Chapter 62 The Magma Fruit was actually picked up by me?

After the previous continuous development, in addition to the battle with the yellow ape.

Li Mu clearly knew that he already had the strength to surpass the general.

The strength of the iron general in the later period.

Although the red dog is the strongest of the three generals.

But he wasn't afraid.

And although it is said to be the strongest, in fact, the strength of the three major generals is not much different.

It's just that the red dog does things ruthlessly for people.

Shots are also ruthless, attacking the key points of others.

At this time, the red dog walked towards Li Mu unhurriedly.

His expression was unusually cold, and he stared at Li Mu viciously.

Because Li Mu defeated the yellow ape, the morale of the navy is now greatly reduced.

Faintly suppressed by the white-bearded pirate group.

Akainu naturally couldn't see such a thing, so he directly gave up the duel with Whitebeard.

Walking towards Li Mu, he wanted to find the navy field.

Although it seems light on the surface, this is not the case in his heart.

Although the yellow ape is paddling, the strength of the general is still undoubted.

Since he was able to defeat the yellow ape, it showed that Li Mu's strength was definitely good.

Akainu knew the current situation very well in his heart, and he was not a careless person.

He never underestimated anyone.

So as soon as he came up, he was ready to use all his strength to face Li Mu.

It was a super attack with a magma fruit.

A huge magma went directly towards Li Muzhao.

The whole magma is the size of a hill.

And there is still fire and heat, as if it is going to melt everything.

"Damn it, don't let me pick up the property?"

Li Mu was quite resentful in his heart.

I obviously just want to pick up some attributes in a low-key manner, why do I always come to interrupt myself for no reason?

It's abominable!

Yellow apes or red dogs, but he didn't provoke them at all.

Can't you just look at me like this?

Looking at the huge magma in front of him,27 he was suddenly speechless in his heart.

"Red dog, red dog!"

"Can I only say that it really deserves you?"

"Kill as soon as you come up!"

He complained in his heart.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

A message comes from the system.

Sure enough, as Li Mu thought, this guy from Chi Inu really brought out all his strength as soon as he came up.

I can only say that it is worthy of you, red dog!

But Li Mu was not afraid at all.

Even he didn't even want to hide.

"This guy from the red dog can also do these means of sneak attack!"

Immediately, Li Mu raised his hand and struck a strengthened laser from his finger.


The huge magma was directly blasted.

It suddenly shattered into countless pieces.

"Run away! Run away!"

The general Akainu fights with the mysterious pirate.

Suddenly, countless navies and pirates who were fighting next to them began to flee.

Even a small piece of magma fragments in the sky is enough for these navies and pirates to drink a pot.

This is magma with a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees!

As long as it is touched, it is inevitable that the whole person will burn with it.

These navies and pirates also knew the power of the magma fruit, so they had to quickly escape.

It can only be said that the master has moved mortals and suffered.

It was good to escape, and Li Mu did not want to kill innocents indiscriminately.

But the red dog doesn't care about that.

Directly teleported and came to Li Mu.

His fist became extremely red, and there was a faint feeling of terror.


The red dog's attack was swift and fierce, and Li Mu's heart trembled.

"What a deadly move!"

He sighed in his heart.

Although it is said that the red dog directly and extremely fast, he shot a stubborn dog towards his heart.

But Li Mu's domineering appearance is not a decoration.

He hurriedly covered his fist with armed color domineering.

Collide directly with the red dog's dog.

Suddenly, a powerful impact centered on the two of them rushed towards the surroundings.

At this time, some pirates and navies, who were slower when fleeing, were directly shocked out by this air current.

The red dog looked at Li Mu fiercely, wanting to see something from this mysterious pirate.

But Li Muke was not afraid of him in the slightest, and glared directly at the red dog.

Now he has the strength to not lose to the admiral.

Plus the perverted natural fruit sparkling fruit.

He has the strength to face Akainu.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

The confrontation between the two has been facing off for a long time, and it is impossible to distinguish between high and low for a while.

"Did the red dog also make a move?"

"Sakaski, then I can also relax my heart!"

