Chapter 52 Lying groove, 100,000 attribute drops!

As Whitebeard's words finished.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirate Group shouted loudly.

The momentum is monstrous, shaking the sea.

It can be seen that the entire group of white-bearded pirates really wants to rescue Ace.

He also hated the Navy's execution of Ace.

Hearing the shouts of the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates, a smile appeared on the cold faces of the captains.

Next is the beginning of the battle, and they have to rescue Ace with their own hands!

"People who moved our Whitebeard Pirates. "

"Still our second team captain. "

"Are you ready to pay the price?"

Marko said confidently.

The face unconsciously showed a touch of pride, which is the pride and confidence that the members of the white-bearded pirate group should have.

He raised his head slightly to look at the navy.

Earlier, his shouts were also heard by the navy, but there was nothing they could do.

"Marshal of the Navy, this position should also be relinquished!"

"Who told you to move our brothers of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Jozi's eyes were grim, and he looked at the Warring States on the high platform and said.

He had long seen that the navy was very upset, and the officers under him did not care about evil, but arrested the Ace brothers, who he thought were righteous in his heart.

"Let me see how many of your troops in gathering the entire navy are!"

"In order to deal with our white-bearded pirate group, put in such a big effort, don't end up all lost. "

Foil Bista smiled and said softly.

His face was full of disdain, thinking that the way the navy used Ace to blackmail the Whitebeard Pirates was completely unworthy of the word justice.

When the Moby Dick landed, the large ship group of the Whitebeard Pirates also gradually leaned towards Marin Fando.

Li Mu was on the icebreaker of the Ice Witch Pirate Group at this time.

Compared to the captains who are in the limelight, he is just an unknown little pirate.

But he was already very satisfied with participating in the top war in this capacity. 25

"It's started, it's started!"

Li Mu couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart and shouted out directly.

He had waited too long for this battle.

Since the Chambord Islands, he has been planning this top war.

Finally, he waited until today.

And successfully mixed in with Marin Fandor.

The next thing he had to do was to harvest the attribute points.

Thinking that the next super powerhouses will start colliding, countless attribute points will fall.

His heart was filled with great anticipation.

At this time, Waidibe, who was on the side, heard Li Mu's voice and smiled.

It is very uncommon for young people to have such a heart.

After all, the average person has long been scared half to death.

Thinking of the previous Li Mu kid defeating Drought Jack, plus now he was not afraid of this huge battle.

Waitibé couldn't help but admire him a little.

"This is not a small trouble, I may not be able to take care of you later." "

He spoke out to remind Li Mu.

However, the war on top is no better than the usual battle.

There were countless strong people in this battle, and there were more than a hundred vice admirals on the naval side.

In addition to the three major generals, Nanabukai, Kapu Sengoku and others.

The comprehensive strength is no worse than the Whitebeard Pirates.

Waidibe was also worried that Li Mu was too arrogant and lost his life before he spoke out to remind him.

But Li Mu himself knew exactly what this battle represented.

And he only planned to silently pick up attributes, and did not intend to join the battlefield in the center.

Seeing that the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates had almost risen, Whitebeard also waved his hand to signal the pirates to stop.

Suddenly, the shouting stopped.

Whitebeard grinned, and then cut Cong Yun to the ground.

I saw him clenching his fists tightly and his arms exerting strength.

Suddenly, the mighty power of the heavens burst out directly, and wherever the arms went, it was like a mirror shattering.

This blow from Whitebeard directly shattered the space.

Such a powerful force is naturally not only that, but also when the space between the arms completely shattered like a mirror.

The whole Marin Fando shook with it.

At this time, the sea around the entire naval headquarters was not calm.

It's very fierce and constantly surging.

Constantly lapping on the façade of Marin Fandor.

In such a situation, the navy in the square swayed, and some tended to stand unsteadily.

Even the navy, who was standing very straight, almost fell to the ground.

This violent tremor directly affected everyone in Marin Fando.

Everyone was worried because the shaking was so intense.

When the tremor passed, many sharp-eyed navies noticed that the tide in front of the bay of Marin Fandor began to fade.

