Chapter 51 The peak powerhouse of the old times, Whitebeard!

The silhouettes of large ships around Marin Fandor gradually emerged.

With the appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates, the entire Marin Fandor also began to boil.

Everyone's attention was focused on this row of black shadows.

They all looked at the center of this fog.

As time passed, rows of black shadows gradually leaned over.

The observers holding binoculars also recognized their identities.

There is the ice witch Waitibey, and there is the swirling spider.

These black shadows are the large ship regiments they lead.

But at this time, the lookouts did not choose to report to the Warring States at the first time after seeing the captains of the large ship regiment.

He discovered something very strange.

The Moby Dick, the most powerful of the Whitebeard Pirates, is clearly not among these dark shadows.

For a while, the lookouts were a little anxious.

No matter how much they searched, they could not find a trace of the Moby Dick.

You must know that Whitebeard himself and the various captains are on the Moby Dick.

Knowing that there was something strange about things, the lookouts did not dare to make up their own minds.

Hurriedly took out the phone worm and dialed the phone bug of the Admiral Sengoku.

"Lord Marshal, they are all members of the Whitebeard Ship Regiment!"

The lookout said very anxiously.

Hearing the words of the lookout, the eyebrows of the Warring States were all together.

At such a juncture, it is impossible for Whitebeard not to come.

His heart was also faintly uneasy.

In any case, it is impossible to imagine where the whitebeard will appear from.

"Immediately search for Whitebeard's ship that hits his team, be sure to locate it accurately!"

The wartime horse gave important orders to the lookouts.

After all, the other party can be one of the four emperors, the white "zero three zero" beard.

If he sneaked up on Marin Fando from somewhere, then things would not have been imagined.

As Whitebeard's old opponent, Warring States also knew very well in his heart that it was impossible for Whitebeard not to let his large ship regiment run to die.

After receiving the order from the Warring States, the lookouts also hurriedly began to search for the whereabouts of Whitebeard.

After all, so many large ships have come, and Whitebeard should have come as well.

So the lookouts continued to raise their binoculars and observe carefully above the foggy sea.

The dark shadow of the large ship group is getting closer and closer, and the people on the ship can also be clearly seen.

But even so, the lookouts still did not find a trace of the Whitebeard Pirates.

No trace of Whitebeard and the Moby Dick has been found.

The lookouts knew that things were far from as simple as they thought.

So he hurriedly reported this matter to the Warring States.

"Didn't find it?"

Sengoku chuckled in his heart.

At this time, he was standing on the command platform on a high place, not far from the execution platform.

At this time, even if he used his naked eye to observe, he faintly saw the black shadow of the large ship group.

It can be seen that the large ship group is already very close to Marin Fandor.

But under such circumstances, Whitebeard still showed no trace.

He frowned, feeling very uneasy.

At this time, he expected that the battlefield must have changed.

Although he was uneasy in his heart, the Warring States was not in a hurry.

He closed his eyes and chose to wait silently, and his heart also became a little curious.

"In what way will this strongest man in the world appear?"

Of course, it is not only Sengoku who is full of curiosity at this time.

At this time, the Seven Wuhai were also watching the black shadow in front of them, and they also learned the news that the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates had not appeared through the news reported.


"I originally thought how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates are, but now they actually dare not show up!"

Moonlight Moriah said with some disdain.

Hearing his words, the other four Qiwu Hai looked at him like fools.

And then there was no choice but to say much.

There was a hint of fighting intent in Hawkeye's cold eyes.

The black knife night behind him has been waiting for too long, and it seems to be constantly shaking, as if it wants to be unsheathed.

Doflamingo grinned and half-crouched on the ground.

People who don't know think he's laughing because he's wearing red sunglasses.

But at this time, his eyes were red and solemn.

He knew very well how strong the Four Emperors really were, and the pressure caused by Whitebeard's delay in showing up was not small.

Immediately, the female emperor big bear also looked at the misty-shrouded sea with her eyes shining.

Waiting for the appearance of the protagonist Whitebeard today.

On the high platform, the three admirals still maintained their initial posture.

Waiting for the arrival of the Whitebeard Pirates.

