First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 201


Chapter 201 is approaching the tide
It’s a treasure…

Yang Yu's heart skipped a beat when he saw 'Absolute Art'.

Martial arts, no matter inside or outside, no matter the method of martial arts, or the lifting of Lightweight Art, there are high, middle and low points.

The superior martial arts, in a sense, is the highest level of the world's martial arts.

Absolute Art is also the best martial arts.

The reason why it is called 'Absolute' is because, once there was a powerhouse, it made Martial Saint!

The origin of martial arts can no longer be studied, but there is no doubt that it can be traced back to the Qin Dynasty or even more ancient times. In the thousands of years, no one knows how many Young Sect Master martial arts were created.

However, the existence of Martial Saint Level numbers is only a few dozen in the past three thousand years.

Their famous martial arts is called Absolute Art.

However, not every Martial Saint has descendants and Absolute Art. There are at least 20 Absolute Art in the world.

In other words, apart from the twelve Martial Saints in the world, there are only a few Martial Saint Level Absolute Art that have been handed down.

This shows the rarity and rarity of Absolute Art.

Invincible Tiangang belongs to the 'Absolute Art' category, and, in Great Ming, it is the most famous, and there is no Absolute Art.

From Zhang Yuanzhu to Henry Zhang, there are as many as four Zhang Family members who have achieved Martial Saint with undefeated Tiangang.

Even in the world, they are famous.

"Commander Yu, is he actually from the Zhang Family..."

After the surprise, Yang Yu hesitated again.

Invincible Tiangang or Azure Dragon's nine kills are all Zhang Clan secrets, Yu Fengxian can master both, there is no doubt that he must be a member of the Zhang Family.

It is also the direct descendant of the ten meridians of the Zhang Family.

If you learn it yourself, you will probably have a lot of trouble, but don't learn it, this is Absolute Level martial arts.

If there is no Cauldron of Gluttony, no matter how he does it, it is almost impossible for him to come into contact with such Absolute Art martial arts. The superior martial arts are already the highest level that the overwhelming majority in the world can access. martial arts too.

An Absolute Art like Invincible Tiangang, even if it is a Grade 1 official, can be the commander-in-chief of Bright Gown Guard, the governor of the two factories, and the seat of Six Doors.

It is also almost impossible to teach.

It's a big sin of the Nine Clan for someone with a foreign surname to dare to stealthily learn this martial arts...

"It's a little troublesome..."

Thinking in my heart , Yang Yu put down the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade and looked at the 'humming' lighted Quexing rank map.

At the moment of Jilongshan's death, this rank map seemed to be greatly stimulated, and it was always restless, vibrating, buzzing and shining.

The reason why he left in a hurry was mostly because of the change in the rank map.

"What would it be? The dao fruit of Jilong Mountain?"

Yang Yu pressed his heart throbbing and walked towards the rank map.

According to Xu Wenji's dao fruit miscellaneous talk, once dao fruit recognizes Master, it is almost impossible to be plundered, dao fruit holder dies, dao fruit will also be scattered in Heaven and Earth.

There is no way to stop it, but...

Recalling the inhuman physique that Ji Longshan showed, he is not without eyes. There is such a horizontal practice Divine Ability next to him.

Not to mention Yu Fengxian, who has not yet set foot on the fifth test, even Fang Qidao, who has already exchanged blood for the Great Accomplishment, may not be invincible!

As Yang Yu approached, the rays of light, which curled up and glowed, were magnified, and words flowed out from the top of the tripod wall.

[The rank map of Jikui star captures... the breath of Tian Kui star... is being rubbed...]


"Rubbing? Could it be that the Cauldron of Gluttony can really capture the dao fruit 'rank Tiankuixing' in Jilong Mountain?"

【Tian Kuixing (Magic)】

【If you want to Mo Xingtian, don’t mess up. Like a god but not a god, like a devil but not a devil. ]

[divine seed: financial body refinement]

[promotion ceremony: not yet refining, invisible]

[promotable: Great Accomplishment is required' The only superstar can be seen]

[Holding it can enter the sky and sea world (the sky and sea world is not opened, can not enter)]


on the wall of the tripod The information is not exhaustive and many places are not visible.

However, thinking about what Ji Longshan did, Yang Yu could vaguely guess something.

"Is this Tian Kuixing related to the Tian Kuixing I remember in my previous life..."

Yang Yu guessed.

Anyway, he is the one who completed the 'Water Margin' in this world with Li Er one after another. He is still very sensitive to the word "Tian Kuixing".

However, he didn't struggle too much.

What he is most concerned about is not the origin and ceremony of Tian Kuixing, but the Divine Ability of the 'financial body refinement'.

However, it was not the Cauldron of Gluttony that rubbed dao fruit, but the rank map of the star, which surprised him.

Kuixing, Tian Kuixing, the only Kuixing...

Yang Yu's eyes flickered, looking thoughtful, but he did not rush to study, but looked towards the Divine Ability.

【Finance body refinement (ten capitals level)】

【Using this door Divine Ability, you can handle all kinds of gold in your body, so as to achieve the shedding body, exchanging bones utility. ]

About this Divine Ability, there is only one sentence on the tripod wall.

"Swallowing gold, shedding body, exchanging bones..."