At this time, everyone was very puzzled, and their hearts were full of doubts.

"Why is the sea starting to recede?"

While the navy was still wondering, the sea level in the distance suddenly rose seventy or eighty meters.

Only then did the navy suddenly realize.

"Tsunami! It's a tsunami!"

The navy, which was the first to react, shouted.

And this is indeed the tsunami caused by the earthquake fruit.

Hearing the tsunami, the navy suddenly panicked, and the tsunami of seventy or eighty meters was enough to destroy most of the islands.

Marin Fandor is certainly strong, but what about the 150,000 navies on the scene?

This tsunami is enough to engulf them!

At this time, the ordinary navy had already panicked.

After all, it was the first time I encountered such a strong opponent as the Whitebeard Pirates.

But as Whitebeard's old rival, the Warring States were as stable as Mount Tai at this time.

Whitebeard's ability is naturally clear to him.

But when he saw this natural disaster-like fruit ability again, he couldn't help but marvel.

"The Shock Fruit is really strong enough!"

"And after so many years, I really can't imagine that this old guy with Whitebeard still has such unstoppable power!"

Even the Sengoku had to admit the strength of Whitebeard.

But fortunately, this is not the peak of Whitebeard.

If it were changed to the peak of Whitebeard, the navy would naturally not dare to choose the place of war in this Marin Fandor.

To put it bluntly, if Whitebeard is allowed to return to its peak, it is not said that it is Marin Fandor, the headquarters of the Navy.

Even the Red Earth Continent where the world nobles Draco are located can sink for you.

Although it is said that it is an opponent at this time, Sengoku still showed a touch of appreciation for Whitebeard's strong strength.

Karp as an old-time powerhouse who once defeated Rox.

The strength of the past is not much different from that of Whitebeard.

Looking at the huge movement made by the white beard, he also smiled, and did not pay attention to it at all.

In other words, stable as an old dog.

But Whitebeard's twilight age can still emit such a strong power that Karp's heart can't help but sigh.

With Whitebeard's strong shot, the pressure also came to the side of the Navy.

In the face of this monstrous wave, like a tsunami that was about to engulf the entire Marin Fandor, even some vice admirals frowned.

With their strength, self-preservation is certainly not much of a problem.

But they have the strength to protect themselves, but what about these 150,000 elite naval soldiers?

How much of the tsunami will survive such a tsunami?

This is such a huge loss without going to war, the navy cannot accept it.

On the contrary, Qiwu Hai's side is like watching a play.

Originally pirates, they were familiar with the flooding of the naval headquarters and the fact that more than 100,000 people were familiar with the naval suffering.

But I couldn't have the will.

One by one, with a smile on their faces, and looking at the scene in front of them with anticipation, they almost served them two plates of melon seeds.

At this time, on the high platform.

The red dog raised his hand and smashed the chair at hand. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He was a little upset in his heart.

The Navy would actually be made like this by Whitebeard.

His face couldn't help but twitch, and he was ready to move.

But at this juncture, the green pheasant took the lead and walked out.

I saw the green pheasant teleporting directly above the naval headquarters.

"Ice Age!"

He shot directly, and two icicles continued to extend rapidly outward from his hand.

It soon connected to the tsunami that was about to flood the naval headquarters.

Suddenly, the terrifying tsunami was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The intense low temperature instantly enveloped the entire Marin Fando.

At this time, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates Group were also affected by this low temperature, and many pirates could not stand this temperature and fought the cold war.

The admiral is terrifying!

Everyone did not expect that this guy Qingji actually used such an ingenious method to resolve this crisis.

And he also chose the most suitable time.

Strike when a tsunami is coming.

At this time, the frozen bay, the tsunami from both sides turned into an iceberg-like existence.

The two directly turned into a pretty good battlefield.

The Navy was also relieved to see that this horrific tsunami had been successfully resolved.

Originally, I thought that the war would turn into cannon fodder before it even started.

"Goo la la la..."

"That little imp from before is now able to compete with me!"

Whitebeard said with a big laugh.

Seeing that his Xeon's blow was dissolved by the green pheasant, Whitebeard did not show unpleasant performance.

