The thirty-fifth chapter is her!

“The exquisite Phoenix fire.” Lin Feng’s micro-shock.

The flame seen at this moment is very different from the flame that I saw when I first entered the hall. At that time, it was the pure Fire of Rebirth, which represented a vigorous and vigorous defense, and the intensity of the flame was quite rich, with the energy of the peak of the Saint King Level.

But the flame in front of you is completely different.

There is no strength of the Saint King Level, and no Fire of Rebirth. However, the fire level of the sole view is better than the Fire of Rebirth.

In the flame, there is a deep ‘Phoenix Way’.

Constellation energy!

“Most like the flame of the Fire of Devour and the Fire of Rebirth.”

“But the fusion is clearer and closer. Under the condensation of the constellation, it has become an inseparable unit, and no more than two kinds of flames.”

“I’m afraid… this is the Phoenix fire that really belongs to the Starry Sky level.”

Lin Feng eyes shining bright, the heart of the micro-shock.

If it was before, I am afraid I still can’t see the mystery of this little flame, but now my inheritance gives Divine Beast Phoenix, the understanding of the flame, and the sense of the Phoenix constellation has a new understanding. The flames in front of the eyes are small but extremely ‘exquisite’.

“However, the energy level is far less than the previous Fire of Rebirth.” Lin Feng shouted.

Suddenly, I came to the fire of this cluster of Phoenix, and I have endless curiosity in my heart. I really want to know the answer.

In the end, what kind of secret is hidden in this flame?

In the end, what makes you so heart-warming!

“Hey!~” The eyes are very bright, and through the flame, Lin Feng has seen a lot of faintness, and the sense is a lot.

Aura, a very familiar, very intimate taste.

but. It is definitely not her own mother, Ya Zhu.

“Shua!” in the mind, a brilliant face, Lin Feng heart startled, slightly surprised, “Huang Huang? How could it be her?” The appearance can be changed, but each Martial Artist’s unique aura will not have Wrong, although at this moment sense aura is quite weak. However, it is indeed the aura of the phoenix!

Lin Feng’s brows are gently clustered and I feel puzzled.

Why does Huang Hao give himself the feeling of being like a mother, and the blood is in harmony? Calling yourself?

and many more!

“There is also aura.” One of Lin Feng’s hearts moved, and the complexion changed slightly.

Aura is small, so small that it is barely felt under the cover of the phoenix aura, but it really exists! It is like a nascent flame, with the purest heaven aura, with the deepest strength source. and also……

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” heartbeat speeded up and Lin Feng was short of breath.

is her!

Your own sense is here!

All along, the feeling of heartbeat, the call of bloodline, comes from this faint body of life, making you feel very intimate, it seems to be your own blood and flesh, is part of your body. The image of Phoenix is ​​floating in the mind. In the ear As if the clear ‘wow’ sounded, Lin Feng’s severe shocked. Eyes is completely enlarged.

It won’t! ?

“Tread!” Complexion greatly change, Lin Feng stepped straight out and wanted to enter the flame.

This exquisite Phoenix has a high level of fire energy, but the strength is not strong enough to hurt itself, so it is not a concern. The strange thing is. At the moment when they stepped out of the pace, the flames separated instantly and automatically avoided.

The cockroaches in front of you are very clear.

Lin Feng is just taking a step, but it is no longer a step. Big both pupils, staying in the same place.


“it is true……”

Muttering, talking to himself.

Lin Feng is completely dumbfounded.

Heartbeat is almost stopped, what I see is a beautiful woman’s face, dressed in fiery red scales, with a fairy-like face, with a sweaty scent, as if weak, slightly closed eyes, slender eyelashes Lightly light tremble, there is no phoenix crown on the head, but a hair is more beautiful.


It is the phoenix that has had a relationship with oneself.

However, the truly isn’t that shocked her was her, but the sleeping baby in her arms. The white is red, like a precious and exquisite piece of art, with a sweet smile, it is asleep. In her surroundings bind a rich flame, as the patron saint keeps her firmly guarded.

It is the fire of Phoenix!

And she is also the one she has acquired, the small and weak aura, familiar with her own as if it is a bloodline!

“Peng!” The head bursts like a burst, and the Lin Feng complexion changes dramatically.

Everything that happened on the day, like a film-like scene, like a dreams of grandeur, like a remnant memory. All along, I was skeptical that the spring image of the in the mind was intermittent, but it was impossible to prove.

But now…

Everything is As the water recedes, the rocks appear.

On that day, I was really in a relationship with Huang Yu because of the marginal meeting. This baby is the best evidence!

She is her own child.

That kind of feeling deceives people, her body is flowing with her own blood, her soul has the closest connection with her own soul, is the most intense affection, is the most warm and essential existence between heaven and earth, let herself The warmth of the heart.

The puzzles are all untied at the moment.

“Hey!~” As if the sense had arrived, Huang Yan’s eyes slowly opened, as if exhausted with exhaustion. In the eyes of the four eyes, a rare soft light flashed in the eyes of the phoenix, and did not say anything, as if losing all strength. The weak aura is weak again, and the phoenix is ​​like putting down the last thing and slowly closing his eyes.

