Chapter 34—The Real Baihuang


The mystery of the path of a strong constellation.

However, on the difficulty of comprehend, blood phoenix and phoenix can’t be compared. Jia Ya Zhu’s strength can be improved so fast. It is precisely because of the coincidence that comprehend the mystery ‘hundred phoenix’, the breakthrough Saint King Level is more than just crossing directly. Saint King Level The first step, you can know how strong the mystery ‘Hundred Phoenix’ is.

Lin Feng’s aptitude innate talent, naturally not as good as the bloodline pure Jia Ya Zhu, is far from the insight of ‘Baihuang’.

Of course, many times chances and coincidences are very important.

Divine Beast Phoenix’s pre-death grant gave Lin Feng’s aptitude a big boost and climbed directly to Battle Spirit World’s top aptitude. Even without the sudden epiphany, Baihuang’s comprehend is getting better and better. It is only a matter of time before the real comprehend is completed.

“Come!” Lin Feng eyes is completely shining.

The cohesion of the constellation is full of hundreds of Phoenix burning flames, like a Meteor Shower dive down!

Without the bonus of the ‘blood phoenix’ mystery, it can’t be added. The mystery of the phoenix is ​​really too strong. In contrast, the constellation of the mysterious blood phoenix is ​​too weak. The most important thing is that although he is comprehend, he has not yet completed the ability to complete the control, not to mention the additional blood phoenix strength.


No need to control anymore.

When the hundred-headed Phoenix swooped down, the Lijiang River could not avoid it.

It is a rolling attack that covers everything. It completely envelops the Lijiang River. The defense method that was derived from the innate talent ‘Xin Shui’ of the Minjiang River is now a self-digging grave. It is like a ribbon to bind it into a silkworm cocoon. The absolute defense has now turned the Lijiang River into a living target.

It’s too late to change.

“Ah!!!” The mad roar resounded and the face of the Lijiang River was distorted.

A bit of pain in the eyes, bloodshot spreading. Extremely unwilling. Judging the situation, let him be anxious at the moment, angry and anxious, tightly clench one’s teeth, the last strength of Lijiang completely broke out, and then can not hide half. He knows it well. How terrifying the upcoming attack is!

“Hey! Hey!” The body is skyrocketing, the mysterious tortoise armor reappears, the source of the in vitro water of the Lijiang River is extremely rich, and the bright light flashes, turning into a true dragon elephant turtle.

The scales of the turtles are clear, the power of the dragon turtles flashes, the origin of the water condenses into the strongest defense, and the final struggle of the Minjiang River.

And at the moment –

boom! ~

The severe flame crashed down.

Hundreds of Phoenix suicide dive. The mystery ‘Hundred Phoenix’ is now in its infancy, and the ultimate flame strength embodies the strong Phoenix constellation, and in a blink of an eye will cover the river. The hall violent roar, like a collapse, the Source of Fire and the source of the water fiercely collided, the sky is falling apart.

Lin Feng, stands proudly.

Both pupils 粼粼, Lin Feng looks straight ahead.

The complexion is slightly white. However, the star source of the mystery ‘Hundred Phoenix’ is very large, even if it is now the Saint King Level. But the consumption of a single source is already terrifying, but the stronger the stronger, the greater the cost.

Of course, the damage caused is also extremely astonishing.

In front of it is a huge pothole that is bottomless, as if it were buried in the Lijiang River. Can’t see the bottom.

In the hall, there is still the shouting of the deaf and painfulness of the Lijiang River. Like the sorrowfulness, it is like asking for mercy, but it is not reconciled to one point. The blood of the beast is flowing in the demon. Cruel, fierce, for them, fighting is like a routine.

Even if there is a bit of strength, it will not easily admit defeat.

Not to mention the Lijiang River is a demon king.

“Good defense.” Lin Feng’s inwardly ponder, overlooking the bottom.

My own this move attacked the strength of how strong I was in my heart, but I did not expect that the Lijiang River was hard to resist. With a simple defense, it blocks all the strengths of Baihuang and the incredible defense ability. It is indeed one of the five demon kings of the Yaozu.

However, serious injuries are always inevitable.

“Unfortunately, the five major Source Energy are in harmony, and the Source of Fire faces the source of water.

“If it is not, even if there is a strong defense in the Lijiang River, it will be killed.”


Eyes, Lin Feng’s secret thought.

This time the attack is only a little bit worse, but sometimes a little bit of the gap, the result is completely different. Fortunately, Lijiang was seriously injured at the moment. To beat him with his own strength, it is already a nail, and the key to success is to take care of the fierce counterattack before the death of Lijiang.

The reason why the avatar is injured is because of this.

The bloody nature of the Yaozu is much stronger than that of the human Martial Artist.

Lijiang, really did not die.

Although the aura is weak, the skin is fleshy and the injury is extremely heavy, but it has not hurt the source.

To be precise, he still has the power of war.

However, the heart of Lijiang has been abandoned. Unlike other Yaozu who only know how to do it, Lijiang can live to the present, relying on his care and caution. This time, I dared to play against Lin Feng. Because of his full grasp, how could he think of Divine Beast Phoenix’s pre-death grant and created a terrifying enemy for him.