Yang Yu smacked his tongue.

No matter how the human body is tempered, it is impossible to compare the hardness with gold and iron. Otherwise, there would be no weapons in this world.

Even the legendary gods and Buddhas have 'magic weapons' and 'Divine Weapon'.

Although the introduction of this Divine Ability was brief, he couldn't help but feel a little excited when he saw it.

【In rubbing...】

【...rubbing in...】

【...rubbing in progress】

The Kuixing rank map, buzzing, above the cauldron wall, the words on it can't stop flickering, obviously it will not end for a while.

"No rush, no rush..."

Yang Yu suppressed the restlessness in his heart, held the Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade in his hand, and began to observe carefully.

With the help of the Xuanyingzhu, he can still refinish one ingredient at this time, and even have more than enough, but he still prefers to leave a chance for refining.

This opportunity was left to the Kuixing rank map by him.

He is hesitant to try refining this recipe. Although one of the three ingredients is missing, he can try refining, but the consequences of failure are unbearable.

According to Xu Wenji's dao fruit miscellaneous talk, once dao fruit refining has a setback, the consequences will be countless times more dangerous than the cultivation deviation.

According to his words, refining is successful, or embarks on the path of 'God, Demon, Immortal, Buddha', but once it fails, I am afraid that it will become unconscious demons and monsters...

“Azure Dragon Falling Moon Blade…”

Yang Yu gently stroked the big sword. In this world, he never had such a chance.

In terms of material alone, this sword is only half as good as his ten-step, one-killing sword, but that's just quality. The weight of the two is more than ten times worse.

The cost is naturally the same as impossible.

"First, Purple Gold's bottle gourd took the blame, and then, she got so many Divine Art secrets from her... If one day is discovered..."

The sudden flash of thought made him shudder.

That woman is crazy...



The broadsword glowing with azure light slammed on the ground, and the swaying airflow spread, raising a large piece of dust.

The horizon in the distance has gradually become flooded.

Yu Fengxian has been swaying on the Martial Practice Stage in the middle of the night, and at this time, she just stopped.

A few maids stood by in the middle of the night. Seeing her stop, she just relaxed, carrying hot water in a copper basin, medicinal food, and came forward early.

"Miss, take a break, your injury is not healed yet."

Smell the faint musk in the air, the maids were quite distressed.

"I don't want to eat it, I have no appetite."

Yu Fengxian's face was sullen, and her mood was extremely bad.

"You always have to drink medicated food. The injury is too serious, so why do you have to delay your practice?"

The maid in green is also smart and knows how to coax her own lady.

Hearing these words, Yu Fengxian barely drank the medicinal diet, but she was still a little gloomy.

"Victory and defeat are commonplace in battles, and Jilongshan is already a Great Accomplishment for blood exchange, and it has Divine Ability next to it. Miss, you didn't take him, and it's reasonable..."

The maid in green brings a chair.

"Could it be that in your heart, your lady is someone who can't afford to lose?"

Yu Fengxian rolled her eyes at her, sat down, resting her cheeks with one hand, her face full of sadness Looking at the red bottle gourd hanging on the Crescent Blade, his teeth itch a little:
"I think my talent is not so bad, why is this broken bottle gourd not even the slightest reaction?"

Looking at the red bottle gourd swaying in the morning breeze, Yu Fengxian doubts life.

She was born very well. As early as in her mother's womb, her parents gave her an unknown amount of Heaven and Earth Treasure. After she was born, she was advanced by leaps and bounds all the way. She was only twenty years old, and she had changed her blood twelve times. .

If she hadn't insisted on condensing the 'Invincible Heavenly Gang', she would be able to enter the Foundation Establishment fifth test in three years.

She has almost never encountered any setbacks in her practice of literature and martial arts.

Until I met this red bottle gourd...


green-clothed girl I couldn't answer the call.

She had heard similar words many times.

"Sometimes I suspect this bottle gourd is fake..."

Yu Fengxian was very sad and sighed repeatedly:

"According to Qintian According to the supervisor, the tide is coming, and the legendary Tianhai world is about to open. If there is no dao fruit, I am afraid that I will not be left behind..."

Grabbing her hair without image, just think about it. Yu Fengxian could not accept that she wanted to be one step behind others.

"Miss, why don't we still ask the manor for help?"

The maid in green asked tentatively.

"No way!"

Yu Fengxian categorically refused:
"It is impossible for me to ask for 'Zhang Spirit Peak'!"

"Why? Can it be said to be asking?"

green-clothed girl earnest and well-meant advised:

"Old Prince is the most distressed lady, maybe he has already prepared for you, but not necessarily "..."


Thinking of her Old Master, Yu Fengxian's attitude softened immediately.

"Forget it."

After thinking about it, she still refused: "Calculate the time, Court Eunuch from Eastern Yard, it's time to come."

She's been reporting on Black Mountain City for over a year.

Rewards and the like should come down too.

The dao fruit is different from the martial arts. It is impossible to let the eagle send it. The person who comes to pick up this dao fruit may have already arrived on the road.

"Then listen to you..."

The obedient nodded of the green maid.

"dao fruit failed to refining, and I promised to go out and give these things to that kid..."

Reaching out and playing with the purple golden bottle gourd, Yu Fengxian didn't甘心的sighed :



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