Chapter 54: Marin Fando's two professional actors

Mihawk Hawkeye walked to the front of the battlefield and pulled out the Black Knife Night.

I saw that his long knife was crossed and pointed directly at Whitebeard.

His eagle-like sharp eyes exuded an icy aura all the time.

It's scary just by looking at it.

At this time, his eyes were staring at the white beard in front of him.

"How big is the gap between us and this man?

Although the war on top is the largest war since the Age of Exploration.

But as the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye doesn't really have much interest in this war.

I don't like this scene.

And the reason why he will agree to the navy to participate in this war is mainly for the whitebeard.

This man with the title of the strongest man in the world is his purpose.

"Vack, bark..."

"I didn't expect that the first one among us who couldn't hold back was actually him!"

Doflamingo covered his eyes and laughed.

He was also very curious about how strong the legendary pirate Whitebeard was.

And how does Hawkeye, the strongest in the Seven Warrior Sea, compare to Whitebeard?

"Oh, it seems that you are also interested!"

The female emperor was slightly surprised.

Looking at the sharp-eyed hawkeye in front of her, she couldn't figure out his thoughts.

And Bartholomy Bear did not speak, but just put down the book in his hand.

He also wanted to see how big the gap between the Seven Martial Seas and the Four Emperors was.

"Jiaojiao, have any of us finally made a move?"

Moonlight Moriah said with a smile.

At this time, all the Seven Wuhai were very concerned about what would happen to Hawkeye's attack on Whitebeard.

They all want to know how big the gap is between them and Whitebeard.

His Majesty's Seven Wuhai and the Four Emperors are all pirates with titles.

But the gap in wind reviews is very large.

Although they are powerful, they are known as lackeys of the navy.

The Four Emperors, on the other hand, are known as the emperors of the sea.

Such a huge gap naturally made several people dissatisfied.

But there is indeed a gap between the strength of the Seven Wuhai and the Four Emperors.

This is a fact that everyone acknowledges, but how big is the gap?

There is no way to know.

This is now high above the stands.

"Oh, it's just weird!"

"This man also did it!"

The yellow ape said with some surprise.

I didn't expect that this guy Hawkeye actually had such a big interest in Whitebeard.


The red dog snorted 647.

The green pheasant also turned his head to look at Hawkeye.

After all, Hawkeye is a man with the title of the world's number one swordsman.

Even the three great generals were full of curiosity about this man.

Although the identity is Qiwu Sea, Hawkeye's strength as the head of Qiwu Sea will definitely not be bad.

And almost no one has ever seen him go all out.

Therefore, at this time, the three generals were also looking at Hawkeye with all their hearts, wanting to see what he could do.

The white-bearded pirate group here, everyone also looked at Hawkeye.

The captains looked sideways, and the captains of the various large ship regiments also hurriedly clenched their weapons.

Hawkeye's actions are undoubtedly provoking the Whitebeard Pirates.

The guy who dares to shoot directly at Daddy!

A burst of anger suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts.

This lackey of the Navy actually dares to face his daddy directly?

Who gave him courage?

Too arrogant, the gap between the Four Emperors and the Seven Wuhai is not ordinarily large.

"Goo... La la la. "

"Another imp trying to challenge me?"

Whitebeard also noticed Hawkeye's movements and laughed.

Instead of being angry at the challenge of so many people, he looked a little enjoyable.

As a strong man of the old times, he has not enjoyed the fun of fighting for a long time.

I saw that Hawkeye's eyes were cold, and the black knife night was split from top to bottom.

Directly slashed towards Whitebeard.

Suddenly, a dark green sword qi galloped towards Whitebeard at an extremely fast speed.

"Although Whitebeard is strong, it has long been in the twilight, and his strength is estimated to be much worse than before. "

"If you want to take the sword of Hawkeye, it is estimated that it is not so simple!"

The female emperor said thoughtfully.

But just when he was about to hit Whitebeard, this extremely powerful sword qi was actually lifted into the sky.

After the smoke and dust cleared, everyone found that a man covered in diamonds had successfully blocked the blow.

Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Sanban Team Diamond Joz!

Everyone was shocked.

