Chapter 55: Is this the strongest navy?

The naval headquarters of Marin Fandor, the battle situation is very complicated.

The navy that has stood on this sea for more than 800 years has fought with the oldest group of pirates of the Four Emperors.

At this time, Whitebeard has not yet made a move, but two of the three generals with the highest combat power in the navy have already ended.

But the situation did not become one-sided as a result.

Instead, it gradually became anxious.

Admirals Green Pheasant and Yellow Ape were also restrained by Captain Joz and Marko.

The Navy Giant Vice Admirals are fiercely engaged with the captains of various large ship groups.

The scene can be said to be unusually chaotic.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 20-00 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 3000-point agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100 Qi and Blood Attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 5,000 armed color domineering!"

Li Mu here, attribute points are still falling.

But in general, there are many and few, after all, there are strong and weak among the warring people.

But because the pheasant and the yellow ape are paddling, there is no large attribute point drop.

At this time, on the high platform.

The red dog's face twitched twice, and he couldn't understand why the navy's combat power was obviously stronger than the white-bearded pirate group so much, but it was still difficult to fight.


"It seems that I have to take action myself. "

He raised his head, his hat not covering his eyes.

I saw that his eyes were full of cold-blooded fierceness.

I saw that he suddenly teleported above the square and came to the center of the battlefield.

Pinching the neck of a pirate, followed by a punch with magma on the head of the pirate.

The pirate also received the box lunch instantly.

"Congratulations to the host, the big red dog has picked up 000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, who picked up 30,000 Devil Fruit abilities from the Great General Red Dog!"

"Congratulations to the host, 20,000 armed color domineering points picked up from the general red dog!"

"Congratulations to the host, 30,000 qi and blood attributes were picked up from the Great General Red Dog!"

With the red dog's shot, a large amount of attribute points were immediately watched by Li Mu.

"It is worthy of being the most ruthless general, even if he deals with ordinary pirates, he will go all out!"

"It's good that it's not like the two guys of the yellow ape and green pheasant." "

"I can't squeeze out many attribute points in half a day!"

Li Mu looked at the attribute point that the red dog burst out, and couldn't help but complain.

It can be seen that the red dog is different from the rest of the admirals, and this guy is really ruthless when he starts his hand.

It didn't take long for several pirates to die at his hands.

But because of the red dog's shot, the execution table at this time has also become unguarded.

The execution table fell into emptiness for a while, and no one guarded it.

"Did that guy from Akainu also make a move?"

Whitebeard looked at the red dog coldly, and his heart became a little uneasy.

He had long heard that among the three admirals, the red dog was the most cold-blooded existence.

Nothing matters in the heart except the justice of the Navy.

At this time, Bista's battle with Lieutenant General Ghost Spider and Lieutenant General Mole also entered a white-hot stage.

At this time, Lieutenant General Mansk was also involved.

The three lieutenant generals joined forces, apparently giving Bista enough face.

But Captain Fan is Captain Fan after all.

Even if three powerful vice admirals joined forces, he still seemed very comfortable.

"A sea of roses dancing!"

He made another move, and the petals in the sky suddenly scattered.

It can be seen that his attack range is large.

Seeing such a fierce offensive, the three vice admirals were shocked in their hearts.

Hurriedly use armed color domineering for defense.

The three quickly drew their swords, ready to intercept these petals one by one.

But there are too many petals, and the offensive is also very fast.

Even if the three lieutenant generals have already worked hard.

But Bista's attacks were pervasive, and he managed to wound three vice admirals.

The three of them had some small cuts on their bodies, and blood was constantly flowing.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 10,000 swordsmanship attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 5,000 power attributes!

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 5,000 points to see the domineering!"

Another burst of attribute point entry.

It can be seen that there is still a certain gap between the strength of the vice admiral and the captain of the fan.

And this person is also the captain of the fourth team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Bista, known as the foil.

Such a formidable opponent is obviously not so solved.

The situation was fraught, but fortunately there were many vice admirals in the navy.

As the ghost spider and mole-generals were unable to support, other lieutenant generals rushed to support.

