Chapter 68 Straw Hat Luffy fell from the sky and began to counterattack!

Because Li Mu took the initiative to solve the two admirals.

At this time, the morale of the Whitebeard Pirates was also unprecedentedly high.

At this moment, a warship suddenly fell in the sky.

It turned out that it was Luffy the Straw Hat who came with a group of prisoners.

"Well, why is Luffy here?"

Li Mu was very puzzled in his heart.

Although in the original plot of One Piece, Straw Hat Luffy did appear in the battlefield of Marin Fandor with prisoners.

But now the situation is very different from the original.

The first is that the Chambord Islands have changed because of his intervention.

People who would have been slapped around the world by the Bartholomi bear with their fruit ability were not really slapped out.

Instead, he was lucky enough to follow Hades Renly and successfully retreated.

And because of his blockage, the yellow ape did not have time to defeat the supernova, but simply captured some pirates.

There is no two-year contract for the Straw Hat Pirates.

It can be said that Li Mu's appearance had a great impact on the battle situation.

After all, at that time, he not only defeated the captain of the naval science force, Zhan Momomaru, but also delayed the yellow ape for a long time.

This makes the yellow ape not have enough time to deal with the supernova gang.

This led to a change in the timeline of the Chambord Islands.

In Li Mu's opinion, the straw hat Luffy after the change in the timeline should not have come with prisoners.

But he still came with the prisoners who pushed into the city.

It seems that his big fuss about advancing into the city still happened.

I just don't know if that guy from Blackbeard will appear in the top war.

But in Li Mu's mind, the advantage of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is so great now.

Blackbeard is estimated to not make a rash move, and without the help of the Navy, it is impossible for the Blackbeard Pirate Group alone to pose a threat to the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

After a little thought, Li Mu finally figured it out.

Maybe Raleigh's activation gave him the idea.

After all, Ace was originally imprisoned in the prison of Advance City, and after failing to save Ace, he had to consider coming directly to participate in the top war.

But the scale of the war on top is too large.

Luffy's strength is also really too weak, at least not enough to see in the top war.

Luffy alone is difficult to influence the situation of the war on top.

Just as the so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend, adhering to this idea, he quickly thought that the prisoners who pushed into the city 713 said that they might not be able to help.

And now that the garrison of the advancing city is very weak, it is definitely a good way to rescue prisoners to participate in the top war.

"What is it?"

"Where's the warship?"

"What's going on? Who is on the warship?"

The navy looked at this suddenly rising warship with great doubts in their hearts.

At this time, the navy was originally demoralized by Li Mu.

Now I was even more shocked to see a warship falling.

He was afraid that something unexpected would come.

"This is... It doesn't look like a naval force. "

"Most of those people are wearing prison uniforms?"

"Could it be the prisoners of Advance City?"

The pirates looked at the sudden Luffy and the group, and they were also very curious in their hearts.

But most of the gang was dressed in prison uniforms, and the naval headquarters was not far from the Advance City Prison.

So people quickly associated it.

"Huh? This is..."

"Where did the imps come from?"

Whitebeard squinted at the fallen warship in the sky, and felt a little displeased in his heart.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates can be said to have a great advantage.

He didn't want any surprises at such a time.

Although everyone looked up at the sky, they were very curious about who was on the warship.

But as the warship fell, everyone became clearer.

Especially a man with a straw hat standing at the very front of the warship.

Although Luffy's strength is not strong now, his reputation is already not small.

Most of the big guys here recognize him.

"The road... Luffy?"

Karp's eyes widened, as if his eyeballs were about to fall out.

He couldn't have imagined that it would actually be Luffy.

He was already surprised and worried.

What is this place? This is a war on top.

A Luffy who comes out casually is not necessarily an opponent.

But under such circumstances, Luffy this guy actually came when he said it.

Karp covered his forehead, feeling a little helpless.

"This abominable fellow!"

"Is the top war also something you can come?"

His heart was filled with great worry.

After all, Luffy is his closest relative.

Although Ace and Luffy were both brought up by Cap, if they joined the top war, they would be executed if Luffy came instead.

