Chapter 53 The battle begins, and blood fills Marin Fando

As morale continued to rise, Sengoku also understood that the opportunity to charge had come.

Immediately the Warring States gave an order, and all the artillery instantly locked on the Moby Dick.

The elite soldiers of the Navy drew their swords.

Immediately, led by Vice Admiral Giant, the navy launched a charge towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

"The Navy is calling!"

"We're on too!"

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates also said excitedly.

Immediately seeing the navy's attack, the pirates also greeted it.

And the pirates' side is mainly led by the captains of the large ship group and some captains.

Among them, the captain of the fourth team, Foil Bista, rushed the fiercest.

Directly took the initiative to meet the Navy.

Who is Foil Bista?

The captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, he is best at swordsmanship.

In terms of swordsmanship, it can even fight with the world's number one swordsman's eagle eye.

A strong man of this level is not at all what the navy can deal with.

Even the lieutenant general struggled against Bista.

If you are not careful, you risk losing your life.

The Whitebeard Pirates are led by Bista and the captains of the Big Ship Group, and killing the Whitebeard Pirates is like a wolf into a flock, easily pushing all the way.

But obstacles soon followed.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Mole blocked.

The pirates are also at war with the navy's skilled soldiers.

There were people on both sides who led the charge, and they suddenly collided together.

The navy and pirates killed each other, and the sound of knives suddenly rose one after another.

At this time, Li Mu also mixed into the Ice Witch Pirate Group and charged with everyone.

But he still adhered to his usual style, constantly picking up attribute points in the rear.

Occasionally strike to solve one or two Navy miscellaneous soldiers.

"Congratulations to the host, 200 power attribute points have been picked up!"

"Congratulations to the host, 100 agility attribute points have been picked up!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have picked up 200 qi and blood attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, 300 power attribute points have been picked up!"

I saw that the attribute points began to brush the screen frantically, although there were not many, but the victory was refreshed ten times fast.

As the battle between the navy soldiers and the pirates began, the collision of swords never stopped.

At this time, the entire Marin Fandor only heard the sound of swords clashing and cannon fire.

At this time, looking at the crazy beating of the system, Li Mu was naturally overjoyed in his heart.

"It's worthy of the top war, let's fight quickly." "

"It's better to beat all the brain pulp out!"

He thought excitedly.

At this time, the artillery fire of the navy continued to bombard over, resulting in huge losses on the pirate side.

Seeing this, Foil Bista flew directly up and slashed at the shells fired.

"Rose Wheel Dance!"

With his shot, rose petals began to float in the air.

The range of his slashes was very huge, and he forced countless shells to fall from the air.

Seeing this, the vortex spider and the ice witch also shot one after another, cutting down the remaining cannonballs.

In this way, the losses on the side of the pirates can be minimized.

Suddenly, the navy grew their mouths, as if they had seen something incredible.

I saw a very huge giant slowly walking out from the white-bearded pirate group.

Even several times taller than the vice admirals of the Giants.

Even the Giants shouldn't have been so huge.

At this time, the giant lieutenant generals who were killing the enemy in front were suddenly shocked when they saw this incomparably huge body.

"This is the Oz family?"

Such a huge body can only be explained by the Oz family.

And the person who came was Little Oz of the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Ace, I'm here to save you!"

Little Oz shouted.

At this time, Ace saw the appearance of little Oz on the execution table, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of melancholy.

He recalled the time he had spent with little Oz again, and for a moment he couldn't help it, and two tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

"Little Oz, go back!"

Ace hurriedly shouted.

Because little Oz's body is so huge, Ace understands that once he enters the battlefield, he will be set on fire by everyone.

At that time, there is no possibility of escape.

It is estimated that the whole person will be accounted for here.

At this time, Moonlight Moria at the Seven Martial Seas let out a defiant laugh.

"This is Oz of the Giants.!"

"I searched hard for so many years and couldn't find it!"

"I can't imagine that I was hiding in the white-bearded pirate group!"

"It's really easy to find a place to step on iron shoes. "

He laughed excitedly.

At this time, he was determined to get little Oz's body no matter what.