"Good to go!"

Bista said with a big laugh.

Immediately attacked directly, and everyone fought together again.

At this time, Marko and the yellow ape were still chasing.

"Oh, you can actually catch up with my speed. "

"Is the Whitebeard Pirates really amazing?"

The yellow ape kept flickering at the speed of light while teasing Marko.

At this time, Marko seemed to be played by a yellow ape.

But he also has his considerations in his heart.

Although he looked like a han, he knew that the yellow ape was a general admiral after all, and it was impossible to defeat him.

That's why he accompanied the yellow ape to chase all the time, so that the navy side also lacked the combat power of a admiral.

In the chase with the yellow ape, Marko also kept an eye on the changes in the battlefield.

He found the end of the red dog, and there was no one sitting in the position of admiral on the high platform.

There aren't many good times like that.

Marco shook his eyebrows and made a bold decision.

He wants to ride alone to the high platform to save Ace.

Immediately, he continued to pretend to chase the yellow ape, but when everyone was not paying attention, he suddenly rose into the sky.

He seized this good opportunity to have no one to guard the high platform.

Extremely fast rushed towards Ace.

The three great generals are not there, and there are very few people who can stop him.

At this time, a giant bird with blue flames swept over the sky above Marin Fandor.

Heading towards the Navy's execution table, marching at breakneck speed.

Marko was overjoyed, he felt that this time he could most likely save Ace.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Ace, Marko was very happy in his heart.

If they can save Ace like this, their trip to the Whitebeard Pirates is not in vain.

But just when Marko was only one step away from the execution table, a mighty figure suddenly appeared in front of the execution table.

Although his head was gray and he had entered old age, he was still grinning.

Marco frowned and looked at the man in front of him.

It's Karp with the title of a naval hero!

"It's a bit tricky now. "

He thought with a frown.

As the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Marko often accompanies Whitebeard, and it can be said that Whitebeard's well-deserved right and left hand.

That's why he had heard Whitebeard talk about Karp.

The man who once defeated the sea overlord Lockes!

In that Rocks era, the only navy that could fight the Roger Pirates.

At that time, his weight in Whitebeard's heart was also very heavy.

He is also known as the naval hero Karp by the navy.

Marko looked at Karp with some worry in his heart, but at the moment he was already here, and there was no choice to retreat.

Anyway, he is an immortal bird, it is estimated that there will be no problem!

After thinking clearly, Marko's eyes became more determined.

In any case, it is to rescue Ace.

At this moment, Ace also noticed Marko galloping towards him. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He also noticed Karp who stopped in front of him.

His heart was a little uncomfortable, as if he was caught by something.

But he knew that Karp did it for the justice in his heart.

And just as Ace thought, the reason why Karp wanted to stop Marco from saving Ace was because he had his justice in his heart.

At this time, Karp's heart was like a balance constantly shaking.

On one side is the justice that he deserves as a navy.

On the other side is his grandson, who should be loved as a grandfather.

Under all kinds of helplessness, he finally chose to turn these helplessness in his heart into a burst of maniacal laughter.

As Marko arrives at the execution table, Karp's right arm is completely covered in armed color.

He kept his head down, so that he could not see his expression at the moment.

Immediately, he saw the opportunity to punch Marko.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 armed color domineering!"

Li Mu was stunned at first, and then narrowed his eyes.

I didn't expect that Karp would burst out 100,000 attribute points so easily.

He also knew that Karp was strong, but he really didn't expect it to be so strong.

Although it was a naval hero who defeated the sea overlord Rocks.

But at this moment, the hero is late, and as he gets older, his own strength will be greatly reduced.

But even so, Karp still hit 100,000 attribute points.

Under Karp's heavy punch, the blue flame giant bird fell directly from the air towards the ground at great speed as if it had been hit.

Immediately smashed directly on the square of Marin Fandor.

Suddenly, a huge crater was formed.

Marko was also beaten back to his original form at this time, gulping in rough clothes.

It can be seen that he has suffered a lot of damage.

"Abominable! Almost died!"

