Chapter 59 The yellow ape was shocked! This is the shining fruit?

Li Mu slowly raised his foot, and bursts of golden light flashed on his feet.

This light naturally came from the shining fruit, and the yellow ape was also familiar with it.

Looking at this attribute to the familiar golden light, the yellow ape wanted to say that it was impossible not to be shocked.

At this time, his face changed suddenly, and the laughing and lewd expression of the past disappeared, replaced by a face full of solemnity and shock.

"What is the situation?"

"Could it be that I'm blinded?"

He thought with some disbelief.

Even if he always has a lewd look on his face on weekdays, he is not calm at the moment.

"What is your ability?"

He asked Li Mu very seriously.

When it came to his fruit ability, he also became a little serious.

"What do you say?"

Li Mu said mysteriously.

Anyway, love what to think.

I'm just a shining fruit, but as for what everyone thinks, that's none of his business.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The yellow ape frowned and said with an incredulous expression.

And the reason why the yellow ape is so surprised is.

According to common sense, it is impossible for a fruit to appear repeatedly.

At least the same fruit ability would not appear if his original owner was still alive.

And this is also an unwritten rule on the sea.

At the same time, it is impossible for two identical devil fruits to exist.

But at this moment, Li Mu's fruit ability was exactly the same as that of the yellow ape.

It is difficult for the yellow ape not to be shocked.

Because Li Mu's ability was too similar to that of the yellow ape, even the yellow ape with the shining fruit could not find a flaw for a while.

"Is it really a shining fruit?"

"Impossible, impossible!"

"It is absolutely impossible for the Shining Fruit to appear at the same time!"

"There's definitely something wrong here!"

The yellow ape still refused to believe that what Li Mu used was the shining fruit.

He only felt that his face was a little hung up.

This is a fruit ability that I am proud of.

How could it be easily learned by this guy in front of you?

If this guy was really a Shining Fruit, then the results of the years of research on the Devil Fruit would also be empty talk.

After all, this is the conclusion that has been reached for hundreds of years.

The Devil Fruit just can't happen.

"Could it be the Devil Fruit of the superiors and subordinates?"

Yellow Ape thought in his heart.

This is the most likely explanation at the moment.

Similar to the burnt fruit and the magma fruit, the natural fruit in the upper 900 lower relationship is very similar in ability to some extent.

And the Shining Fruit must also have the Devil Fruit of the upper and lower levels.

After all, this sea is so big, there must be many fruit abilities that yellow apes have never seen.

After all, it's not just the light itself that can emit light.

Like a mirror or a flashlight?

Or is it some kind of animal fruit?

The yellow ape has been constantly speculating in his mind for reasons that he cannot understand.

I want to know what exactly is the situation of two fruit abilities that have exactly the same ability.

He scratched his head and thought of another possibility.

Artificial Devil Fruit!

After all, in the hands of scientists, nothing is impossible.

Let's just say that Vegapunk, who served the Navy, has already had too many miracles happening on his hands.

Even a strong person of the level of the yellow ape was shocked every time he saw Vegapunk's technology.

Therefore, artificial devil fruits are not impossible.

But the yellow ape thought about it carefully, and his body had never been investigated and studied.

The navy never mentioned anything like this to him.

At this time, Waitibey, who had been watching the battle from the sidelines, was also very shocked.

"This is your Devil Fruit!?"

She couldn't help but ask.

You must know that since joining the Ice Witch Pirate Group, Li Muke has never used the ability of the Devil Fruit.

Everyone also tacitly agreed that he was an ordinary pirate.

Not a Devil Fruit power.

After all, the man was afraid that when he faced a strong man like Drought Jack, Li Mu had never shown his Devil Fruit ability.

And even if he didn't use the ability of the Devil Fruit, Li Mu easily solved the drought jack.

I have to say that Li Mu's strength is really terrifying.

Originally, I didn't think there was anything, but at this moment, Waidibei felt more and more that Li Mu's guy was not simple.

Immediately, Li Mu was not verbose, and directly kicked towards the yellow ape.

