First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 202


Chapter 202 Aftermath
The dawn breaks, the sun rises as usual , not changed by anyone or anything.

After a long night, the people of Qing State, who had been in a state of panic and sleepless nights, tentatively walked out of the house, and were surprised to find that the beacon at the top of the city had been extinguished.

There are officers and patrols all over the street.

The expected chaos of soldiers and horses did not appear.

Only the collapsed houses and the messy streets remind everyone that the chaos really exists.

The big bandit who has stayed in Jilongshan for a long time has been punished!

Then, a sensational news spread throughout Qingzhou City at a very fast speed, causing an uproar.

Many people went outside the city one after another and found that a large number of powerful thieves were imprisoned on the spot, and an unknown number of corpses were transported to Chaotic Burial Mound.

Some people applauded and others sighed.

Compared to the Imperial Court, which represents power, the infatuated scholar who is forced into the grass is obviously more temperamental towards some people.

In the Misty Rain Building, Yang Yu was sitting by the window, overlooking the noisy street. Many officers and police officers were running around to tell people who were panicked all night.

In the short middle of the night, the rubbing in Cauldron of Gluttony is still not over, and I don't know if it will be successful.


The rebooting monk, who had lost weight and blackness, sat opposite him with his hands clasped together, and after reciting a Buddha’s name, he slowly began to swallow his head.

It's been a day and night that the water is tight, even though I have martial arts, I'm very hungry at this time.

"It's been so dark in half a year."

Yang Yu was dumbfounded.

With this monk's martial arts, he can bask in such a dark tan, obviously he doesn't recite the Suffering Meditation in his room every day.

He became black and thin, and seemed to be a little colder than before.

There is no more warmth than before, instead it has a more aggressive taste...

"It's dark, my mind is much calmer."

Rebooting looks calm, After the wind blowing and the sun shining, he felt more at ease, much more comfortable than chanting sutras in the past.

"You are a good monk..."

Yang Yu poured a glass of wine and drank it slowly.

The two of them were talking without a word, and more of it was eating each minding their own business. It wasn't long before the sound of hurried footsteps came.

"Yang, Lord Yang...this is what you want..."

Tie Feng was a little cowardly, restrained, and even more in awe of his words.

The person, still that person.

position, and still that position.

But he could no longer be calm and calm in front of the person in front of him, and even when he sat down, he didn't dare to sit down completely.

The battle last night spread throughout Qingzhou City with the sound of gongs from many officials and catching fast.

Having seen Ji Longshan's fierceness and power to defeat the four silver-badge Constables, he knew even more that the person in front of him was no longer in the pool.

The sound of the gong, although it was to appease people's hearts, was also equivalent to making a name for the man in front of him.

He shot Jilong Mountain with one arrow.

This kind of achievement is enough to make anyone meteoric rise, and enough to make anyone in awe.

"Constable is available."

Tie Feng's restraint made Yang Yu shake his head secretly, but he didn't say anything. After thanking him, he took the file he handed over.

"There is not much news about Deyang Mansion. The earliest, it was more than a month ago. This month, there is no news. Six Doors is like this, Bright Gown Guard seems to be..."


Tie Feng pressed the complex in his heart and reported.

[The drought in Deyang is almost uncontrollable. There is no snow in winter, no rain in spring and summer... There is no water in the river, no vegetation in the fields, and many bones along the road, and none of them are half complete...]

On the file, the handwriting is scribbled, and it can be seen that the person who wrote it is extremely hasty. However, the few strokes are more and more chilling.

However, if it's just a simple drought, how can there be no news from Six Doors and Bright Gown Guard?

Holding the file tightly, Yang Yu brows tightly frowns.

In many historical books and books, there are often only a few words of 'big famine, people eat each other'. However, as a witness, almost a picture emerges in front of his eyes. .

During the first six months of coming to this world, he would break out in a cold sweat every time he dreamed at midnight.

Who would eat dirt if not despairing to a certain extent?

It is true that in the year of great famine, not even half of the grass roots and bark can be seen.

Seeing Yang Yu brows tightly knit, Tie Feng couldn't help comforting him:

"The person who passed the book may be incoherent. He is also full of bones and no complete body, isn't it a contradiction? You should wait for more detailed information..."

"This is not incoherent. When people are extremely hungry and thirsty, they often have only survival instincts, and all etiquette, integrity, benevolence and morality will be put aside..."

Yang Yu shook his head:

"There is no bark and grass roots, so what else can I eat? Except for the soil..."

Tie Feng was shivered, the voice It suddenly became dry:
"Besides the soil, there is only..."

"Only people."

Quietly hear the rebooting here The monk raised his head, and his voice became astringent:
"It is a great sin for people to eat each other..."

After saying this, he got up.

"Donor Yang, we'll meet again some day. The little monk is leaving..."

"Be careful on the road..."

Yang Yu got up As a gift, take out some money and give it to him.

This monk's martial arts is not very good, and sometimes he looks silly, but he is indeed a good monk.

“many thanks to the donor.”

Rebooting accepted.

The monk doesn't need money, but he probably has it for this trip.