Sengoku said with a sigh of relief.

The yellow ape guy is used to fishing and paddling on weekdays, and he must have lost to Li Mu in a momentary carelessness.

But red dogs are different from yellow apes.

He is cautious by nature and even more ruthless in his opponents.

It's absolutely no problem to have him shot.

At that time, it can also restore the confidence of the navy, and the morale will not be low all the time.

"Is the red dog going to do something to him too?"

"Just so I can see the strength of this guy. "

Whitebeard looked thoughtful.

So he won't stop the red dog.

Ran Chi Dog and Li Mu fought to try it.

Although the previous confrontation between Yellow Ape and Li Mu came to fruition.

But he had been so busy with the duel with Akainu that he had little time to pay attention.

He was also a little curious about how the yellow ape was defeated at Li Mu's hands.

But right now, since the red dog is also going to make a move, you might as well see what Li Mu's strength is.

In how to say that people who can win over the yellow ape should not have too much pressure in the face of red dogs.

At this time, the red dog's dog and Li Mu's fist clashed for a long time, and they could not distinguish between high and low.

The fists of the two are still constantly exporting power to collide.

Seeing this, Chi Inu pulled out his other hand, and suddenly a huge magma smashed down towards the square of Marin Fandor like a meteorite.

This meteorite is very huge, if it is smashed, it is estimated that many pirates and navies will suffer.

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

"Good fellow, don't even let go of your own people!"

However, he has no obligation to save lives and help the wounded, and these navies have nothing to do with him when they die when the pirates die.

As long as he casts the Shining Fruit, it is estimated that he can easily escape.

But Chi Inu didn't seem to plan to let Li Mu leave.

After he summoned the magma to smash down, a burst of fast fists greeted Li Mu.

Li Mu is not used to the red dog, the armed color is domineering, and the shining fruit directly fights the red dog with a fist.

What kind of strength is Li Mu now?

With the Shining Fruit, the speed of the red dog could not catch up with him at all.

It didn't take long for the red dog to faintly feel that he couldn't hold on.

He had already been punched several times by Li Mu in the face.

But in order to drag Li Mu from being hit by this magma, he chose to hold hard.


Finally, this huge magma smashed down.

Before being hit, Li Mu also knocked back the red dog with one punch.

He didn't dare to resist the power of the magma fruit.

If this terrifying temperature was burned continuously, he did not know what would become of it.

I saw that Li Mu directly transformed into a light at this urgent moment. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

A pillar of light that soared into the sky lit up in Marin Fandor, and everyone was frightened.

The huge magma was also opened out of a hole.

Li Mu had turned into a ray of light at this time and successfully escaped from the attack of magma.

At this time, he levitated in the air and looked at the ground.

Above the square of Marin Fandor, there is a huge crater.

Many navies and pirates complained.

They were burned by this magma in pain.

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 power attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 Devil Fruit attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 agility attributes!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 armed color domineering!"

"Congratulations to the host, pick up 100,000 points to see and smell domineering!"

A burst of system messages came.

Li Mu was naturally overjoyed in his heart.

Although the red dog guy is very ruthless.

But it is precisely because of this that attribute points drop in large quantities.

When it comes to dropping attribute points, Akainu has never let him down!

At this time, Marin Fandor was full of scorched earth, and many navies and pirates were accidentally injured and cried out by red dogs.

Lying on the ground and rolling around.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed, and suddenly bursts of ice mist appeared, extinguishing these flames.

It turned out that the green pheasant could not watch these navies suffer, and could only extinguish the magma of the red dog with his hands.

But in this way, many pirates were also rescued.

"Green pheasant this guy, many times in one move!"

Akainu cursed angrily with some anger.

As long as he can eliminate the pirates, he feels that he can still bear a little loss.

The life and death of these navies as if they had nothing to do with him.

"Sakaski, this guy, did he even care about the lives of a naval soldier?"

The green pheasant clenched his fists, angry at the red dog's behavior.

The two who had not dealt with it again had a disagreement because of this matter.

But let's just say that each has its own justice.