It was actually given by the white-bearded captain Fan.

Is the Whitebeard Pirates already strong to this point?

Actually a captain can easily take the attack of the world's number one sword Hao Hawkeye?

At this time, Hawkeye saw that his attack had been defused, and his eyes frowned, but then he looked relieved.

He reinserted Black Blade Night into its scabbard.

Apparently there is no intention of making another (CFAC) shot.

Since he couldn't shoot directly at Whitebeard, then he didn't want to make a move.

Only Whitebeard is worth his shot here.

And Hawkeye, as the world's number one swordsman, his strength is naturally not so simple.

The reason why the attack was stopped was caused by Joz's fruit restraining some swordsmanship.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 sword art attributes from Mihawk's Hawkeye!"

Li Mu grinned and was overjoyed in his heart, and with just one blow, another hundred thousand attribute points arrived.

"It is worthy of being the world's number one sword master, and it can also burst 100,000 attribute points!"

He praised Hawkeye in his heart.

And Li Mu also found that the attribute points seemed to be 100,000 points at most.

And these people who can hit 100,000 attributes are all top powerhouses in this sea.

Is the maximum limit of the system 100,000 or can no one shoot more than 100,000 attacks?

Li Mu was also a little curious in his heart.

With Hawkeye's shot, the war once again ushered in a climax.

Suddenly, countless giants poured into the battlefield.

The battle situation was somewhat unfavorable to the Whitebeard Pirates for a while, and seeing this, the captains did not wait and see, and they chose to participate in the battle.

At this time, the green pheasant above the square also noticed Joz who blocked Hawkeye's attack.

"It seems that it will be difficult for these captains to get close to Whitebeard without solving it first." "

The green pheasant thought with some headache.

Immediately, I saw him teleport continuously, and soon came to Joz's side.

Jotz's face changed dramatically when he noticed such a change.

Someone could approach him quietly.

He had never encountered anything like this before.

Without having time to think about it, Joz hurriedly elementalized.

Suddenly, the whole body was covered with hard diamonds.

At this time, he had time to look sideways, who is this guy who is close to him?

Looking at it, it turned out to be a naval shock pheasant.

A sense of nervousness immediately rushed to Joz's heart.

Although he is not afraid of admirals, this is the first time he has faced admirals, and his heart is inevitably a little nervous.

But the defense of his shining fruit was extremely strong, and he was not worried that he would be hurt.

The green pheasant frowned, a little annoyed in his heart.

He thought that his speed was already fast, but he didn't expect that Diamond Joz actually reacted and turned on the elementalization of the fruit in advance.

In that case, there is no option to use the ice blade to deliver a fatal blow.

Thinking about it, a shocking cold aura began to come out of the green pheasant's body, and half of his body was frozen.

"Absolute zero!"

Even he himself was frozen, and Joz guessed no better than that.

And that's exactly what happened.

Even after initiating the elementalization of diamonds, Joz's whole body was frozen.

At this time, Joz was like an ice sculpture.

Suddenly, the ice that froze Joz began to crack.

Immediately after a roar, Joz actually shattered all the ice on his body. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The green pheasant showed an incredulous look and hurriedly retreated.

Joz had returned to his original appearance by this time, but he was out of breath.

Obviously, it took him a lot of effort just now to get rid of the shackles of freezing.

At this time, his body was constantly trembling, and he could see that the attack of the green pheasant just now still left him a lot of damage.

Joz looked viciously at the pheasant.

The green pheasant also looked at Joz coldly.

The two began a confrontation.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 10,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 points of armed color domineering!"

There was a burst of news from the system.

Li Mu was overjoyed.

"This can be big, so many attribute points!"

"The general shot, really not simple. "

"This shot is a drop of 100,000 thousand!"

He thought excitedly.

But as the messages kept popping up, he found that something didn't seem to be right.

So these 100,000 attribute points are less than zero!

Damn, this is not 100,000 at all, it is 10,000!

Li Mu was shocked in his heart, why is this?

Isn't the green pheasant just fighting Whitebeard a drop attribute point of 100,000?

So now it's 11,000 drops?

Why is that?

He was very puzzled in his heart, what was the pheasant doing.

