Chapter 56 Subversive War, Red Dog vs Whitebeard!

As the battle progressed, the Whitebeard Pirates became more and more courageous.

But the opponent is, after all, the navy, a force that has stood on this sea for more than 800 years and has not fallen.

Even though the Whitebeard Pirates had a great advantage for a while, they quickly took possession of the navy.

The two sides fought inextricably, and the difference in strength was not very big.

Coupled with the participation of many giant vice admirals and vice admirals, the Whitebeard Pirates were at a disadvantage for a while.

After all, the Navy has more than a hundred vice admirals participating this time.

In terms of backbone, the navy must occupy absolute superiority.

Although the Whitebeard Pirates have a deep heritage, they have also fought back and forth with the navy in terms of high-end combat power.

But after all, the Navy has stood on this sea for more than 800 years.

How easy it is to shake.

There are more than 100,000 naval soldiers, and the vice admiral plus the giant vice admiral is even more on the side of the pirates.

Under the huge quantitative gap of the next class.

The gap in strength between the pirate side and the navy will only grow.

And the defeat of the pirates may only be a matter of time.

But in order to take down the Whitebeard Pirates as soon as possible, Akainu also wants to further combat the Whitebeard Pirates.

The red dog then focused on the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The main combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates is still these captains.

Each of them can stop several vice admirals.

As long as these captains are taken, then the offensive of the Whitebeard Pirates will also be greatly reduced.

After Akainu figured this out, he was ready to take these captains first.

At this time, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates were fighting the navy in the square.

Their opponents are mostly vice admirals of the Navy.

At this time, the captain of the fourteenth "227" team of the Whitebeard Pirates, Spidor Kilkil, was shuttling through the navy.

His speed is extremely fast, and his strength is amazing.

With a long knife in flames, the navy soldiers fell in large numbers everywhere they went.

It can be seen that his fighting style is a super physical combat that combines speed and strength.

Although his offensive momentum is fierce, his conspicuous attack method is quickly noticed by the red dog.

Chi Inu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he could see that this guy defeated a large number of navies in a row, which made him very unhappy.

I saw that the red dog suddenly made a move, came behind Sbidokil, and pressed his shoulder.

When he sensed a huge force suppressing him, Spido suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He could feel that this force was different from before.

Stronger than any opponents he has faced so far.

So he didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly retreated and fled.

Fortunately, he was fast enough.

"Hmm? That's not bad!"

Akainu looked at the guy who slipped away from his hands and said with some surprise.

"But that's it too!"

He said viciously.

Then he chased after Sbido.

Although Spido's speed is fast, how fast can he pass the red dog?

At this time, the red dog came behind Sbidor again, and directly attacked Dosbido.

This is a big killing move for red dogs.

Although Sbidor also did his best to block it.

But there is still no way to stop it.

Immediately shot through the shoulder.

But fortunately, Sbidor dodged in time, otherwise the blow of the red dog would have killed Sbidor.

Seeing such a big reversal of the scene, the captains also looked over.


The captain of the twelfth team, Harta, said with some concern.

Immediately, he hurried to support.

His body is quite lean and massive.

Facing the red dog is a knife.

The blade directly hits the red dog.

"Hmph, the admiral is just that!"

He said a little rampantly.

But suddenly there was magma flowing from the place where the red dog was split, directly melting his weapons.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the red dog staring at him fiercely, his eyes full of cold killing intent.

Immediately, the red dog pulled out the fist that had injured Spido earlier and walked towards Harta.

Halta lost his weapon and suddenly panicked.

At this time, seeing that the red dog was difficult to parry, the captains of the eight and nine teams also ran to support.

But who is the red dog? The most ruthless of the admirals.

Even the joint efforts of the four captains could not help him.

Instead, the four captains fell into passivity for a while, and they were all injured by red dogs one after another.

The dog and the magma fruit were used by him to the extreme.

Defeated all four captains with sharp means.

