Chapter 57 You should be glad that you didn't make a move that belonged to my whitebearded era!

The sky where the red dog and the white beard fight is dark.

"Goo la la-la!"

"Little ghost, you still have some strength!"

Whitebeard said with a big laugh.

At this time, the two had already opened their distance.

Whitebeard hasn't had such fun fighting for a long time.

Because the guy of the red dog was ruthless and injured several captains in a row, Whitebeard was very unhappy in his heart.

His unspeakable disgust for the red dog.

So the shot didn't leave a hand at all.

"Hmph, you remnants of the old era should disappear!"

Akainu said as he glared at Whitebeard.

Immediately, a fierce look flashed in the eyes of the two again.

Although the red dog is fierce, Whitebeard is a strong man in the old times after all.

Naturally, there will be no mercy when it comes to combat.

This time, Whitebeard was even more firepowered.

The momentum is even close to him at his peak.

Whitebeard went directly to the red dog in an instant.

"Little ghost, you should be glad that you didn't make a move that belonged to my whitebeard era!"

"But let's let you feel the horror of my white beard!"

Whitebeard said angrily.

Immediately, Whitebeard wrapped in the powerful fist of the Shock Fruit smashed down towards the red dog.

The white-bearded body is already very tall.

It is twice as tall as the red dog, and under such a gap, Whitebeard punches directly downward.

Akainu was shocked in his heart.

He could feel this blow from Whitebeard more terrifying than ever!

He didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly used his hands for defense.

"Boom !!"

As soon as Whitebeard hit down, the entire Marin Fandor shook with it.

You can see that this blow is very powerful!

At this time, the place where the red dog and the white beard were fighting was full of smoke.

The red dog was smashed into the ground, and only the upper body was still on the ground.

Seeing this, Whitebeard was also merciless.

Continue to slam towards the red dog.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Whitebeard smashed three punches in a row, and the red dog was directly smashed a little.

At this time, the whole person smashed into the ground.

You must know that these three punches of Whitebeard are all with 25 shock fruit power.

And the red dog is not the only one who is uncomfortable.

Whitebeard's attack is partly friend or foe.

Some of the weaker navies and pirates are under this powerful force.

Even the body could not stand steadily, and he staggered and kept falling.

"Damn, this guy with Whitebeard is still as strong as ever!"

On the command platform, Sengoku said with some resentment.

It turned out that under the offensive of Whitebeard, the high platform of Marin Fandor was already full of cracks at this time.

The hundred-year-old naval headquarters is clearly not going to hold on.

It is enough to see the horror of the shock fruit.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 qi and blood attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 armed color domineering!"

With Whitebeard's continuous attacks, Li Mu was another large amount of attribute points into the account.

"Worthy of a white beard!"

"A pirate with the title of the strongest man in the world. "

"Such a continuous powerful attack, it is estimated that you will never see it again except for Whitebeard!"

Li Mu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At this time, it was not only he who had acquired many attributes.

Looking at the ground that was constantly cracking because of Whitebeard's attack, there was also the naval headquarters that could not hold on.

Li Mu couldn't help but gasp.

At this time, Akainu, one of the admirals, was constantly digging under the ground using magma fruits.

Everywhere the magma went, even the soil melted.

Soon he made a passage and came out of the ground.

He looked at the white beard, and there was a little more jealousy in his eyes.

But at the same time, the others were not idle.

The Navy's giant vice admirals are still at war with the captains of the large ship regiment.

Although the great power of the giant race brings not a small advantage.

But the huge body still dragged down the giant lieutenant generals.

The situation is very anxious.

In addition, the captains of the large ship regiment are not bad, and they are constantly changing people to fight.

The Navy Giant Vice Admirals are also a little tired of coping.

The captains of the fan are more than one enemy, constantly fighting with the vice admirals.

Although the vice admiral is the backbone of the Navy, there is still a difference in strength.

There are not many lieutenant generals with such strength as the ghost spider and the mole.

Most of them are ordinary lieutenant generals.

Therefore, instead of falling into a disadvantage, many vice admirals have been defeated in several encounters.

If it weren't for the red dog attack, which injured several captains, the current battle situation is not easy to say.

