Chapter 65 The Navy fought to the death to become the peak of the Four Emperors!

As the charge of the pirates and prisoners begins.

The Navy suddenly had some one-sided situation.

At this time, the Warring States on the high platform looked at the current situation, and their hearts ached.

He naturally saw it, and now the general trend has passed.

But he is a marshal of the navy after all, and although there is little hope of a reversal in his heart, he must not be discouraged.

If even he, the marshal of the navy, falls, who will guard the naval banner behind him!

What about people around the world?

Do you want to let the pirates do this for the tiger~?

Thinking of this, he quickly cheered up, at least he couldn't let these pirates break Marin-Fando.

I saw Sengoku standing on the high platform, and his eyes were extremely firm.

Looking at the pirates who kept rushing to kill, he gave a gesture to the group of lieutenant generals.

That's kill!

"The navy cannot be defeated, nor will it be defeated!"

"Everyone join the battlefield! This is the last battle!"

He gritted his teeth and said, his conviction incomparably firm.

Be sure to fight the pirates for the final battle.

Although with the defeat of the two admirals, the navy can be said to be the tide of the tide.

But the navy still has the big sword and green pheasant, countless vice admirals.

There are also Marshal Sengoku, naval hero Karp, dozens of giant vice admirals.

Such combat effectiveness is still not to be underestimated.

At this time, hearing the words of the Warring States, everyone understood that this was the last battle.

Everyone held their breath and was bound to stop the Whitebeard Pirates.

After all, this is where Marin Fandor begins, the headquarters of the Navy.

They are already unable to retreat.

Behind them is the glory of the navy that they must guard.

With the belief that he must die, the morale of the navy's slump has also recovered a lot.

Immediately rushed forward and fought with the pirates.

At this time, the two generals were defeated, and the war country horse thought about the seven martial seas.

These guys have been ob on the edge of the battlefield, and Sengoku has been noticing for a long time.

But the situation was good before, so he didn't say much.

The original plan was to let Qi Wuhai support the field.

But now the pirates are menacing, and the naval side is already somewhat powerless.

The combat power of the Qiwu Sea must be put into the battlefield.

"Seven Wuhai, if you continue to watch from the wall, the navy will strip Qiwuhai of its title!"

Sengoku directly threatened.

Qi Wuhai suddenly lost his temper when he heard this.

They can't give up their status as public pirates.

Because Qiwu Hai has a country behind him.

They must rely on the identity of Nanabukai to feed their country.

Once you lose the identity of the Qiwu Sea, you may be attacked by other pirate forces at any time.

Or it may be cleared by the world government.

After all, their countries have all been recognized by the world government because of their identity as the seven martial seas.

Can freely trade and other activities.

Therefore, when the identity of the seven martial seas of the Warring States threatened, the seven martial seas also had to prepare to join the battlefield.

"Going to war?"

Hawkeye's gaze is sharp, as if it were the eye of an eagle.

He did not have the slightest fear of going to war.

Instead, it was full of expectation.

The already warlike Hawkeye began to look for a suitable opponent at this time.


"The abominable navy actually ordered us!"

"But you can't help but listen!"

"I'm so angry, why do you have to be subject to the navy!"

Moonlight Moriah thought a little unpleasantly.

Originally, Qi Wuhai was known as the lackey of the navy, and now it is even more restrained by the navy.

The dissatisfaction in my heart can be imagined.

The tyrant bear didn't say anything more, picked up the book in his hand, and made a prayer motion.

Ready to strike.

"Vack, bark..."

"Since this guy from the Warring States has given orders, let's try it!"

"I haven't shot in a long time. "

Doflamingo thought excitedly.

Although the current situation is not optimistic, as the Qi Wuhai, they still have little problem in self-preservation.

Therefore, the Seven Wuhai did not have the slightest fear.

"Hmph, since this is the case, the concubine should also join the battlefield. "

The female emperor tilted her head and said.

Because the Chambordi Islands were disturbed by Li Mu, Luffy was not photographed and flew to his daughter's country.

So at the moment, the female emperor and Luffy do not know each other.

"Shadow control!"

Moonlight Moria directly used his ability, and suddenly countless dead people stood up like puppets.

There are also many pirates who suddenly feel that their bodies are not being manipulated.

"Arrows of captive!"

The female emperor also mobilizes abilities.

Suddenly, the pink arrows in the sky attacked the pirates.

Of course, with such a large-scale capability, many navies have also followed suit.

