Chapter 60 The audience was in an uproar, and the general was actually defeated!

As the battle between Li Mu and the yellow ape became more and more intense.

Everyone present also looked at each other.

The Warring States, who had been busy directing the battle, also took rare time to look at the battle in the air at this time~.

"It's rare for this guy Yellow Ape to have such a serious side?"

He thought a little puzzled.

You know, he was made a marshal - he knows best.

The yellow ape touches fish and paddles on weekdays in order to mix a little salary.

No matter what kind of battle, it is difficult for him to bring out his full strength.

But the Warring States, who watched the yellow ape grow up, still knew the true strength of the yellow ape.

It can only be said that if the yellow ape is serious, he will not lose to the Sakaski guy at all.

Because the Shining Fruit is too strong.

Even among the many natural fruits, it is unique.

A super powerful fruit that combines strength and speed.

It can be said that there are no weaknesses at all.

"The yellow apes are so serious, who is this opponent?"

Karp thought puzzled.

After seeing that the guy who fought with the yellow ape was just an ordinary pirate, Karp was even more puzzled.

After all, the yellow ape rarely goes all out on weekdays.

Now it's just dealing with an ordinary little pirate.

It was actually a state of full firepower.

But after watching it for a while, Karp also somewhat understood.

But this powerful pirate came out of there.

There is no such a strong man in the news of the Navy.

"The Whitebeard Pirates actually hide such combat power. "

Staff Officer Tsuru said with some surprise.

Who is the yellow ape?

One of the three major admirals of the Navy headquarters.

The highest combat strength of the navy is not only at its peak, but also very young.

And right now, there is actually a pirate who can fight with such a yellow ape to a draw.

It can be imagined that the strength of this pirate is definitely not bad.

"Why doesn't the Navy have information about him?"

Staff Officer Tsuru thought with some doubt.

A strong man of this level, it stands to reason that the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirate Group go to war, and it should be investigated clearly in advance.

Otherwise, there is a complete possibility of turning the tide of the war.

The Navy's three senior staff officers were all very concerned about the battle in front of them.

The yellow ape rose step by step from a naval soldier to a senior admiral.

This takes no more than fifteen years.

It can be said that the talent is extremely high.

And he grew up under the witness of the staff of Warring States Karp and Tsuru.

And the Shining Fruit was also obtained after achieving great results later.

It can be said that the yellow ape is a very comprehensive admiral.

Whether it is physical domineering or fruit ability.

If such a strong person goes all out, it is difficult for anyone to parry.

The powerhouses of the old era have all aged, and the supernova of the new world has not yet grown.

In this sea, there are very few strong people who can benchmark the yellow ape except for the four emperors and the other two generals.

But under such circumstances, he will actually kill a pirate, and fight with the peak yellow ape.

"Hmph, can't even take a nameless pirate?"

Akainu said with some indignation.

On weekdays, the yellow ape paddling is seen by him, but because the generals are all generals.

Naturally, he didn't have much to say.

But he had a unique understanding of justice in the navy in his heart.

At least a righteous navy will not paddle like that.

The justice in his heart was even more impermissible, and the admiral did such an act.

But the red dog is just obsessed with it more deeply.

But people are not stupid, and after simply watching the battle between the two for a while, he found the clue.

Although the yellow ape is indeed suspected of paddling and fishing.

But at this time, Li Mu's strength was also seen by him.

"This pirate... It doesn't seem as simple as I thought!"

Akainu exclaimed in his heart.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he was a little puzzled in his heart.

When did the pirate side come out with another guy who could tie with the general.

A fighting intent condensed in the heart of the red dog.

"I'll definitely meet this guy when I have a chance!"

He secretly made up his mind in his heart.

But right now, his primary target is the Whitebeard guy.

"Isn't that a shining fruit?"

The green pheasant looked at the battle in the air and thought with some doubt.

But there is an unwritten rule in the sea that a fruit ability cannot appear at the same time.

Therefore, everyone instinctively thinks that the abilities of the two are not the same.

But the green pheasant knows the yellow ape very well and knows some details of the yellow ape's ability.

At this time, he faintly felt in his heart that there was a secret in this pirate.