At that time, with the ability of his shadow fruit, he can definitely create the strongest zombie in the world.

At this time, the rest of Qi Wuhai was also quite shocked in their hearts.

Such a tall giant, they also saw it for the first time.

This is completely beyond their understanding, much larger than ordinary giants.

The navy also discovered this incomparably huge guy for the first time.

Suddenly, all the shells were aimed at little Oz.

But little Oz's body was so huge that the shell hit him like a stone falling on him.

Not to mention the slightest effect.

Instead, little Oz came directly to the warship without much effort.

I saw him wielding the big stick in his hand and directly smashing one warship after another.

The battery was also smashed by him.

Seeing this, the vice admirals knew that they could not allow him to continue to destroy like this.

The giant lieutenant generals shot out one after another and surrounded little Oz.

But little Oz is not only huge, but also very powerful.

Giant Vice Admiral Dals draws his sword and slashes at Little Oz.

When little Oz found out, he frowned, and then swung his stick at Dals.

The attacks of the two collided together, and suddenly Dals was directly repulsed several meters.

Seeing this, the other naval giants, vice admirals, hurriedly drew their swords and attacked.

Suddenly there was a scuffle together.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 5,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 7,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 6,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 5,000 agility attributes!"

Li Mu is another account of attribute points.

"Well done little Oz!"

Watching little Oz smash all the most annoying forts, Foil Bista exclaimed loudly.

After all, in the battle at this time, the most annoying thing is the shells of the Navy.

Not only is it numerous, but it is also powerful.

Many pirates were lost under this fort.

Although the appearance of Little Oz successfully relieved the pressure on the navy.

But he himself was entangled by the giant vice admirals of the Navy.

Seeing this, the captains of the large ship regiment and Foil Bista wanted to step forward to support.

"Foil Bista, your opponent is me. "

A vice admiral with eight hands on his body walked towards Foil Bista.

It is not difficult to see that this person is Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

He has eight arms like a spider.

A sword is held in each arm.

It can be seen that he is also a swordsman.

And the swordsman and the swordsman must have a fateful duel.

Foil Bista could not refuse the battle of Lieutenant General Ghost Spider.

"You guys lead everyone to keep rushing forward, I'll solve this guy!" (read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

Bista said so, and at the same time a flash of fighting intent flashed in his heart.

Hearing this, the vortex spider and the ice witch Waitibé nodded, and then continued to charge with the pirates.

The same swordsman, the two first looked at each other for a moment.

Immediately, the ghost spider took the lead.

After all, he was facing the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and to be honest, he didn't have too much confidence.

Therefore, he must strike first in order to seize the opportunity.

I saw that under the blessing of the armed color domineering, the sword of the ghost spider lieutenant general slashed towards Bista like an afterimage.

Bista was not in a hurry, and he slowly drew his sword.

Very easily, he blocked all the attacks of the ghost spider lieutenant general, and then he suddenly rose to the ground.

Come to the air.

"Violet Cross!"

Petals began to appear around his body, and then he made a cross slash in the air.

Suddenly, a cross slashed towards the ghost spider.

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider was shocked.

Hurriedly put all the swords in front of him to protect himself.

But even so, he was repulsed several meters.

Moreover, the aftermath of the slash also left two blood marks on his body.

"Foil Bista is really not simple!"

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider said with some jealousy.

"Congratulations to the host, 7,000 power attributes have been collected!"

"Congratulations to the host, 9,000 agility attributes were picked up!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 armed color domineering attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 points to see and smell domineering attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 9,000 qi and blood attributes!"

Another large amount of attribute points were credited, and Li Mu closed his mouth happily.

Just the beginning of the war at the top ushered in so many attribute points.

What's next?

He secretly has fun in his heart and keeps an eye on the changes on the field.

At this time, Lieutenant General Mole, who was killing the enemy, also noticed the change in things and hurried over to support.

"Lieutenant General Mole, you came just in time. "

"We have to join forces. "

"Foil Bista is really strong. "

Lieutenant General Ghost Spider knew that he was invincible, so he chose to join forces with Lieutenant General Mole.

