First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 226


Chapter 226 Boiling!

Like hammers and drums, the earth trembles, dust and blood splash!
After a slight delay, there is a continuous loud noise.

Looking at the billowing smoke and dust swaying in the middle of the Martial Practice Stage, the sound waves of air reverberating like reality, everyone was stunned.

And then, it's boiling back and forth.

"How dare you?!"

Amid the sharp, almost broken roar, a burly old man with beard and hair is open, his eyes are red, and a tiger seems to be slaughtered. .

The word 'you' is still outside the fence, and the word 'dare' is out, and you have already deceived yourself and approached the hundred zhang!
Everyone reacted, the sound of the sword cry reverberated through the blockbuster, and the rage killing intent instantly reached its peak!
"Beasts! Beasts!"

The old man trembled with anger like a tiger. In the roar, the blood energy boiled and burned, and the long spear in his palm had been released. out.

It blasted out with a huge sonic boom.

Amidst the dust, a blood-stained palm stretched out, holding the long spear in the palm of his hand when he could not let go.

The blood-stained cloak was moved by the wind, making it appear eerie and bloody.

"Speaking of a beast..."

In the hoarse and cold voice, Yang Yu shook his robe lightly, but no movement, the long spear in his hand was thrown backhand!

"Who's the beast?!"


The iron essence long spear is about one zhang's length. The meteors generally rise through the sky, and their speed is too fast, far exceeding the echo of the sonic boom, leaving a strong smoke of gunpowder in the sky.


The old man's thick eyebrows stand upright, the man is like a tiger, his arms are like snakes, when he pounces, there is a sudden agitation, and the violent shot is thrown into the air. The coming long spear hangs between the arms.

It's momentum is not diminished, but it is getting higher and higher.

This hand is fierce and fierce.

Like on the battlefield, riding the armored General of the Dragon Horse, with the momentum of rushing, assassinating the soldiers from top to bottom, the imposing manner is far above the fierceness of Spear Art.

“Good spear method!”

As an old man, Spear Art is also old and hot, Yang Yu’s eyes flashed slightly, and a little bit of his step seemed to be set off by a giant thunder to ascend to the sky. Count zhang high, ten feet away.

Being in the air is like stepping on the ground.

Zhouyou Liuxu fully activated, showing a ghostly and unpredictable figure, he glanced coldly, the manor was full of fires, and the military camp in the distance, there was also a torch swimming.

Be mindful and know that you cannot delay.

Immediately, the body turned, and the long sword danced wildly, slashing down like an unrolled bolt of white silk.


Extremely moving to extremely quiet.

The old man who looked like an evil tiger stood amidst the raging wind and waves, like a calcined crimson long spear that was pulled to the red tassel, and then raised his head, the tip of the spear erupted like a backlog of earth fire for many years. .

Blood and fire broke out together.

It also carries the purest fury and murderous intention of the person.

Sword and gun collide, Gang and Gang collide!
In an instant, the hurricane resurfaced, wafting dust and gravel, slapping in all directions like the most ferocious hidden weapon.


One impact, the old man's feet sank three feet deep, and the long spear was also bent like a bow like the long sword, but it was still fierce, with one hand away The gun, and two fingers, point to Yang Yu's chest and abdomen.

The two fingers are like guns, almost spear glow!
However, the black robed man's reaction was beyond his expectations. Facing his finger that was enough to pierce gold and iron, he didn't seem to dodge at all.

Instead, it pulled a large gust of wind and airflow, and it was another punch from top to bottom.

Death for death? !
"It's ridiculous!"

Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at Xiao Qingfeng, who was as silent as minced meat. The old man stood upside down with his long hair, and flames rose all over his body, and True Aura flowed back into his fingers.

He pointed to his chest and abdomen boldly and decisively.

Two abnormal sounds, one after the other.

With the finger pointing, the black robe was actually pierced, the black blood was ticking, the front and back were transparent, and the visceral spine was almost visible!
However, something terrifying happened to him.

Being so seriously injured, this black robed man didn't even realize it, and the fierce and domineering punch didn't have any hesitation, carrying an overwhelming terrifying force.

The lid is pushed down.

Is this still human? !
"How is that possible?!"

The old man shrank his head, but there was no time to dodge, so he could only let out an unwilling roar.

Since being hit by this fist, the head that danced wildly was smashed into the crotch!
The fear of the scene made everyone's face change, the roaring and exclamation even more, and there was the sound of bowstring twisting.

With the power of this blow, Yang Yu soared again, and with the sound of countless roars and arrows breaking through the air, he lifted his own four-symptom bow and flew away.

The living dead, even if they trade wounds for wounds?

Someone jumped up with a roar, and before they could climb over the wall, they were pierced by the long spear that came out, dragged by a huge force, and flew back.

Nailed to the wall!

The screams of killing came to an abrupt end.

Everyone stopped, looked at each other, and their faces were extremely ugly.

There is a major event...



People blocked the long street, moved the people out, and sent People stared at Yang Constable, who was imprisoned, and Wu Chongyang returned to the barracks full of thought.

With Wei Zhengxian stationed at Heavenly Wolf Pass, there are thirteen commanders, each of whom crawled out of a sea of corpses.

The worst, and the one who has personally experienced small-scale wars with foreigners.