Instead, he burst out laughing.

Perhaps he didn't expect this blow to have much effect from beginning to end.

After all, even if the green pheasant does not make a move, there are still red dogs and Sengoku Kapu Yellow Ape and others at this time.

There are no words for the pheasant.

After freezing the tsunami, a light flashed in his eyes.

He looked at Whitebeard, is this man known as the strongest in the world?

I saw that the green pheasant was the first to attack Whitebeard.

"Ice gun!"

Suddenly, more than twenty ice spears directly locked Whitebeard.

It was then launched towards Whitebeard at great speed.

Whitebeard looked at the ice spear that was coming towards him, unhurried.

A smile appeared on his face.

"Just like this attack wants to be useful to my Whitebeard?"

He thought with some disdain in his heart.

Immediately, his right hand exerted force, and there was another shock.

Suddenly, more than twenty ice spears shattered in the air.

At the same time, Whitebeard's shot triggered a shockwave towards the green pheasant.

The speed of the shock wave is extremely fast, and the momentum is unabated, pointing directly at the pheasant.

The green pheasant saw the super impact brought by the Shock Fruit and wanted to strike it himself.

Hurriedly generate an ice barrier in front of him.

The pheasant was also successfully hit by the shockwave.

Fortunately, the pheasant is very smart, and at the moment when the ice barrier could not resist the shock wave, he turned himself into an iceman.

Under the action of the shock wave, he was smashed into pieces.

The debris then fell to the ground.

But soon the pieces continued to be spliced together and reunited into human form.

Although the two simply collided, people with discerning eyes could see it.

In the first confrontation, the green pheasant has already fallen behind.

At this time, the morale of the navy also began to become a little low because of this series of events.

First, the tsunami brought by the Whitebeard Earthquake Fruit completely flooded the entire navy.

Even if the pheasant successfully prevented the tsunami, the navy was still very frightened.

In addition, the pheasants fell into the downwind, which made the morale of the navy a little low for a while.

But this 137 situation did not last long.

As the pheasant reforged its body and did not suffer any damage.

The navy instantly understood that they were not inferior in this battle.

Although the other party has the strongest man in the world, the white beard.

But there are also three admirals on their side.

Even in addition to the three admirals, there are Marshal Sengoku, naval hero Karp.

Compared to the top strength, it is even better!

And what is the situation with Whitebeard now?

He has long been in the twilight of the West Mountain, and he has reached the age of declining strength.

This matter has long been known to the world.

Age is definitely the biggest obstacle to the strong.

No matter how powerful a strong person is, as he gets older, his strength will eventually decline.

Even if he can take advantage of the general pheasant now, what can he do?

No matter how strong it is, can it still stop the three major generals from joining forces?

It is said that the general emperor is at the same level, and your old four emperors are a little stronger than the general.

But what if three generals strike at the same time?

No matter how strong your white beard is, can it be resisted?

Thinking of this, the morale of the navy gradually increased.

"Is it really our grand general?"

"That's right, we still have Lord Marshal and Navy Hero Karp on our side!"

"Whitebeard has nothing to fear!"

"Let's go together!"

At this time, all the navies were indignant.

After figuring out the gap in combat power on the field now, they are not worried and afraid.

Morale is also at an all-time high.

Just wait for the order of the Warring States to launch the final total against the Whitebeard Pirates.

And at this moment, Li Mu's face twitched uncontrollably a few times.

His expression was somewhat unnatural.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes from Whitebeard!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes from the pheasant!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes from Whitebeard!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes from the pheasant!"

"Lying groove, one hundred thousand!"

Li Mu was shocked, he had never obtained such a large amount of Devil Fruit attributes before.

He immediately thought of someone who was also a general.

The same general Qinghe can hit 100,000 attribute points, but that guy has hit 40,000 attribute points at most.

The gap in the strength of the same admiral is certainly not so large.

Naturally, there is only one explanation, that is, the yellow ape guy released water.

"This abominable yellow-skinned monkey!"

"It's really not a thing, just give me a little attribute point in the first place. "

Li Mu couldn't help but roll his eyes.

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