The green pheasant and the red dog are both admirals and know the depth of the yellow ape's strength.

Although it is said that the yellow ape this guy likes to touch fish and paddle on weekdays.

I always like to keep a hand when it's time to make a contribution.

However, once the strength of the yellow ape is serious, it is an invincible existence.

His incomparable speed, even the two of them could not take him in the slightest.


"Admirals are just that!"

"Before I came, I thought the Navy would win the Whitebeard Pirates. "

"I can't imagine that the grand naval prize is actually fought back and forth with an ordinary pirate!"

Moonlight Moriah sneered and watched the battle in the air.

It is not very understandable why the admiral has been slow to take down an ordinary pirate.

"Vack, bark..."

"This time it really didn't come in vain. "

"It seems that the admiral is not as terrifying as he imagined." "

"I actually fought back and forth with the ordinary pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates. "

Doflamingo said with a big laugh.

"Don't be happy too early, when did the Whitebeard Pirates come out with such a strong guy. "

"In my opinion, it is not that the general is weak, but that this pirate is too strong. "

Hawkeye's gaze was sharp, and at the same time there was a faint fighting intent in his heart.

He also wants to have a hearty battle.

"I really can't imagine that the Whitebeard Pirates are so crouching tiger, hidden dragon!"

"An unknown little pirate can actually fight back and forth with the general Yellow Ape. "

The female emperor looked at the battle in the air with some jealousy and said.

Bassolomi's expression of Furui Bubo also rarely showed a touch of shock.

The book he was holding in his hands was also put down.

The Seven Wuhai were also shocked by the scene in front of them.

They didn't know the specific strength of the yellow ape, and for a while they didn't know whether the yellow ape was too weak or Li Mu was too strong.

But after all, it is a senior admiral, and it is impossible to be weak to the point of being weak.

At least they in the Seven Wuhai did not have the courage to fight the general.

And this can only show that this nameless pirate of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is indeed too strong.

"Such a person can actually be unknown in the Whitebeard Pirates. "

"It's really a group of white-bearded pirates." "

Doflamingo said with some shock.

The rest of Qi Wuhai also frowned slightly.

They had to continue to consider the gap between the Seven Wuhai and the Four Emperors.

At this time, Waitibei, who was seriously injured and was cultivating behind the white-bearded pirate group, was full of shock.

"This guy is actually so strong!"

Li Mu's strength she originally had a bottom, after all, he was a member of her ship.

But she really didn't expect that even if it was a naval admiral, Li Mu had the power to fight a battle.

My God, a person who was casually recruited before could actually play such a role in the top war.

At this time, Waitibey's heart was extremely chaotic.

Li Mu brought her an incomparable shock again and again.

When Kim brought Li Mu to Waidibe, she didn't take it to heart.

It should be used to supplement the situation that the pirate group has few people. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It is enough to help with miscellaneous work in peacetime, and it is estimated that you can't count on it if you really want to fight.

But it was such a person who saved her twice.

He even defeated Drought Jack.

Now he actually tied with the yellow ape.

Waidibe's heart was once again overwhelmed by shock.

"It's really surprising!"

"A person who was casually recruited before actually played such an important role in the top war!"

Her heart was overjoyed.

She really didn't expect that Li Mu's strength was really so strong.

Thinking about this, she couldn't help but thank Kim.

If it wasn't for Kim recruiting Li Mu in.

The Ice Witch Pirate Group is estimated to have perished long ago.

Fortunately, Li Mu, this guy, surprised her again and again.

"When did my pirate group have such a person?"

Whitebeard thought in his heart, puzzled.

After all, he is a strong man of the old times.

It's also an old river.

With his eyes, it was not difficult to see the specific situation of Li Mu's fight with the yellow ape.

The yellow ape is very strong, but since Li Mu can tie with it, it is estimated that he is also at the level of a senior admiral.

After all, he can fight with the yellow ape with full firepower, and Whitebeard knows very well that the entire Whitebeard Pirate Group is estimated to be the only one he can do.

Not even the captains.

Because it is not difficult to see that the yellow ape in the air is really moving.

The admiral went all out, naturally not something that ordinary people can match.