At this time, the battle between the pheasant and Joz continued.

The green pheasant summoned hundreds of ice spears and attacked Joz.

But Joz is ultimately the one who shines with the fruit.

Wrapped and protected by diamonds, the pheasant's attacks are also very strong.

But for him, it can still be stopped.

And the ice gun really began to shatter continuously when it hit Joz.

Joz snorted coldly, obviously not putting the pheasant in his eyes.

Qingjing Fuzui's expression suddenly smiled.

He also understood that he was one of the three admirals of the Navy.

If you keep playing with Joz like this, you will inevitably be discovered by the Warring States.

I saw that the shattered ice cubes of the ice gun that originally hit Joz's body began to condense, and immediately froze Joz into an iceman.

Joz continued to emulate the previous method of freeing the freeze.

He was full of strength, and suddenly the ice on his body continued to shatter.

But by this time, Joz was already out of breath.

Looking at the green pheasant who had nothing to do in front of him, Joz was a little worried.

He could see that the pheasant was consuming his physical strength.

As long as it goes on like this, he will definitely be the one who falls first.

But his fruit ability was too bulky, and there was no way for him to solve the current situation.

At this time, the green pheasant is actually playing with Joz, and he doesn't want this guy to fall like this.

Therefore, the green pheasant has slowed down the frequency of some shots.

At this time, the picture comes to the yellow ape.

After ending the battle with Marko, the yellow ape also began to look for new opponents.

After all, paddling is paddling, but it would not be good if Sengoku found out about his paddling.

When his salary is deducted, he will be reluctant.

Go to work, why can't you get by with your salary?

I saw the eyes of the yellow ape constantly sweeping the battlefield of Marin Fandor.

He wanted to find a weaker guy to play slowly.

So that he can end the battle by paddling and fishing.

The whitebeard guy has Sakaski anyway, and it is estimated that he is stable.

Even if you are defeated, you will not lose to Whitebeard.

This is the yellow ape's evaluation of the red dog.

Although the three generals said that the strength was not much different, the red dog guy was really ruthless.

He does not care about anything else, and his moves are to attack the key points of others.

Therefore, the yellow ape is not worried about the direction of the war at all.

He was confident that the Navy would win the battle after all. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And all he had to do was paddle and wait for the battle to end.

So he needed someone to act with, and the former Marko was a very good object.

But the good guy couldn't find himself happy, and actually went to mess with the guy from Karp.

This made the yellow ape's heart very uncomfortable.

It also forced him to find a suitable opponent for his fishing and paddling work.

As he continued to scan the scene, he finally found a guy who was not strong, but still had a certain status in the Whitebeard Pirates.

At this time, the ice witch Waidibe is constantly killing enemies.

Countless naval soldiers fell under her sword.

Previously, he fought with the Navy Giant Vice Admiral, and he spent a lot of effort.

At this time, the captains of other large ship regiments went to fight.

She chose to deal with these naval soldiers.

Although her strength is about to run out, it is not difficult for her to deal with these elite soldiers of the navy.

Every time the sword was drawn, the navy fell to the ground.

At the same time, she froze a lot of navies by means of magic.

Relying on the means of bravery, Waidibe is also constantly thinking about approaching the execution table.

Struggling to kill the enemy, she tore a hole in the navy.

It is also a step further away from the execution table.

No wonder the yellow ape noticed her.

Obviously, Waitibé could not be allowed to continue approaching the execution table at this time.

And the yellow ape also needs a suitable opponent.

He squinted and smiled strangely.

How obscene and how obscene.

"Oh, let you be my opponent!"

He said with interest.

Immediately, I saw the yellow ape's body turn into a trace of yellow light and begin to dissipate.

Then it began to condense again.

When he reappeared, the yellow ape had already come behind Waitibey.

Waitibé was shocked, though he hadn't been able to detect someone appearing behind her.

But the yellow ape had just arrived at that powerful momentum.

He secretly said that it is not good!


Waidibe turned around and saw that it was the general Yellow Ape, and his heart was a little shocked.

But since it was a general who made a move, she also understood that only once she was afraid that it was less fierce.

