Chapter 63 Red Dog Defeated! The eyes of the whole world converged!

As the red dog fell like a kite with a broken thread.

The entire Marin Fando was suddenly in an uproar

"No, Akainu General... He lost too?"

"Who the hell is this pirate?"

"Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"Another general Yellow Ape, another general Red Dog, he alone actually overturned our two main forces!"

"Oops, who else would be his opponent?"

The navy sighed.

The anxiety in my heart is self-evident.

The admiral was left with only a pheasant at this time.

You must know that the admiral is a pillar-like existence for the navy.

Although it is said that the Warring States is the commander-in-chief of the Navy.

But the admiral's strength is outstanding, and it is the lifelong dream of all naval soldiers.

In their hearts, admirals are beings who will not fail.

Now that the three admirals and two have been folded in Li Mu's hands, how can the naval soldiers not be shocked.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the Navy soldiers were demoralized before, but now they are afraid.

After all, the two admirals are helpless, what hope do they have to win?

"Is the sky going to change?"

"Since the Whitebeard Pirates have such a strong person, why don't they strike at the beginning!"

"Oh, that's not true. "

"That's General Sakaski and General Yellow Ape!"

"Is it really that defeated?"

The Navy soldiers were still reluctant to acknowledge the scene in front of them.

Still comforting himself.

But in any case, defeat is defeat.

The defeat of the admiral to Li Mu has become a fact, and no matter how everyone thinks about it, it is a fact that cannot be changed.

It is said that Li Mu's current strength has come to the top of the general through the blessing of attribute points.

At this time, the naval soldiers of Marin Fando looked at Li Mu in the distance.

His eyes were full of fear and doubt.

Why can a pirate who kills in half a way defeat two admirals?

What's going on here?

The navy was slow to come to their senses.

To say that the previous defeat of the general Yellow Ape may also be an accident.

But now defeating the general Chi Inu again confirms the fact that Li Mu's strength exceeds that of the general.

After all, admirals are not defeated by luck and accident.

At this time, it was not only the navy who was shocked and did not understand.

Even the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were shocked and puzzled.

"Lying groove, the red dogs are defeated!"

"Am I mistaken?"

"Is this possible?"

"This is a red dog with the title of the strongest navy!"

"I didn't expect even him to lose!"

"This, this, this..."

Although this is a good thing for the pirates, they still can't hold the shock of this matter.

I was very surprised.

After all, although they are just ordinary elite pirates.

But they also follow the Whitebeard Pirates to the New World.

Naturally, I have seen a lot of the world.

They also know what the admiral really represents.

This is the highest combat power of the Navy.

It's the faith in the heart of the Navy.

Even the admirals were defeated, so what is the need to fight?

Thinking about it, the pirates here are also a little happy.

"It seems that the next time is for us to counterattack!"

"Hehe, the admiral is just that!"

"Yes, there is nothing to be afraid of, everyone work hard together and rush to the execution table to rescue Captain Ace!"

The pirates shouted excitedly, and their morale was extremely high for a while.

Because it all happened so fast.

So fast that even the vice admirals of the Navy and the captains of the large ship regiment of the Whitebeard Pirates could not see clearly what was happening.

Although I didn't see the specific process clearly.

But everyone saw one fact clearly.

That is, after Li Mu defeated the yellow ape, he overturned the red dog non-stop.

Solving two generals in a row, how can they not be alarmed by such a trick?

"If you read it right, even General Sakaski lost to that guy.~?"

"Obviously just a nameless pirate!"


The ghost spider thought a little angrily.

At this time, he kept fighting with the pirates, only feeling that these pirates were more difficult to entangle.

And all this is because of the effect that Li Mu brought after defeating the two generals.

With the blessing of this morale, the pirates began a desperate attack.

Even the vice admirals found it difficult to resist.

"I don't want to believe it, but the facts are in front of me. "

"Get ready, it's a tough battle ahead!"

Lieutenant General Mole said with a solemn expression.

Since both generals have been defeated, the next battle will only become more difficult.