Use the yellow ape's stunt to attack the yellow ape.

His heart was also dark for a while.

"Yellow Ape, thank you so much!"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have learned this lightspeed kick!"

He secretly rejoiced in his heart.

At the same time, he is very grateful to Huang Ape for demonstrating the correct use of the Shining Fruit for him.

You must know that the yellow ape used the lightspeed kick of the shining fruit in front of him more than once.

To say that he can't learn other tricks, but this lightspeed kick has long been familiar to his chest.

It's also incredibly smooth to use.

As the developer of the lightspeed kick, Yellow Ape knows that this kick is extremely fast, and it is very unrealistic to rely on speed to dodge.

When he saw and heard that Li Mu had made a move.

The yellow ape's feet also began to flicker with the same light.

He also has to kick back and forth at the speed of light.

Two people slammed into each other at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

But the two are similar in strength, and such a kick cannot tell the winner or loser at all.

At this time, both of their feet remained in mid-air, unable to advance for a minute.

The yellow ape's eyes narrowed slightly at Li Mu, wanting to see something from Li Mu's eyes.

But Li Mu's expression was very calm.

After all, he was very sure that she was using the Shining Fruit, or that he had obtained it from the yellow ape.

Seeing the surprised look on the yellow ape at this moment, his heart was indescribably refreshed.

At this time, he also wondered if he could still pick up other demon fruits.

Although the Shining Fruit is already powerful enough.

But he still wants more.

What an animal is a phantom beast species.

Or just a Nika fruit, but that's too long.

It is estimated that Nika has not awakened yet.

The two slammed into each other, and suddenly the powerful air flow centered on the place where the two were banging.

Constantly thinking about the radiation around him.

At this moment, the fighting navy and pirates once again suffered this vain disaster.

The force of the impact is very strong.

Ordinary navies and pirates simply can't carry it.

Many navies and pirates were repelled by the impact several steps.

Some of the strength almost fell directly to the ground.

"That comes the shock!"

"Is it the battle between the Red Inu and Whitebeard again?"

"It seems to have come from the Yellow Ape General. "

"What's the matter, how did the yellow ape general delay in solving a little pirate. "

"And there were explosions like this. "

The Navy soldiers were puzzled.

The explosion in front of them was clearly beyond their perception.

And the strength of the yellow ape is also very recognized by the naval soldiers, why has it been delayed in solving an ordinary pirate.

Thinking about this, the naval soldiers also focused their attention on the battle on the yellow ape side from time to time.

"That guy has something, he actually fought back and forth with the yellow ape." "

"I thought he had been cleaned up by the yellow ape long ago. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Isn't that guy Li Mu from our Ice Witch Pirate Group?"

"Was he so fierce?"

The pirates said in shock.

What level the general is, they don't know very well.

Li Mu was actually able to fight with the general.

In any case, they were a little incredulous.

It's not just the navy soldiers and pirates at this time.

Even some vice admirals felt that the shock was somewhat strong.

It was actually issued by the Yellow Ape General to fight a pirate!

The vice admirals, including the vice admirals of the giant, had some disbelief in their hearts.

Admiral Yellow Ape is one of the navy's highest combat powers.

Although he usually does not show mountain dew, his combat power at critical moments is not inferior to red dogs and green pheasants.

His record is also very strong.

I don't know how many legendary pirates died at his feet.

Thinking about this, the vice admirals also looked sideways (cfdi), watching the battle between the yellow ape and Li Mu.

Qiwu Hai, who had been playing in the square, was also shocked by this powerful shock.

At this time, they are constantly killing some of the little pirates of the white-bearded pirate group on the field.

After all, Sengoku was watching them from the stage.

They have to cooperate even if they are acting.

Otherwise, they cannot afford to be detained for disobeying orders.

After all, Haixia Jinping was beaten into the city by the navy.

After seeing the battle of the yellow ape erupt into such an amazing explosion.

Qi Wuhai's gaze was also attracted to the past.

Previously, they had been paying attention to the battle between the red dog and the white beard, and they had no time to care about what the yellow ape was doing.

