Chapter 66 ends on top, and the new world is reshuffled!

At this time, Marin Fando was experiencing a big dogfight.

Li Mu was also mixed in the crowd, and after knowing that many of his skills were at the full level, he squeezed his fists to verify his strength.

It was at this time that the battle of Whitebeard's Sengoku Karp began.

Waves of impact came from the place where the three were fighting.

Whitebeard is very powerful though.

But Karp and Sengoku are also not fuel-efficient lamps.

For a while, Whitebeard fell into a disadvantage.

Just as the move ended, the three of them opened the distance, and Karp just came to Li Mu's body.

Thinking that Karp is not weaker than the strength of the general.

Li Mu suddenly came to war.

It just so happened that Whitebeard was a little overwhelmed, and he thought that Whitebeard shared the pressure to challenge Karp.

I felt a sense of fighting intent rushing towards me.

Karp suddenly felt that the junior felt cold.

He turned his head to look, and Li Mu was looking at him.

Karp remembered that Li Mu had defeated the two generals before, and he looked a little eager to try.

He also wanted to test Li Mu's strength.

There are too many surprises brought to the navy by this mysterious pirate.

But although Karp's strength is good, he is more than half a hundred years old.

Although the age in the Pirate setting does not affect the strength.

But is it really possible?

When he was young, Karp defeated the sea overlord Locks.

It is enough to be called a strong man of the old times.

And as early as the Rocks era, Karp was the only existence in the entire sea who could wrestle with Roger.

Its strength can be imagined, even the whitebeard at his peak does not dare to say that he can win Karp steadily.

And Li Mu was the strength of the peak of the Four Emperors at this time.

Peak Whitebeard is definitely the strength of the Peak Four Emperors.

It stands to reason that "093" said that Karp definitely has the strength to have two moves with Li Mu.

But as Karp gets older, his strength is definitely not as good as before.

If it really fights, the end is not certain.

"I'll try your strength, little ghost!"

Karp roared loudly.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were attracted.

"Is Lieutenant General Karp about to strike?"

"Worthy of being a naval hero, Mr. Karp, this mysterious pirate is estimated to suffer." "

"Hehe, what is it to defeat the two generals, we still have Mr. Karp!"

When the navy heard Karp's voice, their hearts were shocked.

Karp's appeal as a naval hero and the Navy's trust in him are beyond words.


Sengoku thought with some concern.

As Karp's best friend, he clearly knows that getting older still has a lot of impact on Karp.

Karp's strength is already less than half of what it used to be.

But Karp didn't think much, and saw black lightning wrapped around Karp, and his right arm turned black.

"Overlord color winding?"

Li Mu was shocked in his heart.

Sure enough, the characters who once defeated Rocks are not so simple.

Overlord color winding is just a basic trick.

Under the blessing of the overlord color domineering blow armed color domineering, Karp jumped and directly killed Li Mu.

Seeing this, Li Mu did not dare to be careless.

The level of overlord color domineering is low, and he does not use overlord color winding.

He took his armed color domineering to the extreme.

A powerful momentum suddenly appeared from Li Mu.

Even he himself was shocked.

Is this the full level of armed color? It feels much stronger than usual!

Suddenly, he became more confident.

Even if you don't use the overlord color entanglement, the full-level armed color and strength attributes are not something that Karp can block.


The fists of the two collided together.

"Congratulations to the host, I picked up 100,000 points of overlord color domineering!"

A message comes from the system.

Li Mu was overjoyed in his heart, overlord color domineering can be said to be what he lacks the most now!

"Sure enough, only those who can bully can drop the overlord color domineering!"

He thought with some relief.

In any case, the overlord color domineering is the rarest existence in the tricolor domineering.

At the same time, it is also the strongest domineering when used properly.

He was determined to get to the full level no matter what.

Now that he has the strength of the Peak Four Emperors, the next object is also clear.

As Karp's heavy punch collided with Li Mu's fist.

The ground under Li Mu's feet suddenly cracked at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately after that, it collapsed directly.

It is not difficult to see that the power of this confrontation between the two is so powerful.

Suddenly, one after another, the impact centered on the place where the two of them clashed, began to disperse around.

Everyone was pressed by this momentum and kept retreating.

Finally, after the smoke and dust cleared, everyone saw what the situation was.