He understood this very well.

Of course, the other lieutenant generals were also embarrassed at this time.

On the one hand, they want to block the attack of the pirates, on the other hand, the news of the defeat of the general also affects their mood.

At this time, the giant lieutenant generals are the most difficult.

Originally, they had to face the captains of various large ship groups.

The previous battle was raging, and everyone had reservations.

But now that the situation was clear, the captains of the various large ship regiments also began to attack fiercely.

Under such changes, the giant lieutenant generals are a little difficult to support.

At this time, the Nanabu Sea has been watching.

"What was that flashing red light just now?"

The group of Qiwu Hai was very puzzled in their hearts.

They also haven't come yet to see where things are going on.

Li Mu's fight with Chi Dog caused smoke and dust to billowing above the square.

There was charred earth and billowing smoke everywhere.

When the Seven Wuhai saw clearly, the red dog had already been beaten out by Li Mu.


"Today was a real feast for my eyes!"

"I can't imagine that the Whitebeard Pirates actually hide such a character. "

"If you change it before, you don't dare to think about who can defeat the two admirals. "

Moonlight Moriah said in disbelief.

Usually, when he meets the admiral, he is angry and does not dare to come out.

After all, he is still the position of pirates after all, although he is recognized by the world government as a public pirate force.

But the three generals have bad personalities, and if they are not careful, they will suffer losses.

But Li Mu actually defeated two powerhouses of this level so easily.

Moriah was rightly shocked.

"Fool, this is not a good thing for us!"

"When the Navy is solved, guess where the targets of the Whitebeard Pirates will go!"

"We are with the Navy, can we still escape?"

Doflamingo said angrily.

He only felt that his head was big for a while.

Originally thought that he was just here to accompany the Navy to go through the motions, but now the Navy is invincible.

This was an outcome he could not have imagined anyway.

If he had known that this would be the case, he would not have come.

After all, he was just a seven-martial sea, and if the anger of the white-bearded pirate group spilled down, he couldn't bear it.

This is also a rare time for Doflamingo to be in a hurry.

Usually, he watches the lively and idle family fire.

However, Li Mu's strength in defeating two admirals successively made him have to be afraid.

"Hmph, what is there to be afraid of!"

"I want to see how strong this guy is!"

Hawkeye's gaze is sharp. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The black knife behind the night is about to move.

But he still suppressed the fighting intent in his heart and did not rush to strike.

After all, the other party is the strength to defeat the two four emperors.

He also didn't have the confidence to walk through Li Mu's hands for a few moves.

"It's so shocking that I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes." "

The female emperor said with a solemn expression on her face.

Bartholomi Bear couldn't help but nod.

Such a battle situation was obviously not within his expectations.

At this time, Whitebeard was also deeply shocked.

Originally, I just wanted to let the red dog leave and try my Li Mu's strength.

But I didn't expect to hurt the red dog.

So that the red dog was defeated in Li Mu's hands like this.

"Goo la..."

After a moment of melancholy, Whitebeard suddenly burst out laughing.

Such a situation is unthinkable.

But this is a great thing for the Whitebeard Pirates.

The navy lost two generals in a row, and for a while the navy's combat power declined rapidly.

And morale is also extremely low.

On the other hand, the Whitebeard Pirates here can be described as having slow confidence, and their morale has reached the top.

How does this make Whitebeard unhappy?

"I can't imagine that such a strong man actually appeared under my white-bearded subordinates!"

"And my whitebeard doesn't know anything. "

He was a little melancholy.

He knew that it was estimated that he would have to change his peak to achieve Li Mu's level.


The captains looked at the scene in front of them and were speechless for a long time.

They couldn't have imagined that Li Mu had really defeated the red dog.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"Where did Sister Huai come from?"

"This is too raw, isn't it!"

Marko said in shock.

As the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, he knows the strength of the admiral.

That is enough to call it a strength at the forefront of the world.

Not at all what ordinary pirates can beat.

At least he was not confident that he could defeat the admiral.