He said with some horror in his heart.

In the form of an immortal bird. It was the first time he felt this way.

This feeling of death being very close.

At this time, the white-bearded man standing on the bow of the Moby Dick also kept watching the battlefield.

When he saw Marko rushing into the sky and attacking the execution table, even he felt that it was feasible.

But it didn't take long for the joy to be completely destroyed.

"Did even Karp do it?"

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and said secretly.

It can be seen that Whitebeard still has great respect for his old opponent.

He is also a little worried that Karp's combat power will not affect the direction of this war.

When Whitebeard saw his old opponent make a move, he couldn't help but feel a little sad in his heart.

He thought again about the old days.

At that time, the Navy's strongest rival, Locks, was still doing evil.

Rocks is different from ordinary pirates, and his appearance is completely the arrival of evil.

He himself is like the embodiment of evil.

The average pirate competes for the treasure at most, though.

But Lokes can be described as burning, looting, and even attacking the Draco of the world's nobility many times.

Seeing this, the world government also summoned the entire navy to recruit Lox.

In the end, he managed to defeat Lokes.

And the credit for defeating Rox also fell to Karp, making him a naval hero.

And Whitebeard was actually a member of the Rocks Pirates.

Even Kaido of the Hundred Beast Pirates and Charlotte Lingling of the Bigmom Pirates Group are the same.

"It's wonderful!"

At this time, Li Mu looked at this good show on the execution table.

Sure enough, Karp's heroic name did not come for nothing.

Not only is the strength strong, but the shot is also very decisive.

At this moment, he was mixed in the center of the battlefield, constantly harvesting attribute points.

For these dropped attribute points, Li Mu attached great importance to them, and these were all necessary for him to become stronger.

And the enemies in front of him, he simply glanced at them.

After all, they are all some ordinary ones that cannot be in the ordinary navy.

Not yet a threat to him.

After all, it is now too much of the strength of the admiral.

【Character: Li Mu】

【God-level Pickup System】

【Qi: LV90(686W/900W)】

【Power: LV91(520W/910W)】

【Agility: LV92 (635W/920W)】

【Physical surgery: LV95(459W/950W)】

【Swordsmanship: LV91(439W/910W)】

【Seeing and smelling domineering: LV90 (265W/900W)】

【Armed color domineering: LV91 (415W/910W)】

【Overlord color domineering: LV1 (0/10W)】

【Sparkling fruit: LV75 (650W/750W)】

【Comprehensive evaluation: Admiral】

Li Mu opened the properties panel and took a brief look.

His heart was very satisfied.

"It's been less than ten minutes. "

He felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Before the next time, he wanted to obtain attribute points, but he didn't have such a simple answer.

Even if you try to get some attribute points, it is far from coming as fast as it is now.

At this time, his values are increasing wildly.

The values are even more breakthrough level 90!

Only the overlord-colored domineering has not progressed.

But this is also a helpless thing.

Overlord color domineering is too rare.

It's pretty good that he can get it.

It is worth mentioning that his shining fruit development has also reached level seventy-five.

This level is not as good as the yellow ape, but it is estimated to be about the same.

After all, the full level is 100, and his current level is not far from the full level.

He could clearly feel that his body was still getting lighter.

The attribute points on the ground were still gathering into his body.

At this time, the ball of light was still falling on the battlefield, and some couldn't pick it up.

"Is this the war on top?

Li Mu thought excitedly.

He thought of his desperate venture in the Chambord Islands.

I thought of looking everywhere for pacifist brush attribute points.

But the efforts paid off.

Looking at the various attributes on the panel that were about to reach the level, he was also very happy in his heart.

In this way, it is only a matter of time before it gets close to the top powerhouse.

At this time, his system is still constantly brushing the screen.

It's very fast.

Not to mention that he himself is already personally picking up some relatively close attribute points.

The system has done its best to pick it up here, but it is still very slow.

Or maybe the attribute points drop too quickly.

At this time, Li Mu was unspeakably satisfied in his heart.

This top war is really not in vain, now he can be sure that his strength has reached the level of a general.

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