"Hmph, the Whitebeard Pirates are just that. "

Chi Inu said after snorting coldly.

"Congratulations to the host, picking up 100,000 strength attributes from the Great General Red Dog!"

"Congratulations to the host, picking up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes from the Great General Red Dog!"

"Congratulations to the host, picking up 100,000 agility attributes from the Great General Red Dog!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points from the general red dog to see the domineering!"

With the red dog's shot, a large number of attribute points dropped.

Li Mu was suddenly shocked in his heart.

"Worthy of being the most powerful admiral!"

"The shot is really fierce!"

Li Mu thought in his heart.

But he didn't have time to think about it, because the red dog was still shooting.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Chi Inu looked at this anxious scene, and he couldn't stand it.

I saw that his right arm was wrapped in magma, and magma continued to emerge.

I don't know how much thicker than my usual arms.

Then he punched him in the air.

Suddenly, large swathes of magma began to fall in large swaths.

These magma fragments smashed towards the Whitebeard Pirates.

And although the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are not as good as the 150,000 elite soldiers of the Navy, there are still tens of thousands.

At this time, the dense pirates were targeted by the large-scale attack of the red dog.

Suddenly large swathes were destroyed.

At this time, the ground was full of scorched earth.

The red dog shot was really cruel enough.

The power of this meteor volcano is indeed large enough.

At this time, Whitebeard looked at the battle situation in front of him, and his face was very ugly.

The red dog guy made a move, causing the loss of the Whitebeard Pirate Group to increase greatly at once.

"Abominable Sakaski!"

"Actually do something to these ordinary pirates!"

Whitebeard thought viciously.

He couldn't have imagined that this guy Akainu would actually do something to ordinary pirates.

But for Akainu, as long as it is an act that he feels is righteous, he can ignore this.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

With the offensive of the Red Inu meteor volcano falls.

Attributes in the system also began to drop rapidly.

And all of them are 100,000 attribute points.

"It's a red dog!"

Li Mu sighed sincerely again.

Good guy, a meteor volcano doesn't know how many hundred thousand attribute points erupted!

This made his heart indescribably refreshing.

It's not that Li Mu has to praise the red dog, but every move of the red dog is a hundred thousand attributes!

This was not only when dealing with the captains, but even against some ordinary soldiers, he directly used his full strength.

"The shot is really ruthless enough, I don't know how many times stronger than the two paddling monsters of the green pheasant yellow ape!"

Li Mu exclaimed.

From the time the red dog shot to the present, every shot is a large number of drop attribute points.

Never ambiguous. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Compared to the other two big rowers, it is indeed much stronger.

Li Mu used to think that he hated the red dog guy, but now it seems that it is really impossible without the red dog!

"The character of this guy Red Dog is used to brush attributes to be just right!"

Li Mu thought in his heart.

Just as Li Mu thought, the red dog has a paranoid personality, thinking that as long as it is a pirate, it is evil.

Therefore, even if he deals with ordinary pirates, he is going all out to kill with one blow.

At this time, the meteor volcano has not stopped, and it is still falling.

"More come, more come!"

Li Mu was still happily picking up the attribute points dropped by the red dog.

He even felt that this attribute point would not stop at all when it fell.

"Happy host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 armed color domineering!"

Good fellow, really worthy of being the strongest admiral in the Navy.

This staying power, this explosive power!

At all, it is not an order of magnitude with the yellow ape pheasant!

It's so strong!

The attribute points brought by the red dog are still continuing at this time.

At this time, a huge magma fragment suddenly smashed towards Whitebeard.

It is not known whether the red dog was intentional or unintentional.

But this is probably the final magma fragment.

And it's very big, the size of a hill.

It's like a meteorite.

At this time, everyone in Marin Fandor Square also noticed this amazing scene.

"Daddy, this meteorite is aimed at Daddy!"

Marko said anxiously.

At this time he had just crawled out of the pit.

And got rid of the entanglement of the naval soldiers.