I saw Li Muwen standing in place without moving, while Karp collapsed on the ground, with a trace of blood in his mouth.

"Lieutenant General Karp?"

"How is it possible! Even Lieutenant General Karp has lost!"

"First Mr. Yellow Ape, and then General Red Dog, and now even Lieutenant General Karp has been killed by him!"

"This guy's strength is also too strong!"

"One move, actually killed Lieutenant General Karp in seconds with one move!"

"It's incredible. "

The navy exclaimed.

They couldn't believe what they saw.

You must know that this is Vice Admiral Karp, who is known as a naval hero!

After the defeat of Karp, the morale of the already sluggish navy fell directly to the bottom.

I no longer have the courage to resist in my heart.

Li Mu's strength was too amazing, and it had already made them feel unattainable again.

"Even the naval hero Karp lost?"

"This guy is also too scary!"

"Even if you defeat the general, even Karp of the naval hero is not his opponent!"

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates exclaimed.

After all, they are all pirates of the New World.

Naturally, I also heard about the naval hero Karp.

A powerhouse of this level has actually fallen into Li Mu's hands now.


Sengoku shouted, he couldn't believe that Karp had actually lost.

And it was so completely defeated.

There was a sudden burst of anger in his heart.

"Who the hell is this mysterious pirate?"

"Not only does it have the strength of the four emperors, but it is also hidden so deeply!"

"It seems that I still underestimate the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Sengoku gritted his teeth and said viciously.

In any case, he could not have imagined that this battle would end up like this.

If only he had known that the Whitebeard Pirates would have appeared two people of royal-level strength.

He asked the world government for support.

But now it's too late, even if the support of the world government arrives.

The Whitebeard Pirates are estimated to have saved Ace from patting his ass and leaving.

And with the current strength of the Navy, it is simply impossible to drag the Whitebeard Pirates.

Fighting like this stupidly will only increase the casualties of the navy.

The Warring States were heartbroken, although the losses of the Navy could be replenished by conscription.

But with so much loss, the navy's dominance over the sea will certainly relax in the coming years.


He sighed helplessly.

He understood that his marshal had estimated the end.

Having made such a serious mistake, the world government would not let him continue as a marshal of the navy.

Having said that, he still has to plan for the current situation. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Fortunately, he understood people and knew that the navy was probably hopeless to win this battle.

Moreover, Li Mu was still on the battlefield, and for him, the Warring States only felt a sense of powerlessness surge in his heart.

Therefore, the Warring States did not block it with all their might, signaling the navy to fight and retreat.

"I didn't expect that even Karp was defeated!"


Staff Officer Tsuru said with some disbelief.

At present, there is no one in the navy who can be Li Mu's opponent.

Unexpectedly, such a big advantage of the navy has all changed because of Li Mu's appearance.

High-end combat power fell one by one.

The defeat of the navy was also determined.

As a naval staff officer, she was helpless.

After all, her strength is not in combat either.

And the current situation became the way it is now because it was crushed by Li Mu's guy with extremely strong combat power.

The Seven Wuhai, who were still killing the enemy, suddenly felt bad.

The Navy has no hope of winning.

Qi Wuhai is a pirate after all, and he has no feelings for the navy.

Coupled with the lackeys who have always been called the navy, the heart has long been extremely bored.

After determining the defeat of the navy, one by one, they also fought and retreated.

Wait for the battle situation to go wrong, prepare to retreat directly.

After all, Qiwu Hai does not have such a large size as the navy, and if Whitebeard retaliates against them in the future, he doesn't know what to do.

One by one, they were extremely anxious, ready to rush back to their country to prepare for the follow-up.

But Hawkeye in the Seven Wu Sea did not panic too much.

After Karp was also defeated, he also lost his will to fight.

Although he really wants to fight such an opponent, it is not now.

After figuring this out, Hawkeye also began to retreat, although he was alone and did not have to worry about retaliation from the Whitebeard Pirates.

But with Li Mu's presence, this battle has already had a result.

No matter what he does, he can't change the tide of the war.

He already had a retreat in his heart.


"I don't do this death-seeking thing!"

Moonlight Moriah said.

Immediately, he began to collect the body of the dead strongman.

In the end, he fixed his eyes on little Oz.........

This guy he was going to take anyway.

