the Seven Warriors to form their own state.

But the emperor of the sea is not easy to balance.

Even if the Navy opened so many back doors for Qiwuhai, whether it was the strength of the pirate group or the strength of Qiwuhai itself.

Compared with the four emperors, it is simply a cloud of mud.

But after all, Qi Wuhai is not something that can be easily seen on weekdays.

At this time, the naval soldiers saw the Qiwu Seas coming out of the gate, and unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

They were very nervous.

In the end, Qi Wuhai is still a pirate after all.

At this time, looking at it, which of the female emperor, Hawkeye, Brother Ming, etc. is not an existence with extraordinary strength.

The female emperor's long hair was like a waterfall, and her frosty eyes defied the audience.

And Hawkeye carried the black knife night, and the indifferent aura on his body continued to emanate.

Doflamingo grinned and looked unruly in a flamingo costume.

Bartholomi Big Bear holds a book in his hand, and his face looks like an ancient well.

Moonlight Moriah let out a defiant laugh as she walked out.

His purpose was naturally to take advantage of the battle of Marin Fando to harvest more shadows and corpses and bring them back to enhance the strength of his pirate group.

It is said that it is Qiwu Hai, but at this time, it is two less.

Lao Sha was imprisoned by the navy in Advance City because he was convicted of killing the people.

And Jinping that guy not only refused the Navy's request to deal with Whitebeard.

Instead, he asked the Navy to imprison him in Advance City.

It can only be said that he is a guy who cannot guess.

I don't know what I've been insisting on.

With all the seven martial seas in place, the hanging hearts of the naval soldiers were finally relaxed.

They were a little amazed that the navy really called Nanabukai as well.

Although it is said that the seven martial seas are subject to the navy.

But in the final analysis, Qi Wuhai is a pirate after all.

It is estimated that they themselves are not willing to obey the orders of the Navy, and it is normal for Navy soldiers to be afraid of such time bombs.

With the appearance of Nanabu Hai, the highlight is also coming.

In order to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, the Navy specially summoned all three generals who were on duty at the outer gate.

They are the pheasants that control the ability of frozen fruits.

A red dog with magma fruit and belief in absolute justice.

A yellow ape who is good at touching fish and releasing water. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The three generals walked out unhurriedly.

They didn't walk inside like everyone else.

Instead, he came out of the high place and came to the high platform.

At this time, the high platform is located under the execution table, and there are three very ornate seats.

At first glance, it is tailor-made for the three great generals.

Even the Sengoku of the Admiral's stood on a high platform at this time and had nowhere to sit.

The three generals sat down very happily.

The posture is different, but the body is wearing the cape of a naval admiral.

At this time, this picture can be said to be unusually harmonious.

It also has a gimmick of a famous scene.

The yellow ape's cynical expression combined with his right leg raised high.

The red dog has an unruly expression and a high upturned right leg.

The green pheasant had a dull look in his eyes, and his feet were forked.

The three generals have a different sense of oppression.

"It's the generals!"

"Sure enough, only the three major generals have such momentum and oppression!"

The navy soldiers were very excited when they saw the admiral sitting down again.

This is the foundation of the Navy's courage to confront the Whitebeard Pirates.

With the addition of the Navy's highest combat power, the Navy soldiers also began to cheer.

For this protracted battle with the Whitebeard Pirates, he is a little more confident.

After everyone has found their place.

In all the eyes of the world, an unkempt, bloodshot and embarrassed guy was put on the execution table.

The man also had a tattoo of a white beard on his back.

At this time, under the escort of the knife and axe hand, he slowly walked towards the execution table.

This person is none other than Fire Fist Ace, who is about to be executed.

It can be seen that he is not doing well in the prison of Advance City.

Not only was he dirty, but his eyes were also full of confusion, and he couldn't gather any spirit.

But there's no way around it.

Because he failed to capture Blackbeard, he was caught by the navy, which made Ace blame himself in his heart.

At this time, Sengoku also arrived at the execution table, and he stood next to Ace, his face full of disgust for Ace.

After all, it was because of Roger that led to the emergence of the Age of Discovery.

For pirates, this may be a good thing.

Countless people pursue the so-called great secret treasure for their dreams.

But in the eyes of the Warring States of the Admiral, this is a very bloody thing.

Because of the advent of the Age of Discovery, I don't know how many people lost their families because of this.

As a result, the world has become turbulent.

But Roger is dead, and part of Sengoku's resentment towards him is transferred to Ace.


Sengoku said very heavily to Ace.

Hearing the words of the Warring States, Ace's originally confused eyes also reunited.

But he remained silent.

At this time, Ace was kneeling on the ground, and the heavy shackles pressed him down and could not lift his head.

Seeing that Ace was silent, Sengoku continued to speak to himself.

"If you want to blame, blame your father!"

"He shouldn't have let you into this world!"

After speaking, the Warring States also stopped, not saying anything more.

But after listening to the words of the Warring States, Ace's heart seemed to be dripping blood.

What he hated most was when his father was mentioned.

Because this man known as One Piece is just a father who abandoned his wife and son for him.

He did not fulfill his responsibilities as a father.

If he could, he even wanted to drain all the filthy blood from his body that belonged to that man.

As long as he thought of that man, he would feel very sick in his heart.

But at this time, he was only a prisoner of the steps, and he did not want to make any rebuttals.

And at this time, Ace was very remorseful.

"If only I were stronger. "

"Then you won't be defeated by that Blackbeard guy..."

Ace thought a little low.

At this time, Karp was not far from the Warring States, listening to the words of the Warring States, he unconsciously clenched his fists.

But he is a hero of the navy, and he has his justice.

He couldn't break the justice in his heart for Ace.

If you want to blame, you can only blame him for failing to persuade Ace in the first place, but Ace embarked on the road of no return as a pirate.

At this time, he was helpless, and the justice in his body was constantly pressing him.

His heart was like a scale.

On one side is the justice of the Navy, and on the other side are his dearest relatives.

No matter which side the scales fall, he doesn't want to see it.

Seeing the constantly changing expression on Karp's face, the crane staff officer on the side was also unbearable.

I saw her come to Karp's side.

"Karp... I have wronged you. "

More than 100,000 elite naval soldiers, hundreds of naval warships.

Plus the top of the navy, the giant vice admirals.

It can be said that the Navy has dispatched all its combat power in order to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates.

In Marin Fandor, lay down the heaven and earth net.

Such a card is also enough to be worthy of the title of the strongest man with a white beard.

But at this time, the sky is not beautiful.

At the moment when this big war was about to break out, it actually rained lightly.

The bay of Marin Fandor began to fog.

For a while, it was difficult to see the situation around the bay.

This fog greatly obscures the view.

Even telescopes are difficult to see.

At this moment, a black shadow appeared at the bay, and then the number of black shadows began to increase.

It can be seen that there are quite a few ships approaching Marin Fando.

At this time, the naval soldiers on the observation deck also noticed this scene.

He was a little surprised that the Whitebeard Pirates actually chose to attack from the front.

Hurriedly put down the binoculars, took out the phone worm, and dialed the phone bug of the Warring States.

"Lord Marshal, the Whitebeard Pirates have reached five!"

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