Watching the reboot go away, Yang Yu slowly spat out one mouthful of impure air.

He also wanted to go to Deyang Mansion to have a look, but...

He raised his head silently, and at the corner of the restaurant, Xu Wenji, who had not slept all night, came over.


Both of them salute.

"The matter of Deyang Mansion is imminent. It can't be delayed any longer, but the outlaws from Qingzhou City have not yet dispersed, and the people are panicking, and the old man can't get away for the time being..."

Xu Wenji was concise, straight to the point:
"I'm here to make you do something."

Seeing that he was serious, Tie Feng suddenly felt that his feet were a little hot. , in a hurry to say goodbye.

"If the boss has something to say, just say it."

Yang Yu also surrendered.

But he naturally knew that it was not the rogues and the common people who made this old man unable to escape for the time being, but the Four Great Families and the Chief Constable of Six Doors.

"Things in the city are messy, the old man is getting old and unable to do what he wants to do, but he has to use it..."

Xu Wenji swept all around, said solemnly:
"The old man wants you to go to the 'Heavenly Wolf Pass' for me."

"Heavenly Wolf Pass?!"

Yang Yu's heart skipped a beat.

Qing State is located in the northwest border, leading to Liuji Mountain, there is a Xiongguan.

Therefore, the gate was built to prevent Heavenly Wolf from coming south, and it is also called Heavenly Wolf gate.

Because of its special terrain, it has been heavily guarded all year round. Two years ago, when there was chaos at the border, Wei Zhengxian led Qing State elites to help, but he has not returned.

'This is going to be done to the four? '

Yang Yu's eyes moved slightly.

The four great masters are intertwined, and the tree is stumped. If it cannot be removed like a ploughing and sweeping acupoints, it will usher in a counterattack. At that time, I am afraid that the harm will be greater than that of Jilong Mountain.

With the power that Xu Wenji can use today, I am afraid that there is only the Qing State army...

After all, he was the minister of military affairs.

Wei Zhengxian can be regarded as his protégé...

"You hurry up and send this letter to Heavenly Wolf..."

Xu Wenji looked Seriously, put down the letter and knocked slightly.

"...The lower official understands."

Yang Yu slightly startled, and then responded with a full mouth, but remembered something:
"Boss, the one I captured. The red-eyed white crane needs to be taken care of by the boss..."

It is naturally extremely difficult to subdue a spirit bird that has been recognized by the recognizing master.

Yang Yu naturally didn't have the ability to tame it in the middle of the night. At this time, this big bird was tethered in his yard.

"Let it be handed over to the old man."

Xu Wenji nodded promised:
"If this bird fails, the old man will ask for a better bird for you. .”



“Yang Yu went out of town with a book and ran away quickly!”

“ He suspects that he is going to Heavenly Wolf!"

"Xu Wen's Minutes are on us!"


Almost as soon as Yang Yu left the city, Many forces in the city have also received letters, and the experts of the four great families are even more nervous.

When Chu Xuan came to the council hall of the Chu Family, the patriarchs of the other three great families, the elders, also came one after another.

"Everyone probably knows..."

Chu Xuan swept over the crowd, taking everyone's look changes in the entire scene.

"Early in the morning, Xu Wenji went to the door to find that Yang Yu in person, I was afraid that there was a secret letter to send out, most likely it was Heavenly Wolf Guan!"

You elder Shen said aloud.

After hearing 'Heavenly Wolf', many people present felt panic and apprehension.

Without him, the title of the Great General is too heavy.

In the past, the military and government were separated. No matter how tyrannical Wei Zhengxian was, he couldn't overtake them, but now it's different...

Once there is chaos in the state capital, the Qing State Army will be Can take over the cities, and even control the whole territory according to the requirements of wartime.

"This Xiao thinks that this is impossible."

Xiao Xian opened his mouth.

There is no undefeated dynasty or prosperous family in this world. The four of them have been rich for too long, even if they seem to be more powerful than in previous years.

But clansman is getting more and more incapable of doing business...

Seeing everyone's silence, just now to hide the disappointment in his eyes, he said differently:

"If Xu Wenji wants to send Wei Zheng back first, why should Yang Yu go? If I can stop Lingying from going north, can I still stop Yu Fengxian who is riding the big cloud eagle?"

Yes ? !

Hearing this, the crowd quieted down and thought about it carefully, and felt that it was not unreasonable.

"Maybe it's because of concern..."

The elderly are relaxed.

"If you move, you will be chaotic. If you don't move, you will be able to respond to all kinds of changes! With forces like me, as long as you keep your wings, even Xu Wenji can't wait!"

Chu Xuan slightlyly Nodding, then his eyes cold and severe swept over the crowd:

"Without the unanimous consent of the four of us, no one is allowed to leave the city, especially the dicks who are optimistic about each family, if anyone has trouble .

You yourself know the consequences!"

"But then Yang Yu, who harmed the clan uncle, pulled out my forces, and the loss was so great, so let's just forget it? "

There are also people who are unwilling.

"Naturally it won't be like that, but why should I wait for the shot?"

Chu Xuan sneered:
"No matter who it is, since they took what I waited for好处,就得办事!”



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