It is estimated that there will be no CHCG war.

"Ace, I'm here to save you!"

Luffy shouted as he stood at the bow of the ship.

This voice suddenly spread throughout the entire Marin Fando.

Everyone heard Luffy shouting.

"Well, are these guys here to save Ace too?"

"Doesn't that mean these guys are with us?"

Isn't it a sure thing to rescue Ace!"

The pirates were in a good mood after hearing that Luffy and the others were also here to save Ace.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who had already had an advantage, now have new partners to join.

"Oh, actually came to save Ace?"

"Could it be that this imp is the younger brother that Ace often mentions?"

"Straw hat kid?"

"What an interesting little ghost!"

Whitebeard said with emotion.

"Oh, is Ace's brother here too?"

"It seems that it is a sure thing that we rescued Ace today!"

Marko was in a good mood when he saw this.

The injuries that were originally left by Karp also felt a lot better.

Now it's almost time to save Ace in total.

The captains heard Marko's words and looked high.

"So this is the younger brother that Ace often mentions?"

"To be able to do such a thing, and Ace really seem to be carved out of a mold. "

"Isn't it a brother, and the things they do are so similar?"

"But Ace really has a good brother, and he dares to rescue Ace on the scale of the war." "

The captains looked at Luffy in the air and discussed.

At this time, everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was very excited.

But on the other hand, the Navy is a little depressed here.

The already unoptimistic situation has now become even more dire.

There was actually another guy who wanted to save Ace.

He also carries a group of companions behind him.

At this time, Sengoku was livid on the elevated command platform.

He looked at the morale of the white-bearded pirate group with indescribable anxiety in his heart.

On the other hand, here in the navy, morale is weak, and even two of the generals have lost their ability to fight.

Sengoku was intent on saving the situation, but with Luffy joining the battlefield with tens of thousands of prisoners.

The momentum on the side of the navy has dropped to the freezing point.

He stared blankly at the sky.

"Has something happened to even Advance City?"

"In order to arrange the top war, the defenses everywhere have been forced to fall!"

"Now even the top war is facing the dilemma of defeat!"

He thought a little unwillingly.

In everyone's expectation, the warship will soon land.

"Hey, Straw Hat Kid!"

"We fell from 10,000 meters!"

"Isn't it turned into mashed meat when smashed like this?"

Bucky shouted in some horror.

"yes, am I going to die here like this?"

"I'm not willing!" (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

MR3 hurriedly echoed.

At this time, the warship was not much away from the ground, but the speed of the warship landing was still accelerating.

The prisoners on the warship also covered their mouths in surprise.

"I finally escaped from Advance City!"

"I don't want to die like this!"

"Hurry up and think of a way, everyone!"

"What to do? How to find a way!"

The prisoners said in a mouthful.

No one wants to explain it here, after all, they are all prisoners who have just escaped.

But in the face of such a situation, Luffy is also in a hurry.

He kept inhaling and adding to his body.

It didn't take long for Luffy's body to turn into a huge rubber balloon.

The warship also smashed directly on the balloon.

After playing a little, everyone also landed safely.

At this time, Bucky stood at the bow of the boat, looking like everything was as he expected.

"Ahem, Straw Hat Luffy did a good job!"

"With Uncle Ben's command, there really can't be a mistake!"

He said very pretentiously.

But at this time, Luffy's eyes were only Ace on the execution table, and he didn't pay attention to Bucky's words at all.

Rushed straight towards Ace's place.

"Lord Bucky really expected things like a god!"

"Worthy of Lord Bucky!"

"Is it because of Lord Bucky that we were saved?"

The prisoners praised for a while.

After a period of confusion, the prisoners also began to look at the current situation.

They were surprised to find that the situation was complicated.

Soon they found the man standing on the Moby Dick.

He has a signature crescent-shaped white beard on his face.

"It's Whitebeard!"

"Why is he here!"

"This is the Four Emperors!"

"Whitebeard with the title of the strongest man in the world?"

The prisoners exclaimed.