But the inconspicuous pirate in front of him, who was not even famous at all, actually defeated two admirals one after another.

"I was completely convinced,"

Joz said such a sentence and said no more.

Before he also suspected Li Mu's background.

But after seeing Li Mu's performance, he didn't have the slightest doubt.

Isn't such a strength already done long ago even if it plots against the Whitebeard Pirates?

As for waiting until the top war to show your strength?

"It's too fierce!"

Bista couldn't contain the excitement in his heart and shouted.

"Except for the peak dad, I've never seen such a fierce person!"

Izang couldn't help but praise.

At this time, the navy was on a high platform.

Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru stood there and watched the battle.

But after the results came out, the faces of the three were not very good.

Staff Officer Crane's expression was solemn, and there was a little puzzlement and fear in his eyes.

"Did you see that just now?"

"The red light above that fist!"

She said anxiously.

"See, but what is it, it shouldn't be his devil fruit, right?"

Karp said a little puzzled.

At this time, everyone had already tacitly accepted that Li Mu's fruit ability was the superior and subordinate of the Shining Fruit.

It should be impossible to use that attack with red light.

But this strange attack made Karp and Tsuru staff very puzzled.

"Won't anyone be able to stop him?"

Sengoku said with some indignation.

At this time, his face was livid, and his eyes were staring at Li Mu without blinking.

He didn't understand why such a pirate suddenly appeared.

Obviously, I never said that the Whitebeard Pirates still have such a strong person?

The previous scene has already been broadcast live around the world by the phone worm.

As a result, the world has set off a seething movement.

Chambordi Islands, Dressrosa, New World, Four Seas

There was a lot of discussion everywhere.

There are also the other four emperors who are also watching this live broadcast.

Everyone stared at Li Mu intently.

"Who is this guy?"

"When did the Whitebeard Pirates have such a strong man join?"

Yan Yan Ember said very puzzled.

The evil cadres of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group all stared at the scene in front of them very seriously.

Originally, they planned to take advantage of the emptiness behind the Whitebeard Pirate Group to sneak attack.

But when it was found that the Whitebeard Pirates not only did not fall into the downwind in the top war, but faintly had the momentum to overwhelm the navy.

Seeing this, Kaido immediately interrupted the plan to sneak up on the Whitebeard Pirates.

If the Whitebeard Pirates returned safely from Marin Fando and knew that the Hundred Beasts (Qian Zhao) Pirates had occupied their territory, it would be estimated that they would be anxious.

At that time, it will not be acceptable to Kaido to go to war against the Hundred Beast Pirates like a war with the Navy.

At that time, the losses were not the things that can be occupied now.

"Although I don't know where this guy came from. "

"But since he can defeat the two admirals, then he is estimated to have the strength of the imperial level!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates should not be underestimated, we still have to think in the long run!"

Quinn said with some trepidation.

Kaido, who had originally retreated, heard Quinn's words.

Also immediately ordered a retreat.

"Ma Ma..."

"Whitebeard Pirates..."

"It's still underestimated, and there is actually another guy with royal-level strength. "

"You can't underestimate the Whitebeard Pirates now. "

Bigmom thieves, Charlotte Lingling said with jealousy in her eyes.

As the Four Emperors, she also knew that the strength of the admiral was not so simple.

But since this mysterious pirate was able to defeat the two generals, it also shows that he is not simple.

Auntie did not dare to act rashly.

If the war is over and the Whitebeard Pirates are angry and cause war.

The loss is much more than the current gain.


She eventually gave such an order to the pirates.

The crew also obeyed the order and withdrew from Whitebeard's territory.

"Oh? This guy is kind of interesting!"

"I actually defeated the Yellow Ape and the Red Dog Hall one after another!"

"The Whitebeard Pirates don't know when such a tough and fierce guy came out!"

"Looks young!"

"Could it be that there is someone behind the Whitebeard Pirates?"

Shanks looked at Li Mu in front of the screen and said thoughtfully.

Originally, they were on their way to Marin Fandor to rescue the Whitebeard Pirates.

But in this way....

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