But seeing that the white-bearded pirate group refused to show up, they were also a little puzzled in their hearts.

If this whitebeard does not come from the bay, where will it come from?

You must know that the surrounding sea area is equipped with a full two hundred warships.

And the soldiers in charge of the lookout are even more numerous.

Unless the Whitebeard Pirates can fly, they can't attack at all.

While everyone was still curious about the location of the Moby Dick.

In front of the bay of Marin Fandor, there was a sudden bubbling sound.

The bay is located in Marin Fandom, near the city gates.


When they saw the bubbles that gradually grew larger and larger in the bay, there was only one voice in everyone's mind.

"Here it comes"

The bay of the Moby Dick and the weird bubbles that have not appeared.

Nor can people blame people for associating the two.

As soon as the words fell, a column of water rose from the bay.

Immediately, the huge Moby Dick burst out of the bay, and in addition to the mother ship Moby Dick, three sub-ships also appeared side by side.

There are four pirate ships, one mother ship and three sub-ships.

The huge pattern of the clear white beard on the sails of the Moby Dick.

This was followed by a "bang".

Immediately "Boom." "

The coating of four ships was broken in an instant.

Led by the Moby Dick, he instantly came to the front of Marin Vando.

The sudden appearance of the Whitebeard Pirates made the navies in the square nervous.

After all, this is one of the four emperors, the white-bearded pirate group.

Before that, they did not have the opportunity to contact such a presence.

Rumors about Whitebeard, most of these soldiers of the Navy also heard from rumors.

They only know that Whitebeard is a powerful pirate known as the strongest man in the world.

With the landing of the Moby Dick, the lineup is very gorgeous.

Fourteen figures stood on either side of the Moby Dick.

It was Marko, Joz and other captains.

Looking at the heaven and earth net arranged by the navy, the captains of the fan looked cold.

It can be seen that the Navy has laid down blood in order to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates.

The captains knew that the navy was serious this time.

But why not?

The Navy wouldn't really be naïve enough to think that just this would stop them from rescuing Ace, right?

At this time, seeing the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, the navies present were also under great pressure.

These guys are all sea pirates who are famous in the new world.

Picking one at random is enough to gain a foothold on the Great Route.

All have the strength to stand alone.

And the specific strength is also fully capable of crushing the level of lieutenant generals.

Below the general, the interval above the lieutenant general is not equal.

The strength of the Four Emperors Pirate Group is not so simple to say.

These are all powerful strengths that have been slowly accumulated over the years. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

With the appearance of the Moby Dick and the appearance of fourteen captains, the war is about to officially begin.

The Sengoku on the high platform is still waiting for Whitebeard's appearance.

Only when this old rival of his comes on the scene can this battle really begin.

"Huh, what about Whitebeard?"

The navy thought a little puzzled.

After a shock, they also reacted, and Whitebeard had not yet appeared.

Obviously, the Moby Dick and the fourteen captains appeared.

But he couldn't see the white-bearded figure for a long time.

Therefore, everyone is puzzled.

Could it be that Whitebeard Nippon West Mountain didn't come directly?

But this is impossible, not to mention that Whitebeard is the core figure of the pirate group.

Without the combat power of Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirate Group cannot be an opponent of the Navy.

Suddenly, there was a stampede sound.

At this time, Marin Fandor did not have a sound because everyone was waiting for Whitebeard.

It can be said that the needle can be heard.

So the stampede is very clear.


A sonorous stampede came from the deck of the Moby Dick.

The sound is getting closer and closer, crisp and loud.

Every step is like the Grim Reaper reaping life.

The sound hits the depths of the soul and is chilling.

The owner of the voice was none other than the man with a great body.

I saw Whitebeard holding a knife and cutting through the clouds, step by step from the Moby Dick.

Finally came to the bow of the ship and stopped.

At this time he was standing directly in front of everyone on the Moby Dick.

He smashed Cong Yun the ground.

Suddenly, the echo echoed, covering the entire Marin Fando.

Finally, the man wearing a cloak, a beak knife in his hand, full of rough muscles, and a hat appeared in front of the navy.