Lieutenant General Mole was also verbose, directly pulled out his sword, and stared at Bista in front of him with indifferent eyes.

For the vice admiral, it is still a bit difficult to deal with the rank of captain.

Even a veteran lieutenant general like Lieutenant General Ghost Spider is very difficult.

But a fight is a battle, and they can't stop at this point.

So the two went out and grappled with Foil Bista.

Although Bista can easily crush the vice admiral.

But Vice Admiral Ghost Spider and Vice Admiral Mole are both pillars of the Vice Admiral's existence.

It's not that easy to deal with.

And the two have such rich combat experience, and their strength has grown by leaps and bounds after joining forces.

Bista was unable to break through the duo's defense for a while.

At this time, Little Oz looked a little invincible under the siege of several giant lieutenant generals.

Although his body and strength are very strong.

But because his body was too large, he was also set on fire by the Navy.

His body was already full of holes, and countless bullets and shells left him with a large number of wounds.

Finally, the Vortex Spider and the Ice Witch came to their aid.

Suddenly, little Oz felt a lot less pressure.

At this time, the captains of the two large ship regiments and the giant vice admirals are entangled, and little Oz is able to escape.

With a determined look in his eyes, he galloped towards the execution table.

He wants to save Ace by his own power.

Seeing little Oz who suddenly galloped, Ace secretly said that it was not good.

Such a solo charge can already be imagined.

"Go back, little Oz. "

"You're rushing too hard!"

Ace hurriedly shouted.

But at this time, little Oz has been confused by the rescue, and he vaguely feels that he can save Ace.

But at this time, the three major generals have not yet made a move.

On the high platform, there is also the Karp Warring States Tiger Watch.

It's not easy to rescue Ace.

At this time, the Sengoku on the command platform frowned.

If this giant is allowed to come around like this, he may not really be rescued by him.

I saw that the Warring States' eyes were cold, looking at the Seven Martial Sea.

These guys who have been watching coldly, he can't stand it.

The Seven Warriors also noticed the look in Sengoku's eyes.

At this time, they also had to bow their heads under the eaves.

They all understood the meaning of the Warring States.

Whitebeard, who had been observing the battle situation, frowned.

"Little Oz, come back quickly, you rushed too forward." "

He hurriedly reminded.

It turned out that little Oz, the guy, saved Ace heartily, and killed himself under the execution table.

But under the navy's heaven and earth net, it is so difficult to save (Zhao) Ace.

At this time, little Oz was already very close to the execution table.

But at this moment, one after another silk thread suddenly cut off his right leg and restrained him.

His huge body was difficult to support.

Little Oz knew that he could not move forward, and wanted to reach out and save Ace.

At this time, he was very close to the execution table.

Suddenly, a bear's paw-like bubble hit his chest, and suddenly an explosion erupted in his chest.

And he fell.

"Hey, hey, who allowed you to do something to my Oz!"

Looking at Oz's debridement body, Moria suddenly became angry.

If the body is destroyed, the strength will be greatly reduced when making zombies in the future.

He hurriedly used the Shadow Fruit ability to control Oz.

And little Oz completely lost consciousness.

"Little Oz!"

Ace shouted on the execution table, the scene in front of him was really unacceptable.

At this time, Bista was still grappling with the ghost spider and the mole, and he had no time to care.

The captains of the large ship regiment are also grappling with the giant vice admirals of the navy.

The giant of the Oz family, little Oz, also fell.

As the battle progressed, there was also movement on the side of the Qiwu Sea.

At this time, the navy and the pirates were completely killed together.

On the side of the Seven Warrior Sea, Hawkeye Mihawk suddenly took a slow step forward.

It was this step that immediately attracted everyone's attention.

This guy is the head of the Seven Martial Seas, with the world's first swordsman's Hawkeye Mihawkedon.

It can be said that in addition to Whitebeard and the three major generals, he is the strongest combat power.

Of course, the Karp Sengoku does not count in it.

At this time, the Seven Wuhai people looked at Hawkeye one after another, wondering in their hearts what this guy wanted to do?

"Let me see the gap between us!"

Hawkeye suddenly said this towards the whitebeard in the distance.

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