Admiral is the highest combat power of the Navy, and it is not something that Waitibé can deal with at all.

She naturally understood this truth.

I saw that Waidibei's expression began to become extremely solemn, and his face was also very ugly.

Because then she was forced to fight the general.

But she can be said to have no confidence in this encounter.

After all, the other party is a naval admiral, and for her, it is an invincible existence.

Even he struggled to survive.

"Oh, you can see that you are a little alarmed?"

The yellow ape said jokingly.

Immediately, the yellow ape's feet glowed with bursts of yellow light.

Then he raised his foot and intended to kick towards Waitibé.

Although Waitibé is no match for the yellow ape, he is also the captain of the big ship regiment of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The strength is naturally not bad.

She had a premonition of the yellow ape's attack, hurriedly turned around, picked up her sword, and blocked the yellow ape's kick.

Seeing the domineering foreknowledge let her know the direction of the yellow ape's attack.

Hurriedly brought the armed color domineering to the extreme.

Although this blow did not use much power.

But the strength of the admiral is here.

Nor is Waitibé able to stop it.


Waitibé was kicked out by the yellow ape.

The immense power made Waitibé feel a tremor in his heart.

Even the internal organs shook violently.

She only felt a heat in her chest, and then a stream of blood sprayed out directly.

"Looks like it's still too hard?"

The yellow ape looked thoughtful while touching his beard.

It can be seen that he does not want to solve Waitibey in one move.

And Waidibei happened to fall to Li Mu's side.

Li Mu was originally supporting the battle between the white beard and the red dog, constantly picking up attributes in secret.

Seeing the rising genus 887 sex, his heart couldn't be happier.

As a result, he simply did not have time to pay attention to his captain, Waitibey.

At this time, seeing Waidibe suddenly appear at his feet, he was also shocked in his heart.

"Captain, what are you doing?"

"Why are you here?"

Li Mu said with some puzzlement.

He has been watching the battle between Whitebeard and Red Dog, and does not pay attention to the other people's battles at all.

Therefore, the sudden appearance of Waidibe at his feet made him very curious.

"Why are you here!"

Waitibé said with some surprise and delight.

It turned out that where the war began, Waitibé had been looking for Li Mu's whereabouts.

After all, the strength that Li Mu showed when he fought Drought Jack before was not weak.

Such strength will definitely help a lot in this big war.

She sincerely hoped that Li Mu could contribute some strength to this big battle.

But with the beginning of the war, she found that Li Mu was missing.

When the war officially began, she had to go to the front and drag the vice admirals.

Therefore, he did not continue to look for Li Mu.

But I didn't expect to meet him at such a time.

And before, Li Mu, when the war began, he rushed up with a group of pirates, found a suitable position, and began to continuously harvest attribute points.

At that time, he did not have time to help the Whitebeard Pirates solve the crisis.

At this time, Li Mu knew that he was at a loss, and he didn't have much to say.

He looked at Waitibey and found that blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, and her face was extremely pale.

A dying look.

It looks like it's in a very bad state.

Only Waitibé understood that this kick of the yellow ape almost made her faint on the spot.

It has to be said that the gap in strength between the lieutenant general and the general is still too big.

Previously, when facing the vice admiral, she could say that she was at ease.

Even one person alone faces multiple vice admirals.

Aunt is now so vulnerable to the Admiral Yellow Ape in front of her.

There was no time to wait for Li Mu and Wai Dibei to have an in-depth exchange.

A strange voice came.

The voice was very lewd, and it carried an air of mockery.

"Oh, it's not your time to lie down!"

It turned out to be the yellow ape, the haunted guy.

It is not difficult to see that the yellow ape is going to kill Waitibey.

I saw the yellow ape come to Waitibey's side, and he was ready to raise his foot and kick down.

At this time, Waitibé was seriously injured.

If Li Mu left it alone like this, Waidibei would definitely be killed by the yellow ape.

After all, it was his own captain, and Li Mu was not good to watch it like this.

Seeing that the yellow ape kicked up, Li Mu decisively blocked it.

"Oh? are you?"

The yellow ape looked at Li Mu and remembered something.

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