Looking at the meteorite that smashed towards Whitebeard, he was a little worried in his heart.......

But he now has no strength to fight.

Karp's punch caused him severe internal injuries.

At this time, he walked shakily.


The rest of the captains shouted one after another.

Everyone was very worried about Whitebeard.

Because only the people of the Whitebeard Pirates know the real situation of Whitebeard.

He is not just as simple as Nippon Nishiyama.

Over the years, Whitebeard's body has continued to deteriorate, and the decline in strength has been very serious.

Seeing the powerful attack of the red dog, the captains couldn't help but be a little worried.

"One magma, why be afraid!"

Whitebeard roared.

The reason why he did this was to stabilize the military heart of the Whitebeard Pirates.

After the red dog attacked, the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates dropped significantly.

He naturally noticed this.

At this time, he only felt that the red dog's move was just right.

I saw Whitebeard pick up Cong Yunche and insert it towards this huge meteorite-like magma block.

Immediately stopped this magma block.

I saw a huge magma block inserted into the cloud cut.

Whitebeard lifted it up very easily.

Then Whitebeard took a deep breath and directly blew out the magma block.

Suddenly, only an ordinary stone remained.

The whitebearded beak knife flicked it directly to the side of the navy.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

Seeing Whitebeard's move, everyone on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates once again picked up confidence.

Morale also came up all at once.

At this time, the red dog stared at Whitebeard fiercely, and Whitebeard also glared back.

The eyes of the two met each other.

The red dog knows the truth that the thief captures the king first, as long as he defeats Whitebeard, then the Whitebeard Pirate Group will not be able to attack itself.

Thinking of this, the red dog squeezed his fist.

He also looks like a fist.

"Little ghost, do you want to challenge me too?"

Whitebeard smashed Cong Yun to the ground and said.

Immediately, the red dog's eyes showed an extremely fierce light, and he rushed directly towards the white beard.

Whitebeard grinned.

"Goo la la-la!"

I saw that Whitebeard teleported directly behind the red dog.

A punch smashed towards the red dog.

The red dog naturally did not dare to be careless in the face of Whitebeard.

Seeing the domineering color, it was directly opened.

Also foresaw this blow from Whitebeard.

He hurriedly turned to meet the attack.

The steaming magma fist collided with Whitebeard's fist carrying the shock fruit.

Suddenly, a huge impact centered on the two quickly swept the entire battlefield.

At this time, everyone's eyes were attracted.

The red dog and the white beard stared at each other, neither of them willing to back down a little.

At this time, many navies and pirates were unstable under this impact.


The impact barely stopped until Marin Fandor's wall.

At this time, the entire naval headquarters followed with a shock.

The blow was unsuccessful, and the two struck again. 0.0

The red dog's fist carrying the power of magma continued to swing out like a phantom.

Whitebeard also did not hesitate to let go here, and directly greeted him.

The fists of the two collided in just a few seconds I don't know how many times.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, 100,000 agility attributes were picked up!"

The drop of attributes continues.

The two shot without dragging their feet.

Seeing that the collision of fists could not tell the winner from the loser, a cruel color flashed in the eyes of the red dog.


His fist turned red and shot towards Whitebeard's heart.

Whitebeard didn't look at all spared when he saw the attack of the red dog.

The ability to hurriedly launch the Shock Fruit is covered in the fist.

Met the red dog's dog and blocked the blow.

Immediately, the two became entangled again.

Attribute points are even more 100,000 and 100,000 don't want money, and they keep dropping.

But the two are clearly evenly matched.

There is no sign of a single difference between the hands and the moves.

And the whole Marin Fandor has long been darkened because of the fight between the two.

Countless naval soldiers and ordinary pirates kept retreating under the impact of the fight between the two.

And the ground under the feet of the two is constantly sinking down.

The exterior wall of Marin Fandor was also constantly shattered because of the fight between the two.

Even the sky was gradually darkened.

Li Mu was also happy to pick up attribute points on the side.

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