That feeling…

Just like death without regrets.

“No!” Lin Feng shuddered and shuddered, and the whole person was awake in an instant.

If you said that you didn’t care so much before, the sense of the phoenix was only plain, but now it is completely different! She is already one of her closest people. Although she has no husband and wife name, she has a husband and wife. The most important thing is –

She, gave birth to her own child!

Feeling that the phoenix’s aura is weak, Lin Feng’s hands and feet are cold and eager. Almost instantaneously, the most precious star fruit was taken out. Lin Feng didn’t hesitate at half point. Three, five, and two were pinching the chin of the phoenix and stuffing the star fruit into her mouth.


There is no reaction at all.

Phoenix seems to be sleeping. It seems to be completely awake in the world, and can no longer wake up.

“Can’t die! Phoenix, you must not die!” Lin Feng both eyes blood red, heartbeat puff like, as if jumping out of the throat. Bowing down and kissing the lips of Huang Yu, a burst of cold. The warm aura enters the phoenix mouth and melts the star fruit.

Lin Feng burning like gaze, watched phoenix, the whole person lightly tremble chestnut.

The star fruit fell into the belly, but the complexion of the phoenix was not only rosy, but it was getting paler, holding the hand of the phoenix, and it was a little bit of cooling. Lin Feng was so anxious that he was sweating and saw his loved ones leave him a little bit. Losing Life Energy, you can’t do anything, this feeling –

it’s painful!

Do not!

You must not let Huang Yu die like this.

But is there any way?

“Yes, yes!” Lin Feng blinked and thought about it.

The first time I saw Phoenix, it was in the Phoenix world, when she was a Phoenix. Flying and flying, with the purest Blood of the Phoenix inheritance. Phoenix is ​​capable of having ‘Rebirth from the Ashes’. And the blood of the Phoenix of the Phoenix, perhaps…

“chi!” Lin Feng without the slightest hesitation, and then cut the wrist of the phoenix.

Blood, instilled!

Extremely terrifying blood loss, the body suddenly becomes weak.

However, Lin Feng did not have any pain or hesitation, and his eyes fell on the face of Huang. Not at all. Even if it is a living medicine to a dead horse, as long as it can save the phoenix, even if it is to shed its own blood, it will not hesitate.

Because I owe her, there are too many!

Hey! ~哗! ! ~~

Blood, constantly flowing into the phoenix within the body. Lin Feng’s complexion is getting paler and paler.

However, the face is full of hope and hope, the breath seems to stop, the watched woman in front of me, the cold hands and feet seem to gradually return to the warmth, Lin Feng feels that his heart is also warm and bursting. The peerless face is no longer like the ice beauty, the pale face is a little bit rosy.

The body gradually recovered its vitality.


That’s great! !

Lin Feng is not happy, non-stop is shaking, but it is no longer a fear and worry, but an excitement, a kind of extreme surprise!

Huang Hao, come alive!

“Hey!~” once again opened the eyes, it feels completely different.

The complexion of Huang Wei is slightly rosy, watched Lin Feng, there are many complicated emotions in the look, but I don’t know what to say, but for a long time, it’s the light lips: “Thank you.” Thank you, it’s already included. Too much.

“I’m sorry.” Lin Feng licked his lips and his voice was low.

I have made too much mistake!

Fortunately, it’s time to make up for it, but I’m afraid I will regret it for a lifetime.

“You don’t have to blame yourself, this is really’n your fault…” The beautiful eyes of the phoenix were light and soft, and the voice was very soft. It coughed a few times, even though it was pulled back from the edge of death. The body is still very weak, as if blown by the wind.

“Don’t say it again.” Lin Feng held out his index finger and held the soft lips of the phoenix, and his face turned red.

“Reassured, I will take you out.” Lin Feng’s gaze is right, watched phoenix with soft points but there is sound.

Even if you give up this life, you will not let Huang Hao suffer a little bit of pain. In front of her mother and daughter, she is already her closest relative. One is her wife who owes her Xuo Duo, and the other is her daughter connected by bloodline.

Protecting them is their responsibility!

“Hey!~” The red dragonfly appeared instantly, and Lin Feng picked up the phoenix and placed her gently behind the red dragonfly. There was a red-green ray between the eyes, and the wings appeared. It fell on the huge body of the red dragonfly. They shared their minds and did not need to say anything extra.

“Go!” Lin Feng burning like gaze, aura blooms.

To leave the natural danger of the Jedi, leaving the southern ancient domain, there is only one way –

Kill it out!

(Reviewed, recovered well, but fortunately it was mild… Unfortunately, fortunately, it was said that yesterday was the house leaking and the night rain, bad luck through the top, cutting the toenails cut off the meat of the toes, blood flow Full of land. But luck is good, at least not the hand cut, or the code can not be written, haha, self-conduct is a bit of Ah spirit ah ~ ~)

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