His immediate boss is one of them, Po Yue Dao 'Cheng Shan', also one of several leaders who do not belong to the Aristocratic Family.

"Your Excellency!"

Concentrating his thoughts, he bowed slightly and told the events of the day outside the military tent.

"Old man with a hundred poisons? Humph, Xiao Zhan's courage is too much. He really thinks that after the adults are transferred in the future, the Qing State Army will be the one who will have the final say?"

In the military tent, a sonorous voice was heard.

The middle age person, tall and burly, with a heavy aura like a mountain, snorted coldly and called him in.

Wu Chongyang took off his armor and bowed into the tent.

"A few days ago, I heard that Six Doors has a great young genius who not only killed the three big bandits in Mulin Mansion, but also helped Elder Xu kill Jilong Mountain?"


In the military tent, Cheng Shan was sitting in armor, his voice was loud:
"You did a good job! It's just that a henchman of the Xiao Family died, and he was not a commoner in Guan, depending on a certain family, not only It shouldn't be caught, it should be rewarded!"

"Sir, be careful!"

Wu Chongyang looked bitter, and hurriedly lowered his voice to persuade:
"I was heard, I'm afraid it's not good..."

This old man is good in everything, but his temper is really bad, and he often speaks without careful diction, if it is not for the direct line of Wei Great General, I'm afraid ...

"Be careful of your motherfucker!"

Cheng Shan stared:

"It's the old fogey who is here, and I still say the same thing. Today, the old man who dares to let a hundred poisonous people in, what about tomorrow? Does Li Yuan dare to put it in?!"

The more he talked, the more angry he smashed the steel essence desk of his body with a slap.


Wu Chongyang's teeth were sour, and he was about to say something when he heard the noise from outside.

"Ying Xiao?"

Hearing this voice, not to mention Wu Chongyang, even Cheng Shan, who seemed to be fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, was also startled, and his feet were unsteady. The big tent came out on the ground.

The barracks at night is strictly forbidden to make noises, this is the iron law!
The military is under high pressure and strict discipline. Whether officers or soldiers are in a state of tension for a long time, once they are frightened, it is incredible.

"What happened?"

Cheng Shan grabbed the soldier who came to report. Your Excellency, Captain Xiao mobilized his troops into the city, saying yes, saying yes, saying that Young Master Xiao was attacked..."

"I was shocked, I thought Ying Xiao was coming..."

Cheng Shan was relieved, but Wu Chongyang on one side was complexion greatly changed. He took a step forward, lifted the soldier up, and asked sharply:
"Which Young Master Xiao?! "

The soldier's face turned pale with fright, but he didn't know it, it was just what he heard from his mouth.

"Go on."

Wu Chongyang released his palm with an ugly face, let the soldier leave, and looked at Cheng Shan, the well-developed superior also reacted.

There are many Xiao Family clansman, and there are a lot of side branches. Those who dare to call themselves Young Master are only a few people.

In this Heavenly Wolf level, there is only one person.

"Xiao Qingfeng was attacked..."

Cheng Shan was a little startled.

With his status, of course he knows some secrets that others don't know. For example, in Qing State for more than 100 years, the four major families will launch four most talented youngsters from generation to generation.

Others call it the Four Eldest Young Masters, and within the family, they become the 'seeds'.

In more than 100 years, the seven generations and four Eldest Young Masters are not all talented, but the powerhouse can certainly reach the heights of temples and the distance of rivers and lakes.

The lesser ones can also become the patriarchs of the Four Great Masters, and their status is really not low.

Moreover, he knew even more that the fourth Eldest Young Master of this generation seemed to be somewhat different, and this Xiao Qingfeng's status in the Xiao Family would not be lower than that of Xiao Zhan.

In a way, even higher.

It would be no small matter if he was attacked.

In addition, even the army has been mobilized, I'm afraid it's not as simple as being attacked, maybe...

"If it's really him, this will be troublesome..."

Wu Chongyang felt cold in his hands and feet.

The reputation of the fourth young master of Qing State is not limited to Qing State, but also has a reputation in Longyuan Dao and even in the world.

But this is naturally not only by themselves, but also by the help of the four great masters.

In other words, these four people are what the Four Great Masters put in front of the people of the world.

At this moment, this face was torn down...


The two looked at each other in unison.

"Go to Hell!"



Heavenly Wolf, how big is it?
It is blocked between the mountain range and isolates the internal and external checkpoints. It occupies a large area, of course, it is not as good as Qing State, but it is not much different than the ordinary prefectural city.

For more than ten days, Yang Yu seemed to have two points and one line, but in fact he had already secretly kept the distribution of Heavenly Wolf in his heart.


When Cheng Shan, Wu Chongyang, and the others came to the prison, Yang Yu, who hid the living dead, seemed to have just finished the internal breath regulation. Normally, I slowly opened my eyes.


The sound of chaotic footsteps came.

"It's not slow to come."

Yang Yu snorted coldly in his heart, but he restrained himself and waited for someone to come.

Not long after, the iron door of the cell was pushed open.

Wu Chongyang, a young general in silver armor who I just met not long ago, has a facial expression grave behind a giant man who is eight feet tall and has an eight-foot waist.

Cheng Shan bowed his head:

"You are Yang Yu? You're not big, but you're not too brave!"

Go to have a meal first, then continue to code Words, the three should be stable.

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