You also learned the trick of the yellow ape?

This guy is really a professional actor.

So acting, so paddling, the expression does not change!

He suddenly felt a little irritated in his heart.

Just as the green pheasant confronted Jozi, the yellow ape on the high platform stood up.

The red dog noticed the yellow ape's movements, and he looked at the yellow ape.

"Oh, my body hurts without making a move. "

"People really don't obey old age!"

The yellow ape said lazily.

Then he twisted and came to a set of gymnastics in front of the red dog.

The red dog was speechless, but did not say anything.

I can only lower my hat and ignore the yellow ape guy.

The yellow ape saw that the red dog didn't seem to want to take care of him very much, and he also felt embarrassed for a while.

Fly directly to the sky above Marin Fandor.

"It is said that the thief captures the king first, what is the point of such a fight?"

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

He used big moves directly as soon as he came up.

And the object is a white beard in the distance.

I saw countless points of light emerging from the yellow ape's hands, and then these points of light shot towards Whitebeard at an extremely fast speed.

Just as the yellow ape's attack was about to hit Whitebeard, a phoenix chirp suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the strange bird that had been covered in blue flames rushed into the sky.

It's like a blue phoenix.

This is none other than Marko, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

I saw that Marko's target was the yellow ape above the sky.

His speed was extremely fast, and he spread his wings when he came to the yellow ape's flash attack.

Suddenly, countless light spot attacks smashed on his body.

It disappeared.

"Oh, what is this?"

"Is the phantom beast species form of the animal fruit?"

"It's really strange, I didn't expect the Whitebeard Pirates to have such a character. "

The yellow ape looked at Marco in front of him very curiously, and even froze for a while.

Marko also knew it was a good opportunity to take to the air.

"Phoenix Seal!"

His feet were now like bird's claws.

I saw him kick out towards the yellow ape, and flames suddenly emerged from his feet.

The yellow ape was busy in a daze, not noticing Marko's attack at all.

The whole person was immediately kicked out.

smashed into the high wall of the headquarters of the Navy.

Suddenly, a big hole appeared in the strong wall.

But the yellow ape's body has long turned into a bunch of balls of light.

Immediately, these balls of light floated to a no-man's place above the square, and then the balls of light converged.

The figure of the yellow ape was revealed at the next time.

"Oh, it's so dangerous!"

The yellow ape said in a little panic.

But his lewd expression and strange tone made it impossible to see his panicked look.

And this flustered tone is probably also deliberately pretended by him.

But Marko didn't plan to let the yellow ape go like this, only to see him attacking the yellow ape at a very fast speed.

"Oh yo, the little one is too anxious. "

The yellow ape said lightly.

Immediately, he raised his finger, and suddenly countless lasers attacked Marko from above his finger.

But Marko had a burst of a smile on his face.

"Don't waste your strength, your attack will be ineffective against me. "

Marko said lightly.

"Oh, what can I do about this?"

Immediately, the two continued to fight together.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 10,000 Devil Fruit attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 9,000 power attribute points!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 8,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 7,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 9,000 armed color domineering!"

This time, Li Mu did not choose to be happy for the first time.

Instead, I checked the numbers.

Sure enough, the yellow ape guy started acting again.

The same admiral, since the green pheasant can burst out 100,000 attribute points, then the yellow ape must have no problem.

But right now, the yellow ape is constantly changing positions back and forth in the air.

A couple of laser shots again.

It has no effect on the immortal bird Marko.

Li Mu's face couldn't help but show a look of contempt.

The yellow ape guy is really speechless.

At this time, the yellow ape participated in the battle, the green pheasant participated in the war, and there was only one red dog left on the high platform.

And Li Mu kept complaining about the two admirals paddling.

The pheasant and Joz are constantly fighting, and it can be seen that Joz has fallen into the downwind.

There is always a danger of defeat.

But Joz still did not lose, but fought back and forth with the pheasant.

And the yellow ape is similar to Marco here.

It is the yellow ape that constantly flashes and moves, occasionally sending two lasers to attack Marko.

"These two guys are really professional actors in the Navy!"

Li Mu couldn't help but complain.

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