"What? You blame the concubine for being injured by mistake?"

"The concubine is so beautiful, no matter what she does, she will be forgiven!"

The female emperor covered her mouth and said with a smile.

At this time, Hawkeye also joined the fray.

"Hey, that uncle over there, don't stop me!"

Luffy said anxiously when he saw Hawkeye.

He always thought he had seen Hawkeye there, but he couldn't remember it.

"Straw Hat Luffy? I didn't expect to grow a lot after a long time. "

Hawkeye said with some emotion.

Immediately Hawkeye was not verbose.

Pulling out the black knife behind him, Night was ready to test Luffy's strength.

When he raised his knife, it was a powerful slash.

This is the eagle eye of the world's number one swordsman.

Luffy was running fast, and he was shocked when he saw Hawkeye's attack coming towards him.

He has the ability to bear rubber fruits, and he is naturally not afraid of blunt blows.

Even hitting him on the body did not hurt.

But the slash is different, if he is hit, he can't bear it.

Seeing this, Luffy hurriedly avoided.

"Hey, uncle, don't blame me if you don't listen to advice!"

"Rubber rubber! Machine gun!"

He jumped straight into the air and launched an attack towards Hawkeye.

A flash flashed in Hawkeye's eyes.

"Looking for death? Actually showing flaws like this!"

He thought with some incomprehension.

Immediately, a slash slashed towards Luffy.

At this time, Luffy was completely unavoidable in the air.

And Luffy's body, which has not yet mastered the domineering color of the armed color, is just rubber.

If you collide head-on with Hawkeye's slash, you will be crippled even if you are undefeated.

Luffy's face changed drastically, he knew he had made the wrong choice, but it was too late to stop the attack right now.

Fortunately, this is a very critical juncture.

A half-amputated man flew over and knocked Luffy out.


Luffy is overjoyed after being rescued.

It turned out that Bucky saw Luffy's crisis and hurriedly split his body and saved Luffy.

"Captain Bucky, actually saved the straw hat kid!"

Bucky's fans suddenly praised fiercely.

"Ahem, Straw Hat Kid. "

"Aren't you going to save your brother?"

"Go ahead. Hawkeye, this guy will be handed over to me Lord Bucky!"

After hearing the praise of the younger brothers, he immediately floated into the sky.

Promised Luffy directly.

Luffy is also not verbose, pulling out his legs and running.

At this time, Hawkeye was a little confused.

"Lord Bucky, who is this guy?"

But although he was a little puzzled, the movements on his hands did not decrease.

Swinging the black knife night towards Bucky is to slash dozens of knives in a row.

But what fruit ability is Bucky? Split Fruit!

It can be said to be the nemesis of the swordsman.

At this time, Bucky directly dodged all of Hawkeye's attacks by constantly splitting his body.

"It's worthy of Lord Bucky, and he actually fought a tie with Hawkeye, the head of the Seven Wu Sea!" (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"That's the world's number one swordsman!"

The fans praised again.

Bucky floated straight into the sky.

But after all, the opponent is Hawkeye, the head of the Seven Warrior Seas, and it is not something that Bucky can deal with.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, Crockdahl appeared.

"It's been a long time since Hawkeye saw him, after all, he rescued me from Push City. "

"I can't just watch you make a move on him!"

Crockdar was not afraid of Hawkeye in the slightest, and said directly indifferently.

Hawkeye's eyes flashed a hint of fighting intent, and then the two also fought together.

At this time, the seven martial seas all went to battle.

The Whitebeard Pirates and the prisoners were also in full swing.

A big war began.

"Is the final battle about to begin?"

Li Mu thought indifferently in his heart.

After the previous big war, his strength has climbed step by step.

Although attribute points were important to him, they were not as tempting in his heart at this moment.

But this is the last chance to pick up the property.

Naturally, he didn't want to waste it.

So he also gathered into the crowd.

He just wants to secretly pick up some attributes.

With Whitebeard's personal end, the situation became a little one-sided for a while.

At this time, the whitebeard who was charging at the front was almost killed on the execution table.

On either side of Whitebeard are the prisoners led by Bucky and Luffy and Captain Fan.

The navy, though already trying to resist.

But the gap in strength is too huge, and it is no longer possible to make up for it.

At this time, Warring States and the others also saw that things were developing into an uncontrollable situation, and hurriedly thought of a way.

"Karp, it seems that we old guys can't stay out of the situation either. "

Sengoku whispered to Karp.