After all, these prisoners were also some famous pirates before.

There is also some strength in the new world.

Recognized the moment he saw Whitebeard.

Bucky was shocked when he heard that Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors.

Sweat beads on the face drop in large drops.

The mind keeps repeating what to do? What to do? What to do?

But his heart is anxious, and on the surface he still looks calm.

"A white-bearded man, do you need to be so scared?"

"Isn't my Lord Bucky here?"

He said confidently.

The prisoners who were originally bluffed by Whitebeard suddenly felt that Bucky must be very strong.

Is it also one of the strong men of the old times?

He didn't even put a white beard in his eyes.

Whitebeard has been watching the direction of the battle.

At this moment, the morale of the Navy has fallen to the bottom.

There are not many such good opportunities, and with the prisoners who appear, if they can join hands, it is not too difficult to rescue Ace.

He glanced at it, and quickly locked onto Bucky, who was at the front of the prisoners and had been commanding.

In his opinion, Bucky at this moment has quite a leadership style, and no matter what his strength is, he is a worthy object to befriend.

Whitebeard was also not verbose, and teleported directly to Bucky.

"For nothing... Whitebeard!"

"What to do? Is he going to make a move?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the white beard, Bucky was shocked.

The frightened ones were even speechless.

At this time, the prisoners saw a different picture.

In their eyes, Bucky at this moment is confronting Whitebeard.

They felt more and more that Bucky was really too powerful.

He was actually able to confront Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors.

It wasn't until Whitebeard made his intention to form an alliance that Bucky relieved.

"Nani? What's going on?"

"Whitebeard actually wants to ally with me!"

"No, although the other party is the four emperors of the new world, I have to show my momentum. "

"Can't be flattened by this guy!"

Bucky thought excitedly in his heart.

Then he talked to Whitebeard at length.

At this time, the prisoners of Bucky's fans completely climaxed.

"Look, Whitebeard wants to ally with us!"

"Worthy of Lord Bucky!"

"Bucky, Bucky, Bucky!"

The prisoners were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them.

The more I feel that Bucky is awesome, it is right to follow Bucky!

At this time, Bucky, who was talking to Whitebeard in detail, was still a little timid, with fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

The snot on the nose was also frightened and kept dripping.

After all, he is facing the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard!

But at the thought of the adoring gazes of the prisoners behind him, Bucky could barely retract the snot that came out.

Pretend to be high.

"Since your whitebeard has already sent out an invitation, then Uncle Ben can only accompany you on the walk!"

Bucky replied indifferently.

Immediately, the two shook hands, and the alliance was officially established.

With the formation of the alliance, it was time for the Whitebeard Pirates to launch a general attack.

At this time, the navy has passed, Luffy is eager to save Ace, and he has already killed it alone.

But with the obstruction of the vice admiral, Luffy also fell into a predicament for a while.

"Ace's brother?"

"Just let my Whitebeard Pirates help you!"

Whitebeard thought with some emotion in his heart.

He was happy that Ace had a good brother.

"All the Whitebeard Pirates obeyed. "

"Help Straw Hat Luffy rescue Ace. "

"All the pirates start attacking, and the captains help Straw Hat Luffy get out of the way!"

He directly shouted orders to the entire group of whitebeard pirates.

After hearing the order, all the pirates immediately began to kill towards Marin Fando.

It is inevitable to seek justice for Ace.

The pirates, who were already high in morale, attacked fiercely.

The navy was a little difficult to resist for a while.

With the all-out efforts of Captain Fan and the captains of the Big Ship Regiment, Luffy's pressure was suddenly greatly reduced.

Many of the lieutenant generals who blocked were dragged down by the captains, and Luffy was also moving towards the execution note.

And Whitebeard saw that the situation was good, directly pulled out Cong Yunche, and took the beak knife towards the execution table.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates, together with Straw Hat Luffy and Bucky, launched a total against the navy.

And Whitebeard also shot personally, not ambiguous at all.

Looking at such an amazing and imposing group of white-bearded pirates, the Warring States secretly said that it was not good in his heart.

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