But the yellow ape would actually be entangled by an ordinary pirate, which was something they could not have imagined anyway.

As the kick fell, the yellow ape was even more surprised.

It's exactly the same as his lightspeed kick.

The flesh on his face was twisted together, and the tangles in his heart were all exposed on his face.

The usual lewd smile disappeared.

In its place, there was a solemn and serious face.

I saw the yellow ape teleport and hurriedly opened the distance between him and Li Mu.

Immediately after that, laser lasers rained down from the sky.

Seeing this, a smile appeared in Li Mu's eyes.

A bold decision came from his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he also used several laser lasers to aim at the yellow ape's laser attack.

At this time, the laser light scattered in the air collided with the laser light pouring out of the ground.

The sky over Marin Fandor exploded like fireworks.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

Suddenly there was a series of news in the system.

"Yellow Ape, this old forced Deng, is finally willing to show his housekeeping skills?"

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart, and it was naturally good that the yellow ape was willing to give his all.

In this way, the attribute points he can obtain are also greatly improved.

After the explosion like fireworks over Marin Fandor, everyone's attention was completely attracted.

At this time, even Whitebeard and Akainu stopped their confrontation.

"What is this yellow ape guy doing?"

"Even a small pirate can't take it down!"

Akainu said with some chagrin.

After all, he is facing the local manager.

The pressure on him is incomparably great.

This strongest man in the world, with a white beard, still gave him a complete sense of oppression even though it was twilight.

After seeing that the yellow ape continued to fail to achieve a result, he also had some resentment in his heart.

He was still waiting for the pheasants and yellow apes to support him.

At this time, a flash of shock also flashed in Whitebeard's heart.

Who is this? Why is it so violent?

It was inseparable from Admiral Yellow Ape.

Seeing the explosion in the air like fireworks, Whitebeard understood that the yellow ape was estimated to be in a state of full firepower.

Just when everyone's eyes were completely attracted by the battle between the two.

The yellow ape suddenly made a gesture of pushing.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

He is also not verbose, and directly makes a big move!

Seeing this, Li Mu smiled.

"It's just right! Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

Directly used the original move against the yellow ape's move.

Bang bang bang!!

Countless points of light exploded in the air, and even larger fireworks exploded.

The yellow ape's face was already livid at this time.

At this time, he had no other conjectures.

The moves are all the same as his, except for the Shining Fruit, there are no other possibilities.

Immediately, the yellow ape turned into a ray of light again and galloped towards Li Mu.

A kick came out, and was blocked by Li Mu again with the same move.

This was followed by the collision of several feet in a row.

Suddenly, the entire Marin Fando was affected by this powerful confrontation.

Seeing that the long-range attack method and the lightspeed kick could not cause damage to Li Mu.

The yellow ape directly summoned a lightsaber and killed Li Mu.

Although on weekdays, yellow apes mostly use shining fruits and lightspeed kicks.

But after all, he is a senior admiral in the navy who climbed up step by step.

His swordsmanship is also very masterful.

But Li Mu was the same, his sword skill level was almost catching up with the Great Sword Hao Eagle Eye under the increase in attribute points.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

Li Mu is another attribute point credit.

"Hehe, the attribute points I owed me before, this time I finally squeezed them all out for you!"

He said a little angrily.

You know, because the yellow ape guy touched the fish and paddled in the water before, he lost a lot of attribute points.

But this time it was all given to him at once.

The confrontation between the two obviously had no intention of stopping.

From the confrontation of lasers to the collision of fists and feet, the two of them showed their strength.

At this time, above Marin Fandor, the two kept colliding.

And Li Mu also successfully picked up a large number of attribute points.

The violent movement attracted everyone's attention.

The entire sky over Marin Fandor is shrouded in cherry blossoms.

Because the two fought more and more fiercely, at this time the naval soldiers and pirates also stopped fighting in their hands.

Otherwise, the impact after impact and fireworks-like explosions would not be able to continue the battle at all.

The navy soldiers and pirates had to stare at the sky.

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