The navies were stunned to see the appearance of Whitebeard.......

At this time, the navy soldiers, who had not experienced strong winds and waves, could not help but accelerate their heartbeats.

They swallowed unconsciously and looked at the man with a crescent-shaped white beard in front of them with wide eyes.

"Is this the legendary pirate Whitebeard?"

"It looks like an old man already. "

"After all, it is a strong man in the old era, and it is understandable to be old. "

But the aura on his body was not fake, and he had a shuddering feeling from such a distance. "

The navy said with some horror.

After all, it was the first time to face such a scene, and it was inevitable that they would feel a little flustered.

The vice admirals frowned, although the name of the white-bearded resounded throughout the sea.

But they are also the backbone of the navy after all, and such a scene cannot bluff them.

But at this time, the lieutenant generals also noticed the soldiers' somewhat frightened looks.

They wanted to do something, but there was nothing they could do.

Although they are not alarmed, the appearance of Whitebeard still puts a lot of pressure on them.

Even as vice admirals, they are in this situation, not to mention the naval soldiers.

At this time, Qiwu Hai, I saw that Whitebeard finally appeared.

The five people also immediately let go of their eyes.


"Whitebeard, this guy is also Nippori Nishiyama!"

"I don't know what the Navy is going to do. "

"Is it necessary to use such a big movement to deal with such an old man?"

Moonlight Moriah said with a sneer.

"Is this the rumored strongest man in the world, Whitebeard?"

Hawkeye thought to himself.

At the same time, he felt a little excited.

"A guy who deserves to be called the strongest man in the world. "

"This aura really deserves this title. "

The female emperor, who has always been arrogant and arrogant, rarely praised Whitebeard.

Bartholomy Bear didn't say much, he didn't say anything.

But he still unconsciously clenched the book in his hand.

Doflamingo also changed his arrogant attitude.

He was not grinning, but replaced with a solemn attitude.

It can be seen that Qi Wuhai still attaches great importance to the appearance of Whitebeard.

"Are you finally willing to show up?"

Sengoku looked at the whitebeard on the bow of the Moby Dick and whispered.

Looking at his old rival, Warring States was also embarrassed in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the former opponent and himself were standing on the command seat.

But sigh after sigh, he clearly knew that he had to win this battle.

The outcome of this battle will affect the whole world.

Influence the future development of the Navy.

He had to win this battle.

Thinking of this, Sengoku also clenched his fists.

At this time, the eyes of the three major pieces on the high platform that were originally ancient and unwavering finally ushered in a change.

They looked at the white-bearded in the distance, and a trace of jealousy still flashed under their eyes.

Although it has long been twilight, he is finally praised as the strongest man in the world by 2.8.

It is very likely that such a guy will be faced head-on next.

There is still some excitement and jealousy in their hearts.

After all, both sides are the strongest combat power, and solving Whitebeard's affairs will definitely fall to the three of them in the end.

Although Whitebeard is famous, they have not experienced the so-called old times.

But they are the three admirals of the highest combat power in the navy headquarters.

Even if you face a strong opponent like Whitebeard, you can't be intimidated!

Seeing the appearance of Whitebeard, Ace on the execution table was also a little strained.

Originally unkempt and silent, he roared loudly: "Dad, I'm sorry for you!"

After roaring, this man, who had never shed a single tear, couldn't help but have tears in his eyes.

I don't know that it was because of the rescue of the Whitebeard Pirates and was moved to cry.

Or because he dragged down the Whitebeard Pirates and cried because of guilt.

Maybe there are both emotions.

But only Ace knows what kind of life he's been living lately.

Every day is a matter of fear.

On the one hand, he is unwilling to defeat Blackbeard, and on the other hand, he is a little worried about the Whitebeard Pirates.

How he wished the Whitebeard Pirates would just give up on him.

"Goo la..."

Ace's roar was replaced by a hearty laugh from Whitebeard.

The Whitebeard Pirates will not give up on any of their partners.

I saw Whitebeard glance at all the navies, including Warring States Karp.

Then his gaze fell on Ace.

His eyes were extremely firm.

"Ace, don't worry, Daddy I'll be here soon!"

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