After the female emperor petrified the pirates with a few more attacks, she did not drag the mud and water, and hurriedly retreated.

He didn't want to be retaliated by the Whitebeard Pirates.

Since the defeat of the navy is certain, she does not have to fight to the death for the navy.

The Seven Wuhai had their own thoughts, but they all had no fighting intent in their hearts, and they all withdrew after hurrying.

And Whitebeard's heart to rescue Ace has long been blazing, and at this time, he is more and more courageous.

After the Warring States did not choose to block, no one could really stop Whitebeard.

He successfully made it to the execution table.

Immediately, the white-bearded tiger's body shook, and suddenly a strong vibration appeared on the execution table.

The execution table collapsed directly.

At this time, Ace on the execution table saw that his father had killed here, and his heart was also overjoyed.

He knew that this time he was really saved.


Ace whispered.

Ace then fell directly from the execution table to the ground.

Whitebeard hurriedly ordered someone to carry Ace up.

Although Ace was handcuffed by Hailou Stone, the Whitebeard Pirates were mostly locksmiths.

As long as Ace is successfully rescued, the Whitebeard Pirates are just uncuffed by a sea lou stone.

At this time, Ace successfully stood up with the help of two white-bearded pirate group pirates.

Looking at the white group rushing for himself, it is impossible for Ace to say that he does not dare to move.

The eye sockets are slightly red and the tears are moist.


At this time, the grievances in his heart were released.

He felt guilty for his powerlessness.

If he hadn't hunted down Blackbeard and was caught with less skill, this fight wouldn't have happened.

Watching the members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group die one by one on the execution table, the guilt in his heart became even stronger.

He thought again about the dirty blood on his body, and he hated why Roger gave birth to him and ignored him.

If it weren't for the blood flowing on his body, the Navy would not have executed him in front of the whole world.

But Whitebeard had no intention of blaming Ace in the slightest.

After all, he is his favorite son, and some things really need to be experienced by himself to understand.

This conflict between the Whitebeard Pirates and the pirates is not entirely about rescuing Ace.

Because the actions of the Navy are completely provoking the Whitebeard Pirates.

Even if it is not Ace who is caught, this battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy is inevitable.

After all, it was because Whitebeard was old and was targeted by the Navy.

However, after this battle, the navy's vitality was greatly damaged, and it is estimated that there will be no action for a long time.

Successfully saved Ace, Whitebeard is not greedy.

I saw him wave his arms.

"Marko, Joz, and Bucky, let's go!"

"Order everyone to retreat!"

After hearing the order, several people also hurriedly carried it out.

The pirates, who lost Marin Fandor, began to retreat.

The captains of the Big Ship Regiment also withdrew from the 4.8 battle with the Giant Vice Admirals.

At this time, everyone was very tired, and the navy did not have the strength to pursue.

It is said that without the order of the Warring States, no one dares to pursue it easily.

The Warring States were afraid of Li Mu's strength, and this time the navy suffered heavy losses.

The willingness of the Whitebeard Pirates to retreat is already the best news for the Navy.

Naturally, there was no need for him to block it.

The war finally ended, and in the end, the Whitebeard Pirates won the final victory.

After a brief retreat, the members of the Whitebeard Pirates returned to their respective pirate ships.

Marko looked around everyone and found that the situation was not optimistic.

Although the navy suffered heavy losses, its own side also suffered a lot of losses.

But the naval side still has twice as many troops as theirs.

Fighting like this will only increase the casualties of the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.

Retreat is indeed the best option.

After all, their Whitebeard Pirates have far more enemies than the navy.

The other four emperors also coveted their territory.

Marin Fando should not stay for long.

The Moby Dick and the members of the Big Ship Group, led by Whitebeard, left Marin Fandor.

At this time, Li Mu also returned to the icebreaker.

It is in the midst of the Ice Witch Pirates.

Seeing Li Mu's performance against the sky, it was obvious that someone dared to greet him at this moment.

He was also happy to relax, and by the way, he was ready to find an opportunity to slip away.

This war.

How conspicuous you are.

Li Mu can be said to be clear.

After the war, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

The purpose of picking up attributes by yourself has also been achieved.

Right now.

It's time to get out of here too!

He doesn't want to stay in this group of white-bearded pirates all the time.

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