“Damn!” The Lijiang River hides in the turtle shell and does not come out.

What he has is time and the human expert is not afraid of consumption. At the moment, I know my own things, and I know very well in my heart. If I want to overcome this human expert, I hope it is quite embarrassing. Suffering from serious injuries, he can’t see any treasure at the moment.

Life is the most important thing.

“Leave a green hill, even if there is no firewood.” Lijiang River bloody red, strong anger.

At least, he knows the details of this human expert and knows the treasure he has. After he has recovered his strength, it is not too late.

At present, the southern part of the ancient domain has been broken. His task is already completed. The rest is to win the battle. It is a good thing to get a little bit of sympathy by seriously hurting the body and returning to the Yaozu. Thinking of this, Minjiang’s state of mind was slightly flattered.


“Human, let’s walk!” Lijiang complexion fierce.


Lin Feng’s hands and flames are condensed again, and the blood phoenix strength instills the way of the constellation.

boom! boom! ! ~ Fireradiate all around, Fire of Devour and Fire of Rebirth, the endless, the Fireball madly fell to the giant pothole. Although I don’t know if it will really work, at least I can’t let the Lijiang River have a chance to breathe.

Let him get sick and take his life!

“If you can kill a demon king again. This harvest is quite big.” Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder.

Own, has successfully killed a demon king, the demon family is also a total of five demon kings, each loss of a pair of demon people are hurt. Across the Fireball, the giant potholes were blown up and dusty. The mighty is full, but Lin Feng’s brow is slightly clustered.

“what happened?”

“How can the aura of the Lijiang River suddenly disappear?”

Lin Feng secretly thought is not good.

A few Fireball blasts, but the Lijiang River suddenly disappeared.

Nature will not be hiding and disappearing. The biggest possibility is that the Lijiang River has escaped. But here is clearly the state of the dead state, the space qi flow in the battle is not stable, how does the Lijiang escape? Lin Feng lightly purse one’s lip is very puzzled, but the facts are in front of the eyes but not lying. Aura of the Lijiang River –

It really disappeared.

The five demon kings of the Yaozu, Lijiang may not be the strongest one, but it is the longest one.

The defense and regenerative ability is extremely strong, and the personality takes care. If the river can live for so long, how can it not have the life-saving method? If not, he has already died many times. Despite the anger of Lin Feng, I can’t wait to peel this bone from this human expert. But Lijiang still chose to be patient.

The mountain does not turn!

As early as before the attack on the southern ancient domain, the Lijiang River had already given itself a way out.

Even if there is exclusive 99% security. However, Lijiang has always taken care care, and the inescapable net under the southern ancient domain, the space blockade, which hides his unique escape method. He is not afraid of the turbulence of space, because there is the existence of ‘marks’ and there is the existence of treasure.

Take care.

The cautiousness of Lijiang once again saved his life. If not, this time he must be buried with the ancients expert, and together with Zong Yong went to Huangquan.

“Peng!!!” heavy landing, Lijiang River descended from the sky, the dragon body turtle family’s true blood flow as a note. There was almost no intact flesh on the body, and the injury was extremely heavy. The surrounding demon guards of the surroundings were stunned and completely worried.

No one knows what it is, can make it as strong as a river!

He is the royal family of the royal family!

“Human!” Lijiang lies on the ground, his eyes are full of blood, and there is a deep hatred.

“The next day you meet, it is your death!”

Lijiang, disappeared.

After several tests, Lin Feng affirmed this answer.

“Unfortunately.” Lin Feng secretly thought, although a little disappointed, but for himself this is not a major event. The worms of the hundred feet die without being stiff. To kill the deep demon kings such as the Lijiang River, they must pay a little price, and this ‘a little price’ may not be affordable for the present.

After all, the avatar has no more fighting power and is completely asleep.

Only the body can fight, and the strength of this battle with the Lijiang River is also consumed.

Moreover, there is no reason for not killing the river. Perhaps the demise of the southern ancient domain, the death of the ancient god of Fengfeng and the Lijiang River can not be separated, but from their own point of view, in addition to some sympathy and regret, there is no other emotions, after all, the grandfather is now safe and sound.


“Repose in peace.” Lin Feng’s eyes fell on the huge Phoenix figure and nodded lightly.

This Divine Beast Phoenix, which is inextricably linked with oneself, has no more aura now. He is indeed killed by Lijiang and has great affection for himself.

“Reassured, although he let him escape today, but one day, I will definitely take his head to avenge you.” Lin Feng sounds clear, but transmitted a firm and steady sound. I can live, have such strength, and have a great relationship with this Divine Beast Phoenix.

He is like his own enlightenment master.

There is no nominal, but there is a link on the bloodline, and the blood flowing on it at the moment has a distinct Phoenix strength.

Divine Beast Phoenix respected three crickets, Lin Feng’s eyes slowly fell in the distance, the still remaining flame, with the existence of heartbeat, the call of the heart. His eyes were deep, Lin Feng slowly stepped away, in the mind still remains that clear ‘wow ~ ~’, breathing is getting more and more urgent.

This has been strongly calling for my own…

What the hell is! ?

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