Karp sighed.

Originally, he did not intend to participate in this battle.

On the one hand, his loved ones, on the other, justice for the Navy.

No matter which side he is on, there will be regrets.

At this time, his heart was like a scale, which had been wavering.

He clenched his fists, and his face was even redder.

But in the end, he was relieved and reluctantly lowered his fist.

Right now, the Navy side is at a great disadvantage.

In other words, Ace estimates that there is a high probability that he will be rescued.

In fact, whether he can make a move or not is already doomed.

But the navy cannot perish and cannot be defeated.

At least guard the Marin Fandor behind him and guard the naval banner behind him.

With the order of the Warring States, all naval forces entered the battle.

Sengoku, Karp, Pheasant

No one can stay out of it.

For the first time, the navy, which has stood with the sea for more than 800 years, felt the crisis.

And this is all because of Li Mu this guy.

The defeat of the two admirals brought the navy down suddenly.

As a last resort, some of the old guys are going to fight.

"Whitebeard, I haven't fought for a long time!"

"My fists are a little rusty!"

Sengoku looked at the white-bearded man who was also aging in front of him and said with some embarrassment.

"Don't come unharmed. "

Whitebeard stared at the Warring States and said lightly.

There seemed to be memories flashing in the eyes of both of them.

"Hahaha, Whitebeard!"

"It's all old guys, and I can't help you mess around in Marin Fandor!"

Karp also landed in front of Whitebeard with a leap.

The three looked at each other, and there was a strong flash of battle intent in their eyes.

Immediately, I saw a golden light rushing into the sky, and a huge Buddha appeared in the square of Marin Fando.

The battle of the three of Whitebeard, Karp, and Sengoku has also officially begun.

Immediately, countless attribute points poured into Li Mu's system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your qi and blood are full of level!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your strength is full!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your armed color domineering level is full!"

"Ding, congratulations host, your shining fruit is full!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your sight and smell are domineering!"

"Ding, congratulations host, your agility is at full level!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your physical skills are at full level!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, your sword art is at full level!"

Listening to this series of system prompts, Li Mu was shocked in his heart.

Although the values of each attribute were high before, he didn't expect to reach the full level so quickly.

Then he opened the panel excitedly.

【Character: Li Mu】

【God-level Pickup System】

【Qi: LV100(MAX)】

【Power: LV100 (MAX)】

【Agility: LV100 (MAX)】

【Physical surgery: LV100 (MAX)】

【Swordsmanship: LV100 (MAX)】

【Seeing and smelling domineering: LV100 (MAX)】

【Armed color domineering: LV100 (MAX)】

【Overlord color domineering: LV15 (98W/150W)】

【Shining Fruit: LV100(MAX)】

【Magma fruit: LV25(120W/250W)】

【Comprehensive evaluation: Four Emperors (Peak)】

"Are all the levels full?"

Li Mu thought with some surprise.

In addition to the magma fruit that has just been obtained, there is also an overlord-colored domineering that is difficult to encounter.

The rest of the attributes are actually at full level.

Although he had long known that the top war would be his turning point, he really did not expect that the attribute point would directly soar to the full level.

Overlord color domineering, throughout the entire pirate world, there are very few people.

It is also reasonable to have difficulty in obtaining.

And the magma fruit has not been obtained for a long time, and there is no time to upgrade.

Other abilities are good and directly capped.

And the most important thing is the four words "the peak of the four emperors".

In other words, the current Li Mu not only became the Four Emperors, but also had the strength of the peak of the Four Emperors!

"It's so atrocious!"

Li Mu sighed in his heart.

At the same time, he also began to plan his future growth path.

Although it is said that he has successfully reached the strength of the peak of the Four Emperors.

But the level of overlord color domineering is still too low.

In the late New World, the overlord color is the most powerful domineering.

Especially the overlord color domineering winding skill.

It can be said that it is an indispensable existence.

But if you want to improve, there are very few objects!

And if you want to grow, there are only three best candidates.

They are Kaido the Beast, Charlotte Lingling, and Red-Haired Shanks.

Li Mu also knew that when the war was over, all he had to do was to visit the three of them one by one.

And although it is said that he has the strength of the peak of the four emperors.

But the strength of the world government is still a mystery to him.

He still doesn't want to provoke the world government easily.

At least until his overlord color is domineering, he will not consider going to war with the world government.

Uncover the mystery of this world.

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