The green pheasant pays more attention to the care of the navy, while the red dog pays more attention to the crusade against pirates.

At this time, the huge magma turned into an ordinary stone under the action of the pheasant.

Above the ground, it's like a meteorite.

I saw Chi Inu standing on the boulder looking at Li Mu.

A flash of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

He was a little amazed that Li Mu was actually safe and sound under his previous attack.

At this moment, a very special message appeared in the system's attribute drop message.

"Congratulations to the host, picking up the magma fruit from the red dog!"

Li Mu's expression suddenly changed.

The solemnity and seriousness that had been pretended before suddenly disappeared.

The excitement in my heart was directly reflected on my face.

"Lie down, the Devil Fruit is here again!"

"It's still a terrifying magma fruit!"

He was overjoyed in his heart, this was the second devil fruit.

In the future, he will be a double-fruit ability.

They are also super powerful two natural devil fruits!

Magma fruits, enough to be called the top three fruits of nature!

It is also the superior fruit of the burnt fruit.

Not only does the temperature reach more than a thousand, but it can also directly summon huge magma blocks to smash into the enemy.

It's not impossible to wrap it around your hand for powerful attacks.

It is really a very powerful natural fruit.

At this time, there was an evil smile on the corner of Li Mu's mouth, and this sudden scene made him extremely happy in his heart.

First the shining fruit of the yellow ape, and now even the magma fruit of the red dog fell into his hands.

His strength has improved in this time.

Since you got it, there is no reason not to use it.

He plans to use the magma fruit to try against the red dog.

He casts magma fruits directly.

Suddenly, his fist was covered with magma.

Still bubbling.

But because he had mastered the magma fruit, he didn't feel hot at the moment. 553

Although it is said that the magma fruit that has just been obtained, the destructive power is estimated to be very poor.

But the more such a juncture, the more unexpected the effect can be!

After all, no one would have thought that he could actually use two Devil Fruit abilities.

But as soon as he cast it, the red dog below could see it clearly.


Akainu was shocked in his heart.

He saw the magma coming out of Li Mu's hand.

Suddenly, I was puzzled in my heart.

You must know that everyone thinks that what Li Mu has been casting is the upper and lower levels of the shining fruit.

Although it is said to be close to the fruit ability of the yellow ape, it cannot be the same fruit.

After all, the fact that there could not be two identical devil fruits at the same time was in front of you.

No one could possibly associate this with the same ability.

But at this time, the red dog couldn't figure out anyway, in addition to his Devil Fruit ability, there was actually someone who could hang magma on his hands.

It's not scientific!

"What the hell is this..."

Chi Inu squinted slightly at Li Mu, wanting to see something in his eyes.

But it is not difficult to see that Li Mu at this moment is completely excited.

I don't see anything peculiar at all.

"Double-fruit ability?"

"No, no, no, it's impossible!"

"How can he be a fruit power?"

Akainu kept thinking in his heart.

But one thing he always understood was that this devil fruit could not appear at the same time.

"Is it a coincidence?"

"He just happens to have a double devil fruit, and he is also the superior and subordinate of the Shining Fruit and the Magma Fruit?"

"Or is this the ability of some kind of animal-based phantom beast species?"

Akainu was puzzled.

After all, there has never been a situation of double-fruit ability in this sea.

Even the Devil Fruit with close abilities is difficult to encounter. Although it is said that the devil fruit is very rare.

But that's just for the four seas.

Once it enters the new century, the Devil Fruit will no longer be rare.

Even in the new world, what is more important is the long-term use of domineering.

But the master's tricks are every second, and at this moment when the red dog was stunned.

Li Mu seized the opportunity and directly punched out.

He jumped down from the air and attacked the red dog.

His hands were wrapped in huge magma blocks.

Under such a strong attack, the red dog was directly smashed out.

He smashed on the square and suddenly smashed out a huge crater.

"This magma fruit is not bad!"

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart.

Although it was just obtained, it has not had time to upgrade.

But looking at the huge power of hitting the red dog, his heart was still very satisfied.

"Isn't it bad to let me secretly pick up attributes?"

"You have to come and get me in trouble!"

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