"Dad, this person is so strong, I don't think he will be his opponent!"

Marko said with some surprise.

Having fought with the yellow ape before, Marko is well aware of the yellow ape's strength.

Even if he shot with all his strength, the yellow ape looked like he was at ease.

But now it is not difficult to see that the yellow ape is even a little angry and corrupted.

Laser lasers are emitted like they don't want money.

The whole person is integrated with the light.

"But the moves of the two people are very similar, is it the same ability?"

But as soon as the idea existed, it was vetoed by Marko.

Because there can be no two fruit abilities on this sea.

"Is that the Shining Fruit? Is that his ability?"

Joz thought a little puzzled.

Jotz, this guy's brain spins a little slowly.

He saw the same move of the two at this moment, and immediately thought that the fruit ability of the two was the same.

Nothing else came to mind.

"No, doesn't it mean that two identical Devil Fruit abilities won't appear at the same time?"

Bista knew the inside story and hurriedly said.

On the sea, for pirates, these are common sense.

Although the Devil Fruit will reappear on the sea after the death of the Able.

However, the same two Devil Fruit abilities will definitely not appear at the same time.

"It should be the relationship between superiors and subordinates!"

Izuku said with a frown.

But when the words came out, even he himself was a little reluctant to believe it.

Because the abilities of the two are too similar at this time.

Under the attention of everyone, the battle between the two continued continuously.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

Another burst of system messages.

After the yellow ape completely showed his true strength, Li Mu's attributes also skyrocketed wildly.

The battle between the two also began to change from the beginning to the same.

At this time, after many confrontations, Li Mu had completely mastered the ability of the Shining Fruit.

He is not passively fighting the yellow ape.

He began to try to take the initiative.

Seeing that Li Mu's figure began to change, he also became light.

With a flash, he left the place directly and appeared a few kilometers away.

When he returned, it was a powerful light-speed kick.

And at this moment, the yellow ape has become a passive defensive side.

The battle between the two even affected the entire Marin.

I saw the two of them constantly flashing and moving in the air.

Violent bombardment erupted in the air.


The sound is endless.

At this time, fine sweat began to break out on the yellow ape's forehead, and he gradually entered the disadvantage.

At this time, he even had a little difficulty in passively receiving Li Mu's attack.

Even he vaguely felt that his speed could not keep up with Li Mu's speed.

But such a situation is incomprehensible to him.

Obviously, not long ago, this guy Li Mu was still beaten by him in the Chambord Islands.

At that time, he didn't say that he could tie, and he didn't even have the ability to fruit.

Not long after the time passed, this guy had actually grown to this point.

The yellow ape was a little incomprehensible.

And the reason why the battle will be flat at the beginning is because Li Mu is also only the strength of the admiral.

But where is this?

This is the top war, with a large number of attribute points dropping at any moment.

When Li Mu and the yellow ape were fighting, you must know that the system was also beating wildly.

With the influx of a large number of attribute points, Li Mu's strength had already reached the peak of the general.

With his back to the huge attribute points of the top war, Li Mu can be said to be getting stronger and stronger.

This also caused the yellow ape to become inadequate.

And at the beginning, although Li Mu just had the strength of a general.

But his strength is really inseparable from the guidance of the yellow ape.

Not only did he provide him with a large number of attribute points, but he also personally taught Li Mu to use the Shining Fruit.

This can't blame Li Mu.

It really taught the apprentice to starve the master.

At this time, the two constantly changed positions in the air, and flash kicks met in the air again and again.

Bang bang bang!!

At each intersection, huge fireworks explode at the place.

The entire sky over Marin Fandor is like a huge fireworks extravaganza.

As the confrontation continued, the yellow ape, which had gradually fallen behind, gradually began to lose his strength.

He is not choosing to use a flash kick to collide with Li Mu.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

The yellow ape was ready to use his best move to attack Li Mu.

But suddenly a yellow flash flashed and shocked him.

Li Mu's speed was actually faster than him!

The yellow ape was shocked, but it was too late to defend.

Li Mu's light-speed kick kicked directly on the yellow ape's body.

Kicked the yellow ape into the ruins.

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